The Bible Is Evidence

Noah is also the second time that all humanity was born of sisters and brothers repeatedly reproducing. Things have changed, as today that would be genetically catastrophic, even impossible.
Stranger things have happened--Evidence for Eve...and the commonality of human DNA

In 1987, a group of geneticists published a surprising study in the journal Nature. The researchers examined the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) taken from 147 people across all of today's major racial groups. These researchers found that the lineage of all people alive today falls on one of two branches in humanity's family tree. One of these branches consists of nothing but African lineage, the other contains all other groups, including some African lineage.
Even more impressive, the geneticists concluded that every person on Earth right now can trace his or her lineage back to a single common female ancestor who lived around 200,000 years ago. Because one entire branch of human lineage is of African origin and the other contains African lineage as well, the study's authors concluded Africa is the place where this woman lived. The scientists named this common female ancestor Mitochondrial Eve
You all - since I am into science I have seen evidence that Jehovah is the author of the Bible by its scientific accuracy.

One of the many examples (normally ignored btw) is the Bible's description of earth's wind cycles:

Ecclesiastes 1:6
The wind* is going to the south, and it is circling around to the north.+ Round and round it* is continually circling,+ and right back to its circlings+ the wind* is returning.

That is right before the description of earth's water cycle in verse 7.

I am a student of meteorology so I know the answer to this question - but before revealing the answer I will simply ask you all:

Why was Solomon inspired to write that the winds circle south and north but not east and west?
You don't have to be a weatherman...or a know which way the wind blows!
You all - since I am into science I have seen evidence that Jehovah is the author of the Bible by its scientific accuracy.

One of the many examples (normally ignored btw) is the Bible's description of earth's wind cycles:

Ecclesiastes 1:6
The wind* is going to the south, and it is circling around to the north.+ Round and round it* is continually circling,+ and right back to its circlings+ the wind* is returning.

That is right before the description of earth's water cycle in verse 7.

I am a student of meteorology so I know the answer to this question - but before revealing the answer I will simply ask you all:

Why was Solomon inspired to write that the winds circle south and north but not east and west?

Jehovah is certainly not the author of the Bible. Can you identify any factual data to support your claim? Can you identify any bible that appeard in final form by supernatural means?

Please identify the "scientific accuracy" of a 6,000 year old planet, talking snakes, Arks that don't exist or a global flood a few thousand years ago, for which there is no evidence.

Noah is also the second time that all humanity was born of sisters and brothers repeatedly reproducing. Things have changed, as today that would be genetically catastrophic, even impossible.
Stranger things have happened--Evidence for Eve...and the commonality of human DNA

In 1987, a group of geneticists published a surprising study in the journal Nature. The researchers examined the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) taken from 147 people across all of today's major racial groups. These researchers found that the lineage of all people alive today falls on one of two branches in humanity's family tree. One of these branches consists of nothing but African lineage, the other contains all other groups, including some African lineage.
Even more impressive, the geneticists concluded that every person on Earth right now can trace his or her lineage back to a single common female ancestor who lived around 200,000 years ago. Because one entire branch of human lineage is of African origin and the other contains African lineage as well, the study's authors concluded Africa is the place where this woman lived. The scientists named this common female ancestor Mitochondrial Eve
Not even remotely comparable.
Noah is also the second time that all humanity was born of sisters and brothers repeatedly reproducing. Things have changed, as today that would be genetically catastrophic, even impossible.
Stranger things have happened--Evidence for Eve...and the commonality of human DNA

In 1987, a group of geneticists published a surprising study in the journal Nature. The researchers examined the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) taken from 147 people across all of today's major racial groups. These researchers found that the lineage of all people alive today falls on one of two branches in humanity's family tree. One of these branches consists of nothing but African lineage, the other contains all other groups, including some African lineage.
Even more impressive, the geneticists concluded that every person on Earth right now can trace his or her lineage back to a single common female ancestor who lived around 200,000 years ago. Because one entire branch of human lineage is of African origin and the other contains African lineage as well, the study's authors concluded Africa is the place where this woman lived. The scientists named this common female ancestor Mitochondrial Eve
Even more impressive, the geneticists concluded that every person on Earth right now can trace his or her lineage back to a single common female ancestor who lived around 200,000 years ago.
a metaphysical event - the other halves of which should be recorded, their parent / their mate ...


