The arms industry runs American politics and foreign policy



The American arms industry runs the United states of America and dictates its foreign policy.

Pre 1939, the U.S. arms industry was a minor, nothing entity with no power worth talking about but WWII changed all that.
As a result of the massive arms build up for that war, the arms industry became very rich and very powerful.
Of course, by 1945, the future was looking pretty grim from a profits point of view but, not to worry, bribe enough people in power and a new enemy can be found and new wars are available to fight.
So, after the Japanese finally rolled over, your arms industry needed a new evil to fight.
The Soviets were ideal.
They were expansionist, nasty, had a really stupid ideal that destroyed pretty much every country they gained power in and, just to put the cream in the bun, they could easily be seen as a threat to the American mainland.

The Berlin wall fell and with it, the need for massive arms sales but, as luck would have it, a group of a few dozen extremist Muslims were around.
These, after the twin towers attack, were suddenly a great new enemy.
You could invade Muslim countries and blame attacks on invading American troops on terrorists.

The whole middle east situation is a creation of the arms industry.
You supply military equipment to various Arab states, calling it aid, so the American tax payer coughs up.
However, support for Israel requires American foreign policy supply more than the combined total the Arab countries have, to be supplied to Israel, all at U.S. taxpayers' expense.
The arms industry is laughing their socks off whilst you work to support them.

Now, for those who don't believe, please name any enemy since 1945 that was a threat to the North American mainland or even Hawaii.
Cite on war that was engaged in to protect America from an enemy.
(For a clue, Vietnam is quite a long way from New York)

Of course, there, with the possible exception of any possible direct Soviet threat to America, none at all.

Now to Japan and a few islands.
We see America defending freedom against those pesky Chinese, who live thousands of miles away from California but are a major expansionist force; after all, they have an aircraft carrier.
Did I mention, their defence budget is about 25% of America's total spend and they have only invaded one small country since 1945, and maybe a couple of little trips into tiny bits of India?
How many countries has America invaded, or fought wars in, in the same period of history?

Japan, your close ally, the one you all wanted a kill not so many years ago, is essential to freedom.
So essential, it's just announced a massive weapons buy from the American arms industry.

Once again, America is being dragged into something that has absolutely nothing to do with it for the sake of arms industry profits.

BBC News - Japan boosts military forces to counter China

Japan plans to buy anti-missile destroyers, submarines, 52 amphibious vehicles, surveillance drones, US fighter planes and 17 Boeing Osprey aircraft, capable of vertical take-off.

Obama, the supposed peace prize dude, is also a corrupt bastard; I wonder what he's getting paid for this one.
In Big Win for Defense Industry, Obama Rolls Back Limits on Arms Exports - ProPublica

The United States is loosening controls over military exports, in a shift that former U.S. officials and human rights advocates say could increase the flow of American-made military parts to the world’s conflicts and make it harder to enforce arms sanctions

Look at it this way, Americans (and a load of other people) are being killed so your richest people can grab even more profits.

Why do you accept this?
Try saying military industrial complex to most Americans and they'll give you a blank stare. Ignorance is the issue, and unless you can get rid of shoes, video games, sports, and other distractions then it's not gonna change.
one lib says the gun industry is dying. that gun ownership is dropping. another says the gun industry is growing and controls the government. libs make no sense. they are all over the board
one lib says the gun industry is dying. that gun ownership is dropping. another says the gun industry is growing and controls the government. libs make no sense. they are all over the board

I'm not a lib; I'm a Thatcherite.

This isn't about local gun ownership in America.
Trying to change the subject is either silly or proves you have no understanding of the written word.
OP- ...under chickenhawk pubs and the hater dupes, that is...AND THERE ARE plenty OF SUCKERS FOR that LINE IN THE usa...
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