The Bible Is Evidence

Ha Shev - is there some reason you are not citing chapter and verse? You want us to actually do the research? That is a good thing - but you have failed to note my research from the Jewish Encyclopedia in my above posts.

Matthew was quoting from the Greek Septuagint - which is a Jewish translation. The Jewish translators understood almah (young maiden) to mean parthenos (virgin) in that verse. Many Jews at Matthew's time spoke koine Greek - that's why the Greek LXX was translated from the Hebrew.

See our Bible dictionary here:


"Some have suggested that in the type back there “Immanuel” was a third son of Isaiah, perhaps by a Jewish maiden who may have become a second wife of the prophet. Certain Jewish commentators endeavored to apply the prophecy to the birth of Ahaz’ son Hezekiah. This, however, is ruled out, since the prophecy was uttered during Ahaz’ reign (Isa 7:1), making Hezekiah at least nine years old at the time.—2Ki 16:2; 18:1, 2.

Another possible candidate was Isaiah’s second son, mentioned in the next chapter, Maher-shalal-hash-baz, concerning whom it was said: “Before the boy will know how to call out, ‘My father!’ and ‘My mother!’ one will carry away the resources of Damascus and the spoil of Samaria before the king of Assyria.” (Isa 8:1-4) Certainly this echoes what was said about Immanuel: “Before the boy will know how to reject the bad and choose the good, the ground of whose two kings [of Damascus and Samaria] you are feeling a sickening dread will be left entirely.” (Isa 7:16) Also, the birth of Isaiah’s second son is presented in close connection with the further prophecy involving Immanuel and, as Immanuel was to be a “sign,” so also Isaiah said: “I and the children whom Jehovah has given me are as signs.”Isa 7:14; 8:18.

The principal objection to this identification of Isaiah’s second son as the Immanuel of Ahaz’ day is on the grounds that Isaiah’s wife is spoken of as “the prophetess,” not as “the maiden,” as well as the fact that she was already the mother of Isaiah’s firstborn, Shear-jashub, hence no “maiden.” (Isa 7:3; 8:3) It may be noted, however, that the Hebrew word here translated “maiden” is not bethu·lahʹ, meaning, specifically, “virgin,” but is ʽal·mahʹ, having a broader reference to a young woman, who could be either a virgin maiden or a recently married woman. ʽAl·mahʹ as a common noun also occurs in six other texts, more than one of which specifically involves virgin maidens.—Ge 24:43 (compare vs 16); Ex 2:8; Ps 68:25; Pr 30:19; Ca 1:3; 6:8." [Ca is the Song of Solomon about the Shulahmite maiden who was a virgin]

Our dictionary goes on to explain that Mathew at Mt.1:22,23 was quoting the Jewish Greek LXX for Isaiah 7:14 which translates Hebrew almah as Greek parthenos. In my next post I will document that:
That question is an outright lie, otherwise you'd post what you saw that needed the source and would not avoid my post with such an ad hominem response.
Context context context Isaiah 7-9 is the era of the war with Assyria not a future tense outside historical events of their era.
You avoided the topic & the fact that this is evidence regarding the writer of Matthew not being a Jew who would know this context and not need to selectively take it out of context for sake of "fake news".
Lastly, you can't use Isaiah Sheva (7) against me and discuss the son.
Isaiah 7:3 the son Isaiah is refering to is named Shear ‘Yshv’ (proper transliteration (pronounced hashev=return because Y=H sound) Shear ‘Yshv’ means a remnant shall ‘return’ (HaShev).
If they want to fallaciously claim This son holds the name of Moshiach then to bad that name is HaShev and not Jesus.
I'll take that house you JW's set aside for me now, oh yeah you guys sold it, because you really had no faith in what you teach and the money was more important than redemtion (HaShev).

I'll make this simple for you HaShev:

Matthew quoted the Greek Septuagint translation of Isaiah 7:14 in Matthew 1:22,23. The Greek Septuagint translates Hebrew almah as Greek parthenos/virgin. The Septuagint is a Jewish translation. This is therefore evidence Matthew was Jewish.