similar to the complexities of metamorphosis in this instance however proof of speciation without intermediary steps but a transition completed metaphysically and transmitted in a single instance from parent to sibling where the sibling then passes the same transformation to all succeeding generations. homo sapiens.

the basis for the religion of antiquity where the process must conform to the betterment of life for it to be admitted into the Everlasting for progression or deemed a failure leading to extinction ... the spiritual content of physiology that is also what enabled its initial existence and evolutionary transformations. all beings are gods. some last longer than others.
More proof The writer of Matthew was not Jewish:
The author of the gospel of Matthew used Isaiah7 to suggest that Jesus was born to a parthenos, a virgin when a Jew would know Almah means young woman and Isaiah 7 is about King Ahaz's son Hezekiah.
The chapters are about the imminent "war with Assyria"(context).
The child was a sign for Ahaz(context), therefore it has to be in his era for him and his life's purpose.
Ahaz had a child,(the sign King Hezekiah) who would have his "fathers kingdom on his shoulders"& "have God with him" (Immanuel) in defeating Assyria. Hezekiah was thus called the "prince of peace" for defeating Assyria, and was thus a Father Figure as well. A Jewish writer would know this stuff, a gentile from a later era selling a forced placement into scripture would not.
JW's believe because it says Aggelos (Malakh) of great counsel in Isaiah 9:6 that
Archangel Michael is assisting Hezekiah.
The commentary on Hezekiah in the Dead Sea Scrolls (Hezekiah Apochryphon 4Q 470) shows the JW's were correct.
Isaiah 9:7 shows this person was a Davidic king which Hezekiah was. If they dared said this was about Moshiach note that
4Q471 XVll calls it "Michael's kingdom"
Not Jim, Joe, or Jesus' Kingdom.

Commentary on Isaiah states the prince of the congregation (head of hosts) Michael as the Davidic Messiah scroll 4 Q285 Fr. 5 &
scroll IQ sb,v 20-29=Isaiah 1xi,I

JWs know the Biblical Moshiach is Michael, but when Rome created it's icon to speak and subvert and squash inssurrections through, it borrowed Biblical characters "and roles" such as Michael's and so JW's are "deceived" to think that created image of a man is Michael (the Evening Star) when he is only made "Like Unto" son of man -Rev 1:13
But the imposter first (fallen) messiah is not Michael, but
the morning star Overturned created image of a man removed by Shiloh. It's why
Ezekiel 28:14-15 calls the son of perdition (lucifer)
The anointed(christ) Cherub (guardian=Nazarene)
Who'd be deemed perfect (sinless).
The only prophet ever deemed perfect and is claimed the first fallen messiah is this Jesus idol, who fell to the pit(perdition) in Acts 2:27 and
1 Peter 3:19, so only Jesus can be deemed Lucifer.
You all - since I am into science I have seen evidence that Jehovah is the author of the Bible by its scientific accuracy.

One of the many examples (normally ignored btw) is the Bible's description of earth's wind cycles:

Ecclesiastes 1:6
The wind* is going to the south, and it is circling around to the north.+ Round and round it* is continually circling,+ and right back to its circlings+ the wind* is returning.

That is right before the description of earth's water cycle in verse 7.

I am a student of meteorology so I know the answer to this question - but before revealing the answer I will simply ask you all:

Why was Solomon inspired to write that the winds circle south and north but not east and west?
You don't have to be a weatherman...or a know which way the wind blows!

You do have to be a student of earth science and/or meteorology to understand why Solomon was inspired to write about all earth's wind cycles going North and South.

Hint: what wind cycles go primarily North and South but not East and West?

Btw - the Hebrew word means circlings.
View attachment 338951

May 20 (6 hours ago)​

The bible is evidence. It is witness testimony and in most cases, we know who wrote it. Shall we ignore evidence because the witness has died? How foolish! Using that standard, we would discard completely most libraries. All our history books would be rendered useless, as would most of our science books and math books. Isaac Newton is dead. Shall we therefore discard what he wrote?
Galileo is dead. Shall we therefore discard what he wrote?
Clarence Darrow is past on. Shall we discard what he wrote? How about Supreme Ct Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes?

Shall we discard the Gettysburg Address because Abe Lincoln is dead?
How about the Founding Fathers? Is our Constitution useless because they are all deceased?

