The Amazon rainforest is burning at a record rate.

Are you really that low of IQ?


Wildfires have proliferated in the Amazon rainforest this year, producing fears about the impacts of right-wing President Jair Bolsonaro’s environmental policies and how the damage could contribute to climate change.

Brazil’s space research center, the National Institute for Space Research INPE, released data this week showing that wildfires had reached a record high in the region. The center, which began tracking wild fires in 2013, said that the Amazon has experienced more than 74,000 wildfires so far this year, an 84 percent uptick over the same period in 2018...

Continued here;
(includes video)

Socialist arsonist started the fires
The Amazon is approaching an irreversible tipping point
The results would be disastrous, for Brazil and for the world

The Amazon is approaching an irreversible tipping point - Aug 1st 2019 - NOVA XAVANTINA AND SANTARÉM

The amazon basin, most of which sits within the borders of Brazil, contains 40% of the world’s tropical forests and accounts for 10-15% of the biodiversity of Earth’s continents. Since the 1970s nearly 800,000km² of Brazil’s original 4m km² (1.5m square miles) of Amazon forest has been lost to logging, farming, mining, roads, dams and other forms of development—an area equivalent to that of Turkey, and bigger than that of Texas. Over the same period, the average temperature in the basin has risen by about 0.6°C. This century, the region has suffered a series of severe droughts.

Both the reduction in tree coverage and the change in climate were endangering the forest’s future well before Brazil’s general elections of October 2018. But after that the forest faced another threat: Jair Bolsonaro, the new president, and arguably the most environmentally dangerous head of state in the world.

There is that tipping point again, that we heard over 19 years ago. Back then we only had 10 years left before Global Warming was going to be at the tipping point of no return, if we didnt do something. Guess what? He was wrong. Now we have 11 years 2 months, guess what? She will be wrong and some other wiener will be scaring you.
Yes, and it HAS gotten progressively Warmer during those 19 years.
Only the current several year solar minimum has prevented it from being even worse and more noticeable yet.
So you want to bash conservatives, go ahead, but I know the real polluters, they are Marxists/Socialists/communists/Liberals/progressives/Demonrats.

partisan universes , the black hole of all logic.....

No, that's not what is happening, not even close. It wasn't "clearing brush" to prevent wildfires. Unlike California, the wetness of the rainforest means that they don't have that many natural wildfires. As I said before, these were deliberately set to clear land for cattle ranching. At least that's what I heard

Legal Arson??

News flash. The Amazon stories are fake news

here we go.....

Lying is now endemic to the left nd all social justice warriors.

ah clockwork....

Funding cuts have created plenty of enemies

yet your link insists>
What can individuals do?

The most important actions are political and collective. Join a party or campaign group that makes the Amazon a priority. Through these groups, urge your elected representatives to block trade deals with countries that destroy their forests and to provide more support for countries that expand tree cover.

Apart from this, donate to organisations that support the forest, forest dwellers and biodiversity, including Instituto Socioambiental, Amazon Watch, WWF, Greenpeace, Imazon, International Rivers and Friends of the Earth.
Well sparky, your rebuttals seemed based on nothing but pejoratives. Someone who refutes public reports with facts seems to be a difficult thing for you to deal with. Apparently the truth has no meaning for you if revealed by a “partisan”
NASA Say Amazon Rainforest Burning At Close To Average Rates - Yet Many News Stories Say Record Rates - Which Is It?

It’s just tiring that I have to inform you and then educate you. A curious person would have done some research and said, oh you are right, isn’t that interesting. Partisans realize by the time the real explanation and the truth surface that all the unserious people have moved on and will never know how they are being manipulated. I’ll let you check on the old pictures used by celebrities in their tweets.

I don't have a lot of time right now, so I have to make this short. There does appear to be a discrepancy between the info from NASA, and the info from INPE. My mind is open and I'm going to dig into all this more to try to get to the truth about some of these claims. TBH, I've never trusted NASA, they have been caught in lies a number of times before. In this particular case, I'm not saying they're wrong, I'm just saying I want to look into this more.

In case you missed it in my previous post, I'm not a "climate change" person, for many years now I've believed that that whole thing is being used as a pretext for the globalists' political agenda. So, even though I'm a vegan, I don't agree with the "sky is falling" hysteria. But I definitely believe we are trashing this planet, and destroying it for selfish reasons. As for the fires, if I'm not mistaken the data from NASA was up until mid-August, so it might be too early to conclude anything, I think it's best to wait til the dust settles... and as I said, I want to get to the bottom of this, because there's a lot of conflicting info. But even if what they're saying is true, that there aren't more fires than usual, I don't think anyone is denying that we need to protect the Amazon, and cattle ranching is roughly 80% of the reason why we're slowly losing the rainforests. When the land is burnt, it doesn't grow back any time soon, so restoration has to be intentional, and as I said before, that doesn't seem to be happening, but hopefully there is a long-term plan in place for that, by the government in Brazil.
Well when somebody brings a blowtorch to the middle of a rainforest, you're going to get massive wildfires. Doy
NASA Say Amazon Rainforest Burning At Close To Average Rates - Yet Many News Stories Say Record Rates - Which Is It?

