The best Americans are making the rules again...Hahaha

The people making decisions seem to be the least informed.

The orange blob knows nothing.

The HHS secretary didn’t know anything about kids being put in cages at the border

The HHS secretary says there is no policy to separate kids

The WH COS Kelly says there is a policy and it was implemented to enhance the pains and penalties of incarceration.

The Speaker of the House says he is unaware of Scott Pruitt’s excesses as head of the EPA


And recall that Obama said he learned of several scandals and faux scandals in the newspaper….

Someone has to start speaking truth to power. In all quarters of Government.
------------------------------------------------ whatever works best for American kids is what i want to see done and looks to me that Thr TRUMPS zero tolerance policies are working fine Candy . ---
here you go Candy . --- For Migrant Families in Mexico, Threat of Separation Puts Plans in Doubt --- looks like The TRUMPS Zero tolerance is working as designed as it scares the heck out of the third worlders Candy .

Fuck are you stupid and Nazi-like.

No one decent (ie: non-Trumpbots) is going to give a shit if it cuts illegal migration of families by even 90% you loser Trumpbot.

Why? Since you are without brains AND honor - I will tell you.

Because to decent people, the ends NEVER justify the means.

No one with an actual soul is going to care much about whether it cuts down on illegal immigration. All they are going to care about are the pictures of those crying children and that audio of that desperately upset little girl.

But you see...since you are a soulless piece of wouldn't care if Trump shot every immigrant at the border (children too) long as it stopped the flow.
Oh you might publicly claim that would be going too far. But I believe it would not bother you enough to dissuade you from the practice.

You are such a waste of atoms. I have seen dogfood - AFTER it has made it's way through Fido's digestive tract - that has more redeeming qualities then you have.

Don't bother responding...conversing with bile (like you) turns my stomach. I will not read it.

Have a WONDERFUL day.
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here you go Candy . --- For Migrant Families in Mexico, Threat of Separation Puts Plans in Doubt --- looks like The TRUMPS Zero tolerance is working as designed as it scares the heck out of the third worlders Candy .

Fuck are you stupid and Nazi-like.

No one is going to give a shit if it cuts illegal migration of families by even 90% you loser Trumpbot.

Why? Since you are without brains AND honor - I will tell you.

Because to some people, the ends NEVER justify the means.

No one with an actual soul is going to care much about whether it cuts down on illegal immigration. All they are going to care about are the pictures of those crying children and that audio of that desperately upset little girl.

But you see...since you are a soulless piece of wouldn't care if Trump shot every immigrant at the border (children too) long as it stopped the flow.
Oh you claim that would be going to far. But we all know that it would not bother you enough to dissuade you from the practice.

You are such a waste of atoms. I have seen dogfood - AFTER it has made it's way through Fido's digestive tract - that has more redeeming qualities then you have.

Don't bother responding...conversing with bile (like you) turns my stomach. I will not read it.

Have a WONDERFUL day.

And to others, the ends ALWAYS justify the means. Guessing it's the looking for Fido's excrement that's turning your stomach, but fortunately you don't have to look far....dumbass.
oh c'mon now McRocket , the Trump Session zero tolerance policy is working fine and is scaring heck out of third worlders . --- Migrants Hesitate At Border, Fearing For Their Children --- read it again , its a good deal , no violence , just let the thirdworlders into the USA , feed them , let the kids play video games and watch tv and then sleep in the cleanest air conditioned 'casa' that they have ever slept in . Or , let the beggar invaders stay where they belong in their 'zhithole' . Its the best thing for existing American kids McRocket .
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For the record....I’d like to rescind my OP.
After the EO being signed and Trumps nutless ass caving in it’s pretty clear....illegals, CNN and America’s filth make the rules.
We all knew that President Trump would be pressured into signing that executive order.

He is not a dictator.

Overall, he is doing a fine job under very difficult circumstances.

Of course, we all also know (as other members have mentioned in various threads) that the United States is living on borrowed time.

In about 30 or 40 years, the liberals will own this country lock, stock, and barrel (because of demographic changes).

I do not know whether future history books for children will be allowed to even mention President Trump's name, let alone give an objective assessment of his time in office. If they are, then, they will admit that President Trump was a true patriot.
We all knew that President Trump would be pressured into signing that executive order.

He is not a dictator.

Overall, he is doing a fine job under very difficult circumstances.

Of course, we all also know (as other members have mentioned in various threads) that the United States is living on borrowed time.

In about 30 or 40 years, the liberals will own this country lock, stock, and barrel (because of demographic changes).

I do not know whether future history books for children will be allowed to even mention President Trump's name, let alone give an objective assessment of his time in office. If they are, then, they will admit that President Trump was a true patriot.
--------------------------------------------------------- gotta reelect the TRUMP and then hopefully the Pense .

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