The Rules of evidence in all 50 states allow the introduction of witness testimony. Of course, it is always wise to verify evidence with other testimony or cross examination, but that still leaves the original testimony for consideration by the judge or jury.

We can verify evidence by examining the lives of the speaker to evaluate his credibility and this is useful for the bible. Was Moses an honest man? Were the apostles honest men? How about Matthew, John and Paul?

The bible is hearsay ‘evidence’ and consequently inadmissible.
Ha Shev - is there some reason you are not citing chapter and verse? You want us to actually do the research? That is a good thing - but you have failed to note my research from the Jewish Encyclopedia in my above posts.

Matthew was quoting from the Greek Septuagint - which is a Jewish translation. The Jewish translators understood almah (young maiden) to mean parthenos (virgin) in that verse. Many Jews at Matthew's time spoke koine Greek - that's why the Greek LXX was translated from the Hebrew.

See our Bible dictionary here:


"Some have suggested that in the type back there “Immanuel” was a third son of Isaiah, perhaps by a Jewish maiden who may have become a second wife of the prophet. Certain Jewish commentators endeavored to apply the prophecy to the birth of Ahaz’ son Hezekiah. This, however, is ruled out, since the prophecy was uttered during Ahaz’ reign (Isa 7:1), making Hezekiah at least nine years old at the time.—2Ki 16:2; 18:1, 2.

Another possible candidate was Isaiah’s second son, mentioned in the next chapter, Maher-shalal-hash-baz, concerning whom it was said: “Before the boy will know how to call out, ‘My father!’ and ‘My mother!’ one will carry away the resources of Damascus and the spoil of Samaria before the king of Assyria.” (Isa 8:1-4) Certainly this echoes what was said about Immanuel: “Before the boy will know how to reject the bad and choose the good, the ground of whose two kings [of Damascus and Samaria] you are feeling a sickening dread will be left entirely.” (Isa 7:16) Also, the birth of Isaiah’s second son is presented in close connection with the further prophecy involving Immanuel and, as Immanuel was to be a “sign,” so also Isaiah said: “I and the children whom Jehovah has given me are as signs.”Isa 7:14; 8:18.

The principal objection to this identification of Isaiah’s second son as the Immanuel of Ahaz’ day is on the grounds that Isaiah’s wife is spoken of as “the prophetess,” not as “the maiden,” as well as the fact that she was already the mother of Isaiah’s firstborn, Shear-jashub, hence no “maiden.” (Isa 7:3; 8:3) It may be noted, however, that the Hebrew word here translated “maiden” is not bethu·lahʹ, meaning, specifically, “virgin,” but is ʽal·mahʹ, having a broader reference to a young woman, who could be either a virgin maiden or a recently married woman. ʽAl·mahʹ as a common noun also occurs in six other texts, more than one of which specifically involves virgin maidens.—Ge 24:43 (compare vs 16); Ex 2:8; Ps 68:25; Pr 30:19; Ca 1:3; 6:8." [Ca is the Song of Solomon about the Shulahmite maiden who was a virgin]

Our dictionary goes on to explain that Mathew at Mt.1:22,23 was quoting the Jewish Greek LXX for Isaiah 7:14 which translates Hebrew almah as Greek parthenos. In my next post I will document that:
From the Greek Septuagint/LXX:

Isaiah 7:14
(ABP+) On account ofG1223 this,G3778 [3will giveG1325 1 the LORD G2962 2himself]G1473 to youG1473 a sign;G4592 behold,G2400 theG3588 virginG3933 [2inG1722 3 the wombG1064 1will conceive],G2983 andG2532 shall bearG5088 a son,G5207 andG2532 you shall callG2564 G3588 his nameG3686 G1473 Immanuel.G*

G3933 is Greek parthenos/virgin. See the Greek parthenos in Matthew 1:23 here:

See the Greek Septuagint here:

Isaiah 7:14 (LXX)
διὰ τοῦτο δώσει κύριος αὐτὸς ὑμῗν σημεῗον ἰδοὺ ἡ παρθένος ἐν γαστρὶ ἕξει καὶ τέξεται υἱόν καὶ καλέσεις τὸ ὄνομα αὐτοῦ Εμμανουηλ

