The ACA is the 3rd. rail for the GOP

The ACA has probably been mortally wounded by this point. It defies reason that republicans will accept an even more expensive and dysfunctional system as a victory.
Having the way it was in 2008 is a better deal.
You may get your wish before it's all over, of course, Republicans will not accept the negative consequences of their actions.

Yeah, and many of us know how Democrats handle consequences.
Whatever party successfully passes universal healthcare by deriving funds from taxing tobacco,sugar products and booze will be the party that dominates American politics. It will save our country from going bankrupt with the dozen or so hodgepodge systems currently in place or proposed; all of which are tailored to benefit BigPharma & BigHealth Insurance at the expense of the US Treasury (you know, We the Taxpayers who are dying as a result of this pandering)..
The lure of the free lunch is stronger than ever! :laughing0301:
Oh they are dead set on taking away our healthcare...even though they campaigned on NOT doing so just a few months ago.

Taking away our healthcare? WTF, Obamacare already did that.
20 million people have healthcare NOW that didn't prior to this

Hundreds of thousands of 18-25 year olds have healthcare on their parents policies that would lose it

Millions of people with pre-existing conditions (ya know actual sick people) willl now be dropped entirely or priced out of the market

And on and on.

My son...a 32 year old with back problems only has healthcare because of the ACA

So shove your lies where the sun don't shine
Oh they are dead set on taking away our healthcare...even though they campaigned on NOT doing so just a few months ago.

Taking away our healthcare? WTF, Obamacare already did that.
20 million people have healthcare NOW that didn't prior to this

Hundreds of thousands of 18-25 year olds have healthcare on their parents policies that would lose it

Millions of people with pre-existing conditions (ya know actual sick people) willl now be dropped entirely or priced out of the market

And on and on.

My son...a 32 year old with back problems only has healthcare because of the ACA

So shove your lies where the sun don't shine

I believe that the correct word would have been "doesn't", not "don't". Well in the best of circles that is.
Oh they are dead set on taking away our healthcare...even though they campaigned on NOT doing so just a few months ago.

Taking away our healthcare? WTF, Obamacare already did that.
20 million people have healthcare NOW that didn't prior to this

Hundreds of thousands of 18-25 year olds have healthcare on their parents policies that would lose it

Millions of people with pre-existing conditions (ya know actual sick people) willl now be dropped entirely or priced out of the market

And on and on.

My son...a 32 year old with back problems only has healthcare because of the ACA

So shove your lies where the sun don't shine

Sure, it's all about you, and only you...dumbass.
20 million people have healthcare NOW that didn't prior to this
So you basically make it illegal to have no insurance, then proclaim victory when millions are forced to buy it....The most hollow of "victories".

of thousands of 18-25 year olds have healthcare on their parents policies that would lose it.
Another lie....Most of them wouldn't "lose" it, they'd just go without or buy a cheap catastrophic plan.

Millions of people with pre-existing conditions (ya know actual sick people) will now be dropped entirely or priced out of the market.
Nobody just gets dropped for making a claim...There are a myriad of laws against doing so....Quit telling this lie.

And with high risks come higher costs....You just want free lunch, dontcha?

My son...a 32 year old with back problems only has healthcare because of the ACA

So shove your lies where the sun don't shine
Just as suspected...You want the free lunch.
Whatever party successfully passes universal healthcare by deriving funds from taxing tobacco,sugar products and booze will be the party that dominates American politics. It will save our country from going bankrupt with the dozen or so hodgepodge systems currently in place or proposed; all of which are tailored to benefit BigPharma & BigHealth Insurance at the expense of the US Treasury (you know, We the Taxpayers who are dying as a result of this pandering)..

We already have universal healthcare, its the get a job and pay for your own damn health insurance act.
Capitalism has a natural rate of unemployment.
Oh they are dead set on taking away our healthcare...even though they campaigned on NOT doing so just a few months ago.

Taking away our healthcare? WTF, Obamacare already did that.
20 million people have healthcare NOW that didn't prior to this

Hundreds of thousands of 18-25 year olds have healthcare on their parents policies that would lose it

Millions of people with pre-existing conditions (ya know actual sick people) willl now be dropped entirely or priced out of the market

And on and on.

My son...a 32 year old with back problems only has healthcare because of the ACA

So shove your lies where the sun don't shine

You want free trinkets.
In the same way that conservatives have mocked democrats over the possibility that taxes would have to be raised on this country's ultra-rich as "political suicide," the eradication of the ACA is the beginning of a death knell for every republican who would vote to declare this law as null and void.

Sure, it is "good" rhetoric to run a conservative campaign on repealing the ACA but the reality of ACTUALLY tearing it down should scare the crap out of these hypocritical demagogues.

Repealing the law may evoke the cheers of ignorant and poorly educated voters, but the REPLACEMENT of this life-saving law has these conservative politicians fearing for their miserable political existence.

I am actually "glad" that a conservative district judge has ruled the ACA "unconstitutional" because such a ruling is taking the argument from just moronic rhetoric the reality of having to stake one's sorry ass on the line as these same moronic voters FINALLY realize that their health care insurance will either be revoked, or their premiums will be raised high enough to cause a stroke.....

Now its up to the Democrats to forge a replacement since they now have control of the House of Representatives. They absconded on their responsibilities in 2017,refusing to vote for Tremendous Health Care that President Trump proposed.

And now, the ball is in their court. As well it should be. The libs alone pushed through the ACA, and now they have a responsible to fix their mess by drafting, and passing a new Health Care plan that is acceptable to Republicans.
You listed millions to distract from the fact that YOU want free lunch.

Nope. No free lunch. He is paying for that healthcare monthly...and with his back problems would either be denied or priced out.

There are millions like me and him (parents and young adults)

And I'd feel the same way about this regardless.
Now its up to the Democrats to forge a replacement since they now have control of the House of Representatives

You ready for Medicare for all or a Medicare buy in?

Because that is the alternative
Now its up to the Democrats to forge a replacement since they now have control of the House of Representatives

You ready for Medicare for all or a Medicare buy in?

Because that is the alternative

Neither of those proposals are acceptable to Republicans. The Democrats are going to have to craft something else.

The country can't afford Medicare "for all", and the problem that Congress faces isn't with everyone anyhow. Only a minority need change here, I don't want Medicare or need it.
Nobody just gets dropped for making a claim...There are a myriad of laws against doing so the ACA

NO insurance company could just drop you because you got sick.
You listed millions to distract from the fact that YOU want free lunch.

Nope. No free lunch. He is paying for that healthcare monthly...and with his back problems would either be denied or priced out.

There are millions like me and him (parents and young adults)

And I'd feel the same way about this regardless.

(sigh) The ACA IS a "free" lunch to a lot of people.
Neither of those proposals are acceptable to Republicans. The Democrats are going to have to craft something else.

Oh gee...the people KILLING the ACA wouldn't find something else acceptable? Fuck em
. That IS "something else"
The country can't afford Medicare "for all", and the problem that Congress faces isn't with everyone anyhow. Only a minority need change here, I don't want Medicare or need it.

There are a variety of ways to fund Medicare for all (employer contributions shifting for instance) but what we would probably see is a Medicare buy in.

I was just accused of putting my personal needs first. I don't...but obviously YOU do

(sigh) The ACA IS a "free" lunch to a lot of people.

Yea..people who would have no fucking healthcare at all. Fuckem? No. Fuck you

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