The all-volunteer force is dying.

May 4, 2022
The all-volunteer force is dying. And it has been for a long while.

Americans were not joining, even when badly needed. When was it they allowed gang members and others in, in order to meet a quota during one of our undeclared wars? We here such cries of patriotism from many people who are young enough to enlist, but...

Words. Patriotism today is about words and claiming to love our symbols and flag, and ... maybe it always has been for a segment of the population. Is mandatory national service (with one option being military service), of some kind the answer, or one of the answers?

The fact is, the pool of Americans aged 17 to 24 who are qualified and interested in serving continues to shrink. When I was Army secretary in 2017, 71 percent of these 34 million young people could not meet the military’s entry requirements, mostly because of obesity, drug abuse, and physical and mental health problems. That number is even higher now.

Mark T. Esper was defense secretary from 2019 to 2020 and is the author of “A Sacred Oath: Memoirs of a Secretary of Defense During Extraordinary Times.”
America’s all-volunteer force is slowly dying. And unless we take action soon to reverse the trend, we are putting our nation’s future security at risk.

This year, the all-volunteer force’s 50th, has been another tough one for military recruiting. The largest services will all miss their recruiting targets. The Army, which fell short last year by 15,000 recruits — 25 percent of its annual goal — expects to fall short by over 15 percent this year. The Navy and Air Force will also miss their marks by thousands.

Experts point to a variety of reasons, such as insufficient pay and benefits, a difficult work-life balance, fear of personal harm, and a relatively good job market. Some on the right say military “wokeness” is the problem; some on the left blame sexual assault and discrimination in the ranks.

Military professionals tell me all these factors are at play. But even if these issues were “fixed,” the all-volunteer force’s long-term decline will continue.
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The all-volunteer force is dying. And it has been for a long while.

Americans were not joining, even when badly needed. When was it they allowed gang members and others in, in order to meet a quota during one of our undeclared wars? We here such cries of patriotism from many people who are young enough to enlist, but...

Words. Patriotism today is about words and claiming to love our symbols and flag, and ... maybe it always has been for a segment of the population. Is mandatory national service (with one option being military service), of some kind the answer, or one of the answers?

The fact is, the pool of Americans aged 17 to 24 who are qualified and interested in serving continues to shrink. When I was Army secretary in 2017, 71 percent of these 34 million young people could not meet the military’s entry requirements, mostly because of obesity, drug abuse, and physical and mental health problems. That number is even higher now.

Veterans are treated like crap, so eventually the government will have to put a gun to their head to be forced to be treated like crap. And the higher inflation goes the less sense it makes to make less and less of a salary compared to the inflation.

Makes sense.
Veterans are treated like crap, so eventually the government will have to put a gun to their head to be forced to be treated like crap. And the higher inflation goes the less sense it makes to make less and less of a salary compared to the inflation.

Makes sense.
Veterans are treated like crap? :auiqs.jpg:

In what world, the drug addict, drunkard, homeless world?
Veterans are treated like crap, so eventually the government will have to put a gun to their head to be forced to be treated like crap. And the higher inflation goes the less sense it makes to make less and less of a salary compared to the inflation.

Makes sense.
When the economy is good (jobs available), enlistment goes down. I bet the Navy and Air Force are screaming for student pilots because the Airlines are hiring like crazy at the LT/CAPT 6 year mark.
Veterans are treated like crap, so eventually the government will have to put a gun to their head to be forced to be treated like crap. And the higher inflation goes the less sense it makes to make less and less of a salary compared to the inflation.

Makes sense.
So many youngsters who joined since the WoT started, have done very well. The benefits, the signing bonuses (to reenlist), and more. I know a few who made out like bandits -- living on the VA payments in NYC while attending school, while collecting unemployment (NY State treats vets great), and being able to afford an apartment alone -- for one year before getting roommates.
The all-volunteer force is dying. And it has been for a long while.

Americans were not joining, even when badly needed. When was it they allowed gang members and others in, in order to meet a quota during one of our undeclared wars? We here such cries of patriotism from many people who are young enough to enlist, but...

Words. Patriotism today is about words and claiming to love our symbols and flag, and ... maybe it always has been for a segment of the population. Is mandatory national service (with one option being military service), of some kind the answer, or one of the answers?

The fact is, the pool of Americans aged 17 to 24 who are qualified and interested in serving continues to shrink. When I was Army secretary in 2017, 71 percent of these 34 million young people could not meet the military’s entry requirements, mostly because of obesity, drug abuse, and physical and mental health problems. That number is even higher now.

I don't think it is dying, but I wouldn't want to throw a good war, sold on patriotism, piss and vinegar to find out for sure how young men coming out of high school would react, if number were needed on the quick. My history goes back to working and training with people that had no choice (ordered to join or face charges) similar to a draft. They were not worth a shit, and barely passed some things even way back then, didn't work well in groups, didn't want to be there, didn't care if they screwed up and everybody suffered, hell, almost had to kill one of them, myself, as we were being trained to agile, tactile and mostly hostile, and the hostile part was the only part he really got. All military fight vehicles and systems have gotten nothing but more complicated to operate and maintain since then. Draft sucks, except for cannon fodder, and I never would have used people like that.
Veterans are treated like crap? :auiqs.jpg:

In what world, the drug addict, drunkard, homeless world?
Obama and the VA scandal anyone?