παρθένος = parthenos/virgin.
Noah is also the second time that all humanity was born of sisters and brothers repeatedly reproducing. Things have changed, as today that would be genetically catastrophic, even impossible.
Stranger things have happened--Evidence for Eve...and the commonality of human DNA

In 1987, a group of geneticists published a surprising study in the journal Nature. The researchers examined the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) taken from 147 people across all of today's major racial groups. These researchers found that the lineage of all people alive today falls on one of two branches in humanity's family tree. One of these branches consists of nothing but African lineage, the other contains all other groups, including some African lineage.
Even more impressive, the geneticists concluded that every person on Earth right now can trace his or her lineage back to a single common female ancestor who lived around 200,000 years ago. Because one entire branch of human lineage is of African origin and the other contains African lineage as well, the study's authors concluded Africa is the place where this woman lived. The scientists named this common female ancestor Mitochondrial Eve

So true Fleegle - our literature comments on the mitochondrial Eve as well:

"In recent years, scientists have researched human genes extensively. By comparing human genetic patterns around the earth, they found clear evidence that all humans have a common ancestor, a source of the DNA of all people who have ever lived, including each of us. In 1988, Newsweek magazine presented those findings in a report entitled “The Search for Adam and Eve.” Those studies were based on a type of mitochondrial DNA, genetic material passed on only by the female. Reports in 1995 about research on male DNA point to the same conclusion—that “there was an ancestral ‘Adam,’ whose genetic material on the [Y] chromosome is common to every man now on earth,” as Time magazine put it...."

So, not only the mitochondrial Eve but also the Y-chromosomal Adam. And before these discoveries geneticists already knew all races have a common origin - see Acts 17:26.
Noah is also the second time that all humanity was born of sisters and brothers repeatedly reproducing. Things have changed, as today that would be genetically catastrophic, even impossible.
Stranger things have happened--Evidence for Eve...and the commonality of human DNA

In 1987, a group of geneticists published a surprising study in the journal Nature. The researchers examined the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) taken from 147 people across all of today's major racial groups. These researchers found that the lineage of all people alive today falls on one of two branches in humanity's family tree. One of these branches consists of nothing but African lineage, the other contains all other groups, including some African lineage.
Even more impressive, the geneticists concluded that every person on Earth right now can trace his or her lineage back to a single common female ancestor who lived around 200,000 years ago. Because one entire branch of human lineage is of African origin and the other contains African lineage as well, the study's authors concluded Africa is the place where this woman lived. The scientists named this common female ancestor Mitochondrial Eve

So true Fleegle - our literature comments on the mitochondrial Eve as well:

"In recent years, scientists have researched human genes extensively. By comparing human genetic patterns around the earth, they found clear evidence that all humans have a common ancestor, a source of the DNA of all people who have ever lived, including each of us. In 1988, Newsweek magazine presented those findings in a report entitled “The Search for Adam and Eve.” Those studies were based on a type of mitochondrial DNA, genetic material passed on only by the female. Reports in 1995 about research on male DNA point to the same conclusion—that “there was an ancestral ‘Adam,’ whose genetic material on the [Y] chromosome is common to every man now on earth,” as Time magazine put it...."

So, not only the mitochondrial Eve but also the Y-chromosomal Adam. And before these discoveries geneticists already knew all races have a common origin - see Acts 17:26.
that “there was an ancestral ‘Adam,’ whose genetic material on the [Y] chromosome is common to every man now on earth,”
So, not only the mitochondrial Eve but also the Y-chromosomal Adam.
see Acts 17:26.
From one man he made all the nations
the study's authors concluded Africa is the place where this woman lived.
how does one man fit the narrative ...

there must have been an interaction with the above two individuals if the conclusions are accurate - today's people are the children of those two not that they are from either or ... and astronomically their parents must have had the same metaphysical apparition at the same time to produce two opposite sex individuals of the same composition and then produced an offspring ...

perhaps not too extraordinary as there were very few of those (whatever) people and were mostlikely many generational so actually there may have been a whole tribe that reduced down to the conception of a new being. as an inevitable evolutionary pathway.
View attachment 338951

May 20 (6 hours ago)​

The bible is evidence. It is witness testimony and in most cases, we know who wrote it. Shall we ignore evidence because the witness has died? How foolish! Using that standard, we would discard completely most libraries. All our history books would be rendered useless, as would most of our science books and math books. Isaac Newton is dead. Shall we therefore discard what he wrote?
Galileo is dead. Shall we therefore discard what he wrote?
Clarence Darrow is past on. Shall we discard what he wrote? How about Supreme Ct Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes?

