The 30 year old co ed is past President of Students for Reproductive justice.

I guess you've never heard of Viagra?
What is with morons trying to compare Viagra with birth control? Viagra is a medication used to treat an impaired body function that is not working normally whether the cause of impairment is due to disease, medications or combination of factors. Why would it not be covered when restoring someone to normal function as much as possible is the point of health care? Just because it is sex doesn't mean that is a body function we won't restore even though it is treatable! It would be like saying since cataracts occur with age, it is suddenly "normal and expected" to have an impaired visual function and the individual should expect to forfeit his vision for the rest of his life even though it is treatable! Restoring impaired body functions is part of improving the quality of life and the real purpose of health care.

There is no impairment being treated with birth control pills. Fertility is not a malfunction and in fact birth control pills cause a derangement in a normal bodily function and make it malfunction -the exact opposite. Just because a perfectly normal person wants to have more carefree sex doesn't EVER shift the burden to ME to make it happen.

What is it with morons not knowing that in order for birth control pills to work, they have to be taken every day, whether the female plans on having sex or not. Viagra is taken only when the desire to have sex arises. It's primary function is for sex. Unlike Viagra, Birth control pills are a daily dose that have to be refilled every month in order to prevent pregnancy; but they can also be used - like in the case that Ms. Fluke cited - to treat medical conditions: hearing.pdf

In the worst cases, women who need this medication for other medical reasons suffer dire
consequences. A friend of mine, for example, has polycystic ovarian syndrome
and has to take prescription birth control to stop cysts from growing on her ovaries.

Her prescription is technically covered by Georgetown insurance because it’s not
intended to prevent pregnancy. Under many religious institutions’ insurance plans,
it wouldn’t be, and under Senator Blunt’s amendment, Senator Rubio’s bill, or
Representative Fortenberry’s bill, there’s no requirement that an exception be
made for such medical needs.

In sixty-five percent of cases, our female students were interrogated by insurance
representatives and university medical staff about why they needed these
prescriptions and whether they were lying about their symptoms. For my friend,
and 20% of women in her situation, she never got the insurance company to cover
her prescription, despite verification of her illness from her doctor. Her claim was
denied repeatedly on the assumption that she really wanted the birth control to
prevent pregnancy. She’s gay, so clearly polycystic ovarian syndrome was a much
more urgent concern than accidental pregnancy. After months of paying over $100
out of pocket, she just couldn’t afford her medication anymore and had to stop
taking it.
I learned about all of this when I walked out of a test and got a message
from her that in the middle of her final exam period she’d been in the emergency
room all night in excruciating pain. She wrote, “It was so painful, I woke up
thinking I’d been shot.” Without her taking the birth control, a massive cyst the
size of a tennis ball had grown on her ovary. She had to have surgery to remove
her entire ovary.
On the morning I was originally scheduled to give this testimony,
she sat in a doctor’s office. Since last year’s surgery, she’s been experiencing night
sweats, weight gain, and other symptoms of early menopause as a result of the
removal of her ovary. She’s 32 years old.

This is the same kind of argument the left gives about why they refuse to tighten up the most viciously, anti-human liberal abortion laws on earth-far more liberal than European law. They always argue it must be on demand until birth for raped women who account for the teensiest fraction as to fall under "other" for reasons given. Believe it or not, there is actually treatment for cystic ovaries and medication for it covered by insurance. Oh the drama of it all, everyone else must be forced to foot the bill for birth control pills for millions because of rampant cystic ovaries that will shrivel on the vine without them! Birth control pills are just one option for treating them, not the ONLY option. Doctors frequently pick birth control pills for it because..........wait for it..............they are CHEAP and AFFORDABLE for women who may not have health insurance! Birth control pills to treat cysts on ovaries are used for one month honey, not for life. If a woman still has a cyst causing discomfort after that, it is drained and would be way before that if the pain is "excruciating". They aren't kicked to the curb to lie in the street and do their silent womanly suffering although it makes a heart wrenching visual, doesn't it? They are very common since a cyst is formed as part of ovulation and the vast majority cause no symptoms and go away on their own within a couple of weeks -even huge ones. But oh sure these chemicals to treat it ONLY exsist in the form of birth control pills! Not only have cysts on an ovary never been treated before the advent of birth control pills, No one has ever figured out how to dispense the necessary chemicals except in this particular form. LOL!

So once again extremists use something that is actually NOT the reason the overwhelming majority of women even use birth control pills and use an example where are birth control pills are NOT the only possible treatment for this temporary problem. Doctors started using them to treat it because it's CHEAP and AFFORDABLE given we are talking about a one time expenditure of nine bucks. Describing the size of the cysts is a TOTAL drama queen act since that is actually unrelated to seriousness or severity of it. It is usually only treated if they are causing pain or if suspected to be more than just an ovarian cyst(s). It is whether they are symptomatic or not sinc most are not -and small ones in the wrong place on an ovary can be far, far more painful than a very large one in another place.

