The 9/11 - Benghazi DOUBLE STANDARD

He was already reading it when the attacks started dumbass. I guess you would've freaked out in front of the kids. Bush did a great job after the fact. All planes were on the ground with in hours. He brought us together. He didn't lie why it happened. Obama did nothing about Bengazi, even goodwill got their people home. Obama let it happen, did nothing to help them while it happened. Then lied to all americans why it happened, then hopped on air force one to party in Vegas for the weekend.
Freaked out?
I would have politely told the children I had to go. Then, I would have gotten on the phone and called my staff and demanded...WTF is going on?

Bush lied about the reason for the attack. They did not “resent our freedom”....they despised our foreign policy
Then he lied about WMDs in order to justify an unnecessary war
Lol, keep grasping for straws. Your transgendered man child was a failure and a complete liar.
With that nonsense....I will claim victory
Why, Bush did a great job on 911. Obama let Bengazi happen, did nothing while it happened, then lied about why it happened. I mean a private organization knew better than the president of the united states. So Obama was really that ignorant or just didn't care, take your pick. I mean Obama found about major events on the 11 o'clock news. Lol, good day!

History does not support your fantasies
What that goodwill didn't get their people out, because they knew something was going to happen?
Or that Bush did a great job handling 911.
Or that Obama was ignorant or didn't care about Bengazi?
Which one isn't true?
Freaked out?
I would have politely told the children I had to go. Then, I would have gotten on the phone and called my staff and demanded...WTF is going on?

Bush lied about the reason for the attack. They did not “resent our freedom”....they despised our foreign policy
Then he lied about WMDs in order to justify an unnecessary war

but NO ONE held Bush to account for anything related to 9/11; 3K died, the economy hit the skids, trillion$ were thrown at a fake war of choice, yet Republicans scream BENGHAZI.

I don't get it. I think many Americans are actually brain dead & crazy. The ones screaming BENGHAZI.
Bush got a free pass on a lot of things.......the 9-11 attacks, his lies about WMDs, torture

History has not been as kind

Republicans are now trying to rewrite history and blame Fannie and Freddy, not Wall Street, for the subprime mortgage crisis and housing bubble, and the Democrat Congress and Senate sworn in January of 2007 as the reason for the economic collapse.

Not Bush’s fault.

It’s amazing how quickly Republicans pivot to blaming Democrats for their messes. 9/11 is Clinton’s fault. W’s economic collapse is the Dems fault, not the six years of tax cuts, and rampant deficit spending that preceded it.
It was partly Bush's fault for not having the balls to stop it, but the reason for the crises goes back years and plenty of people to blame.

Not in the mind of a Progressive. In their minds 9/11 and the crash happened on Bush's watch so it's all his fault. The economy soars under Rump and it's because of Obambi. You can't make this shit up. The fact is this though, this economy isn't real, it's still being propped up with the debt Rump is racking up.
Bush read “My Pet Goat” during the attacks and told America the attacks happened because they “resent our freedom”
He was already reading it when the attacks started dumbass. I guess you would've freaked out in front of the kids. Bush did a great job after the fact. All planes were on the ground with in hours. He brought us together. He didn't lie why it happened. Obama did nothing about Bengazi, even goodwill got their people home. Obama let it happen, did nothing to help them while it happened. Then lied to all americans why it happened, then hopped on air force one to party in Vegas for the weekend.
Freaked out?
I would have politely told the children I had to go. Then, I would have gotten on the phone and called my staff and demanded...WTF is going on?

Bush lied about the reason for the attack. They did not “resent our freedom”....they despised our foreign policy
Then he lied about WMDs in order to justify an unnecessary war

but NO ONE held Bush to account for anything related to 9/11; 3K died, the economy hit the skids, trillion$ were thrown at a fake war of choice, yet Republicans scream BENGHAZI.