Shall we discard the Gettysburg Address because Abe Lincoln is dead?
How about the Founding Fathers? Is our Constitution useless because they are all deceased?

The Rules of evidence in all 50 states allow the introduction of witness testimony. Of course, it is always wise to verify evidence with other testimony or cross examination, but that still leaves the original testimony for consideration by the judge or jury.

We can verify evidence by examining the lives of the speaker to evaluate his credibility and this is useful for the bible. Was Moses an honest man? Were the apostles honest men? How about Matthew, John and Paul?

Atheism is a deceptive art on leveraging the human incapability to prove a past. Atheistic arguments are thus about "you can't prove that you ever ate eggs before the age of 10, thus whatever your mom said about you eating eggs can't be true". The reality is, we humans don't have the ability to possibly evidence every egg ever eaten by us in the long past. The only way which remains for others to reach the fact whether you ever had an egg is possibly from the testimony of your mom.

Atheists don't even have the capacity to identify what a testimony is, which is pathetic . They think that Zeus is equivalent to Jesus. Zeus represents the lack of testimonies from eyewitnesses accounts, that is, from those who encountered him. No wonder it is said that they wind up in hell, as they are willing to stay far away from what truth could be, by lying to themselves in the end.
theists don't even have the capacity to identify what a testimony is, which is pathetic either prove something you claim or it's babble crap--plain and, are you going to prove it?
Noah is also the second time that all humanity was born of sisters and brothers repeatedly reproducing. Things have changed, as today that would be genetically catastrophic, even impossible.
Stranger things have happened--Evidence for Eve...and the commonality of human DNA

In 1987, a group of geneticists published a surprising study in the journal Nature. The researchers examined the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) taken from 147 people across all of today's major racial groups. These researchers found that the lineage of all people alive today falls on one of two branches in humanity's family tree. One of these branches consists of nothing but African lineage, the other contains all other groups, including some African lineage.
Even more impressive, the geneticists concluded that every person on Earth right now can trace his or her lineage back to a single common female ancestor who lived around 200,000 years ago. Because one entire branch of human lineage is of African origin and the other contains African lineage as well, the study's authors concluded Africa is the place where this woman lived. The scientists named this common female ancestor Mitochondrial Eve

So true Fleegle - our literature comments on the mitochondrial Eve as well:

"In recent years, scientists have researched human genes extensively. By comparing human genetic patterns around the earth, they found clear evidence that all humans have a common ancestor, a source of the DNA of all people who have ever lived, including each of us. In 1988, Newsweek magazine presented those findings in a report entitled “The Search for Adam and Eve.” Those studies were based on a type of mitochondrial DNA, genetic material passed on only by the female. Reports in 1995 about research on male DNA point to the same conclusion—that “there was an ancestral ‘Adam,’ whose genetic material on the [Y] chromosome is common to every man now on earth,” as Time magazine put it...."

So, not only the mitochondrial Eve but also the Y-chromosomal Adam. And before these discoveries geneticists already knew all races have a common origin - see Acts 17:26.
Its important to note that "mitochondrial Eve” is the description of mankind's earliest known ancestor of humans and lived between 100,000 and 200,000 years ago in southern Africa. It's the fruit stealing Eve from the Bible.
Noah is also the second time that all humanity was born of sisters and brothers repeatedly reproducing. Things have changed, as today that would be genetically catastrophic, even impossible.
Stranger things have happened--Evidence for Eve...and the commonality of human DNA

In 1987, a group of geneticists published a surprising study in the journal Nature. The researchers examined the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) taken from 147 people across all of today's major racial groups. These researchers found that the lineage of all people alive today falls on one of two branches in humanity's family tree. One of these branches consists of nothing but African lineage, the other contains all other groups, including some African lineage.
Even more impressive, the geneticists concluded that every person on Earth right now can trace his or her lineage back to a single common female ancestor who lived around 200,000 years ago. Because one entire branch of human lineage is of African origin and the other contains African lineage as well, the study's authors concluded Africa is the place where this woman lived. The scientists named this common female ancestor Mitochondrial Eve
Not even remotely comparable.
If you say so..right?
Noah is also the second time that all humanity was born of sisters and brothers repeatedly reproducing. Things have changed, as today that would be genetically catastrophic, even impossible.
Stranger things have happened--Evidence for Eve...and the commonality of human DNA