Note also that Matthew recorded Jesus stating the greatest commandment in the Bible is to love Jehovah with all our heart, soul and strength - see Matthew 22:37-40. Mark records more detail, to wit:

Mark 12:28-34
One of the scribes who had come up and heard them disputing, knowing that he had answered them in a fine way, asked him: “Which commandment is first* of all?”+ 29 Jesus answered: “The first is, ‘Hear, O Israel, Jehovah our God is one Jehovah, 30 and you must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind and with your whole strength.’+ 31 The second is this, ‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’+ There is no other commandment greater than these.” 32 The scribe said to him: “Teacher, you spoke well, in line with truth, ‘He is One, and there is no other besides him’;+ 33 and to love him with one’s whole heart, with one’s whole understanding, and with one’s whole strength and to love one’s neighbor as oneself is worth far more than all the whole burnt offerings and sacrifices.”+ 34 At this Jesus, discerning that he had answered intelligently, said to him: “You are not far from the Kingdom of God.” But no one had the courage to question him anymore.+

Quoting accurately Deuteronomy 6:4,5 where the Divine Name appears 3 times:

Deuteronomy 6:4,5
“Listen, O Israel: Jehovah our God is one Jehovah.+ 5 You must love Jehovah your God with all your heart and all your soul*+ and all your strength.*+

This confirms Matthew, Mark and Jesus were Jewish. This is the beginning of the Jewish Shema right?

Note also that Jesus agreed Jehovah is ONE. This confirms Jesus, like the Jews, believed Jehovah is one not a trinity.
Newtonian uses Non Judaic text, but the Hebrew Tanakh should be the only source to discuss or argue what it says and that text differs from Newtonians claims on Deut 6
Newtonian uses Non Judaic text, but the Hebrew Tanakh should be the only source to discuss or argue what it says and that text differs from Newtonians claims on Deut 6
the passage is written as though they were in actual communication with the deity - without a doubt an elaborate stage to draw from.

15For the Lord, your God, is a zealous God among you, lest the wrath of the Lord, your God, be kindled against you, and destroy you off the face of the earth.

has there ever been someone - destroyed off the face of the Earth - surly there have been plenty of candidates to chose from.

the laws are not the religion for whatever their role they are dependent on reading the book, the book as the above quote have neither provided the results depicted.
Ha Shev - is there some reason you are not citing chapter and verse? You want us to actually do the research? That is a good thing - but you have failed to note my research from the Jewish Encyclopedia in my above posts.

Matthew was quoting from the Greek Septuagint - which is a Jewish translation. The Jewish translators understood almah (young maiden) to mean parthenos (virgin) in that verse. Many Jews at Matthew's time spoke koine Greek - that's why the Greek LXX was translated from the Hebrew.

See our Bible dictionary here:


"Some have suggested that in the type back there “Immanuel” was a third son of Isaiah, perhaps by a Jewish maiden who may have become a second wife of the prophet. Certain Jewish commentators endeavored to apply the prophecy to the birth of Ahaz’ son Hezekiah. This, however, is ruled out, since the prophecy was uttered during Ahaz’ reign (Isa 7:1), making Hezekiah at least nine years old at the time.—2Ki 16:2; 18:1, 2.

Another possible candidate was Isaiah’s second son, mentioned in the next chapter, Maher-shalal-hash-baz, concerning whom it was said: “Before the boy will know how to call out, ‘My father!’ and ‘My mother!’ one will carry away the resources of Damascus and the spoil of Samaria before the king of Assyria.” (Isa 8:1-4) Certainly this echoes what was said about Immanuel: “Before the boy will know how to reject the bad and choose the good, the ground of whose two kings [of Damascus and Samaria] you are feeling a sickening dread will be left entirely.” (Isa 7:16) Also, the birth of Isaiah’s second son is presented in close connection with the further prophecy involving Immanuel and, as Immanuel was to be a “sign,” so also Isaiah said: “I and the children whom Jehovah has given me are as signs.”Isa 7:14; 8:18.