I don't get it. I think many Americans are actually brain dead & crazy. The ones screaming BENGHAZI.
Bush got a free pass on a lot of things.......the 9-11 attacks, his lies about WMDs, torture

History has not been as kind

Republicans are now trying to rewrite history and blame Fannie and Freddy, not Wall Street, for the subprime mortgage crisis and housing bubble, and the Democrat Congress and Senate sworn in January of 2007 as the reason for the economic collapse.

Not Bush’s fault.

It’s amazing how quickly Republicans pivot to blaming Democrats for their messes. 9/11 is Clinton’s fault. W’s economic collapse is the Dems fault, not the six years of tax cuts, and rampant deficit spending that preceded it.
History is quite clear if you bother to read it. I haven't seen the GOP trying to rewrite history for the banking collapse or 9-11.
Bush didn't come out and knowingly lie about why it happened. Then hop on a plane to go to Vegas for a golfing weekend.

Bush read “My Pet Goat” during the attacks and told America the attacks happened because they “resent our freedom”
He was already reading it when the attacks started dumbass. I guess you would've freaked out in front of the kids. Bush did a great job after the fact. All planes were on the ground with in hours. He brought us together. He didn't lie why it happened. Obama did nothing about Bengazi, even goodwill got their people home. Obama let it happen, did nothing to help them while it happened. Then lied to all americans why it happened, then hopped on air force one to party in Vegas for the weekend.

Bush FAILED as POTUS. 3,000 people died on Bush's watch & you say he did not lie.
Bush wanted NO Investigation into any aspect of 9/11.
Bush REFUSED to even discuss the idea of any investigation into the events of 9/11.
After over a full year Bush finally agreed to an investigation, which was allowed a budget of $3 million. WTF?

Here we have the most Earth shattering event in modern history, Bush tells people not to entertain ANY other theories other than what the government is telling everyone, Bush wants NOTHING to do do with any investigation, and once Bush finally agrees to an investigation, $3 million is what they offer. What a fvcking joke of a POTUS.

And everyone gave the guy a free pass for having 3K dead, on his watch. Something is completely fvcked with that.
I guess you wasn't born yet on 911, or you were to young to remember it. It only took a day or two to find out who was responsible. Bush united this nation, went after the people that was responsible for our tradegy. The thing i fault him for, is he didn't fight the wars to win it fast, and get our great soldiers out of there.
Bush overreacted to the attacks and used them as an excuse to justify his il-advised wars
Freaked out?
I would have politely told the children I had to go. Then, I would have gotten on the phone and called my staff and demanded...WTF is going on?

Bush lied about the reason for the attack. They did not “resent our freedom”....they despised our foreign policy
Then he lied about WMDs in order to justify an unnecessary war
Lol, keep grasping for straws. Your transgendered man child was a failure and a complete liar.
With that nonsense....I will claim victory
Why, Bush did a great job on 911. Obama let Bengazi happen, did nothing while it happened, then lied about why it happened. I mean a private organization knew better than the president of the united states. So Obama was really that ignorant or just didn't care, take your pick. I mean Obama found about major events on the 11 o'clock news. Lol, good day!

History does not support your fantasies
What that goodwill didn't get their people out, because they knew something was going to happen?
Or that Bush did a great job handling 911.
Or that Obama was ignorant or didn't care about Bengazi?
Which one isn't true?
Save it for conspiracy theories and conservative talk radio
So, I notice there are a ton of Benghazi threads & 9/11 threads here in the 'Politics' forum.
Another thing I have noticed over the years is G. W. Bush has gotten a 'free pass' on 9/11.
Conversely Obama & HRC get crucified over the Benghazi attack.

Let's do just a minor comparison.

9/11 attacks happened on US soil, 3,000 people died, the result was two wars, both wars are still ongoing, with the financial costs are into the trillion$ & the human costs are nearly 1 million lives.

Benghazi attacks happened in Libya, four US dead, four US wounded, and the financial costs & the costs in lives will never approach anything compared to 9/11.

So, here is what I DON'T GET.

With the effects of 9/11 so enormous, so epic, and honestly there is no comparison in modern history, WHY does G. W. Bush continue to get that 'free pass' for 9/11, all while there is a 'cottage industry' of people that zealously blame Obama & HRC for the Benghazi attacks?

