The 2020 election doesn't make mathematical sense!

They can't do it for hundreds of different elections at once. But they're getting better and better every 2 years.
Wow, really?

That's odd...2 years after losing seats in 2020, they lost the House in 2022.
Do you remember that one time you posted something worth reading?

You should STRIVE to reach that level again!
Awww...did I hurt your feelings? That tends to happen when you get your ass blown out of the water.

Remember that time your point didn't get completely decapitated? Yeah; me neither.
Listen it has long been time for the election deniers to give up the ghost. You can go on forever throwing up details of imagined voter fraud and a nation wide conspiracy of Democrats to illegally win the election and manufacture story after story.
I just don't get it. How can so many Americans vote for this corrupt thief whose history long before he ever thought about running shows how much of a thief and liar he always was. You like that he promises you everything you've wished for, well he has promised thousands before you the same things and never once did he deliver. His only concern is making America a white nation and making himself richer while he steps on your heads to gain an advantage.
Be careful what you wish for folks because when you finally find out that he never gave a damn about any of us and has no problems selling us out to Russia or whatever other power will grant him his castle in the sky and our economy tanks again and you are in the soup line as he dines on McDonalds burgers made in Moscow.
Listen it has long been time for the election deniers to give up the ghost. You can go on forever throwing up details of imagined voter fraud and a nation wide conspiracy of Democrats to illegally win the election and manufacture story after story.
I just don't get it. How can so many Americans vote for this corrupt thief whose history long before he ever thought about running shows how much of a thief and liar he always was. You like that he promises you everything you've wished for, well he has promised thousands before you the same things and never once did he deliver. His only concern is making America a white nation and making himself richer while he steps on your heads to gain an advantage.
Be careful what you wish for folks because when you finally find out that he never gave a damn about any of us and has no problems selling us out to Russia or whatever other power will grant him his castle in the sky and our economy tanks again and you are in the soup line as he dines on McDonalds burgers made in Moscow.
Well you had me thinking up to this point when you wrote:" never once did he deliver" that comment proved you believe everything the biased MSM tells you!
Do you know that Trump was the first president in 60 years to achieve energy independence ? Now totally unlike YOU you make unsubstantiated statements that
I'm proving to you what a liar you
The only president "In 2019, the US became both a net exporter and net producer of energy for the first time in over 60 years.... Trump was president.
Is the US energy independent?
So that's one thing he delivered.
Another... lower gas prices .
So if you want more proof YOU are truly dumb, pawn for biased MSM and you believe their biased news reporting.
Oh and by the way when was the last president responsible for bringing back over $1 Trillion previously untaxed offshore capital thus adding over $300 billion in tax revenue while providing money for capital investment, hiring Americans and spending tax money locally!

Listen it has long been time for the election deniers to give up the ghost. You can go on forever throwing up details of imagined voter fraud and a nation wide conspiracy of Democrats to illegally win the election and manufacture story after story.
I just don't get it. How can so many Americans vote for this corrupt thief whose history long before he ever thought about running shows how much of a thief and liar he always was. You like that he promises you everything you've wished for, well he has promised thousands before you the same things and never once did he deliver. His only concern is making America a white nation and making himself richer while he steps on your heads to gain an advantage.
Be careful what you wish for folks because when you finally find out that he never gave a damn about any of us and has no problems selling us out to Russia or whatever other power will grant him his castle in the sky and our economy tanks again and you are in the soup line as he dines on McDonalds burgers made in Moscow.
Wow another Reich sheeple born with no brain babbling on the board....
Listen it has long been time for the election deniers to give up the ghost. You can go on forever throwing up details of imagined voter fraud and a nation wide conspiracy of Democrats to illegally win the election and manufacture story after story.
I just don't get it. How can so many Americans vote for this corrupt thief whose history long before he ever thought about running shows how much of a thief and liar he always was. You like that he promises you everything you've wished for, well he has promised thousands before you the same things and never once did he deliver. His only concern is making America a white nation and making himself richer while he steps on your heads to gain an advantage.
Be careful what you wish for folks because when you finally find out that he never gave a damn about any of us and has no problems selling us out to Russia or whatever other power will grant him his castle in the sky and our economy tanks again and you are in the soup line as he dines on McDonalds burgers made in Moscow.
It’s a cult
Listen it has long been time for the election deniers to give up the ghost. You can go on forever throwing up details of imagined voter fraud and a nation wide conspiracy of Democrats to illegally win the election and manufacture story after story.
I just don't get it. How can so many Americans vote for this corrupt thief whose history long before he ever thought about running shows how much of a thief and liar he always was. You like that he promises you everything you've wished for, well he has promised thousands before you the same things and never once did he deliver. His only concern is making America a white nation and making himself richer while he steps on your heads to gain an advantage.
Be careful what you wish for folks because when you finally find out that he never gave a damn about any of us and has no problems selling us out to Russia or whatever other power will grant him his castle in the sky and our economy tanks again and you are in the soup line as he dines on McDonalds burgers made in Moscow.
OK... so Trump tanks the economy as you suggest...What will happen to all these Trump properties? Oh right Trump sells them to the Russians!!! RIGHT!!!

Cry harder. He lost fair and square. Just like he will again in 2024.

Will you cry and scream at the sky even harder? :)
I deal in facts...not guesses. And the reality in statistics is the more opportunities the greater the chances of errors.