The principal objection to this identification of Isaiah’s second son as the Immanuel of Ahaz’ day is on the grounds that Isaiah’s wife is spoken of as “the prophetess,” not as “the maiden,” as well as the fact that she was already the mother of Isaiah’s firstborn, Shear-jashub, hence no “maiden.” (Isa 7:3; 8:3) It may be noted, however, that the Hebrew word here translated “maiden” is not bethu·lahʹ, meaning, specifically, “virgin,” but is ʽal·mahʹ, having a broader reference to a young woman, who could be either a virgin maiden or a recently married woman. ʽAl·mahʹ as a common noun also occurs in six other texts, more than one of which specifically involves virgin maidens.—Ge 24:43 (compare vs 16); Ex 2:8; Ps 68:25; Pr 30:19; Ca 1:3; 6:8." [Ca is the Song of Solomon about the Shulahmite maiden who was a virgin]

Our dictionary goes on to explain that Mathew at Mt.1:22,23 was quoting the Jewish Greek LXX for Isaiah 7:14 which translates Hebrew almah as Greek parthenos. In my next post I will document that:
That question is an outright lie, otherwise you'd post what you saw that needed the source and would not avoid my post with such an ad hominem response.
Context context context Isaiah 7-9 is the era of the war with Assyria not a future tense outside historical events of their era.
You avoided the topic & the fact that this is evidence regarding the writer of Matthew not being a Jew who would know this context and not need to selectively take it out of context for sake of "fake news".
Lastly, you can't use Isaiah Sheva (7) against me and discuss the son.
Isaiah 7:3 the son Isaiah is refering to is named Shear ‘Yshv’ (proper transliteration (pronounced hashev=return because Y=H sound) Shear ‘Yshv’ means a remnant shall ‘return’ (HaShev).
If they want to fallaciously claim This son holds the name of Moshiach then to bad that name is HaShev and not Jesus.
I'll take that house you JW's set aside for me now, oh yeah you guys sold it, because you really had no faith in what you teach and the money was more important than redemtion (HaShev).

I'll make this simple for you HaShev:

Matthew quoted the Greek Septuagint translation of Isaiah 7:14 in Matthew 1:22,23. The Greek Septuagint translates Hebrew almah as Greek parthenos/virgin. The Septuagint is a Jewish translation. This is therefore evidence Matthew was Jewish.

Note also that Matthew recorded Jesus stating the greatest commandment in the Bible is to love Jehovah with all our heart, soul and strength - see Matthew 22:37-40. Mark records more detail, to wit:

Mark 12:28-34
One of the scribes who had come up and heard them disputing, knowing that he had answered them in a fine way, asked him: “Which commandment is first* of all?”+ 29 Jesus answered: “The first is, ‘Hear, O Israel, Jehovah our God is one Jehovah, 30 and you must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind and with your whole strength.’+ 31 The second is this, ‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’+ There is no other commandment greater than these.” 32 The scribe said to him: “Teacher, you spoke well, in line with truth, ‘He is One, and there is no other besides him’;+ 33 and to love him with one’s whole heart, with one’s whole understanding, and with one’s whole strength and to love one’s neighbor as oneself is worth far more than all the whole burnt offerings and sacrifices.”+ 34 At this Jesus, discerning that he had answered intelligently, said to him: “You are not far from the Kingdom of God.” But no one had the courage to question him anymore.+

Quoting accurately Deuteronomy 6:4,5 where the Divine Name appears 3 times:

Deuteronomy 6:4,5
“Listen, O Israel: Jehovah our God is one Jehovah.+ 5 You must love Jehovah your God with all your heart and all your soul*+ and all your strength.*+

This confirms Matthew, Mark and Jesus were Jewish. This is the beginning of the Jewish Shema right?

