Debate Now The 2016 Campaign, Election and Aftermath

Who are you currently leaning toward to be President?

  • Hillary Clinton

  • Ted Cruz

  • John Kasich

  • Marco Rubio

  • Bernie Sanders

  • Donald Trump

  • Other and I'll specify in my post

  • I don't have a preference yet

Results are only viewable after voting.
CONGRATULATIONS ARE IN ORDER HERE TOO THEN. If you know what Donald Trump means, you’re the only one (including himself). Trump tanks when he talks about policy and picks fights with widows. The only time he is loved is when he talks about sticking it to someone.

I am a context person. I don't take a single statement made by a person as the whole sum of what that person actually means on that subject. I give that kind of leeway to Obama, to Hillary, to anybody.

The guy who says "He should be shot!" almost always doesn't mean that literally. Trump has generated a lot of free coverage by making half statements that the left and the media is eager to jump on as something they said. But in a closer, more objective analysis, he didn't say that. He is bad about making half statements and not completing the thought in his extemporaneous speeches--it is like a lot of us do in extemporaneous conversations--and that gives his opponents a lot of what they think is red meat to attack him. I do not think for a minute he does this in actual negotiations in which actual decisions have to be made.

Hillary botched her lines yesterday when she exuberantly shouted that she will raise taxes on the middle class. That will be blown all out of proportion by unscrupulous Hillary opponents--I can see the edited You Tube clips being posted now--but I know, based on what she has previously said, that she is going with Obama's intended policy to raise taxes on those earning more than $250,000/year. I have good arguments against that too, but I will argue what she actually intends instead of what her opposition will make of that volatile statement.

I do wish Trump would temper his speech more now. If he doesn't, Hillary will be the next President.

Glad to hear you don’t “think” he does.

Last week, he said he has a letter from the NFL to move the debates to nights when the NFL isn’t playing. The NFL said that while they preferred not to have programming on opposite the debates, they sent no such letter.

During a Trump administration, you’re stating that when we need allies to help us, he’s not going to tell England that “Germany is with us” or that “France has pledged 1,200 troops”?

Obviously, the man is going to do just that. He is a congenital liar.

No, I don't think he would do that at all in actual negotiations. Such is suggested by his track record. And yes Hillary said she had to duck from gunfire exiting a helicopter too when the media and others who were with her said nothing of the sort ever happened. And she said she was named after the Hillary who climbed Mt. Everest. The only problem is that she was named before he climbed it and her family did not know him. So is all this congenital lying? Or misunderstanding or misinterpreting what somebody said? We can spend a lifetime nitpicking stuff people say and never get to who has the better skill set and track record for getting things done.

Such is suggested by his track record? Obviously you've never studied his track record much. If nothing else, look at his actions in the USFL. We both know you won't do it.

Wow. You had to go all the way back more than 30 years to find something that didn't work out according to plan? He's looking better all the time.

No, that was just the most public of his many failures and a text book example on how he screwed over his partners which is what he would be doing when lying to other nations about the support of other nations…. That you won’t look at it explains why he is “looking better all the time”; your eyes are sealed shut and you prefer a comfortable ignorance.
The evidence of carelessness, negligence, and downright malfeasance or perjury continues to mount up against Hillary, and the MSM continues to ignore it. I am more convinced than ever that she will suffer no consequences for her illegal acts except possibly, hopefully, there are enough Americans left who care who will see to it that is not elected President. A glimmer of hope remains.

Here is the current drip - drip - drip of evidence of yet more perjury:

Hillary Signed She Received Briefing on Classified Info, But Told FBI She Hadn't
Reality check:

So much everyday stuff is done by faceless bureaucrats who are untouchable and appointed by Democrat regimes that NOTHING MUCH will change. Yes, there will be tinkering. Yes there will be major critical changes but those tend not to actually touch your life immediately. Ultimately, yes, but you'll be resigned to them by that time.

