The arrogance of Obama care…


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2015
It's funny, there is no way that Obamacare makes life better in rural areas. But the progressive still expect rural areas to try and make something that is Nothing better. It's obvious rural areas cannot stand/afford this law. And will not ever benefit from it. It's just another socialist entitlement program that puts people into a world of shit… Fact
It's funny, there is no way that Obamacare makes life better in rural areas. But the progressive still expect rural areas to try and make something that is Nothing better. It's obvious rural areas cannot stand/afford this law. And will not ever benefit from it. It's just another socialist entitlement program that puts people into a world of shit… Fact

The taxes paid in metropolitan areas have always supported healthcare in rural areas

The population in those areas does not warrant extensive medical facilities
It's funny, there is no way that Obamacare makes life better in rural areas. But the progressive still expect rural areas to try and make something that is Nothing better. It's obvious rural areas cannot stand/afford this law. And will not ever benefit from it. It's just another socialist entitlement program that puts people into a world of shit… Fact

The taxes paid in metropolitan areas have always supported healthcare in rural areas

The population in those areas does not warrant extensive medical facilities
Generally in rural areas they will not frivolously go to the hospital for just anything… Unlike urban areas.
You have no idea how the ACA works, do you?

Obviously you don't either!
A) How can you have any confidence in a program that miscalculated by 100% the number of "uninsured"?
1) 10 million of the supposed 46 million uninsured WERE NOT CITIZENS!! Illegals as the Census Bureau stated!
2) 14 million didn't know they were eligible for Medicaid already...before ACA!
3) 18 million are under 34 years, make over $50,000 and didn't WANT or Need employers' health programs!
over half of them (9.7 million) in households with incomes that exceed $75,000 annually. -
4) Many Veterans qualify for cost-free health care services based on a compensable service-connected condition or other qualifying factors.
NOTE Total Unique Patients of VA: 5,830,130
Determine Cost of Care - Health Benefits
So Add those numbers up! Comes to 47.8 million that either were not citizens, didn't know they were eligible, didn't WANT, or were veterans!
So where did the 46 million uninsured number come from???
As far as "pre-existing conditions" go... how many people do you think didn't have coverage because of that???
According to the latest Census Bureau data, 309 million Americans have health insurance. Of these 4 percent are covered by directly purchased insurance alone. The remaining 96 percent are covered by government or company insurance or some combination. Government health insurance does not allow discrimination based on preexisting conditions. Company insurance typically does not either, insofar as the risk pool is already incorporated in the premiums, and there are portability requirements in moving from company to company.
Facts: a total of LESS THEN 1.5 million Americans who were denied health insurance or paid higher premiums due to pre-existing conditions.
Obama's Pre-existing Conditions Whopper

A year-by-year analysis shows a significant increase in the number of coverage denials each year. The insurance companies denied coverage to 172,400 people in 2007 and 221,400 people in 2008. By 2009, the number of individuals denied coverage rose to 257,100. Between 2007 and 2009, the number of people denied coverage for pre-existing conditions increased 49 percent.
During the same period, applications for insurance coverage at the four companies increased by only 16 percent.

Source: Why pre-existing conditions mattered … to millions
WHERE was the many millions in that category that was necessary then to from an actuarial situation PASSED this cost along to those that
didn't have "pre-existing conditions"??? This one fact RAISED premiums because now anyone with pre-existing condition gets covered.
AS A RESULT EVERYONE's premium goes up!

HOW stupid!
Those mother fockers spent a trillion dollars just trying to get a Canadian computer program working!
It's funny, there is no way that Obamacare makes life better in rural areas. But the progressive still expect rural areas to try and make something that is Nothing better. It's obvious rural areas cannot stand/afford this law. And will not ever benefit from it. It's just another socialist entitlement program that puts people into a world of shit… Fact

The taxes paid in metropolitan areas have always supported healthcare in rural areas

The population in those areas does not warrant extensive medical facilities
Generally in rural areas they will not frivolously go to the hospital for just anything… Unlike urban areas.

If it was based on profits and losses, there would be no hospitals in rural areas

They are subsidized by the wealthier urban areas
Now where there should have been a 10% tax LIKE THERE is in Obamacare on tanning salons is lawyers!
Why don't people pay attention to what their doctors are telling us?

