The American public is so programmed as to not even notice


Gold Member
Nov 20, 2012
Going by the numbers, the mainstream media is so overwhelmingly left leaning or overtly left and the vast majority of Americans really do not care or notice.

For the rest of us who do care, all we are asking for is for these media outlets or their millions of supporters to admit this obvious truth. Why is this so difficult for them? Why must they act like it either does not really exist or that it is of little importance? No, the fact is, it makes all the difference in the world. What your newspapers and TV networks and universities preach becomes what the public concentrates on when it comes to important matters. You think the media does not sway elections and public opinion on gay issues, abortion issues, sexual mores, environmental importance, political correctness ad nauseum, and, of course, religious mockery or downplaying its importance?

All we ask is for an admission of the truth. We can then resume the game. Fox news is right in its reporting and where it wants the public to think. Yes, we admit it. So are a handful of large city newspapers. But just about all the other networks and papers preach for leftist ideologies either to a smaller degree or to a larger one. No media source at that level is indifferent or ambivalent. That is utter nonsense.

And of course all the other vehicles of the multi-media (save for talk radio) are contaminated with godless pursuits and liberal preaching on sexual matters and the rest. I am speaking of Hollywood, television, the music industry, the gaming industry and even our “esteemed” universities. But do they endure the criticism from the media that the churches do? Of course not.

The reason it troubles me is because I find what they preach as being so detrimental to this nation. I am speaking of secular leftist priorities at the expense of more godly ones. Note: I am well aware conservatives are great sinners too as are Christians. That is not the point obviously. I am speaking of noble and virtuous pursuits of mankind even if we cannot always live up to those ideals. I am saying Christian pursuits are more godly and important for the common good than are secular ones. I am also saying that conservative social and moral concerns are more virtuous than liberal ones, for the most part. We cannot stay neutral on these matters and sometimes, yes, it is the lesser of two evils. I just do not see a liberal ideology ever being the lesser, especially when they have no respect for a life in the womb. This nation’s soul is so polluted we may not survive for long.

Here is the latest joke. Political groups in California are freaking out because the L.A. Times is up for sale and it may go to a conservative enterprise, or as they call it, an exchange of the truth for a lie.

Conservatives Shouldn't Own Newspapers? - Brent Bozell - [page]
The MSM is a tool of the INSIDERS.

It owns both what you imagine are RIGHT WING AND LEFT WING media outlets.

The fact that people like you can't see this very depressing.

Youj want to know why this depresses me?

Because I know in their heart of hearts, most clueless partisans are patriotic citizens who are basically good people.

But their heads have been so filled up with HATE YOUR NEIGHBOR propaganda, they don't know whether shit or go blind.
The MSM is a tool of the INSIDERS.

It owns both what you imagine are RIGHT WING AND LEFT WING media outlets.

The fact that people like you can't see this very depressing.

Youj want to know why this depresses me?

Because I know in their heart of hearts, most clueless partisans are patriotic citizens who are basically good people.

But their heads have been so filled up with HATE YOUR NEIGHBOR propaganda, they don't know whether shit or go blind.

In other words, there is no media bias. Thanks for proving that you're just another left-wing hack.
  • Thanks
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Going by the numbers, the mainstream media is so overwhelmingly left leaning or overtly left and the vast majority of Americans really do not care or notice.

For the rest of us who do care, all we are asking for is for these media outlets or their millions of supporters to admit this obvious truth. Why is this so difficult for them? Why must they act like it either does not really exist or that it is of little importance? No, the fact is, it makes all the difference in the world. What your newspapers and TV networks and universities preach becomes what the public concentrates on when it comes to important matters. You think the media does not sway elections and public opinion on gay issues, abortion issues, sexual mores, environmental importance, political correctness ad nauseum, and, of course, religious mockery or downplaying its importance?

All we ask is for an admission of the truth. We can then resume the game. Fox news is right in its reporting and where it wants the public to think. Yes, we admit it. So are a handful of large city newspapers. But just about all the other networks and papers preach for leftist ideologies either to a smaller degree or to a larger one. No media source at that level is indifferent or ambivalent. That is utter nonsense.

And of course all the other vehicles of the multi-media (save for talk radio) are contaminated with godless pursuits and liberal preaching on sexual matters and the rest. I am speaking of Hollywood, television, the music industry, the gaming industry and even our “esteemed” universities. But do they endure the criticism from the media that the churches do? Of course not.

The reason it troubles me is because I find what they preach as being so detrimental to this nation. I am speaking of secular leftist priorities at the expense of more godly ones. Note: I am well aware conservatives are great sinners too as are Christians. That is not the point obviously. I am speaking of noble and virtuous pursuits of mankind even if we cannot always live up to those ideals. I am saying Christian pursuits are more godly and important for the common good than are secular ones. I am also saying that conservative social and moral concerns are more virtuous than liberal ones, for the most part. We cannot stay neutral on these matters and sometimes, yes, it is the lesser of two evils. I just do not see a liberal ideology ever being the lesser, especially when they have no respect for a life in the womb. This nation’s soul is so polluted we may not survive for long.

Here is the latest joke. Political groups in California are freaking out because the L.A. Times is up for sale and it may go to a conservative enterprise, or as they call it, an exchange of the truth for a lie.

Conservatives Shouldn't Own Newspapers? - Brent Bozell - [page]

Whoops, for some reason I mistook the meaning of this thread title.

