The Awful Reality Of Hell= Warn those you Love.


Aug 21, 2014
The Awful Reality Of Hell You Don't Have To Go There

Let me tell you, dear reader, that Hell is assuredly a real place that burns forever, and ever, and ever. The bible warns the reader - you - on page after page and in book after book, to NOT go there, that you don't have to go there.
You see, Hell was not created for you, a human being, it was created for the Devil and his angels who rebelled. In this article, I will endeavor to show you through video, audio and the written word, how you can avoid the fate that is waiting for the Devil and his followers.
Let me also tell you this - It's LOVE that constrains us to tell people they are lost and headed for Hell if they don't know Jesus Christ, not hate. Hate says nothing. You can quote me on that.;
Click here to read about the awful reality of Hell...;
===NTEB: The Awful Reality Of Hell
The Awful Reality Of Hell You Don't Have To Go There

Let me tell you, dear reader, that Hell is assuredly a real place that burns forever, and ever, and ever. The bible warns the reader - you - on page after page and in book after book, to NOT go there, that you don't have to go there.
You see, Hell was not created for you, a human being, it was created for the Devil and his angels who rebelled. In this article, I will endeavor to show you through video, audio and the written word, how you can avoid the fate that is waiting for the Devil and his followers.
Let me also tell you this - It's LOVE that constrains us to tell people they are lost and headed for Hell if they don't know Jesus Christ, not hate. Hate says nothing. You can quote me on that.
Click here to read about the awful reality of Hell...
===NTEB: The Awful Reality Of Hell
There Is No End to the Eternity of Hell
Perhaps you've been taught that Hell, while horrible, is only temporary, and that the sinner who finds themselves there has a way of escape either through the prayers of the living or by some penitence that could be performed on their behalf. Let me assure you in the strongest possible terms that Hell, once arrived at, has no means of escape.

"And if thy hand offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands to go into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched: Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched. And if thy foot offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter halt into life, than having two feet to be cast into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched: Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.
You do realize that the Christian concept of hell was invented out of thin air by the Catholics, who, by their own admission, have no idea where it is.

If you don't know where hell is, you can't measure it (say things about it, describe it, etc.) consequently you also can't say with any kind of certainty it actually exists.

Hell is a place that exists only in ancient stories of fiction.

Prove otherwise and you can change the world forever.

You do realize that the Christian concept of hell was invented out of thin air by the Catholics, who, by their own admission, have no idea where it is.

If you don't know where hell is, you can't measure it (say things about it, describe it, etc.) consequently you also can't say with any kind of certainty it actually exists.

Read God's Word! Jesus has more to say about the all too real hell than anyother's words recorded in the Bible.
Jesus was Jewish. Judaism has no concept of hell. It didn't exist until Catholicism did. Should study your own religious denomination to understand how it evolved (ehhe) out of Catholicism. To put it another way,

Judaism begat Gnosticism, Gnosticism begat Catholicism, Catholicisn begat Protestantism, etc. :)
The Awful Reality Of Hell You Don't Have To Go There

Let me tell you, dear reader, that Hell is assuredly a real place that burns forever, and ever, and ever. The bible warns the reader - you - on page after page and in book after book, to NOT go there, that you don't have to go there.
You see, Hell was not created for you, a human being, it was created for the Devil and his angels who rebelled. In this article, I will endeavor to show you through video, audio and the written word, how you can avoid the fate that is waiting for the Devil and his followers.
Let me also tell you this - It's LOVE that constrains us to tell people they are lost and headed for Hell if they don't know Jesus Christ, not hate. Hate says nothing. You can quote me on that.
Click here to read about the awful reality of Hell...
===NTEB: The Awful Reality Of Hell

If I have a choice between hell and spending eternity praising the being who created hell, I'll take hell. It will be infinitely cleaner.
Jesus was Jewish. Judaism has no concept of hell. It didn't exist until Catholicism did. Should study your own religious denomination to understand how it evolved (ehhe) out of Catholicism. To put it another way,

Judaism begat Gnosticism, Gnosticism begat Catholicism, Catholicisn begat Protestantism, etc. :)
Why show your ignorance? read the words of jesus about
Jesus was Jewish. Judaism has no concept of hell. It didn't exist until Catholicism did. Should study your own religious denomination to understand how it evolved (ehhe) out of Catholicism. To put it another way,

Judaism begat Gnosticism, Gnosticism begat Catholicism, Catholicisn begat Protestantism, etc. :)
Why show your ignorance? read the words of Jesus about hell.=Jesus says=THIS is the way it will be at the end of the world—the angels will come and separate the wicked people from the godly, 50 casting the wicked into the fire; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Matthew 13:49-50
Hey Sam if you wire me a couple thousand dollars I'll take care of your pets once the rapture happens. Take your time and get back to me once you've slept on it k? :wink_2:
Why show your ignorance? read the words of jesus about

Why show your ignorance? read the words of Jesus about hell.=Jesus says=THIS is the way it will be at the end of the world—the angels will come and separate the wicked people from the godly, 50 casting the wicked into the fire; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Matthew 13:49-50

I'm beginning to think this is another user with a different nick. Same sorta phrasing. People's writing styles are often idnetifiable, why I never bother spoofing an ID, way I write is easily recognized. :)
Why show your ignorance? read the words of jesus about

Why show your ignorance? read the words of Jesus about hell.=Jesus says=THIS is the way it will be at the end of the world—the angels will come and separate the wicked people from the godly, 50 casting the wicked into the fire; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Matthew 13:49-50

I'm beginning to think this is another user with a different nick. Same sorta phrasing. People's writing styles are often idnetifiable, why I never bother spoofing an ID, way I write is easily recognized. :)
41 “Then shall JESUS say also unto them on the left hand, ‘Depart from Me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels. Matthew 25:41 Believe the words of Jesus.
You do realize that the Christian concept of hell was invented out of thin air by the Catholics, who, by their own admission, have no idea where it is.

If you don't know where hell is, you can't measure it (say things about it, describe it, etc.) consequently you also can't say with any kind of certainty it actually exists.

You re the one mistaken, Delta. The early Church were Jews not Romans. The Romans murdered the true Christians of the early church - the RCC invented its own concept of hell in adding pergatory and limbo to the list of destinations after death. There is nothing scriptural about those teachings. They did not have the Holy Spirit and therefore misunderstood where Paradise was located and for what purpose - the day it was emptied ( after Christs resurrection and ascension into heaven ) and assumed it was still there - which is where that teaching of pergatory is coming from - it is false doctrine all the way - the early church had the correct doctrine - and because of the Holy Spirit who is the teacher - the author and revelator of all scripture they didn't succeed in holding back the truth even though the bible was kept from people for hundreds of years because of that institution.

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