It is a very strange thing; I certainly do not understand why people's priorities are seeming misplaced when 9/11 is such the 'Earth shattering' event compared to the Benghazi attack, which seems almost like a sneeze, when compared to 9/11.

What am I missing?
Republicans are a racist party and they hate Obama. There I cleared it up.
Bush didn't come out and knowingly lie about why it happened. Then hop on a plane to go to Vegas for a golfing weekend.

Bush read “My Pet Goat” during the attacks and told America the attacks happened because they “resent our freedom”
He was already reading it when the attacks started dumbass. I guess you would've freaked out in front of the kids. Bush did a great job after the fact. All planes were on the ground with in hours. He brought us together. He didn't lie why it happened. Obama did nothing about Bengazi, even goodwill got their people home. Obama let it happen, did nothing to help them while it happened. Then lied to all americans why it happened, then hopped on air force one to party in Vegas for the weekend.

Bush FAILED as POTUS. 3,000 people died on Bush's watch & you say he did not lie.
Bush wanted NO Investigation into any aspect of 9/11.
Bush REFUSED to even discuss the idea of any investigation into the events of 9/11.
After over a full year Bush finally agreed to an investigation, which was allowed a budget of $3 million. WTF?

Here we have the most Earth shattering event in modern history, Bush tells people not to entertain ANY other theories other than what the government is telling everyone, Bush wants NOTHING to do do with any investigation, and once Bush finally agrees to an investigation, $3 million is what they offer. What a fvcking joke of a POTUS.

And everyone gave the guy a free pass for having 3K dead, on his watch. Something is completely fvcked with that.
I guess you wasn't born yet on 911, or you were to young to remember it. It only took a day or two to find out who was responsible. Bush united this nation, went after the people that was responsible for our tradegy. The thing i fault him for, is he didn't fight the wars to win it fast, and get our great soldiers out of there.
Bush overreacted to the attacks and used them as an excuse to justify his il-advised wars
Obama supported the Afganistan war, and Hillary supported the Iraq war. Or am i just trying to rewrite history?
Lol, keep grasping for straws. Your transgendered man child was a failure and a complete liar.
With that nonsense....I will claim victory
Why, Bush did a great job on 911. Obama let Bengazi happen, did nothing while it happened, then lied about why it happened. I mean a private organization knew better than the president of the united states. So Obama was really that ignorant or just didn't care, take your pick. I mean Obama found about major events on the 11 o'clock news. Lol, good day!

History does not support your fantasies
What that goodwill didn't get their people out, because they knew something was going to happen?
Or that Bush did a great job handling 911.
Or that Obama was ignorant or didn't care about Bengazi?
Which one isn't true?
Save it for conspiracy theories and conservative talk radio
Please tell me, how am i wrong?
Bush read “My Pet Goat” during the attacks and told America the attacks happened because they “resent our freedom”
He was already reading it when the attacks started dumbass. I guess you would've freaked out in front of the kids. Bush did a great job after the fact. All planes were on the ground with in hours. He brought us together. He didn't lie why it happened. Obama did nothing about Bengazi, even goodwill got their people home. Obama let it happen, did nothing to help them while it happened. Then lied to all americans why it happened, then hopped on air force one to party in Vegas for the weekend.

That is not what happened at all, but you want to belueve that’s what happened.

Quite frankly, when you tell someone not to go to a terrorist hot zone on 9/11 because they could be attacked, and the whole region is on high alert, and they go ahead and go there anyway, and it ends in their death, what exactly is the President supposed to do?

What did Trump do while those four soldiers were being killed in Yemen? Did Trump cancel his golf game that weekend?

Good lord, where do you get this tripe? Stevens WORKED for the Executive Branch, had he been "told" not to go he wouldn't have gone. Would you like some "real" truth and not that made up tripe that the media spews? (Yes FOX too)

This is a good read, especially for the brain dead zombies.

