The 3 debates are all stacked against T


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
All 3 of the moderators are extreme left wing radicals
It’s obvious that the GOP wants Biden to win

How can T agree to this ??
Might as well have Madcow, Bernie and Hillary run the debates
No matter. Bernie will lose track of what he's saying, seconds into each question.
All 3 of the moderators are extreme left wing radicals
It’s obvious that the GOP wants Biden to win

How can T agree to this ??
Might as well have Madcow, Bernie and Hillary run the debates
Trump ain't no fool. He'll make Sniffin' Joe and all three mods look like the idiots they are. Should be quality entertainment.
All 3 of the moderators are extreme left wing radicals
It’s obvious that the GOP wants Biden to win

How can T agree to this ??
Might as well have Madcow, Bernie and Hillary run the debates

Oh, yeah, the moderators are all "extreme left wing radicals." Sure. All people who are not extreme right-wing radicals are, apparently. Do you actually believe this crap? We'll see how well trump can do on his own when he actually has to be polite and play by the rules.
already coming up with excuses for donny failing, 'eh?
He hasn't failed yet.

seems you haven't come to that realization yet.
He hasn't failed to get you worthless leftist traitors all riled up. That in itself is worth my vote for TRUMP 2020.

because you are a poorly educated, basket dwelling, deplorable who would love cheerlead the demise of america just to stick it to the libs.


All 3 of the moderators are extreme left wing radicals
It’s obvious that the GOP wants Biden to win

How can T agree to this ??
Might as well have Madcow, Bernie and Hillary run the debates
Trump never gets a fair shot,
never expects a fair shot,
never lets that get in the way of being victorious.

He stares down eclipses.


Ha! Anti-Trump Network Snubbed by the Commission on Presidential Debates


Fake News CNN’s exclusion from the debates is well deserved—and late in coming. Their bias has shown itself not just in their news coverage but in past presidential debates. In 2012, CNN’s Candy Crowley infamously injected herself into the second debate between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney by incorrectly fact-checking Mitt Romney, who had noted that it took more than two weeks before Obama admitted that the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, was, in fact, a terrorist attack. Crowley interjected to say that was not true. Romney was correct. It took Obama 17 days to acknowledge that the Benghazi attack was a planned terrorist attack.

Crowley eventually admitted her error, saying on the air that Romney “was right.” That didn’t stop her network from defending her actions. Despite her inappropriate actions, CNN participated in the 2016 debates, with Anderson Cooper moderating the second debate between Trump and Clinton in 2016.

Rudy and Trump wouldn't budge on excluding the worst of the Fake News Networks.

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