The Audacity of Hopelessness


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
By David Limbaugh
September 27, 2013

Perhaps Obama was onto something when, as a young author, he zeroed in on the term "audacity" to (subconsciously) telegraph his ambitious designs to fundamentally transform our beloved America.

What word could describe better than audacity Obama's refusal to accept responsibility for his dreadful policies; his standing before the American people -- even today -- in the face of the avalanche of evidence proving how terrible Obamacare is and continuing to lie about what it will do; his persistence in mislabeling his unaffordable monstrosity "the Affordable Care Act;" his failure to address the legitimate, undeniable complaints about Obamacare and his insistence -- at all costs -- on cramming it down Americans' throats; and his taking -- in the words of Time -- an "early Obamacare victory lap" just as the horrifying effects of this law are about to descend, in full force, on the American people?

In his "victory lap," he exclaimed, "We're now only five days away from finishing the job." You mean the job of destroying our health care system and economy?


Read more:
The Audacity of Hopelessness - David Limbaugh - Page full

Strangely Obama is willing to meet and negotiate with America's enemies, but when it comes to meeting with Congress and negotiate Obama seems to be adamantly negative and AWOL.

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