*The American Decay At Work IN Government*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. If I were to describe American Politics I would describe it as a corpse.
2. Its stiff, its final, and its unable to work.
3. All in all, its dead.
4. Death would work better than what we got.
5. I have no confidence in any form of American Governance.
6. Just trying to keep it real and put the real face on what American politics is.
7. If anyone can put a more realistic view or happy face thats is alive, on American politics, I wish you would.:clap2:

I've personally seen local governance work quite efficiently.

It's when shit gets really really big that people get really really big for thier britches.

That's when it falls apart.
Sorry bout that,

1. If I were to describe American Politics I would describe it as a corpse.
2. Its stiff, its final, and its unable to work.
3. All in all, its dead.
4. Death would work better than what we got.
5. I have no confidence in any form of American Governance.
6. Just trying to keep it real and put the real face on what American politics is.
7. If anyone can put a more realistic view or happy face thats is alive, on American politics, I wish you would.:clap2:

That applies to the Federal Government I would agree I don't think city and state are that bad yet sometimes they can get stuff done.

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