Judicial Watch is the deeply partisan attack dog of the Koch Bros. Superpak, and it’s headed by a man with an irrational hatred of the Clintons. Anything JW says about either Obama or Clinton is suspect.

JW has sued the Clintons multiple times and pushed multiple investigations. They’ve lost every law suit and their investigations found nothing.

You're an idiot. LOL.
READ the memo honey.

Why would I read a memo written and published by an avowed hater of the Clintons with an often stated agenda of destroying them, and who has been caught on multiple occasions promoting blatant lies and falsehoods about anything Clinton?
He was already reading it when the attacks started dumbass. I guess you would've freaked out in front of the kids. Bush did a great job after the fact. All planes were on the ground with in hours. He brought us together. He didn't lie why it happened. Obama did nothing about Bengazi, even goodwill got their people home. Obama let it happen, did nothing to help them while it happened. Then lied to all americans why it happened, then hopped on air force one to party in Vegas for the weekend.

That is not what happened at all, but you want to belueve that’s what happened.

Quite frankly, when you tell someone not to go to a terrorist hot zone on 9/11 because they could be attacked, and the whole region is on high alert, and they go ahead and go there anyway, and it ends in their death, what exactly is the President supposed to do?

What did Trump do while those four soldiers were being killed in Yemen? Did Trump cancel his golf game that weekend?

Good lord, where do you get this tripe? Stevens WORKED for the Executive Branch, had he been "told" not to go he wouldn't have gone. Would you like some "real" truth and not that made up tripe that the media spews? (Yes FOX too)

This is a good read, especially for the brain dead zombies.

Judicial Watch is the deeply partisan attack dog of the Koch Bros. Superpak, and it’s headed by a man with an irrational hatred of the Clintons. Anything JW says about either Obama or Clinton is suspect.

JW has sued the Clintons multiple times and pushed multiple investigations. They’ve lost every law suit and their investigations found nothing.

You're an idiot. LOL.
READ the memo honey.

Why would I read a memo written and published by an avowed hater of the Clintons with an often stated agenda of destroying them, and who has been caught on multiple occasions promoting blatant lies and falsehoods about anything Clinton?
Hillary should be in jail, that is a fact.
but NO ONE held Bush to account for anything related to 9/11; 3K died, the economy hit the skids, trillion$ were thrown at a fake war of choice, yet Republicans scream BENGHAZI.

I don't get it. I think many Americans are actually brain dead & crazy. The ones screaming BENGHAZI.
Bush got a free pass on a lot of things.......the 9-11 attacks, his lies about WMDs, torture

History has not been as kind

Republicans are now trying to rewrite history and blame Fannie and Freddy, not Wall Street, for the subprime mortgage crisis and housing bubble, and the Democrat Congress and Senate sworn in January of 2007 as the reason for the economic collapse.

Not Bush’s fault.

It’s amazing how quickly Republicans pivot to blaming Democrats for their messes. 9/11 is Clinton’s fault. W’s economic collapse is the Dems fault, not the six years of tax cuts, and rampant deficit spending that preceded it.
It was partly Bush's fault for not having the balls to stop it, but the reason for the crises goes back years and plenty of people to blame.

Not in the mind of a Progressive. In their minds 9/11 and the crash happened on Bush's watch so it's all his fault. The economy soars under Rump and it's because of Obambi. You can't make this shit up. The fact is this though, this economy isn't real, it's still being propped up with the debt Rump is racking up.
View attachment 216790

Thanks for that disgusting visual.
He was already reading it when the attacks started dumbass. I guess you would've freaked out in front of the kids. Bush did a great job after the fact. All planes were on the ground with in hours. He brought us together. He didn't lie why it happened. Obama did nothing about Bengazi, even goodwill got their people home. Obama let it happen, did nothing to help them while it happened. Then lied to all americans why it happened, then hopped on air force one to party in Vegas for the weekend.

That is not what happened at all, but you want to belueve that’s what happened.

Quite frankly, when you tell someone not to go to a terrorist hot zone on 9/11 because they could be attacked, and the whole region is on high alert, and they go ahead and go there anyway, and it ends in their death, what exactly is the President supposed to do?