It’s just tiring that I have to inform you and then educate you. A curious person would have done some research and said, oh you are right, isn’t that interesting. Partisans realize by the time the real explanation and the truth surface that all the unserious people have moved on and will never know how they are being manipulated. I’ll let you check on the old pictures used by celebrities in their tweets.

I don't have a lot of time right now, so I have to make this short. There does appear to be a discrepancy between the info from NASA, and the info from INPE. My mind is open and I'm going to dig into all this more to try to get to the truth about some of these claims. TBH, I've never trusted NASA, they have been caught in lies a number of times before. In this particular case, I'm not saying they're wrong, I'm just saying I want to look into this more.

In case you missed it in my previous post, I'm not a "climate change" person, for many years now I've believed that that whole thing is being used as a pretext for the globalists' political agenda. So, even though I'm a vegan, I don't agree with the "sky is falling" hysteria. But I definitely believe we are trashing this planet, and destroying it for selfish reasons. As for the fires, if I'm not mistaken the data from NASA was up until mid-August, so it might be too early to conclude anything, I think it's best to wait til the dust settles... and as I said, I want to get to the bottom of this, because there's a lot of conflicting info. But even if what they're saying is true, that there aren't more fires than usual, I don't think anyone is denying that we need to protect the Amazon, and cattle ranching is roughly 80% of the reason why we're slowly losing the rainforests. When the land is burnt, it doesn't grow back any time soon, so restoration has to be intentional, and as I said before, that doesn't seem to be happening, but hopefully there is a long-term plan in place for that, by the government in Brazil.


Losing the rainforests?

The rainforests have been growing at a phenomenal rate since the mid-80's when it received a lot of attention due to groups like SEVA and RAN.......doy........restoration has been will underway for decades now. Time to emerge from the bubble.........:hello77:

Rainforests In Some Regions Are Re-growing Rapidly: Should We Worry Anymore About Deforestation?
Last edited:
NASA Say Amazon Rainforest Burning At Close To Average Rates - Yet Many News Stories Say Record Rates - Which Is It?

It’s just tiring that I have to inform you and then educate you. A curious person would have done some research and said, oh you are right, isn’t that interesting. Partisans realize by the time the real explanation and the truth surface that all the unserious people have moved on and will never know how they are being manipulated. I’ll let you check on the old pictures used by celebrities in their tweets.

I don't have a lot of time right now, so I have to make this short. There does appear to be a discrepancy between the info from NASA, and the info from INPE. My mind is open and I'm going to dig into all this more to try to get to the truth about some of these claims. TBH, I've never trusted NASA, they have been caught in lies a number of times before. In this particular case, I'm not saying they're wrong, I'm just saying I want to look into this more.

In case you missed it in my previous post, I'm not a "climate change" person, for many years now I've believed that that whole thing is being used as a pretext for the globalists' political agenda. So, even though I'm a vegan, I don't agree with the "sky is falling" hysteria. But I definitely believe we are trashing this planet, and destroying it for selfish reasons. As for the fires, if I'm not mistaken the data from NASA was up until mid-August, so it might be too early to conclude anything, I think it's best to wait til the dust settles... and as I said, I want to get to the bottom of this, because there's a lot of conflicting info. But even if what they're saying is true, that there aren't more fires than usual, I don't think anyone is denying that we need to protect the Amazon, and cattle ranching is roughly 80% of the reason why we're slowly losing the rainforests. When the land is burnt, it doesn't grow back any time soon, so restoration has to be intentional, and as I said before, that doesn't seem to be happening, but hopefully there is a long-term plan in place for that, by the government in Brazil.


Losing the rainforests?

The rainforests have been growing at a phenomenal rate since the mid-80's when it received a lot of attention due to groups like SEVA and RAN.......doy........restoration has been will underway for decades now. Time to emerge from the bubble.........:hello77:

Rainforests In Some Regions Are Re-growing Rapidly: Should We Worry Anymore About Deforestation?
And then there's this....

Carbon Dioxide Fertilization Greening Earth, Study Finds

"From a quarter to half of Earth’s vegetated lands has shown significant greening over the last 35 years largely due to rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide, according to a new study published in the journal Nature Climate Change on April 25.

An international team of 32 authors from 24 institutions in eight countries led the effort, which involved using satellite data from NASA’s Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer instruments to help determine the leaf area index, or amount of leaf cover, over the planet’s vegetated regions. The greening represents an increase in leaves on plants and trees equivalent in area to two times the continental United States."
NASA Say Amazon Rainforest Burning At Close To Average Rates - Yet Many News Stories Say Record Rates - Which Is It?

It’s just tiring that I have to inform you and then educate you. A curious person would have done some research and said, oh you are right, isn’t that interesting. Partisans realize by the time the real explanation and the truth surface that all the unserious people have moved on and will never know how they are being manipulated. I’ll let you check on the old pictures used by celebrities in their tweets.