In 1987, a group of geneticists published a surprising study in the journal Nature. The researchers examined the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) taken from 147 people across all of today's major racial groups. These researchers found that the lineage of all people alive today falls on one of two branches in humanity's family tree. One of these branches consists of nothing but African lineage, the other contains all other groups, including some African lineage.
Even more impressive, the geneticists concluded that every person on Earth right now can trace his or her lineage back to a single common female ancestor who lived around 200,000 years ago. Because one entire branch of human lineage is of African origin and the other contains African lineage as well, the study's authors concluded Africa is the place where this woman lived. The scientists named this common female ancestor Mitochondrial Eve
Not even remotely comparable.
If you say so..right?

Good to question poster's posts!
You all - since I am into science I have seen evidence that Jehovah is the author of the Bible by its scientific accuracy.

One of the many examples (normally ignored btw) is the Bible's description of earth's wind cycles:

Ecclesiastes 1:6
The wind* is going to the south, and it is circling around to the north.+ Round and round it* is continually circling,+ and right back to its circlings+ the wind* is returning.

That is right before the description of earth's water cycle in verse 7.

I am a student of meteorology so I know the answer to this question - but before revealing the answer I will simply ask you all:

Why was Solomon inspired to write that the winds circle south and north but not east and west?
You don't have to be a weatherman...or a know which way the wind blows!

Its not just you fleegle - virtually everyone misses the significance of Solomon's describing earth's wind circlings as all going North and South but not all going East and West,

As I am going offline, a hint for now: look up Hadley cells.
Ha Shev - is there some reason you are not citing chapter and verse? You want us to actually do the research? That is a good thing - but you have failed to note my research from the Jewish Encyclopedia in my above posts.

Matthew was quoting from the Greek Septuagint - which is a Jewish translation. The Jewish translators understood almah (young maiden) to mean parthenos (virgin) in that verse. Many Jews at Matthew's time spoke koine Greek - that's why the Greek LXX was translated from the Hebrew.

See our Bible dictionary here:


"Some have suggested that in the type back there “Immanuel” was a third son of Isaiah, perhaps by a Jewish maiden who may have become a second wife of the prophet. Certain Jewish commentators endeavored to apply the prophecy to the birth of Ahaz’ son Hezekiah. This, however, is ruled out, since the prophecy was uttered during Ahaz’ reign (Isa 7:1), making Hezekiah at least nine years old at the time.—2Ki 16:2; 18:1, 2.

Another possible candidate was Isaiah’s second son, mentioned in the next chapter, Maher-shalal-hash-baz, concerning whom it was said: “Before the boy will know how to call out, ‘My father!’ and ‘My mother!’ one will carry away the resources of Damascus and the spoil of Samaria before the king of Assyria.” (Isa 8:1-4) Certainly this echoes what was said about Immanuel: “Before the boy will know how to reject the bad and choose the good, the ground of whose two kings [of Damascus and Samaria] you are feeling a sickening dread will be left entirely.” (Isa 7:16) Also, the birth of Isaiah’s second son is presented in close connection with the further prophecy involving Immanuel and, as Immanuel was to be a “sign,” so also Isaiah said: “I and the children whom Jehovah has given me are as signs.”Isa 7:14; 8:18.

The principal objection to this identification of Isaiah’s second son as the Immanuel of Ahaz’ day is on the grounds that Isaiah’s wife is spoken of as “the prophetess,” not as “the maiden,” as well as the fact that she was already the mother of Isaiah’s firstborn, Shear-jashub, hence no “maiden.” (Isa 7:3; 8:3) It may be noted, however, that the Hebrew word here translated “maiden” is not bethu·lahʹ, meaning, specifically, “virgin,” but is ʽal·mahʹ, having a broader reference to a young woman, who could be either a virgin maiden or a recently married woman. ʽAl·mahʹ as a common noun also occurs in six other texts, more than one of which specifically involves virgin maidens.—Ge 24:43 (compare vs 16); Ex 2:8; Ps 68:25; Pr 30:19; Ca 1:3; 6:8." [Ca is the Song of Solomon about the Shulahmite maiden who was a virgin]