What did Trump do while those four soldiers were being killed in Yemen? Did Trump cancel his golf game that weekend?

Good lord, where do you get this tripe? Stevens WORKED for the Executive Branch, had he been "told" not to go he wouldn't have gone. Would you like some "real" truth and not that made up tripe that the media spews? (Yes FOX too)

This is a good read, especially for the brain dead zombies.

Judicial Watch is the deeply partisan attack dog of the Koch Bros. Superpak, and it’s headed by a man with an irrational hatred of the Clintons. Anything JW says about either Obama or Clinton is suspect.

JW has sued the Clintons multiple times and pushed multiple investigations. They’ve lost every law suit and their investigations found nothing.

You're an idiot. LOL.
READ the memo honey.

Why would I read a memo written and published by an avowed hater of the Clintons with an often stated agenda of destroying them, and who has been caught on multiple occasions promoting blatant lies and falsehoods about anything Clinton?

Look you stupid ass, it is a memo from Military Intelligence released because of a FOIA request. You really are this stupid aren't you?
Bush read “My Pet Goat” during the attacks and told America the attacks happened because they “resent our freedom”
He was already reading it when the attacks started dumbass. I guess you would've freaked out in front of the kids. Bush did a great job after the fact. All planes were on the ground with in hours. He brought us together. He didn't lie why it happened. Obama did nothing about Bengazi, even goodwill got their people home. Obama let it happen, did nothing to help them while it happened. Then lied to all americans why it happened, then hopped on air force one to party in Vegas for the weekend.

Bush FAILED as POTUS. 3,000 people died on Bush's watch & you say he did not lie.
Bush wanted NO Investigation into any aspect of 9/11.
Bush REFUSED to even discuss the idea of any investigation into the events of 9/11.
After over a full year Bush finally agreed to an investigation, which was allowed a budget of $3 million. WTF?

Here we have the most Earth shattering event in modern history, Bush tells people not to entertain ANY other theories other than what the government is telling everyone, Bush wants NOTHING to do do with any investigation, and once Bush finally agrees to an investigation, $3 million is what they offer. What a fvcking joke of a POTUS.

And everyone gave the guy a free pass for having 3K dead, on his watch. Something is completely fvcked with that.
I guess you wasn't born yet on 911, or you were to young to remember it. It only took a day or two to find out who was responsible. Bush united this nation, went after the people that was responsible for our tradegy. The thing i fault him for, is he didn't fight the wars to win it fast, and get our great soldiers out of there.
Bush overreacted to the attacks and used them as an excuse to justify his il-advised wars
Obama supported the Afganistan war, and Hillary supported the Iraq war. Or am i just trying to rewrite history?

Bush wanted the wars, period.
Bush labeled those that didn't support the idea for his wars as 'unpatriotic.'
He was already reading it when the attacks started dumbass. I guess you would've freaked out in front of the kids. Bush did a great job after the fact. All planes were on the ground with in hours. He brought us together. He didn't lie why it happened. Obama did nothing about Bengazi, even goodwill got their people home. Obama let it happen, did nothing to help them while it happened. Then lied to all americans why it happened, then hopped on air force one to party in Vegas for the weekend.

Bush FAILED as POTUS. 3,000 people died on Bush's watch & you say he did not lie.
Bush wanted NO Investigation into any aspect of 9/11.
Bush REFUSED to even discuss the idea of any investigation into the events of 9/11.
After over a full year Bush finally agreed to an investigation, which was allowed a budget of $3 million. WTF?

Here we have the most Earth shattering event in modern history, Bush tells people not to entertain ANY other theories other than what the government is telling everyone, Bush wants NOTHING to do do with any investigation, and once Bush finally agrees to an investigation, $3 million is what they offer. What a fvcking joke of a POTUS.