We're all screwed but most haven't noticed.
Reality check:

So much everyday stuff is done by faceless bureaucrats who are untouchable and appointed by Democrat regimes that NOTHING MUCH will change. Yes, there will be tinkering. Yes there will be major critical changes but those tend not to actually touch your life immediately. Ultimately, yes, but you'll be resigned to them by that time.

We're all screwed but most haven't noticed.

Yes, the huge majority of those in the permanent political class--those elected, those appointed, those permanent in the bureaucracy--are all eager to maintain the status quo that benefits them personally. So long as they can stay where they are, and everything stays pretty much as it is, they can continue to increase their personal wealth, power, and influence uninfringed. I honestly think that is why both Democrats and Republicans are opposing Donald Trump as he is the ONLY person who could be elected who is likely to shake up the status quo.
Just a quick update: the RCP polls have tightened significantly in the last two weeks with Hillary Clinton's substantial lead overall now erased to be within the margin of error. This is especially important in the battleground states where her double digit leads are now single digits and almost all are at or close to the margin of error. Hillary still has the lead in most but Trump hasn't lost any ground in the last two weeks and her advantage has deteriorated in most of them.
Last edited:
Interesting article here. Obama has been pretty much MIA here in the states which is why his approval ratings are pretty good I imagine. If you aren't seen or heard that is interpreted as a good thing. :) But elsewhere he has been making headlines most especially in his trip to Asia last week. Now both Obama and Clinton have criticized Trump for his "Make American Great Again" theme. Bill Clinton recently said that is racist. ( ! We won't mention all the times he used the same theme.) But Obama/Clinton maintain that America is already great and we don't need to make it great again, yadda yadda.

So is that true? Here are some remarks Obama made on that Asia trip:
  1. There are still too many poor children in the United States
  2. Too many children in America are not getting enough to eat
  3. Despite America's wealth, we’re not providing sufficient educational resources in poor communities
  4. America lacks the “political will” to help poor inner cities that have suffered discrimination.
  5. Americans are “lazy” in thinking we don’t need to learn about foreign nations.
  6. Colin Kapernack is justified protesting the National Anthem, as the NFL star is raising “real, legitimate issues” about things America needs to be talked about.
  7. America suffers from racism, conflicts between ethnic groups, and discrimination against immigrants.
  8. Criticisms of America being imperfect and having problems with racism discrimination are accurate.
  9. America still has “situations where women are not treated equally.”
  10. America “didn't think through” our policy in Vietnam War, as dropping cluster bombs proved counterproductive to "winning hearts and minds."
  11. America’s treatment of Native Americans was “tragic.”
  12. America “struggled to stay true” to our founding ideal that all men are created equal.
  13. When the environment is destroyed in America, it’s because the private sector is being “lazy."
  14. The United States is still to this day learning how to develop industry without destroying the environment.
  15. Due to industrialization, America “used to have terrible pollution … everywhere.”
  16. America’s role in the Vietnam war led to mass displacement of people from their homes.
  17. America dropped more bombs on Laos than on Germany and Japan during World War II … more than 2 million bombs … “the bombs fell like rain.” More bombs, he said on several occasions, were dropped on Laos per capita than anywhere else in the world.
  18. We bombed the “simple homes” of civilians in Laos. “Villages and entire allies were obliterated.” The ancient Plain of Jars “was devastated.” Countless civilians were killed.
Montage: 18 Times Obama Trashed America in Asia

So I wonder how many people think this is a person who sees America as great?
Or do you appreciate the Donald's theme of Americans are great people but have been getting the shaft and we need to "Make America Great Again?"
I often wish more people who actually want to debate the issues and events of the day re the campaign would participate on this thread, but oh well. I thought this piece suitable for this week:

. . .Didn’t Barack Obama say a few months back that a candidate couldn’t insult his way to the presidency? I guess he was referring to Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton, apparently, can.

In case you’ve been wondering which side you’re on, you may be a deplorable if you stand for the National Anthem.

Or if you know all the words to the Pledge of Allegiance, especially, “under God.”

Or if when you go to Market Basket, you tend to buy generic products, because you’re using your own money, not an EBT card.