Our dictionary goes on to explain that Mathew at Mt.1:22,23 was quoting the Jewish Greek LXX for Isaiah 7:14 which translates Hebrew almah as Greek parthenos. In my next post I will document that:
That question is an outright lie, otherwise you'd post what you saw that needed the source and would not avoid my post with such an ad hominem response.
Context context context Isaiah 7-9 is the era of the war with Assyria not a future tense outside historical events of their era.
You avoided the topic & the fact that this is evidence regarding the writer of Matthew not being a Jew who would know this context and not need to selectively take it out of context for sake of "fake news".
Lastly, you can't use Isaiah Sheva (7) against me and discuss the son.
Isaiah 7:3 the son Isaiah is refering to is named Shear ‘Yshv’ (proper transliteration (pronounced hashev=return because Y=H sound) Shear ‘Yshv’ means a remnant shall ‘return’ (HaShev).
If they want to fallaciously claim This son holds the name of Moshiach then to bad that name is HaShev and not Jesus.
I'll take that house you JW's set aside for me now, oh yeah you guys sold it, because you really had no faith in what you teach and the money was more important than redemtion (HaShev).
Last edited:
View attachment 338951

May 20 (6 hours ago)​

The bible is evidence. It is witness testimony and in most cases, we know who wrote it. Shall we ignore evidence because the witness has died? How foolish! Using that standard, we would discard completely most libraries. All our history books would be rendered useless, as would most of our science books and math books. Isaac Newton is dead. Shall we therefore discard what he wrote?
Galileo is dead. Shall we therefore discard what he wrote?
Clarence Darrow is past on. Shall we discard what he wrote? How about Supreme Ct Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes?

Shall we discard the Gettysburg Address because Abe Lincoln is dead?
How about the Founding Fathers? Is our Constitution useless because they are all deceased?

The Rules of evidence in all 50 states allow the introduction of witness testimony. Of course, it is always wise to verify evidence with other testimony or cross examination, but that still leaves the original testimony for consideration by the judge or jury.

We can verify evidence by examining the lives of the speaker to evaluate his credibility and this is useful for the bible. Was Moses an honest man? Were the apostles honest men? How about Matthew, John and Paul?
Bible evidence: And a snake spoke to Eve. Que the belly-laughs.
Bible evidence: And a burning bush spoke to Moses. Que the belly-laughs.
Bible evidence: And Noah not only built an Ark, but put two of every kind of animal in the world in it and of course, the entire world was covered in an ocean after forty days of rain. Que the belly-laughs.
Bible evidence: And blaring trumpets brought down the stone walls of Jericho (some seriously bad construction techniques). Que the belly-laughs.
Bible evidence: And Moses separated the Red Sea and drowned the Pharaoh and his army (all the Pharaoh's deaths were recorded by the Egyptian scribes and none drowned in the Red Sea. Que the belly-laughs.
The only actual things listed in the Bible that were verifiable and logical, were some of the battles that did occur, as well as some of the cities that were listed.
The Bible: Que the belly-laughs.
Ha Shev - is there some reason you are not citing chapter and verse? You want us to actually do the research? That is a good thing - but you have failed to note my research from the Jewish Encyclopedia in my above posts.

Matthew was quoting from the Greek Septuagint - which is a Jewish translation. The Jewish translators understood almah (young maiden) to mean parthenos (virgin) in that verse. Many Jews at Matthew's time spoke koine Greek - that's why the Greek LXX was translated from the Hebrew.

See our Bible dictionary here:


"Some have suggested that in the type back there “Immanuel” was a third son of Isaiah, perhaps by a Jewish maiden who may have become a second wife of the prophet. Certain Jewish commentators endeavored to apply the prophecy to the birth of Ahaz’ son Hezekiah. This, however, is ruled out, since the prophecy was uttered during Ahaz’ reign (Isa 7:1), making Hezekiah at least nine years old at the time.—2Ki 16:2; 18:1, 2.