And everyone gave the guy a free pass for having 3K dead, on his watch. Something is completely fvcked with that.
I guess you wasn't born yet on 911, or you were to young to remember it. It only took a day or two to find out who was responsible. Bush united this nation, went after the people that was responsible for our tradegy. The thing i fault him for, is he didn't fight the wars to win it fast, and get our great soldiers out of there.
Bush overreacted to the attacks and used them as an excuse to justify his il-advised wars
Obama supported the Afganistan war, and Hillary supported the Iraq war. Or am i just trying to rewrite history?

Bush wanted the wars, period.
Bush labeled those that didn't support the idea for his wars as 'unpatriotic.'
What does that have to do with Obama and Hillary, oh and Kerry supporting them? I know Obama never supported the Iraq war.
Bush read “My Pet Goat” during the attacks and told America the attacks happened because they “resent our freedom”
He was already reading it when the attacks started dumbass. I guess you would've freaked out in front of the kids. Bush did a great job after the fact. All planes were on the ground with in hours. He brought us together. He didn't lie why it happened. Obama did nothing about Bengazi, even goodwill got their people home. Obama let it happen, did nothing to help them while it happened. Then lied to all americans why it happened, then hopped on air force one to party in Vegas for the weekend.

Bush FAILED as POTUS. 3,000 people died on Bush's watch & you say he did not lie.
Bush wanted NO Investigation into any aspect of 9/11.
Bush REFUSED to even discuss the idea of any investigation into the events of 9/11.
After over a full year Bush finally agreed to an investigation, which was allowed a budget of $3 million. WTF?

Here we have the most Earth shattering event in modern history, Bush tells people not to entertain ANY other theories other than what the government is telling everyone, Bush wants NOTHING to do do with any investigation, and once Bush finally agrees to an investigation, $3 million is what they offer. What a fvcking joke of a POTUS.

And everyone gave the guy a free pass for having 3K dead, on his watch. Something is completely fvcked with that.
I guess you wasn't born yet on 911, or you were to young to remember it. It only took a day or two to find out who was responsible. Bush united this nation, went after the people that was responsible for our tradegy. The thing i fault him for, is he didn't fight the wars to win it fast, and get our great soldiers out of there.
Bush overreacted to the attacks and used them as an excuse to justify his il-advised wars
Obama supported the Afganistan war, and Hillary supported the Iraq war. Or am i just trying to rewrite history?
Bush 9-11 card

Give him what he says he needs to fight terrorism......he overplayed his card
That is not what happened at all, but you want to belueve that’s what happened.

Quite frankly, when you tell someone not to go to a terrorist hot zone on 9/11 because they could be attacked, and the whole region is on high alert, and they go ahead and go there anyway, and it ends in their death, what exactly is the President supposed to do?

What did Trump do while those four soldiers were being killed in Yemen? Did Trump cancel his golf game that weekend?

Good lord, where do you get this tripe? Stevens WORKED for the Executive Branch, had he been "told" not to go he wouldn't have gone. Would you like some "real" truth and not that made up tripe that the media spews? (Yes FOX too)

This is a good read, especially for the brain dead zombies.

Judicial Watch is the deeply partisan attack dog of the Koch Bros. Superpak, and it’s headed by a man with an irrational hatred of the Clintons. Anything JW says about either Obama or Clinton is suspect.

JW has sued the Clintons multiple times and pushed multiple investigations. They’ve lost every law suit and their investigations found nothing.

You're an idiot. LOL.
READ the memo honey.

Why would I read a memo written and published by an avowed hater of the Clintons with an often stated agenda of destroying them, and who has been caught on multiple occasions promoting blatant lies and falsehoods about anything Clinton?
Hillary should be in jail, that is a fact.
Crooked Donnie will be there first
With that nonsense....I will claim victory
Why, Bush did a great job on 911. Obama let Bengazi happen, did nothing while it happened, then lied about why it happened. I mean a private organization knew better than the president of the united states. So Obama was really that ignorant or just didn't care, take your pick. I mean Obama found about major events on the 11 o'clock news. Lol, good day!