You may be a deplorable if you just got your car inspected.

If you’re deployable, you’re definitely deplorable.

If you wake before noon, if you call Islamic terrorists Islamic terrorists, if you don’t have an Obamaphone and you don’t believe that global warming is “settled science” — can you say deplorable?

You may be deplorable if your passport, driver’s license and credit cards are all in the same name.

Saying Merry Christmas — Deplorable with a capital D!

You may be a deplorable if you wouldn’t mind showing some ID at the local precinct before you vote.

You are most assuredly a deplorable if you have more than one job.
You may be a deplorable if you’ve never used Western Union to wire welfare cash south of the border.

You may be a deplorable if all of your children have the same last name — and it’s your last name.

Or if while watching the second Monday night NFL game you were less irritated by the streaker than you were by all the fawning coverage of Colin Kaepernick on the pre-game show.

You may be a deplorable if you resent training your H1-B replacement.

Or the fact that the Earned Income Tax Credit is NOT earned.

Nothing says deplorable like the National Rifle Association.

If you liked your doctor and wanted to keep your doctor, if you wear pants rather than pajamas when you leave the house, if you were passed over for the job even though you got a 95 on the civil-service test — you know what you are.

You may be a deplorable if you don’t think you should have to press one for English.

If you lost your security clearance and your job for mishandling classified information, you are deplorable.

You may be a deplorable if you identify as a member of the gender in which you were born.

Or if you drained your 401(k) or took out a second mortgage on your house to pay for your kid’s tuition at UMass while the illegal alien down the hall goes on the arm.

Or if you believe that good fences make good neighbors.

You’re most definitely a deplorable if you have an American flag flying in your front yard. . . .
Carr: Some Quick, easy steps to tell if you’re a deplorable
I often wish more people who actually want to debate the issues and events of the day re the campaign would participate on this thread, but oh well. I thought this piece suitable for this week:

. . .Didn’t Barack Obama say a few months back that a candidate couldn’t insult his way to the presidency? I guess he was referring to Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton, apparently, can.

In case you’ve been wondering which side you’re on, you may be a deplorable if you stand for the National Anthem.

Or if you know all the words to the Pledge of Allegiance, especially, “under God.”

Or if when you go to Market Basket, you tend to buy generic products, because you’re using your own money, not an EBT card.

You may be a deplorable if you just got your car inspected.

If you’re deployable, you’re definitely deplorable.

If you wake before noon, if you call Islamic terrorists Islamic terrorists, if you don’t have an Obamaphone and you don’t believe that global warming is “settled science” — can you say deplorable?

You may be deplorable if your passport, driver’s license and credit cards are all in the same name.

Saying Merry Christmas — Deplorable with a capital D!

You may be a deplorable if you wouldn’t mind showing some ID at the local precinct before you vote.

You are most assuredly a deplorable if you have more than one job.
You may be a deplorable if you’ve never used Western Union to wire welfare cash south of the border.

You may be a deplorable if all of your children have the same last name — and it’s your last name.

Or if while watching the second Monday night NFL game you were less irritated by the streaker than you were by all the fawning coverage of Colin Kaepernick on the pre-game show.

You may be a deplorable if you resent training your H1-B replacement.

Or the fact that the Earned Income Tax Credit is NOT earned.

Nothing says deplorable like the National Rifle Association.

If you liked your doctor and wanted to keep your doctor, if you wear pants rather than pajamas when you leave the house, if you were passed over for the job even though you got a 95 on the civil-service test — you know what you are.

You may be a deplorable if you don’t think you should have to press one for English.

If you lost your security clearance and your job for mishandling classified information, you are deplorable.

You may be a deplorable if you identify as a member of the gender in which you were born.

Or if you drained your 401(k) or took out a second mortgage on your house to pay for your kid’s tuition at UMass while the illegal alien down the hall goes on the arm.

Or if you believe that good fences make good neighbors.

