The Ancient Language of the Hebrew People Restored

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
I have been watching a video on the History of the Lost Hebrew Language and how it was restored. I knew the biblical account as this was prophesied by the ancient Hebrew Prophets who spoke this language. I wonder what they thought about when they prophesied of it's restoration? Surely they must have had questions for G-d on why the language would be lost. Or did they? What are your thoughts on it? Is there anyone today who doubts that the Hebrew language spoken today by the Jews is not the same language the Hebrew prophets and Jesus spoke?

One question that should settle the matter. If an Israeli child today speaks and reads hebrew can they read a Hebrew writing from 2,000 yrs ago and understand it? I'm told yes. They can. If that be the case? It's the same language.
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This covers the ancient Hebrew language prophecy and how it was restored.

Articles - The Jews - In Prophecy - The Jews in Prophecy4)

Language — When the Jews were scattered worldwide in the first century, they ceased speaking the Hebrew language. The Jews who settled in Europe developed a language called Yiddish (a combination of Hebrew and German). The Jews in the Mediterranean basin mixed Hebrew with Spanish to produce a language called Ladino. The prophet Zephaniah implied a time would come when the Hebrew language would be revived (Zephaniah 3:9). It has been. Today the Israelis speak Biblical Hebrew. It is the only example in history of the resurrection of a dead language. The man God used to revive the language was Eliezer Ben Yehuda (1858-1922).

Sunni had mentioned Eliezer Ben Yehuda but I do not believe he understood his contribution correctly. Perhaps he left something out so I am posting this for him. The Israelis today speak biblical Hebrew. The same language the early Hebrew prophets spoke and Jesus spoke when he walked the earth.
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I do have a question. If the Italians speak Italian, the Germans speak German, The French Speak french, the Arabs speak Arabic, the Greeks speak Greek, then why isn't it permissable to say the Hebrews speak Hebrew? Why is there a different set of rules for the Hebrew people from everyone else? Is that fair? Is it accurate? I say it isn't. They are Hebrews and this is their Hebrew language. The ancient language of Hebrew is spoken today. It is another miracle - a prophecy fulfilled. imo.
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@sunni this is the information I was able to get for you about the person you mentioned concerning ancient Hebrew language restored.
I do have a question. If the Italians speak Italian, the Germans speak German, The French Speak french, the Arabs speak Arabic, the Greeks speak Greek, then why isn't it permissable to say the Hebrews speak Hebrew? Why is there a different set of rules for the Hebrew people from everyone else? Is that fair? Is it accurate? I say it isn't. They are Hebrews and this is their Hebrew language. The ancient language of Hebrew is spoken today. It is another miracle - a prophecy fulfilled. imo.

Good post Jere, The Jews had been dispersed into other lands for so long, they assumed the languages and a lot of times the gods and ways of the country they grew up in.
The amazing part of the prophesy is that no other dispersed nation has ever returned to their original language. God said they would, and they did. :eusa_angel:
I do have a question. If the Italians speak Italian, the Germans speak German, The French Speak french, the Arabs speak Arabic, the Greeks speak Greek, then why isn't it permissable to say the Hebrews speak Hebrew? Why is there a different set of rules for the Hebrew people from everyone else? Is that fair? Is it accurate? I say it isn't. They are Hebrews and this is their Hebrew language. The ancient language of Hebrew is spoken today. It is another miracle - a prophecy fulfilled. imo.

I fail to see how it is a miracle considering that scholars were involved. If no one understood how to read Hebrew because it was a dead language and a primer just suddenly appeared out of thin air in Jerusalem, that might constitute a miracle, but linguists and archaeologists working their butts off isn't really a product of divine intervention.
I have been watching a video on the History of the Lost Hebrew Language and how it was restored. I knew the biblical account as this was prophesied by the ancient Hebrew Prophets who spoke this language. I wonder what they thought about when they prophesied of it's restoration? Surely they must have had questions for G-d on why the language would be lost. Or did they? What are your thoughts on it? Is there anyone today who doubts that the Hebrew language spoken today by the Jews is not the same language the Hebrew prophets and Jesus spoke?

One question that should settle the matter. If an Israeli child today speaks and reads hebrew can they read a Hebrew writing from 2,000 yrs ago and understand it? I'm told yes. They can. If that be the case? It's the same language.

You mean biblical Hebrew? or very old Hebrew of the sources? Do you have a link to the video?
Modern hebrew spoken by todays Jews in the occupied land currently referred to as Israel is not the same language spoken by the ancient hebrew people of the Torah.

"There is debate over whether it is a direct continuation of Classical Hebrew or something closer to a relexified Yiddish, with a grammar that is more Slavic than Semitic.

Modern Israeli Hebrew has borrowed many words from Aramaic, Yiddish, Ladino, Arabic (spoken Arabic, mainly Judeo Arabic and Palestinian Arabic), German, Latin, Greek, Polish, Russian, English and other languages."
Modern hebrew spoken by todays Jews in the occupied land currently referred to as Israel is not the same language spoken by the ancient hebrew people of the Torah.

"There is debate over whether it is a direct continuation of Classical Hebrew or something closer to a relexified Yiddish, with a grammar that is more Slavic than Semitic.

Modern Israeli Hebrew has borrowed many words from Aramaic, Yiddish, Ladino, Arabic (spoken Arabic, mainly Judeo Arabic and Palestinian Arabic), German, Latin, Greek, Polish, Russian, English and other languages."

Modern Hebrew - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wikipedia is hardly a credible source. You're a Hebrew speaker?
Some relevant scholarly views are as follows:

"Paul Wexler claims that modern Hebrew is not a Semitic language at all, but a dialect of "Judaeo-Sorbian". He argues that the underlying structure of the language is Slavic, but "re-lexified" to absorb much of the vocabulary and inflectional system of Hebrew in much the same way as a creole. Wexler believes that this interpretation has met with hostility "in part because of the pressure of Zionist ideological needs".

Modern Hebrew - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Some relevant scholarly views are as follows:

"Paul Wexler claims that modern Hebrew is not a Semitic language at all, but a dialect of "Judaeo-Sorbian". He argues that the underlying structure of the language is Slavic, but "re-lexified" to absorb much of the vocabulary and inflectional system of Hebrew in much the same way as a creole. Wexler believes that this interpretation has met with hostility "in part because of the pressure of Zionist ideological needs".

Modern Hebrew - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Blame it on the Jooooooooooooooooooooews.:badgrin:
The zionist juden have cobbled together a pseudo language.

And now present this linguistic abortion to gullible people as authentic ancient Hebrew.

The pathetic Israeli liars have no shame. ... :doubt:
LOL @ people who worship wikipedia as an unimpeachable source of truth. No diving in that end of the pool.
Some relevant scholarly views are as follows:

"Paul Wexler claims that modern Hebrew is not a Semitic language at all, but a dialect of "Judaeo-Sorbian". He argues that the underlying structure of the language is Slavic, but "re-lexified" to absorb much of the vocabulary and inflectional system of Hebrew in much the same way as a creole. Wexler believes that this interpretation has met with hostility "in part because of the pressure of Zionist ideological needs".

Modern Hebrew - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't understand anything about this mumbo-jumbo. It's all gibberish.

And you still didn't answer my question.
The zionist juden have cobbled together a pseudo language.

And now present this linguistic abortion to gullible people as authentic ancient Hebrew.

The pathetic Israeli liars have no shame. ... :doubt:

It's really sad that you cannot possibly answer a simple question without trolling.

On top of that, you evade normal discussion.

Question was, if Jewish children can figure content out of biblical scriptures in Hebrew. The Answer to that question is "Yes" by the way.

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