The best way to create a new generation of conservatives?

Step 1. Give the left just a tiny bit of power and a microphone.
Step 2. Sit back and enjoy the show while you cringe.

Key parts of the video are where this SCHOOL AGE GIRL makes the connection between what she is going through and leftist policies.
They have created a conservative for life.
Funny thing is the left "claims" to champion women but this is a perfect example of what that "championing" nets young women in America

I thought you guys reproduced by fission, like all the other bacteria.
Simple! Spoil them rotten as children, making sure they think they hit a triple instead of being born on third base. Let them get straight Ds in school, but buy their way into the finest universities anyway. Give them good paying jobs for which they are not qualified, making sure they know their last name prevents them from losing the job, no matter how poorly they perform. Make sure their retirements are secure and they arent saddled with student debt. Let them grow to adults, then take all these advantages away from everyone else. They will say, "fuck them, I got mine", truly believing they earned all of it themselves.

And, voila! An entire generation of conservatives.

You were doing so well until the last sentence. Then you proved you don't' understand jack.
Well that was artculate and insightful. Well argued point, sir. Now stop nipping at my ankles.
I don't argue with unarmed individuals. I would have discussed it, but you are a closed minded bigot and a waste of My time.

Your description, however, was an accurate portrait of many of the elite Democrats.

Too bad you just don't see it.
Well one thing you could do is quit talking about anyone under 30 like they are an enemy to be defeated.

They are the enemy. There minds aren’t fully devolved, and no matter how educated they are, they still susceptible to all types of propaganda.

Most of you posting on this forum are senior citizens and you haven't shown yourselves to be any less susceptible to propaganda than the under 30 crowd.
you and me are the only folks in their 30s or less here. all the others are from an old folks home!
29 year old here.
Well one thing you could do is quit talking about anyone under 30 like they are an enemy to be defeated.

They are the enemy. There minds aren’t fully devolved, and no matter how educated they are, they still susceptible to all types of propaganda.

Most of you posting on this forum are senior citizens and you haven't shown yourselves to be any less susceptible to propaganda than the under 30 crowd.
They are actually worse.

Baby boomers are nothing but brainwashed tools while millennials mostly just follow along because they think baby boomers are successful.
Conservative men make lots of babies with their conservative wives and raise them with conservative ideals of personal responsibility, providing living, and individual libert
Step 1. Give the left just a tiny bit of power and a microphone.
Step 2. Sit back and enjoy the show while you cringe.

Key parts of the video are where this SCHOOL AGE GIRL makes the connection between what she is going through and leftist policies.
They have created a conservative for life.
Funny thing is the left "claims" to champion women but this is a perfect example of what that "championing" nets young women in America

While this might turn them against the left, it will not make them conservatives. It will make them like you, "on the right" but not a conservative.

That is the right now.
Well one thing you could do is quit talking about anyone under 30 like they are an enemy to be defeated.

They are the enemy. There minds aren’t fully devolved, and no matter how educated they are, they still susceptible to all types of propaganda.
And that is why the GOP is doomed. They have shut out everyone except the chickenshit geezers who are afraid of everything.

Wrong. Once the kids grow up and have to deal with real world responsibilities, they will realize their professors and favorite actors having been lying to them their whole lives. If you are not a liberal in your 20’s you don’t have a heart, if you’re not a conservative in your 30’s you don’t have a brain.

Boomers fucked up the world and refused to accept responsibility for anything. There is nothing that can be done at this late date that is going to change their perception that they got screwed on everything. Now who is calling them bad names and refusing to listen? Conservatives, that's who. There will be conservatism in the future but it will not be your conservatism that is looking more and more like a geriatric Klan rally.
You sound just like a boomer, moron.
Well one thing you could do is quit talking about anyone under 30 like they are an enemy to be defeated.

They are the enemy. There minds aren’t fully devolved, and no matter how educated they are, they still susceptible to all types of propaganda.

Most of you posting on this forum are senior citizens and you haven't shown yourselves to be any less susceptible to propaganda than the under 30 crowd.
you and me are the only folks in their 30s or less here. all the others are from an old folks home!
Step 1. Give the left just a tiny bit of power and a microphone.
Step 2. Sit back and enjoy the show while you cringe.

Key parts of the video are where this SCHOOL AGE GIRL makes the connection between what she is going through and leftist policies.
They have created a conservative for life.
Funny thing is the left "claims" to champion women but this is a perfect example of what that "championing" nets young women in America

While this might turn them against the left, it will not make them conservatives. It will make them like you, "on the right" but not a conservative.

That is the right now.

There is nothing conservative about the right in this country anymore.
Well one thing you could do is quit talking about anyone under 30 like they are an enemy to be defeated.

They are the enemy. There minds aren’t fully devolved, and no matter how educated they are, they still susceptible to all types of propaganda.

Most of you posting on this forum are senior citizens and you haven't shown yourselves to be any less susceptible to propaganda than the under 30 crowd.
you and me are the only folks in their 30s or less here. all the others are from an old folks home!
Oh hai.

I'm 31. I joined this forum as a 26 year old.

Mistake? Probably.

Knowledge and experience debating people who can't contain their biases? Worth it.

Evolving my worldview to eliminate the possibility of being sucked in by fake news and propaganda? Also very worth it.
The best is what Democrats are doing now: a platform of American self-hatred, calling the American public names, open borders and a gourmet diet of muslim semen.

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