You’re most definitely a deplorable if you have an American flag flying in your front yard. . . .
Carr: Some Quick, easy steps to tell if you’re a deplorable

You are trolling your own thread again. You should report yourself. Be consistent and get your post deleted.
I often wish more people who actually want to debate the issues and events of the day re the campaign would participate on this thread, but oh well. I thought this piece suitable for this week:

. . .Didn’t Barack Obama say a few months back that a candidate couldn’t insult his way to the presidency? I guess he was referring to Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton, apparently, can.

In case you’ve been wondering which side you’re on, you may be a deplorable if you stand for the National Anthem.

Or if you know all the words to the Pledge of Allegiance, especially, “under God.”

Or if when you go to Market Basket, you tend to buy generic products, because you’re using your own money, not an EBT card.

You may be a deplorable if you just got your car inspected.

If you’re deployable, you’re definitely deplorable.

If you wake before noon, if you call Islamic terrorists Islamic terrorists, if you don’t have an Obamaphone and you don’t believe that global warming is “settled science” — can you say deplorable?

You may be deplorable if your passport, driver’s license and credit cards are all in the same name.

Saying Merry Christmas — Deplorable with a capital D!

You may be a deplorable if you wouldn’t mind showing some ID at the local precinct before you vote.

You are most assuredly a deplorable if you have more than one job.
You may be a deplorable if you’ve never used Western Union to wire welfare cash south of the border.

You may be a deplorable if all of your children have the same last name — and it’s your last name.

Or if while watching the second Monday night NFL game you were less irritated by the streaker than you were by all the fawning coverage of Colin Kaepernick on the pre-game show.

You may be a deplorable if you resent training your H1-B replacement.

Or the fact that the Earned Income Tax Credit is NOT earned.

Nothing says deplorable like the National Rifle Association.

If you liked your doctor and wanted to keep your doctor, if you wear pants rather than pajamas when you leave the house, if you were passed over for the job even though you got a 95 on the civil-service test — you know what you are.

You may be a deplorable if you don’t think you should have to press one for English.

If you lost your security clearance and your job for mishandling classified information, you are deplorable.

You may be a deplorable if you identify as a member of the gender in which you were born.

Or if you drained your 401(k) or took out a second mortgage on your house to pay for your kid’s tuition at UMass while the illegal alien down the hall goes on the arm.

Or if you believe that good fences make good neighbors.

You’re most definitely a deplorable if you have an American flag flying in your front yard. . . .
Carr: Some Quick, easy steps to tell if you’re a deplorable

You are trolling your own thread again. You should report yourself. Be consistent and get your post deleted.

My post is on topic and within the rules of the thread. Your post is off topic and violates Rule 3 of the thread. Please review the topic and rules for the thread.
I often wish more people who actually want to debate the issues and events of the day re the campaign would participate on this thread, but oh well. I thought this piece suitable for this week:

. . .Didn’t Barack Obama say a few months back that a candidate couldn’t insult his way to the presidency? I guess he was referring to Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton, apparently, can.

In case you’ve been wondering which side you’re on, you may be a deplorable if you stand for the National Anthem.

Or if you know all the words to the Pledge of Allegiance, especially, “under God.”

Or if when you go to Market Basket, you tend to buy generic products, because you’re using your own money, not an EBT card.

You may be a deplorable if you just got your car inspected.

If you’re deployable, you’re definitely deplorable.

If you wake before noon, if you call Islamic terrorists Islamic terrorists, if you don’t have an Obamaphone and you don’t believe that global warming is “settled science” — can you say deplorable?

You may be deplorable if your passport, driver’s license and credit cards are all in the same name.

Saying Merry Christmas — Deplorable with a capital D!

You may be a deplorable if you wouldn’t mind showing some ID at the local precinct before you vote.

You are most assuredly a deplorable if you have more than one job.
You may be a deplorable if you’ve never used Western Union to wire welfare cash south of the border.

You may be a deplorable if all of your children have the same last name — and it’s your last name.

Or if while watching the second Monday night NFL game you were less irritated by the streaker than you were by all the fawning coverage of Colin Kaepernick on the pre-game show.

You may be a deplorable if you resent training your H1-B replacement.