They put veterans on secret lists to die. Not enough staff, not enough money.

Obama apologized, fired some obscure bureaucrat that had nothing to do with it, and swept it under the rug.

Ever heard of those suffering from Agent Orange from Vietnam and denied care? How about those coming over from the Gulf war with the Gulf war syndrome and denied care?

I know of one young man who joined up, and in boot camp was told he needed emergent surgery. To make a long story short, he did not really need the surgery, in fact, it screwed him up really bad. Then when they realized he was damaged goods, slowly shoved him out of the service and then denied him medical care.

He went to a JAG lawyer who laughed and said this sort of thing was an epidemic, that is, former soldiers needing care but got denied proper care.

He later died a few years thereafer.

Let Biden and his Marxist ass hats fight their own wars.
I don't think it is dying, but I wouldn't want to throw a good war, sold on patriotism, piss and vinegar to find out for sure how young men coming out of high school would react, if number were needed on the quick. My history goes back to working and training with people that had no choice (ordered to join or face charges) similar to a draft. They were not worth a shit, and barely passed some things even way back then, didn't work well in groups, didn't want to be there, didn't care if they screwed up and everybody suffered, hell, almost had to kill one of them, myself, as we were being trained to agile, tactile and mostly hostile, and the hostile part was the only part he really got. All military fight vehicles and systems have gotten nothing but more complicated to operate and maintain since then. Draft sucks, except for cannon fodder, and I never would have used people like that.
The reasons for a Volunteer force in the first place is usually lost on people.Thank you for sharing some things.

I believe a Secretary knows more than either of us, as he posts facts we may not be aware of:

The fact is, the pool of Americans aged 17 to 24 who are qualified and interested in serving continues to shrink. When I was Army secretary in 2017, 71 percent of these 34 million young people could not meet the military’s entry requirements, mostly because of obesity, drug abuse, and physical and mental health problems. That number is even higher now.
Obama and the VA scandal anyone?

They put veterans on secret lists to die. Not enough staff, not enough money.

Obama apologized, fired some obscure bureaucrat that had nothing to do with it, and swept it under the rug.

Ever heard of those suffering from Agent Orange from Vietnam and denied care? How about those coming over from the Gulf war with the Gulf war syndrome and denied care?

I know of one young man who joined up, and in boot camp was told he needed emergent surgery. To make a long story short, he did not really need the surgery, in fact, it screwed him up really bad. Then when they realized he was damaged goods, slowly shoved him out of the service and then denied him medical care.

He went to a JAG lawyer who laughed and said this sort of thing was an epidemic, that is, former soldiers needing care but got denied proper care.

He later died a few years thereafer.

Let Biden and his Marxist ass hats fight their own wars.
Oh please. Fuck off with anecdotal stories meant to represent all veteran experiences. Notice I mentioned vets since the WoT? You're a friggin moron.

Do you know, I know of people who died from illness shortly after seeing doctors? Yep. There is data on how many it actually happens to. So, using your argument's logic -- doctors = bad
Obama and the VA scandal anyone?

They put veterans on secret lists to die. Not enough staff, not enough money.

Obama apologized, fired some obscure bureaucrat that had nothing to do with it, and swept it under the rug.

Ever heard of those suffering from Agent Orange from Vietnam and denied care? How about those coming over from the Gulf war with the Gulf war syndrome and denied care?

I know of one young man who joined up, and in boot camp was told he needed emergent surgery. To make a long story short, he did not really need the surgery, in fact, it screwed him up really bad. Then when they realized he was damaged goods, slowly shoved him out of the service and then denied him medical care.

He went to a JAG lawyer who laughed and said this sort of thing was an epidemic, that is, former soldiers needing care but got denied proper care.

He later died a few years thereafer.

Let Biden and his Marxist ass hats fight their own wars.
By the way, do veterans get JAG lawyers? And your story sounds very imaginative -- not true.The facts would expose you.

carry on
The military just needs to spend more money attracting LGBTQRS people to join that will solve their problems. Joe needs you to go to Ukraine if he wins a second term
By the way, do veterans get JAG lawyers? And your story sounds very imaginative -- not true.The facts would expose you.

carry on
He was part of my family you jackass.

You and Biden can go fuck yourselves.

Oh, and thanks for ignoring the rest, all the well documented abuse soldiers have endured from the United States military

It speaks volumes.
He was part of my family you jackass.

You and Biden can go fuck yourselves.

Oh, and thanks for ignoring the rest, all the well documented abuse soldiers have endured from the United States military

It speaks volumes.
Please refrain from bringing family in discussions here!


And I still doubt you know the whole story. You are terrible at comprehending the most basic things, so...

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