Why is it extremists always lack the critical thinking skills to figure out how to assist that teensy fraction they always hold up as justification for broad, indiscrimate application? Probably because that teensy fraction was never their real concern in the first place, huh. So don't insult my intelligence by pretending this is all about treating a fucking ovarian cyst and not trying to force others to foot the bill for contraceptives so women can have more carefree sex on someone else's dime.
Its like buying Cable, Sure you pay 60 bucks a month for 120 channels but you only use 20 of them overall.

And when government comes in and gives them a list of channels to add under the threat of government force, they don't eat that cost, they raise their rates to cover it.

The 120 channels they picked as a combined offering to appeal to the most people.

The ones added by government by force don't appear by magic, they are bought and everyone's rates go up for a product they didn't as a group want. And you...don't see the difference...
Its like buying Cable, Sure you pay 60 bucks a month for 120 channels but you only use 20 of them overall.

And when government comes in and gives them a list of channels to add under the threat of government force, they don't eat that cost, they raise their rates to cover it.

The 120 channels they picked as a combined offering to appeal to the most people.

The ones added by government by force don't appear by magic, they are bought and everyone's rates go up for a product they didn't as a group want. And you...don't see the difference...

Exactly! No to mention nobody's demanding that certain channels be offered and that somebody else pay for your cable... yet.
or not discriminate against its females employees or students, while cover other elective drugs. Even ones that are male specific elective drugs.

And they say liberals argue with their emotions, and not facts. :lol:

Discriminate? Seriously? Do they pay for male students to get contraception but not female students? If not, how is not buying ot for women too discrimination?

I guess you've never heard of Viagra?

Again with stupidity.

Going for a record?
Well, no doubt the woman is a slut. She's 30, maybe what her real story is that she has to pay guys to do her and can't afford both expenses. Her competition are young college girls, not 30 year old has beens that don't want to leave college to get a real job.

And I'll bet you believe she deserves to be raped too...just like that reporter in Egypt you said deserved to be raped.

Let me repeat it. The reporter in Egypt went into a war zone thinking everyone was going to make nice because she had blond pubic hair. She was either very very stupid or got what she was looking for. Is that clear enough or did you expect something else?

It might not be possible for Fluke to be raped. She'd send a thank you note the next day. By her own admission, she spends $1,000 a month just on birth control. Her sexual appetites must be so phenomenal that if a rapist were unlucky enough to try to rape her, he'd be crawling away on his belly too weak to walk.

What makes her so disgusting is that she wants others to pay for her to enjoy what is, by her own words, a very serious sex addiction. I don't know what every student at Georgetown faces, but there are very likely students who are worried about paying for books, whether or not they will pass and eating more than beans, rice and McDonalds than are concerned about what Sandra Fluke's twat smells like.

I was in law school. I paid my own way and worked full time and unbelievable as it sounds now paid for my own birth control too. I have absolutely no sympathy, not a jot, not an iota for this pathetic creature who is according to college standards over the hill.

If Ms. Fluke didn't want people to form an obviously poor opinon of her, she should not have gotten up and made an issue out of her outsized needs.
or not discriminate against its females employees or students, while cover other elective drugs. Even ones that are male specific elective drugs.

And they say liberals argue with their emotions, and not facts. :lol:

Discriminate? Seriously? Do they pay for male students to get contraception but not female students? If not, how is not buying ot for women too discrimination?

I guess you've never heard of Viagra?
Seems to me that Viagra isn't a form of Contraception...MORON.
Discriminate? Seriously? Do they pay for male students to get contraception but not female students? If not, how is not buying ot for women too discrimination?

I guess you've never heard of Viagra?

Again with stupidity.

Going for a record?

We all know that college aged males are in great need of Viagra. Why those poor boys can't get it up at all without Viagra. They spend endless hours at the frat houses complaining how they can't fuck anymore.

I want another leftist fairy tale.
Sorry, I'm not seeing how your video proves that Republican Govs didn't put the same mandate in place. I'm not seeing how it disputes the fact that 28 states already have the same mandate in place. Sorry, pal; you're going to have to do a little better than Chris Matthews.

You don't see how Chris Mathews taking the time to explain the difference between a state plan that allows co pays, wide conscious exemptions, and can be bypassed by a group electing to self insure under federal law is any different than the federal government telling those same groups that they are no longer religious and that self insurance no longer allows them to bypass stupid rules? Do you also have trouble telling the difference between up and down?

Sorry, your little video didn't do that. Try again. Get back to me when Republican Govs haven't mandated the same fucking law.