From the 27 states, plus Washington, D.C., where we were able to obtain data, only 297,347 out of 47,999,299 absentee ballots cast in the 2020 general election were rejected — a rejection rate of 0.6 percent. And in 20 of the 23 jurisdictions that provided data for the last two presidential elections, the 2020 rejection rate was lower than 2016’s. (Data is not yet available in the remaining states but will eventually be released as part of the 2020 Election Administration and Voting Survey.)
from Why So Few Absentee Ballots Were Rejected In 2020


And believe me, folks I want someone impartial to explain how nearly 40 million more ballots were submitted, but the rejection rate was less than the 4 previous years?
In summary even though there were 40 million more returned ballots less than 0.8% were rejected versus 2016 when 318,728 votes were rejected.
If the same rejection % that occurred in 2016, 1.0% had occurred in 2020, there would be 113,506 less votes of which a larger proportion would have been Biden votes
as he had larger proportion of ballots cast. Now it might be just coincidental Trump would have had the same proportion of rejected votes...but remember folks,
There were just 44,000 votes in Georgia,Arizona and Wisc. that put Biden into the White House.
44,000 votes folks... and yet how many states rejected any legal actions due to "lack of standing"!

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Listen it has long been time for the election deniers to give up the ghost. You can go on forever throwing up details of imagined voter fraud and a nation wide conspiracy of Democrats to illegally win the election and manufacture story after story.
I just don't get it. How can so many Americans vote for this corrupt thief whose history long before he ever thought about running shows how much of a thief and liar he always was. You like that he promises you everything you've wished for, well he has promised thousands before you the same things and never once did he deliver. His only concern is making America a white nation and making himself richer while he steps on your heads to gain an advantage.
Be careful what you wish for folks because when you finally find out that he never gave a damn about any of us and has no problems selling us out to Russia or whatever other power will grant him his castle in the sky and our economy tanks again and you are in the soup line as he dines on McDonalds burgers made in Moscow.
What a left wing wackarooo lol
There was voter fraud in the 2020 election.
There was ballot drop box stuffing.
There were ballots being counted behind locked doors.
There were voting laws that were illegally changed by unelected bureaucrats.
This a reality.
The corrupt Democrat Party exploits the dumb liberal knuttjob voters who think that they are being oppressed by evil rich white people.
They believe that if they elect these corrupt Democrat Politicians that the government will pay their bills and that they won't have to work.
Get a job.
Stop being a moocher.
Socialism is a failed ideology.
What a left wing wackarooo lol
There was voter fraud in the 2020 election.
There was ballot drop box stuffing.
There were ballots being counted behind locked doors.
There were voting laws that were illegally changed by unelected bureaucrats.
This a reality.
The corrupt Democrat Party exploits the dumb liberal knuttjob voters who think that they are being oppressed by evil rich white people.
They believe that if they elect these corrupt Democrat Politicians that the government will pay their bills and that they won't have to work.
Get a job.
Stop being a moocher.
Socialism is a failed ideology.
Another Reich sheeple was hatched
That's a bridge too far.
It would prevent fraud. How hard would it be to put your thumb print on your voter reg. card. In CA they already take a thumbprint for drivers license and they have motor voter registration. It also would speed vote counts because the prints could be matched without question electronically.
I deal in facts...not guesses. And the reality in statistics is the more opportunities the greater the chances of errors.

From the 27 states, plus Washington, D.C., where we were able to obtain data, only 297,347 out of 47,999,299 absentee ballots cast in the 2020 general election were rejected — a rejection rate of 0.6 percent. And in 20 of the 23 jurisdictions that provided data for the last two presidential elections, the 2020 rejection rate was lower than 2016’s. (Data is not yet available in the remaining states but will eventually be released as part of the 2020 Election Administration and Voting Survey.)
from Why So Few Absentee Ballots Were Rejected In 2020

View attachment 813137

And believe me, folks I want someone impartial to explain how nearly 40 million more ballots were submitted, but the rejection rate was less than the 4 previous years?
In summary even though there were 40 million more returned ballots less than 0.8% were rejected versus 2016 when 318,728 votes were rejected.
If the same rejection % that occurred in 2016, 1.0% had occurred in 2020, there would be 113,506 less votes of which a larger proportion would have been Biden votes
as he had larger proportion of ballots cast. Now it might be just coincidental Trump would have had the same proportion of rejected votes...but remember folks,
There were just 44,000 votes in Georgia,Arizona and Wisc. that put Biden into the White House.
44,000 votes folks... and yet how many states rejected any legal actions due to "lack of standing"!

View attachment 813133
You deal in conspiracy theories. And cherry picked data.
He lost. And he's gonna lose again.
You deal in conspiracy theories. And cherry picked data.
He lost. And he's gonna lose again.
So the reality that shows
Reality 1. In 2020 had 21,188,606 more ballots submitted than 2016
Reality 2. In 2020 560,177 ballots rejected-- or 0.8% VS
Reality 3 In 2016 there were 318,728 rejected ballots or 1.0%
What Is a Non-Sampling Error?
A non-sampling error is a statistical term that refers to an error that results during data collection, causing the data to differ from the true values. A non-sampling error differs from a sampling error. A sampling error is limited to any differences between sample values and universe values that arise because the sample size was limited. (The entire universe cannot be sampled in a survey or a census.)

So in laymen's terms, the larger the universe the larger the % of errors, i.e.
If you divide 318,728 rejected in 2016 VS 560,177 or 43% more errors BUT
still the mail in voting year, 2020 had 20% fewer errors. Again the reality is
If you have more mail in ballots, you should have at least the same % or higher....not 20% lower... of rejected ballots,
unless there were some errors. Also remember the average non-qualified signature verification process to 4.5 seconds.
Look at the 3 below just for 4.5 seconds per sample... which are valid and accepted?
Remember you choose which of the 3 sample signatures are valid? Which the 3 were written by the same person?

Oh one further note... as the attached chart shows in 3 states that went for Biden, 44,000 were the total difference between Trump and Biden.

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