Note also that Jesus agreed Jehovah is ONE. This confirms Jesus, like the Jews, believed Jehovah is one not a trinity.
Newtonian uses Non Judaic text, but the Hebrew Tanakh should be the only source to discuss or argue what it says and that text differs from Newtonians claims on Deut 6
Newtonian uses Non Judaic text, but the Hebrew Tanakh should be the only source to discuss or argue what it says and that text differs from Newtonians claims on Deut 6
the passage is written as though they were in actual communication with the deity - without a doubt an elaborate stage to draw from.

15For the Lord, your God, is a zealous God among you, lest the wrath of the Lord, your God, be kindled against you, and destroy you off the face of the earth.

has there ever been someone - destroyed off the face of the Earth - surly there have been plenty of candidates to chose from.

the laws are not the religion for whatever their role they are dependent on reading the book, the book as the above quote have neither provided the results depicted.
But the word translated as Lord meant master or king and can be attributed to a future (world to come [olam habah]) king which mastered the ESSENCE OF LIFE, as in a mediator between that Essence of creation and Mankind.
Many terms for this role are descriptions like:
Temple High Priest, Father in Heaven, Medatron (mediator), Melchi Zadok,
Malakh Tsadek, ARCH Malakh, etc but to the past not knowing the process and forgwtting God is not a man this intercessor can be mistaken as God (just as the word Lord can be mistaken) for the Essence of creation instead of understanding the concept of reflection and manifestation of the Essence that is NOT A MAN NOR FORM and we are warned not to make anthropomorphic images of.

Isaiah 42:8 we can't pray to any image of anything physical- Exodus 20:3-7 and Deuteronomy 5:8-10

God is not a man nor form-(Isaiah 2:22, 14:13, I Samuel 15:29, Numbers 23:19, and Hosea 11:9, Deuteronomy 4:11-12 and the 13 major principles of the Jewish faith based on the Rambam's teaching of "ain lo demus haguf ve'ayno guf" -- that Hashem has no physical form.)
Please study the history of the NT, even the church elect admit none of the Books were written by the men who's names are used on them. In fact Matthew has so many mistakes in them that the writer proves not to be Jewish, who'd know Hebrew Gender and meaning of words, but the Gentile who wrote Matthew did not know and the outcome is therefore misleading and comical.
If Matthew was written by A Jew then he would have known the gender used in Micah 5 is not that of a place/town. A Jew would also know Micah is talking about a lineage "Bethlehem Ephratah" not a town of Bethlehem.
Read the context of Micah 5 it's about a lineage. Bethlehem was the son or grandson of Ephratah.
Dr. I. Hooykaas, Nineteenth--Century Reverend:
Not one of these five books (four Gospels and Acts) [was] really written by the person whose name it bears, and they are all of more recent date than the heading would lead us to suppose.
9. Drs. H. Oort, I. Hooykaas, and A. Kuneh, The Bible for Learners, trans. Philip A. Wieksteed (Boston, 1878), vol. 3, p. 24.

St. Faustus, Fifth--Century French Bishop:
Many things have been inserted by our ancestors in the speeches of our Lord which, though put forth under his name, agree not with his faith; especially since-as already it has been often proved-these things were written not by Christ, nor [by] his apostles, but a long while after their assumption, by I know not what sort of half Jews, not even agreeing with themselves, who made up their tale out of reports and opinions merely, and yet, fathering the whole upon the names of the apostles of the Lord or on those who were supposed to follow the apostles, they maliciously pretended that they had written their lies and conceits according to them.10
It is certain that the New Testament was not written by Christ himself, nor by his apostles, but a long while after them, by some unknown persons, who, lest they should not be credited when they wrote of affairs they were little acquainted with, affixed to their works the names of the apostles, or of such as were supposed to have been their companions, asserting that what they had written themselves was written according to these persons to whom they ascribed it.11

To strengthen belief in the resurrection of Jesus, St. Irenaeus invented many stories of others being raised from the dead.12
As Jeremiah Jones, an eighteenth--century reverend, comments:
Such pious frauds were very common among Christians even in the first three centuries; and a forgery of this nature, with the view above mentioned, seems natural and probable.13
10. Taylor, Diegesis, p. 66. 11. Ibid., p. 114. 12. Doane, p. 231. 13. Ibid.