In October 2009, Jackson Healthcare conducted a national survey of physicians to qualify their attitudes regarding the practice of medicine in light of the healthcare reform environment. In their open-ended responses, defensive medicine was an issue consistently offered by physicians as the primary problem driving healthcare costs. Survey participants reported that medically unnecessary diagnostic and treatment services were being ordered in an effort to avoid lawsuits.

Jackson Healthcare believed this issue merited further exploration and quantification. Our secondary research found no publicly reported research that quantified the extent and economic impact of defensive medical practices among U.S. physicians.

In December 2009, Jackson Healthcare polled physicians again to quantify the scope and impact of defensive medicine practices. Jackson believed physicians were the most reliable source to quantify unnecessary medical activities, since physicians drive all healthcare expenses through their orders. Survey participants estimated that 34 percent of overall healthcare costs is attributable to defensive medicine. Nine out of 10 physicians reported practicing defensive medicine. In Texas, where tort reform legislation was passed in 2001, physicians reported defensive medicine practices no less than the overall participant average.
Physician Study: Quantifying the Cost of Defensive Medicine

1) It causes physicians as the above study reports to be so fearful of doing the wrong thing they waste many times billions of dollars.
Now who pays those billions? Medicare/your employers' health insurance or your private insurance.
And again... why should they care? They simply jack the premiums up!
2) These wasteful claims costing per the above anywhere from $500 to $800 billion a year can be reduced if people like you
weren't A) wanting the "lottery" B) protecting lawyers... geez something I can't figure out why people like you protect them.
Lawyers earned a median salary of $114,970 in 2014, according to the BLS. The best-paid lawyers earned more than $187,199, while the lowest-paid made less than $55,400.
How Much Can a Lawyer Expect to Get Paid?
So what would $11,000 deducted from the median salary in Federal taxes of the 1,300,705 lawyers?
It's funny, there is no way that Obamacare makes life better in rural areas. But the progressive still expect rural areas to try and make something that is Nothing better. It's obvious rural areas cannot stand/afford this law. And will not ever benefit from it. It's just another socialist entitlement program that puts people into a world of shit… Fact

The taxes paid in metropolitan areas have always supported healthcare in rural areas

The population in those areas does not warrant extensive medical facilities
Generally in rural areas they will not frivolously go to the hospital for just anything… Unlike urban areas.

If it was based on profits and losses, there would be no hospitals in rural areas

They are subsidized by the wealthier urban areas
Yeah not really, the medical area is here is by appointment only.
You have no idea how the ACA works, do you?

Obviously you don't either!
A) How can you have any confidence in a program that miscalculated by 100% the number of "uninsured"?
1) 10 million of the supposed 46 million uninsured WERE NOT CITIZENS!! Illegals as the Census Bureau stated!
2) 14 million didn't know they were eligible for Medicaid already...before ACA!
3) 18 million are under 34 years, make over $50,000 and didn't WANT or Need employers' health programs!
over half of them (9.7 million) in households with incomes that exceed $75,000 annually. -
4) Many Veterans qualify for cost-free health care services based on a compensable service-connected condition or other qualifying factors.
NOTE Total Unique Patients of VA: 5,830,130
Determine Cost of Care - Health Benefits
So Add those numbers up! Comes to 47.8 million that either were not citizens, didn't know they were eligible, didn't WANT, or were veterans!
So where did the 46 million uninsured number come from???

You have no idea how the ACA works, do you?

It works?

On all of your planet on only on select continents?

Portions of it work, yes. Portions of it suck. But you knew that's not what I meant.

Did you have an actual point?
Explain how it works please!

Ewe wouldn't understand.
So yew can't. Got it.

Actually I won't. Let's be honest, ewe are too dumb to understand and too ignorant to want to learn. It's all risk, no reward for me. No thanks.
It works?

On all of your planet on only on select continents?

Portions of it work, yes. Portions of it suck. But you knew that's not what I meant.

Did you have an actual point?
Explain how it works please!

Ewe wouldn't understand.
So yew can't. Got it.

Actually I won't. Let's be honest, ewe are too dumb to understand and too ignorant to want to learn. It's all risk, no reward for me. No thanks.
Okay. So I will tell ewe how it works. The select few get freebie, some get taxpayer money called a subsidy, the rest of us pay increased premiums, increased deductibles and pay a fine if we do not. In short Obamacare fucks over the middle class big time!

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