Another possible candidate was Isaiah’s second son, mentioned in the next chapter, Maher-shalal-hash-baz, concerning whom it was said: “Before the boy will know how to call out, ‘My father!’ and ‘My mother!’ one will carry away the resources of Damascus and the spoil of Samaria before the king of Assyria.” (Isa 8:1-4) Certainly this echoes what was said about Immanuel: “Before the boy will know how to reject the bad and choose the good, the ground of whose two kings [of Damascus and Samaria] you are feeling a sickening dread will be left entirely.” (Isa 7:16) Also, the birth of Isaiah’s second son is presented in close connection with the further prophecy involving Immanuel and, as Immanuel was to be a “sign,” so also Isaiah said: “I and the children whom Jehovah has given me are as signs.”Isa 7:14; 8:18.

The principal objection to this identification of Isaiah’s second son as the Immanuel of Ahaz’ day is on the grounds that Isaiah’s wife is spoken of as “the prophetess,” not as “the maiden,” as well as the fact that she was already the mother of Isaiah’s firstborn, Shear-jashub, hence no “maiden.” (Isa 7:3; 8:3) It may be noted, however, that the Hebrew word here translated “maiden” is not bethu·lahʹ, meaning, specifically, “virgin,” but is ʽal·mahʹ, having a broader reference to a young woman, who could be either a virgin maiden or a recently married woman. ʽAl·mahʹ as a common noun also occurs in six other texts, more than one of which specifically involves virgin maidens.—Ge 24:43 (compare vs 16); Ex 2:8; Ps 68:25; Pr 30:19; Ca 1:3; 6:8." [Ca is the Song of Solomon about the Shulahmite maiden who was a virgin]

Our dictionary goes on to explain that Mathew at Mt.1:22,23 was quoting the Jewish Greek LXX for Isaiah 7:14 which translates Hebrew almah as Greek parthenos. In my next post I will document that:
That question is an outright lie, otherwise you'd post what you saw that needed the source and would not avoid my post with such an ad hominem response.
Context context context Isaiah 7-9 is the era of the war with Assyria not a future tense outside historical events of their era.
You avoided the topic & the fact that this is evidence regarding the writer of Matthew not being a Jew who would know this context and not need to selectively take it out of context for sake of "fake news".
Lastly, you can't use Isaiah Sheva (7) against me and discuss the son.
Isaiah 7:3 the son Isaiah is refering to is named Shear ‘Yshv’ (proper transliteration (pronounced hashev=return because Y=H sound) Shear ‘Yshv’ means a remnant shall ‘return’ (HaShev).
If they want to fallaciously claim This son holds the name of Moshiach then to bad that name is HaShev and not Jesus.
I'll take that house you JW's set aside for me now, oh yeah you guys sold it, because you really had no faith in what you teach and the money was more important than redemtion (HaShev).

I'll make this simple for you HaShev:

Matthew quoted the Greek Septuagint translation of Isaiah 7:14 in Matthew 1:22,23. The Greek Septuagint translates Hebrew almah as Greek parthenos/virgin. The Septuagint is a Jewish translation. This is therefore evidence Matthew was Jewish.

Note also that Matthew recorded Jesus stating the greatest commandment in the Bible is to love Jehovah with all our heart, soul and strength - see Matthew 22:37-40. Mark records more detail, to wit:

Mark 12:28-34
One of the scribes who had come up and heard them disputing, knowing that he had answered them in a fine way, asked him: “Which commandment is first* of all?”+ 29 Jesus answered: “The first is, ‘Hear, O Israel, Jehovah our God is one Jehovah, 30 and you must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind and with your whole strength.’+ 31 The second is this, ‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’+ There is no other commandment greater than these.” 32 The scribe said to him: “Teacher, you spoke well, in line with truth, ‘He is One, and there is no other besides him’;+ 33 and to love him with one’s whole heart, with one’s whole understanding, and with one’s whole strength and to love one’s neighbor as oneself is worth far more than all the whole burnt offerings and sacrifices.”+ 34 At this Jesus, discerning that he had answered intelligently, said to him: “You are not far from the Kingdom of God.” But no one had the courage to question him anymore.+

Quoting accurately Deuteronomy 6:4,5 where the Divine Name appears 3 times:

Deuteronomy 6:4,5
“Listen, O Israel: Jehovah our God is one Jehovah.+ 5 You must love Jehovah your God with all your heart and all your soul*+ and all your strength.*+

This confirms Matthew, Mark and Jesus were Jewish. This is the beginning of the Jewish Shema right?

Note also that Jesus agreed Jehovah is ONE. This confirms Jesus, like the Jews, believed Jehovah is one not a trinity.

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