I know what the problem here is, you are still upset that I don't think you are worth my time. You were a little interesting yesterday, for a few seconds, but you are still the same boring person you were before.

I will now spend my time on more entertaining things, like watching the lemon tree outside my window grow.
I love how people are mad she is a female activist. Wouldn't the religious leaders they invited be religious activist? And don't most of history of activism?
Yeah, another case of right wingers being hypocritical and trying to recover from one of their own making them look like assholes.
So what if she did this? Wouldn't that make her an expert on arguing for reproductive health for women?
Get a freaking clue.

That's not the point, Dear.
I guess you've never heard of Viagra?
What is with morons trying to compare Viagra with birth control? Viagra is a medication used to treat an impaired body function that is not working normally whether the cause of impairment is due to disease, medications or combination of factors. Why would it not be covered when restoring someone to normal function as much as possible is the point of health care? Just because it is sex doesn't mean that is a body function we won't restore even though it is treatable! It would be like saying since cataracts occur with age, it is suddenly "normal and expected" to have an impaired visual function and the individual should expect to forfeit his vision for the rest of his life even though it is treatable! Restoring impaired body functions is part of improving the quality of life and the real purpose of health care.

There is no impairment being treated with birth control pills. Fertility is not a malfunction and in fact birth control pills cause a derangement in a normal bodily function and make it malfunction -the exact opposite. Just because a perfectly normal person wants to have more carefree sex doesn't EVER shift the burden to ME to make it happen.

What is it with morons not knowing that in order for birth control pills to work, they have to be taken every day, whether the female plans on having sex or not. Viagra is taken only when the desire to have sex arises. It's primary function is for sex. Unlike Viagra, Birth control pills are a daily dose that have to be refilled every month in order to prevent pregnancy; but they can also be used - like in the case that Ms. Fluke cited - to treat medical conditions: hearing.pdf

In the worst cases, women who need this medication for other medical reasons suffer dire
consequences. A friend of mine, for example, has polycystic ovarian syndrome
and has to take prescription birth control to stop cysts from growing on her ovaries.

Her prescription is technically covered by Georgetown insurance because it’s not
intended to prevent pregnancy. Under many religious institutions’ insurance plans,
it wouldn’t be, and under Senator Blunt’s amendment, Senator Rubio’s bill, or
Representative Fortenberry’s bill, there’s no requirement that an exception be
made for such medical needs.

In sixty-five percent of cases, our female students were interrogated by insurance
representatives and university medical staff about why they needed these
prescriptions and whether they were lying about their symptoms. For my friend,
and 20% of women in her situation, she never got the insurance company to cover
her prescription, despite verification of her illness from her doctor. Her claim was
denied repeatedly on the assumption that she really wanted the birth control to
prevent pregnancy. She’s gay, so clearly polycystic ovarian syndrome was a much
more urgent concern than accidental pregnancy. After months of paying over $100
out of pocket, she just couldn’t afford her medication anymore and had to stop
taking it.
I learned about all of this when I walked out of a test and got a message
from her that in the middle of her final exam period she’d been in the emergency
room all night in excruciating pain. She wrote, “It was so painful, I woke up
thinking I’d been shot.” Without her taking the birth control, a massive cyst the
size of a tennis ball had grown on her ovary. She had to have surgery to remove
her entire ovary.
On the morning I was originally scheduled to give this testimony,
she sat in a doctor’s office. Since last year’s surgery, she’s been experiencing night
sweats, weight gain, and other symptoms of early menopause as a result of the
removal of her ovary. She’s 32 years old.

What is it with morons who do not understand that most of the pills that women take are actually sugar pills, and the only reason they take them everyday is to avoid confusion that comes from only taking the pills 1 week out of every 4?

Also, can anyone explain why law students seem to pay almost 10 times as much for contraception as regular people? Do they need special pills because of all the time they spend studying? Does it have something to do with orgies?
I see you prefer lying, and assume that, because you are to lazy to do basic research, that means everyone else is just as lazy.

Guess what, you are wrong.

Matthews Scolds Heilemann For Regurgitating Incorrect WH Talking Pts On Catholic Contraception Issue - YouTube

In fairness, Josef is so stupid he probably believes it. To be a lie, he would have to actually grasp what he's saying isn't true. I seriously doubt he grasps it.

That is a possibility, which is why I like to use Mattews to prove it is a lie. Even idiots have a hard time dismissing him as a right wing Fox News type.
Read this slowly...Just because its on there, doesnt mean you have to buy it...Its just there. You are not mandated to buy it, its just mandated to be covered. There is a difference.

Its sad you cant seem to understand the difference.

Read this even slower.