I don't have a lot of time right now, so I have to make this short. There does appear to be a discrepancy between the info from NASA, and the info from INPE. My mind is open and I'm going to dig into all this more to try to get to the truth about some of these claims. TBH, I've never trusted NASA, they have been caught in lies a number of times before. In this particular case, I'm not saying they're wrong, I'm just saying I want to look into this more.

In case you missed it in my previous post, I'm not a "climate change" person, for many years now I've believed that that whole thing is being used as a pretext for the globalists' political agenda. So, even though I'm a vegan, I don't agree with the "sky is falling" hysteria. But I definitely believe we are trashing this planet, and destroying it for selfish reasons. As for the fires, if I'm not mistaken the data from NASA was up until mid-August, so it might be too early to conclude anything, I think it's best to wait til the dust settles... and as I said, I want to get to the bottom of this, because there's a lot of conflicting info. But even if what they're saying is true, that there aren't more fires than usual, I don't think anyone is denying that we need to protect the Amazon, and cattle ranching is roughly 80% of the reason why we're slowly losing the rainforests. When the land is burnt, it doesn't grow back any time soon, so restoration has to be intentional, and as I said before, that doesn't seem to be happening, but hopefully there is a long-term plan in place for that, by the government in Brazil.


Losing the rainforests?

The rainforests have been growing at a phenomenal rate since the mid-80's when it received a lot of attention due to groups like SEVA and RAN.......doy........restoration has been will underway for decades now. Time to emerge from the bubble.........:hello77:

Rainforests In Some Regions Are Re-growing Rapidly: Should We Worry Anymore About Deforestation?
And then there's this....

Carbon Dioxide Fertilization Greening Earth, Study Finds

"From a quarter to half of Earth’s vegetated lands has shown significant greening over the last 35 years largely due to rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide, according to a new study published in the journal Nature Climate Change on April 25.

An international team of 32 authors from 24 institutions in eight countries led the effort, which involved using satellite data from NASA’s Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer instruments to help determine the leaf area index, or amount of leaf cover, over the planet’s vegetated regions. The greening represents an increase in leaves on plants and trees equivalent in area to two times the continental United States."

Yep.....ever notice not one single progressive ever advocates for the planting of tree's as a measure to combat climate change?:2up:. LOL...…...they don't give a wit about the environment.
NASA Say Amazon Rainforest Burning At Close To Average Rates - Yet Many News Stories Say Record Rates - Which Is It?

It’s just tiring that I have to inform you and then educate you. A curious person would have done some research and said, oh you are right, isn’t that interesting. Partisans realize by the time the real explanation and the truth surface that all the unserious people have moved on and will never know how they are being manipulated. I’ll let you check on the old pictures used by celebrities in their tweets.

I don't have a lot of time right now, so I have to make this short. There does appear to be a discrepancy between the info from NASA, and the info from INPE. My mind is open and I'm going to dig into all this more to try to get to the truth about some of these claims. TBH, I've never trusted NASA, they have been caught in lies a number of times before. In this particular case, I'm not saying they're wrong, I'm just saying I want to look into this more.

In case you missed it in my previous post, I'm not a "climate change" person, for many years now I've believed that that whole thing is being used as a pretext for the globalists' political agenda. So, even though I'm a vegan, I don't agree with the "sky is falling" hysteria. But I definitely believe we are trashing this planet, and destroying it for selfish reasons. As for the fires, if I'm not mistaken the data from NASA was up until mid-August, so it might be too early to conclude anything, I think it's best to wait til the dust settles... and as I said, I want to get to the bottom of this, because there's a lot of conflicting info. But even if what they're saying is true, that there aren't more fires than usual, I don't think anyone is denying that we need to protect the Amazon, and cattle ranching is roughly 80% of the reason why we're slowly losing the rainforests. When the land is burnt, it doesn't grow back any time soon, so restoration has to be intentional, and as I said before, that doesn't seem to be happening, but hopefully there is a long-term plan in place for that, by the government in Brazil.


Losing the rainforests?

The rainforests have been growing at a phenomenal rate since the mid-80's when it received a lot of attention due to groups like SEVA and RAN.......doy........restoration has been will underway for decades now. Time to emerge from the bubble.........:hello77:

Rainforests In Some Regions Are Re-growing Rapidly: Should We Worry Anymore About Deforestation?
And then there's this....

Carbon Dioxide Fertilization Greening Earth, Study Finds

"From a quarter to half of Earth’s vegetated lands has shown significant greening over the last 35 years largely due to rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide, according to a new study published in the journal Nature Climate Change on April 25.

An international team of 32 authors from 24 institutions in eight countries led the effort, which involved using satellite data from NASA’s Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer instruments to help determine the leaf area index, or amount of leaf cover, over the planet’s vegetated regions. The greening represents an increase in leaves on plants and trees equivalent in area to two times the continental United States."

Yep.....ever notice not one single progressive ever advocates for the planting of tree's as a measure to combat climate change?:2up:. LOL...…...they don't give a wit about the environment.
Yeah but they're doing the hard work, tweeting about it.

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