The Bejing Bitch aka Nancy pelosi blocks investigtion into orgin of chinese-corona virus

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Holy Smokes! Y'all are off your hate filled rockers!

No one is stopping anyone from anything....

You're being tugged around by your nose and Briebart, while screaming Pelousy Pelousy Pelousy...

Can you not understand English and the details of what you read?

Are you all Americans, or foreigners who slept at a Holiday inn express last night, pretending to be?

No one is stopping the congresspunk from getting his answers about Trump' s Dept of Defense and whether Trump' s DOD funded any research money in the Wuhan lab....

The Trump licker congress critter can simply ask Trump to ask his own DOD if they were funding the research there.....

Why the heck does he need Pelosi for that?
This is exceedingly nauseous....a pure demonstration of treasonous behavior.

The fakest of the fake news. Yet again right wing flat out lie propoganda that is not even possible. She does not have the power to block an investigation in the first place. It is one thing to be a fucking liar but at least have some sort of skill. It is like a race to the bottom with you idiots. Yall must be proud.

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