"Should one continue to base one's life on a system of belief that--for all its occasional wisdom and frequent beauty--is demonstrably untrue?"-- Charles Templeton, former right-hand man to Billy Graham in Farewell to God

Religion writer and former Anglican priest Tom Harpur admits he's sticking his neck out for proffering that someone named Jesus never walked this Earth.
Religious beliefs are not statements of fact and cannot be proven true or untrue. Faith is not fact.
Not evidence either ...

View attachment 338952

That's not to say there isn't a lot of cool stuff in it ... but it's not meant to be taken literally.
Archaeology Confirms 53 people mentioned in the Bible
53 People in the Bible Confirmed Archaeologically

Reliability of the Old Testament

Amazon product ASIN 0802803962

Dr James Hoffmeier Confirms the Exodus

William Propp on the exodus

The Exodus Fact Or Fiction

The Exodus: Fact or Fiction?

Evidence of the Exodus


Israel in Egypt: The Evidence for the Authenticity of the Exodus Tradition: Hoffmeier, James K.: 9780195130881: Books

> > 019513088X "A century of research by archaeologists and Egyptolog

Archeology of the Hebrew Bible

Is Enormous statue of Ramesses II Further Evidence of Exodus Timing?




From The Smithsonian Museum

“On the other hand, much of the Bible, in particular the historical books of the old testament, are as accurate historical documents as any that we have from antiquity and are in fact more accurate than many of the Egyptian, Mesopotamian, or Greek histories. These Biblical records can be and are used as are other ancient documents in archeological work. For the most part, historical events described took place and the peoples cited really existed. “

Hebrew Gender
That phrase is more than enough alarming in and of itself, an awfully sharp knife to cut with.
Please study the history of the NT, even the church elect admit none of the Books were written by the men who's names are used on them. In fact Matthew has so many mistakes in them that the writer proves not to be Jewish, who'd know Hebrew Gender and meaning of words, but the Gentile who wrote Matthew did not know and the outcome is therefore misleading and comical.
If Matthew was written by A Jew then he would have known the gender used in Micah 5 is not that of a place/town. A Jew would also know Micah is talking about a lineage "Bethlehem Ephratah" not a town of Bethlehem.
The New Testament was originally written in Greek and not Hebrew. Ancient Greek nouns followed their own system of grammatical gender, not in any particular accordance with Hebrew.
The Jewish prophets, including Micah, were angry at the overly gendered cutting red-light "district" at the heart of some of those Jewish "places" or "towns" -- and again, you're cutting off the words of a Prophet with an awfully sharp knife to demand such a heavy district downtown in those places -- according to the grammatical gender or usage enforced by the Egyptian or Roman midwives who filled out birth certificates for taxing and immigration enforcement.
The use of the knife on innocent children is not the cure for societal problems of dating rejection and homosexuality, abortion, etc.
That phrase is more than enough alarming in and of itself, an awfully sharp knife to cut with.

The New Testament was originally written in Greek and not Hebrew. Ancient Greek nouns followed their own system of grammatical gender, not in any particular accordance with Hebrew.
The Jewish prophets, including Micah, were angry at the overly gendered cutting red-light "district" at the heart of some of those Jewish "places" or "towns" -- and again, you're cutting off the words of a Prophet with an awfully sharp knife to demand such a heavy district downtown in those places -- according to the grammatical gender or usage enforced by the Egyptian or Roman midwives who filled out birth certificates for taxing and immigration enforcement.
The use of the knife on innocent children is not the cure for societal problems of dating rejection and homosexuality, abortion, etc.
My context of Hebrew Gender was strictly about Micah using the wrong gender to be about a place of Bethlehem, it helps to reveal a fallacious placement into text by people who were not Jewish and thus don't know the Gender of words. Spanish uses Gender and if someone took some words out of context then gender of words could be valuable in exposing the fake narrative out of it's gender usage.
Archaeology Confirms 53 people mentioned in the Bible
53 People in the Bible Confirmed Archaeologically