History does not support your fantasies
What that goodwill didn't get their people out, because they knew something was going to happen?
Or that Bush did a great job handling 911.
Or that Obama was ignorant or didn't care about Bengazi?
Which one isn't true?
Save it for conspiracy theories and conservative talk radio
Please tell me, how am i wrong?
Bush’s handling of post 9-11 America was a disaster
He started two wars, opened GITMO and engaged in torture

Obama cared very much about Benghazi......the claim that he didn’t is just conservative hate propaganda
He was already reading it when the attacks started dumbass. I guess you would've freaked out in front of the kids. Bush did a great job after the fact. All planes were on the ground with in hours. He brought us together. He didn't lie why it happened. Obama did nothing about Bengazi, even goodwill got their people home. Obama let it happen, did nothing to help them while it happened. Then lied to all americans why it happened, then hopped on air force one to party in Vegas for the weekend.

Bush FAILED as POTUS. 3,000 people died on Bush's watch & you say he did not lie.
Bush wanted NO Investigation into any aspect of 9/11.
Bush REFUSED to even discuss the idea of any investigation into the events of 9/11.
After over a full year Bush finally agreed to an investigation, which was allowed a budget of $3 million. WTF?

Here we have the most Earth shattering event in modern history, Bush tells people not to entertain ANY other theories other than what the government is telling everyone, Bush wants NOTHING to do do with any investigation, and once Bush finally agrees to an investigation, $3 million is what they offer. What a fvcking joke of a POTUS.

And everyone gave the guy a free pass for having 3K dead, on his watch. Something is completely fvcked with that.
I guess you wasn't born yet on 911, or you were to young to remember it. It only took a day or two to find out who was responsible. Bush united this nation, went after the people that was responsible for our tradegy. The thing i fault him for, is he didn't fight the wars to win it fast, and get our great soldiers out of there.
Bush overreacted to the attacks and used them as an excuse to justify his il-advised wars
Obama supported the Afganistan war, and Hillary supported the Iraq war. Or am i just trying to rewrite history?
Bush 9-11 card

Give him what he says he needs to fight terrorism......he overplayed his card
Kinda like Putin got you to vote for Trump? I admit Bush didn't fight the wars the way they should've been. He should've went in and did what it would take to win in a short time and got our great soldiers home. We haven't fought a war that way since the world wars.
Good lord, where do you get this tripe? Stevens WORKED for the Executive Branch, had he been "told" not to go he wouldn't have gone. Would you like some "real" truth and not that made up tripe that the media spews? (Yes FOX too)

This is a good read, especially for the brain dead zombies.

Judicial Watch is the deeply partisan attack dog of the Koch Bros. Superpak, and it’s headed by a man with an irrational hatred of the Clintons. Anything JW says about either Obama or Clinton is suspect.

JW has sued the Clintons multiple times and pushed multiple investigations. They’ve lost every law suit and their investigations found nothing.

You're an idiot. LOL.
READ the memo honey.

Why would I read a memo written and published by an avowed hater of the Clintons with an often stated agenda of destroying them, and who has been caught on multiple occasions promoting blatant lies and falsehoods about anything Clinton?
Hillary should be in jail, that is a fact.
Crooked Donnie will be there first
Anyday now, tell me how did Putin get you to vote for Trump?
Why, Bush did a great job on 911. Obama let Bengazi happen, did nothing while it happened, then lied about why it happened. I mean a private organization knew better than the president of the united states. So Obama was really that ignorant or just didn't care, take your pick. I mean Obama found about major events on the 11 o'clock news. Lol, good day!

History does not support your fantasies
What that goodwill didn't get their people out, because they knew something was going to happen?
Or that Bush did a great job handling 911.
Or that Obama was ignorant or didn't care about Bengazi?
Which one isn't true?
Save it for conspiracy theories and conservative talk radio
Please tell me, how am i wrong?
Bush’s handling of post 9-11 America was a disaster
He started two wars, opened GITMO and engaged in torture

Obama cared very much about Benghazi......the claim that he didn’t is just conservative hate propaganda
Lol, Obama didn't care at all, if he did he wouldn't of lied about it. You forget Hillary and Kerry supported those two wars, and Obama supported Afganistan.

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