In August 2011, the Department of Health and Human Services issued an interim final rule that will require most health insurance plans to cover preventive services for women including recommended contraceptive services without charging a co-pay, co-insurance or a deductible. The rule allows certain non-profit religious employers that offer insurance to their employees the choice of whether or not to cover contraceptive services. Today the department is announcing that the final rule on preventive health services will ensure that women with health insurance coverage will have access to the full range of the Institute of Medicine’s recommended preventive services, including all FDA -approved forms of contraception. Women will not have to forego these services because of expensive co-pays or deductibles, or because an insurance plan doesn’t include contraceptive services. This rule is consistent with the laws in a majority of states which already require contraception coverage in health plans, and includes the exemption in the interim final rule allowing certain religious organizations not to provide contraception coverage. Beginning August 1, 2012, most new and renewed health plans will be required to cover these services without cost sharing for women across the country.
A statement by U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius

This is part of the minimum coverage available, which is mandated by Obamacare. Under federal law it is illegal to sell a policy that does not cover contraception, period. Feel free to tell yourself you do not have to buy the coverage just because it exists if it makes you feel better, but only idiots actually believe that.

You are not mandated to buy it, its just mandated to be covered. There is a difference.

I bet there are numerous things in your insurance you don't use and will never use, but are covered none the less.
Its like buying Cable, Sure you pay 60 bucks a month for 120 channels but you only use 20 of them overall.

You don't have to buy it, you just have to buy the policy that covers it because any policy that does not cover it is no longer available, but that still does not mean you have to buy it because, somehow, it would disturb Plasma's argument that you don't have to buy it if you did.

Do you see why I am having trouble following your logic? Tell me something, if you go to the store and buy a set of dishes, and then take it home, does the fact that you never use the butter dish mean you didn't actually buy it? How about if you buy a treadmill and never take it out of the box? Does that mean you never bought it?

You cannot possibly be as stupid as you are trying to pretend you are. If you have to pay for something, you bought it, even if you don't use it.
Its like buying Cable, Sure you pay 60 bucks a month for 120 channels but you only use 20 of them overall.

And when government comes in and gives them a list of channels to add under the threat of government force, they don't eat that cost, they raise their rates to cover it.

The 120 channels they picked as a combined offering to appeal to the most people.

The ones added by government by force don't appear by magic, they are bought and everyone's rates go up for a product they didn't as a group want. And you...don't see the difference...

Like the "free" public access channels that let anyone come in and talk?
Read this even slower.

A statement by U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius

This is part of the minimum coverage available, which is mandated by Obamacare. Under federal law it is illegal to sell a policy that does not cover contraception, period. Feel free to tell yourself you do not have to buy the coverage just because it exists if it makes you feel better, but only idiots actually believe that.

You are not mandated to buy it, its just mandated to be covered. There is a difference.

I bet there are numerous things in your insurance you don't use and will never use, but are covered none the less.
Its like buying Cable, Sure you pay 60 bucks a month for 120 channels but you only use 20 of them overall.

You don't have to buy it, you just have to buy the policy that covers it because any policy that does not cover it is no longer available, but that still does not mean you have to buy it because, somehow, it would disturb Plasma's argument that you don't have to buy it if you did.

Do you see why I am having trouble following your logic? Tell me something, if you go to the store and buy a set of dishes, and then take it home, does the fact that you never use the butter dish mean you didn't actually buy it? How about if you buy a treadmill and never take it out of the box? Does that mean you never bought it?

You cannot possibly be as stupid as you are trying to pretend you are. If you have to pay for something, you bought it, even if you don't use it.

Plasma IS...that stupid...and he'd be dumb enough to complain that he bought into something he didn't use.
You are not mandated to buy it, its just mandated to be covered. There is a difference.

I bet there are numerous things in your insurance you don't use and will never use, but are covered none the less.
Its like buying Cable, Sure you pay 60 bucks a month for 120 channels but you only use 20 of them overall.

You don't have to buy it, you just have to buy the policy that covers it because any policy that does not cover it is no longer available, but that still does not mean you have to buy it because, somehow, it would disturb Plasma's argument that you don't have to buy it if you did.

Do you see why I am having trouble following your logic? Tell me something, if you go to the store and buy a set of dishes, and then take it home, does the fact that you never use the butter dish mean you didn't actually buy it? How about if you buy a treadmill and never take it out of the box? Does that mean you never bought it?

You cannot possibly be as stupid as you are trying to pretend you are. If you have to pay for something, you bought it, even if you don't use it.

nobody is forcing you to use birth control....jesus...You dont get ala carte policies, you get lumped in plans. Plans that now include birth control.

Tough shit.
But the Statists (as YOU are an advocate) demand that taxpayers and insurance companies cover it...or else.

How irresponsible of you PlasmaDork...

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