The Biden Economic Miracle!

you think biden had something to do with this?.....i read 3 stories about this thing....none of them mentioned said this was in the works before he became pres.....??
Better start by looking at real numbers, from the Office of Budget Management;

For example, National Debt right now is $29.8 trillion and Debt to GDP is 127.35%
Four years from now (2026), based on Joe's "Blow it all away spending(debt) plan", National Debt will be $52.1 trillion and Debt to GDP will be 197.69%.

Biden has almost zero real economics~wealth creation experience having spent his near entire career track in guv'mint work taking and redistributing wealth. It's the height of ignorance (about economics) and absurdity to think a career parasite can improve the economy via creating real wealth. Debt and deficit is Biden's methods and legacy.
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you think biden had something to do with this?.....i read 3 stories about this thing....none of them mentioned said this was in the works before he became pres.....??
Why is it that Biden doesn't get the credit for this but conservatives were silent whenever Trump took credit for these company announcements? Carrier Air Conditioning, FoxConn, Intel, etc.

TRUMP: “Since my election, Ford, Fiat-Chrysler, General Motors, Sprint, Softbank, Lockheed, Intel, Wal-Mart and many others have announced that they will invest billions of dollars in the United States and will create tens of thousands of new American jobs.”

So what's the difference Harry Dresden ?
Why is it that Biden doesn't get the credit for this but conservatives were silent whenever Trump took credit for these company announcements? Carrier Air Conditioning, FoxConn, Intel, etc.

TRUMP: “Since my election, Ford, Fiat-Chrysler, General Motors, Sprint, Softbank, Lockheed, Intel, Wal-Mart and many others have announced that they will invest billions of dollars in the United States and will create tens of thousands of new American jobs.”

So what's the difference Harry Dresden ?
the difference is in the stories i read it said this was in the works before biden became president....prove me wrong and i will look at it differently...
500 million people worldwide may soon face extreme poverty due to the economic crisis and the lack of universal access to quality free medicine.
But there is also good news: 2021 was the most successful year for sellers of yachts, business jets and luxury cars.
The Fed Chairman serves at the pleasure of the President.

The market stimulus package was planned to coincide with the advent of the vaccines being released to the public.

The Fed Chairman and the SEC chairman were temporary until a permanent person was placed in those roles. Trump never really liked either one of the two currently permanently placed by Biden in those roles...Trump wasn't wrong in mistrusting those temporary appointments.

Because Trump was advised against their timelines for Market Stimulus to be enacted. Citing the exact issues we are having today. (Supply Chain interruptions and stagflation).

That actually the advent of the vaccines and antivirals and monoclonal antibodies would do enough all on their own...and to hold off until such a time as the vaccines and medicines were reaching second world countries to start market stimulus.

No matter what anything else happened and then inflation and supply chains could handle the increased capitalization from a growing economy. Inflation would be in check and supply chains could handle the increased demands.

But the Fed Chairman and SEC chair were actually Biden supporters giving bad advice.
So when Biden won the election those two went forward with their plan to make it appear that electing Biden made our economy grow. Even though waiting would have provided a better outcome with less money.

The stock market is tanking....the economy sucks under Joe....what on earth are you smoking?....if Trump were still in office the stock market would be over 40,000...I don't get you libs...the bidung disaster is staring you right in the your gas and grocery receipts and add them up at the end of the month....

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