Or the fact that the Earned Income Tax Credit is NOT earned.

Nothing says deplorable like the National Rifle Association.

If you liked your doctor and wanted to keep your doctor, if you wear pants rather than pajamas when you leave the house, if you were passed over for the job even though you got a 95 on the civil-service test — you know what you are.

You may be a deplorable if you don’t think you should have to press one for English.

If you lost your security clearance and your job for mishandling classified information, you are deplorable.

You may be a deplorable if you identify as a member of the gender in which you were born.

Or if you drained your 401(k) or took out a second mortgage on your house to pay for your kid’s tuition at UMass while the illegal alien down the hall goes on the arm.

Or if you believe that good fences make good neighbors.

You’re most definitely a deplorable if you have an American flag flying in your front yard. . . .
Carr: Some Quick, easy steps to tell if you’re a deplorable

You are trolling your own thread again. You should report yourself. Be consistent and get your post deleted.

My post is on topic and within the rules of the thread. Your post is off topic and violates Rule 3 of the thread. Please review the topic and rules for the thread.

Of course.
I often wish more people who actually want to debate the issues and events of the day re the campaign would participate on this thread, but oh well. I thought this piece suitable for this week:

. . .Didn’t Barack Obama say a few months back that a candidate couldn’t insult his way to the presidency? I guess he was referring to Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton, apparently, can.

In case you’ve been wondering which side you’re on, you may be a deplorable if you stand for the National Anthem.

Or if you know all the words to the Pledge of Allegiance, especially, “under God.”

Or if when you go to Market Basket, you tend to buy generic products, because you’re using your own money, not an EBT card.

You may be a deplorable if you just got your car inspected.

If you’re deployable, you’re definitely deplorable.

If you wake before noon, if you call Islamic terrorists Islamic terrorists, if you don’t have an Obamaphone and you don’t believe that global warming is “settled science” — can you say deplorable?

You may be deplorable if your passport, driver’s license and credit cards are all in the same name.

Saying Merry Christmas — Deplorable with a capital D!

You may be a deplorable if you wouldn’t mind showing some ID at the local precinct before you vote.

You are most assuredly a deplorable if you have more than one job.
You may be a deplorable if you’ve never used Western Union to wire welfare cash south of the border.

You may be a deplorable if all of your children have the same last name — and it’s your last name.

Or if while watching the second Monday night NFL game you were less irritated by the streaker than you were by all the fawning coverage of Colin Kaepernick on the pre-game show.

You may be a deplorable if you resent training your H1-B replacement.

Or the fact that the Earned Income Tax Credit is NOT earned.

Nothing says deplorable like the National Rifle Association.

If you liked your doctor and wanted to keep your doctor, if you wear pants rather than pajamas when you leave the house, if you were passed over for the job even though you got a 95 on the civil-service test — you know what you are.

You may be a deplorable if you don’t think you should have to press one for English.

If you lost your security clearance and your job for mishandling classified information, you are deplorable.

You may be a deplorable if you identify as a member of the gender in which you were born.

Or if you drained your 401(k) or took out a second mortgage on your house to pay for your kid’s tuition at UMass while the illegal alien down the hall goes on the arm.

Or if you believe that good fences make good neighbors.

You’re most definitely a deplorable if you have an American flag flying in your front yard. . . .
Carr: Some Quick, easy steps to tell if you’re a deplorable

You are trolling your own thread again. You should report yourself. Be consistent and get your post deleted.

My post is on topic and within the rules of the thread. Your post is off topic and violates Rule 3 of the thread. Please review the topic and rules for the thread.

Of course.

Boy, this thread went quiet in a hurry.
I often wish more people who actually want to debate the issues and events of the day re the campaign would participate on this thread, but oh well. I thought this piece suitable for this week:

. . .Didn’t Barack Obama say a few months back that a candidate couldn’t insult his way to the presidency? I guess he was referring to Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton, apparently, can.

In case you’ve been wondering which side you’re on, you may be a deplorable if you stand for the National Anthem.

