The Actual 'Institutional Racism'


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY spearheaded by Liberals/Democrats.

1. And it's not just a slander of the's homicidal.
Hussein Obama led the charge as far back as 2011, claiming 'institutional racism' in the schools, though Liberals don't own and operate the school system.....

.....but Obama set the stage for the Florida school massacre.

2. As a result of his 'Liberal thinking'....and oxymoron if ever there was one.....minority students couldn't be suspended or arrested, to keep the. 'records' clean,' with the result that Nikolas Cruz could pass a background check, and obtain the weapons that slaughtered 17 innocents.

3. There is the absurd fabrication "treated as cold hard fact the idea that schools punish "students of color more harshly than their white classmates," citing this real-world example:

"Let's say" -- lots of serious journalism begins with "let's say" -- "there's a disruption in the classroom and a bunch of white kids are disruptive and they get punished, you know, go see the principal. But the black kids are, you know, they call in the cops. I mean, that's the issue: who and how the kids who disrupt are being punished."

4. Teachers in St. Paul, Minnesota, have been hospitalized and permanently disabled by their "disruptive" African-American students, thanks to former St. Paul Public Schools Superintendent Valeria Silva's commitment to ending the "school-to-prison pipeline [the Obama program]."

5. One kid was "disruptive" by punching and strangling a science teacher, John Ekblad, giving him a concussion and permanent brain injuries. The African-American student walked away from Ekblad's body splayed out on the floor, saying, "Did you see me slam that white-ass teacher?"

6. One teacher, David McGill, complained that an out-of-control African-American fourth-grader had "significantly compromised an entire year of science instruction for the great majority of his classmates."
He said there was nothing he could do about it because of the school's racial quotas on student discipline.

7. What matters isn't the safety of teachers and students. Nor is it whether anyone is learning anything. All that matters is that no one ever writes down the bad behavior of black and brown students."
Secret Debate Tip for GOP

"All that matters is that no one ever writes down the bad behavior of black and brown students."
That's the Obama program, and the real 'institutional racism.'

Time and again we find Liberals/Democrats eschewing rectitude and the safety of society for votes.

The single most effective end to mass shootings....and to most crime, in to remove Liberals from any position of power.
After all...Liberals both encourage anti-social behavior, and shield the guilty from punishment.

Case in point....Nikolas Cruz.
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