the Biden administration wants you to social distance and wear a mask in the event that we get nuked by Russia. You can’t make this crazy stuff up

A limited nuclear attack taking out a few Prog areas would be beneficial to this nation and the Western Hemisphere. Sounds callous and it would be. We are ruled by insane and/or extremist people. We are convinced that social justice rights are mor important than unalienable rights. And in a few decades are on the precipice of destroying ourselves. A world of violence in its history with testosterone and is now added estrogen with being on the rag to the conversation with nuclear, biological and chemical weapons with a hair trigger reality.
You’re a sad case.
You disgusting leftists who supported a stolen election, and a dishonest media, enabled the installation of a demented, weak old man who gave Putin his opening. And because the demented one also reversed the energy independence Trump got us, we are dependent on Russia for oil and our hands are tied.

And you ledtists are so brainwashed, and so arrogant, that you not only are incapable of seeing how Biden enabled this, you are actually peddling the reprehensible lie that Trump is on Russia’s side.

IRL, I avoid leftists as much as possible.
Thank you!!! :dance:
You’re welcome. I find myself better off when I avoid Americans who hate our country and peddle all the white oppressor nonsense. And on a personal level, I find them much more selfish when it comes to helping other people.
Whatever brain worms got to Joe Biden must be contagious because the entire US government seems to have completely lost their marbles.

Yes, if we get nuked it would be very helpful to be wearing a mask at the time. Sometimes you just can't make this shit up. The best comedy comes from real stuff, not made up stuff. This reminds me of a story I read a few years ago. Here is the link:

So, two things you really need to know:

Wear your mask before the nuclear bomb detonates and don't use hair conditioner after the blast. Of course these only apply to those who aren't vaporized.
So all of the Democrats will be toast (due to their low IQs)???

Can we make them stop voting after they die off too???

You rumpsters will be the4 first to take another person with you trying to save your own sorry butts. In case you aren't' smart enought o know, I'll tell y ou about it. There won't be any voting for decades to come. Guess you will partially get your fondest wish where the Democratic Process is completely depleted.
A limited nuclear attack taking out a few Prog areas would be beneficial to this nation and the Western Hemisphere. Sounds callous and it would be. We are ruled by insane and/or extremist people. We are convinced that social justice rights are mor important than unalienable rights. And in a few decades are on the precipice of destroying ourselves. A world of violence in its history with testosterone and is now added estrogen with being on the rag to the conversation with nuclear, biological and chemical weapons with a hair trigger reality.

There is no such animal as "Limited Nuclear Attacks". You rumpsters are living in never never land and are trying to rewrite history and the future to suit your own cray-cray insanity.
For the sake of the country you would hope this is fake news

can liberals really be that stupid?

I hope not
They’ve really got you brainwashed, haven’t they?!?!
Yes, if we get nuked it would be very helpful to be wearing a mask at the time. Sometimes you just can't make this shit up. The best comedy comes from real stuff, not made up stuff. This reminds me of a story I read a few years ago. Here is the link:

So, two things you really need to know:

Wear your mask before the nuclear bomb detonates and don't use hair conditioner after the blast. Of course these only apply to those who aren't vaporized.
I’m thinking our best bet would be to double up on masks, wear sunglasses, and insert ear plugs.
Whatever brain worms got to Joe Biden must be contagious because the entire US government seems to have completely lost their marbles.

Just more Article 25 Evidence that the man is a dangerous senile lunatic.

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