Or if you know all the words to the Pledge of Allegiance, especially, “under God.”

Or if when you go to Market Basket, you tend to buy generic products, because you’re using your own money, not an EBT card.

You may be a deplorable if you just got your car inspected.

If you’re deployable, you’re definitely deplorable.

If you wake before noon, if you call Islamic terrorists Islamic terrorists, if you don’t have an Obamaphone and you don’t believe that global warming is “settled science” — can you say deplorable?

You may be deplorable if your passport, driver’s license and credit cards are all in the same name.

Saying Merry Christmas — Deplorable with a capital D!

You may be a deplorable if you wouldn’t mind showing some ID at the local precinct before you vote.

You are most assuredly a deplorable if you have more than one job.
You may be a deplorable if you’ve never used Western Union to wire welfare cash south of the border.

You may be a deplorable if all of your children have the same last name — and it’s your last name.

Or if while watching the second Monday night NFL game you were less irritated by the streaker than you were by all the fawning coverage of Colin Kaepernick on the pre-game show.

You may be a deplorable if you resent training your H1-B replacement.

Or the fact that the Earned Income Tax Credit is NOT earned.

Nothing says deplorable like the National Rifle Association.

If you liked your doctor and wanted to keep your doctor, if you wear pants rather than pajamas when you leave the house, if you were passed over for the job even though you got a 95 on the civil-service test — you know what you are.

You may be a deplorable if you don’t think you should have to press one for English.

If you lost your security clearance and your job for mishandling classified information, you are deplorable.

You may be a deplorable if you identify as a member of the gender in which you were born.

Or if you drained your 401(k) or took out a second mortgage on your house to pay for your kid’s tuition at UMass while the illegal alien down the hall goes on the arm.

Or if you believe that good fences make good neighbors.

You’re most definitely a deplorable if you have an American flag flying in your front yard. . . .
Carr: Some Quick, easy steps to tell if you’re a deplorable

You are trolling your own thread again. You should report yourself. Be consistent and get your post deleted.

My post is on topic and within the rules of the thread. Your post is off topic and violates Rule 3 of the thread. Please review the topic and rules for the thread.

Of course.

Boy, this thread went quiet in a hurry.

After Friday's "bombshell," there's really nothing left to say. The character flaws that "everyone" has said Donald Trump has have now, by Donald Trump, been shown to be clear and present.

Let's be real, here. Only one kind of person, the kind of person who shares Trump's character flaws, will overlook his remarks and actions that were laid bare in the Access Hollywood video.
I often wish more people who actually want to debate the issues and events of the day re the campaign would participate on this thread, but oh well. I thought this piece suitable for this week:

. . .Didn’t Barack Obama say a few months back that a candidate couldn’t insult his way to the presidency? I guess he was referring to Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton, apparently, can.

In case you’ve been wondering which side you’re on, you may be a deplorable if you stand for the National Anthem.

Or if you know all the words to the Pledge of Allegiance, especially, “under God.”

Or if when you go to Market Basket, you tend to buy generic products, because you’re using your own money, not an EBT card.

You may be a deplorable if you just got your car inspected.

If you’re deployable, you’re definitely deplorable.

If you wake before noon, if you call Islamic terrorists Islamic terrorists, if you don’t have an Obamaphone and you don’t believe that global warming is “settled science” — can you say deplorable?

You may be deplorable if your passport, driver’s license and credit cards are all in the same name.

Saying Merry Christmas — Deplorable with a capital D!

You may be a deplorable if you wouldn’t mind showing some ID at the local precinct before you vote.

You are most assuredly a deplorable if you have more than one job.
You may be a deplorable if you’ve never used Western Union to wire welfare cash south of the border.

You may be a deplorable if all of your children have the same last name — and it’s your last name.

Or if while watching the second Monday night NFL game you were less irritated by the streaker than you were by all the fawning coverage of Colin Kaepernick on the pre-game show.

You may be a deplorable if you resent training your H1-B replacement.

Or the fact that the Earned Income Tax Credit is NOT earned.

Nothing says deplorable like the National Rifle Association.