Reliability of the Old Testament

Amazon product ASIN 0802803962

Dr James Hoffmeier Confirms the Exodus

William Propp on the exodus

The Exodus Fact Or Fiction

The Exodus: Fact or Fiction?

Evidence of the Exodus


Israel in Egypt: The Evidence for the Authenticity of the Exodus Tradition: Hoffmeier, James K.: 9780195130881: Books

> > 019513088X "A century of research by archaeologists and Egyptolog

Archeology of the Hebrew Bible

Is Enormous statue of Ramesses II Further Evidence of Exodus Timing?

Thutmoses III was Pharaoh of the Exodus in 1446 BC

IBSS - Biblical Archaeology - Evidence of the Exodus from Egypt


Exodus Evidence: An Egyptologist Looks at Biblical History

Thutmoses III was Pharaoh of the Exodus in 1446 BC

The Exodus Is Not Fiction

How Do We Know the Exodus Happened? – Israel My Glory

Catalog Record: Exodus : the Egyptian evidence

Israel in Egypt


Did Moses exist? |

Evidence That Moses Existed

From The Smithsonian Museum

The Smithsonian's Statement on the Bible

“On the other hand, much of the Bible, in particular the historical books of the old testament, are as accurate historical documents as any that we have from antiquity and are in fact more accurate than many of the Egyptian, Mesopotamian, or Greek histories. These Biblical records can be and are used as are other ancient documents in archeological work. For the most part, historical events described took place and the peoples cited really existed. “

There are impressive amounts of evidence from archeology confirming accounts in the Bible, even where it was not previously expected. There are prophecies given in the Bible of which many were fulfilled, and others we can expect to still be fulfilled. Manuscripts of segments of the Bible are exceptionally preserved nearer to the times they give account of than other historical manuscripts. As God can be expected to communicate to people God's revelation to them with good evidence, the Bible is really the best candidate for that communication. That we have ideals as justice, love, and compassion that we can conceive being thoroughly present in the world, which would have it be a perfect world if those were, show God being the source of those, humanity does not have those expressed anywhere near fully, though we can understand what more of those seen would be like; while we hear some say if God is there why does God not do things to better this world. Why are we here? We are the ones making the world worse, and not doing much to fix it. Early on we insisted we do things our own way and not serve God's will. This world is with curse growing from our sins, God let us have this which we insist on. God sent God's own incarnation, Jesus came and showed the way for us, to follow him, and died for us, for the atonement for those of us who will respond, with repentance in faith, to be restored to God through Jesus Christ. Those of us restored this way will all be delivered from this cursed world, along with all the creation groaning for that, and we will be provided a world that is a new earth for us. God does all that for us. If we don't make this world any better, we have ourselves to blame. And all of us staying with cities of civilization are not living here in sustainable ways and that can't go on. There will be collapse and Mystery Babylon will fall.
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"The Bible Is Evidence"​

The Bible is an indicator. It points toward a subject that cannot be subjected to reduction. It is "a conundrum wrapped in an enigma", as the saying goes.
Jesus wrapped it up for those open enough, like a child, to see.
ROFLMAO----the angel INSPIRED the editing
thereof--------the caballero del gawd and the
son and ghost wrote THE BOOK CALLED "Q"
I always wondered if the central source labeled Q and it's writer was what the surviving followers of John the righteous now called Mandeans (sect of Sabians) called false texts written by what they labeled as a wicked evil woman.
They tell of burning that book of falsehoods, and Q disappeared, is said to have been burned out of existence.

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