The Arrow-Medusa Commandment: Apartheid [Cinema]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a TrumpUSA omen about Apartheid-symbolism.

Is it relevant to recent anti-TrumpUSA street-protests?

You decide...

This vignette (which really didn't belong in the Writing section of USMB, given its politically-charged 'signature') was inspired by Invictus.

Signing off,



Green Arrow (the super-archer) and Medusa (underworld demon-deity of hypnosis) wanted to converse about the geopolitical significance of Apartheid (Dutch racial-segregation policy in colonial South Africa) in the modern world of networking and pluralism and commerce. Arrow understood how racism confounded normal intentions towards social harmony, but Medusa knew that simple social dialogue may not be sufficient to catalyze real changes in consciousness. However, they both agreed that Apartheid discussions were a 'good place' to start in addressing the value of networking and teamwork in the 'age of capitalism' (post-USSR). South Africa was celebrating its independence, especially after freedom-fighter/leader Nelson Mandela helped the South African rugby team hoist a coveted trophy in the 1995 World Cup, which Mandela hosted in his 'new country.' Would Arrow and Medusa have something new to offer to this subject?


ARROW: I propose we transform into comic book characters.
MEDUSA: How about we wear the uniforms of Vision and the Scarlet Witch?
ARROW: Yes, those Marvel avatars are quite adequate.
MEDUSA: By integrating ourselves into society with Halloween costumes, we'll mingle.
ARROW: People will find it easier to be interviewed by us; we'll talk to them on Halloween!

MEDUSA: So what did you learn from your Halloween Eve interviews, Arrow?
ARROW: I learned that Apartheid is considered a scar; what did you learn, Medusa?
MEDUSA: I learned that Apartheid is considered a 'chic' issue among liberals/youth!
ARROW: Let's plan a costumed protest on the White House lawn...
MEDUSA: Yes, they'll make a movie about it.
ARROW: I bet Sidney Lumet will want to direct the film.

After Arrow and Medusa coordinated their 'tactical' White House lawn protest dressed as Vision and the Scarlet Witch, CNN journalists went crazy, saying things like "Halloween-revelers wanted attention drawn to Apartheid history in a TrumpUSA confounded by all kinds of pedestrian protests regarding democracy in the age of high traffic!" Indeed, Lumet decided to make a film-adaptation of this Vision/Scarlet Witch protest titled The Lawn Guard (starring Jude Law and Jennifer Connelly as Vision and the Scarlet Witch).


Arrow and Medusa re-ascended to their realms and continued to 'observe' human civilization (especially 'TrumpUSA') from afar. The two deities/gods discovered that pedestrian flowery regarding new age polemics/politics catered to all kinds of traffic-oriented democracy intrigue. TrumpUSA was a 'society' of great traffic passions and media-scandals, and the Apartheid protest on the White House lawn (and the Lumet film it inspired) reinforced in the minds of many Americans that modern politics had become a thing of 'drama.' Arrow and Medusa wondered about the 'metaphysical shape' of democracy (e.g., WikiLeaks, Frontline, 9/11, etc.). U.S. President Donald Trump tweeted, "I saw Lumet's film The Lawn Guard, and I thought it was Babylon marijuana."




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