If you liked your doctor and wanted to keep your doctor, if you wear pants rather than pajamas when you leave the house, if you were passed over for the job even though you got a 95 on the civil-service test — you know what you are.

You may be a deplorable if you don’t think you should have to press one for English.

If you lost your security clearance and your job for mishandling classified information, you are deplorable.

You may be a deplorable if you identify as a member of the gender in which you were born.

Or if you drained your 401(k) or took out a second mortgage on your house to pay for your kid’s tuition at UMass while the illegal alien down the hall goes on the arm.

Or if you believe that good fences make good neighbors.

You’re most definitely a deplorable if you have an American flag flying in your front yard. . . .
Carr: Some Quick, easy steps to tell if you’re a deplorable

You are trolling your own thread again. You should report yourself. Be consistent and get your post deleted.

My post is on topic and within the rules of the thread. Your post is off topic and violates Rule 3 of the thread. Please review the topic and rules for the thread.

Of course.

Boy, this thread went quiet in a hurry.

After Friday's "bombshell," there's really nothing left to say. The character flaws that "everyone" has said Donald Trump has have now, by Donald Trump, been shown to be clear and present.

Let's be real, here. Only one kind of person, the kind of person who shares Trump's character flaws, will overlook his remarks and actions that were laid bare in the Access Hollywood video.

Let's be real here indeed. Nobody, including Trump, condones the language that was released as this election's 'October Surprise' but it happens. I would guess most of the guys and probably some of the gals have engaged in it at some time in their lives when they didn't expect anybody would care. Commendable? Nope. Defensible? Nope. But a character flaw? Not unless a huge majority of guys out there share the same character flaw.

Now making a speech to fawning supporters saying one thing, and saying something entirely different to wealthy contributors is a character flaw of which most politicians have probably been guilty in some respect but some candidates take to the extreme.

Ultimately maybe none of the candidates are somebody we would choose to admire or hold up as commendable role models.

So for me, it is simply a choice of who will do the least harm and might do some good. And for me that is not Hillary.
You are trolling your own thread again. You should report yourself. Be consistent and get your post deleted.

My post is on topic and within the rules of the thread. Your post is off topic and violates Rule 3 of the thread. Please review the topic and rules for the thread.

Of course.

Boy, this thread went quiet in a hurry.

After Friday's "bombshell," there's really nothing left to say. The character flaws that "everyone" has said Donald Trump has have now, by Donald Trump, been shown to be clear and present.

Let's be real, here. Only one kind of person, the kind of person who shares Trump's character flaws, will overlook his remarks and actions that were laid bare in the Access Hollywood video.

Let's be real here indeed. Nobody, including Trump, condones the language that was released as this election's 'October Surprise' but it happens. I would guess most of the guys and probably some of the gals have engaged in it at some time in their lives when they didn't expect anybody would care. Commendable? Nope. Defensible? Nope. But a character flaw? Not unless a huge majority of guys out there share the same character flaw.

Now making a speech to fawning supporters saying one thing, and saying something entirely different to wealthy contributors is a character flaw of which most politicians have probably been guilty in some respect but some candidates take to the extreme.

Ultimately maybe none of the candidates are somebody we would choose to admire or hold up as commendable role models.

So for me, it is simply a choice of who will do the least harm and might do some good. And for me that is not Hillary.

He doesn’t condone it? He said it. He’s said that sort of thing repeatedly, in different forms, across his entire life span. This is from 2006: "... Well, if I were running the view, I'd fire Rosie. I'd look her right in that fat, ugly face of hers and I'd say "Rosie, you're fired" ... We're all a little chubby, but Rosie's just worse than most of us. But it's not just the chubbiness — Rosie is a very unattractive person, both inside and out ... Rosie’s a person that’s very lucky to have her girlfriend, and she better be careful or I’ll send one of my friends over to pick up her girlfriend, why would she stay with Rosie if she had another choice?” The last part there—being able to “Send one of my friends over…” is particularly upsetting if you have any sensibility at all; as if you can fit people together like bricks…

How anyone (male or female) can hear these repeated insults hurled recklessly at persons for no other reason than they may have said something derogatory about him and still consider him for President is really curious. Because that means you condone the behavior too.
I often wish more people who actually want to debate the issues and events of the day re the campaign would participate on this thread, but oh well. I thought this piece suitable for this week:

. . .Didn’t Barack Obama say a few months back that a candidate couldn’t insult his way to the presidency? I guess he was referring to Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton, apparently, can.