I thought this thread would be about how the public doesn't seem to be catching on yet on how the current opposition party is run by nutbags and asshole billionaires.

My bad.
It's not overwhelmingly biased, when it comes to the major networks anyway. It's subtle, which is more effective. If you're too "in your face" with the bias then you'll turn more people off. They do a nice job of basically:

- Running more news stories portray liberals positively
- Running more news stories that portray conservatives negatively
- Ignoring/not running news stories that could portray liberals negatively

If you're not an idiot though, it's easy to spot. But still, it's better than going to MSNBC or Fox News for your "news."
Things haven't changed since the 30's when American philosopher and media celebrity Will Rogers said "I only know what I read in the papers". Americans still rely on TV and mulch media for information and more than that. Americans rely on the media for outrage. If the media isn't outraged by an incident nobody is. The coverup used to be worse than the crime but apparently that isn't the case anymore if a democrat is in the WH. Obstruction of the investigation into Operation Fast/Furious would have been enough to cause outrage in the public if the media allowed it to happen. Likewise the coverup of the murder of a US Ambassador and the creepy shrill cry of the former Secy/State "what difference does it make". Hillary's outburst would have been cause for jokes and outrage for months but the liberal media chose not to focus on it.
The American public is so programmed as to not even notice

not programed that they do not notice, but are frustrated by obstacles -

which has the greater effect - Mainstream Media or the Republicans blocking legislation and appointments by requiring 60 votes for passage rather than a majority ?

by the way, have you read the Wall Street Journal lately - with Carl Rove editorial commentary ?
I think you may have to consider the possibility that when you are sitting on the far right EVERYTHING appears to be coming from the left.
Things haven't changed since the 30's when American philosopher and media celebrity Will Rogers said "I only know what I read in the papers". Americans still rely on TV and mulch media for information and more than that. Americans rely on the media for outrage. If the media isn't outraged by an incident nobody is. The coverup used to be worse than the crime but apparently that isn't the case anymore if a democrat is in the WH. Obstruction of the investigation into Operation Fast/Furious would have been enough to cause outrage in the public if the media allowed it to happen. Likewise the coverup of the murder of a US Ambassador and the creepy shrill cry of the former Secy/State "what difference does it make". Hillary's outburst would have been cause for jokes and outrage for months but the liberal media chose not to focus on it.

The WMD fiasco which has caused hundreds of thousands of lives is a little more serious than fast and furious. Was fast and furious as serious as the reagan bunch doing Iran Contra?.
If you pro life and anti corruption then don't vote republican that's for sure.
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Going by the numbers, the mainstream media is so overwhelmingly left leaning or overtly left and the vast majority of Americans really do not care or notice.

For the rest of us who do care, all we are asking for is for these media outlets or their millions of supporters to admit this obvious truth. Why is this so difficult for them? Why must they act like it either does not really exist or that it is of little importance? No, the fact is, it makes all the difference in the world. What your newspapers and TV networks and universities preach becomes what the public concentrates on when it comes to important matters. You think the media does not sway elections and public opinion on gay issues, abortion issues, sexual mores, environmental importance, political correctness ad nauseum, and, of course, religious mockery or downplaying its importance?

All we ask is for an admission of the truth. We can then resume the game. Fox news is right in its reporting and where it wants the public to think. Yes, we admit it. So are a handful of large city newspapers. But just about all the other networks and papers preach for leftist ideologies either to a smaller degree or to a larger one. No media source at that level is indifferent or ambivalent. That is utter nonsense.

And of course all the other vehicles of the multi-media (save for talk radio) are contaminated with godless pursuits and liberal preaching on sexual matters and the rest. I am speaking of Hollywood, television, the music industry, the gaming industry and even our “esteemed” universities. But do they endure the criticism from the media that the churches do? Of course not.

The reason it troubles me is because I find what they preach as being so detrimental to this nation. I am speaking of secular leftist priorities at the expense of more godly ones. Note: I am well aware conservatives are great sinners too as are Christians. That is not the point obviously. I am speaking of noble and virtuous pursuits of mankind even if we cannot always live up to those ideals. I am saying Christian pursuits are more godly and important for the common good than are secular ones. I am also saying that conservative social and moral concerns are more virtuous than liberal ones, for the most part. We cannot stay neutral on these matters and sometimes, yes, it is the lesser of two evils. I just do not see a liberal ideology ever being the lesser, especially when they have no respect for a life in the womb. This nation’s soul is so polluted we may not survive for long.

Here is the latest joke. Political groups in California are freaking out because the L.A. Times is up for sale and it may go to a conservative enterprise, or as they call it, an exchange of the truth for a lie.

Conservatives Shouldn't Own Newspapers? - Brent Bozell - [page]

Whoops, for some reason I mistook the meaning of this thread title.

I thought this thread would be about how the public doesn't seem to be catching on yet on how the current opposition party is run by nutbags and asshole billionaires.

My bad.

You really need a new punchline. The "rich people are evil" schtick is old and worn out. But wait; that sums up all of your argument, my bad.
Low information voters.... a.k.a., the majority who vote democrat.
Low information voters.... a.k.a., the majority who vote democrat.

Never seen anyone imply that people who disagree with them are stupid before ... that's a real humdinging knee-slapper there. You oughta copywrite that 'cause someone is gonna try to steal that one from you. whooo booy - that was a dilly.

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