In case you’ve been wondering which side you’re on, you may be a deplorable if you stand for the National Anthem.

Or if you know all the words to the Pledge of Allegiance, especially, “under God.”

Or if when you go to Market Basket, you tend to buy generic products, because you’re using your own money, not an EBT card.

You may be a deplorable if you just got your car inspected.

If you’re deployable, you’re definitely deplorable.

If you wake before noon, if you call Islamic terrorists Islamic terrorists, if you don’t have an Obamaphone and you don’t believe that global warming is “settled science” — can you say deplorable?

You may be deplorable if your passport, driver’s license and credit cards are all in the same name.

Saying Merry Christmas — Deplorable with a capital D!

You may be a deplorable if you wouldn’t mind showing some ID at the local precinct before you vote.

You are most assuredly a deplorable if you have more than one job.
You may be a deplorable if you’ve never used Western Union to wire welfare cash south of the border.

You may be a deplorable if all of your children have the same last name — and it’s your last name.

Or if while watching the second Monday night NFL game you were less irritated by the streaker than you were by all the fawning coverage of Colin Kaepernick on the pre-game show.

You may be a deplorable if you resent training your H1-B replacement.

Or the fact that the Earned Income Tax Credit is NOT earned.

Nothing says deplorable like the National Rifle Association.

If you liked your doctor and wanted to keep your doctor, if you wear pants rather than pajamas when you leave the house, if you were passed over for the job even though you got a 95 on the civil-service test — you know what you are.

You may be a deplorable if you don’t think you should have to press one for English.

If you lost your security clearance and your job for mishandling classified information, you are deplorable.

You may be a deplorable if you identify as a member of the gender in which you were born.

Or if you drained your 401(k) or took out a second mortgage on your house to pay for your kid’s tuition at UMass while the illegal alien down the hall goes on the arm.

Or if you believe that good fences make good neighbors.

You’re most definitely a deplorable if you have an American flag flying in your front yard. . . .
Carr: Some Quick, easy steps to tell if you’re a deplorable

You are trolling your own thread again. You should report yourself. Be consistent and get your post deleted.

My post is on topic and within the rules of the thread. Your post is off topic and violates Rule 3 of the thread. Please review the topic and rules for the thread.

Of course.
Eloquent and well thought out but you missed a few more deplorable are also deplorable if your tolerance for others who differ from you are low to zero, resorting to racial slurs, even to those who are born here but appear in the eyes of the deplorable that they were born in another land. You are deplorable when you think and speak of woman as a being that is beneath know...when a black man was once considered one third of a man? Our history isn't it? Absolutly deplorable. Are those deplorable thoughts purged from our society? No....they still exist....who do these of intolerance flock too? Who does the underground supremist movement back? Who does David Duke endorse? Trump. We may never see our society 100% absent of such intolerance towards others who are different from you but The Donald will only reverse decades of slow, painful progress towards a society that can live and co-exist with each other and our differences.
You are the same as your are just another version of them.

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On my way to bed. Has been quite a day. Once the election was finally called for Trump a short while ago I said to myself well that's that. At least we won't have four years of Hillary.

Then he gave his remarks. Gracious to Hillary thanking her sincerely for her years of service. Assuring those who opposed him and didn't vote for him that he would be everybody's President and would need their advice and help. Assuring world leaders that we would always put America first but that they could be confident that we would deal with them honestly and fairly. Briefly laid out his vision of what a new day in America will look like and then thanked a lot of folks. No gloating. No how great I am. He was pretty wonderful.

And now for the first time I am excited about the possibilities.

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