The Biden's are in serious trouble now.

Devon Archer, Hunters partner, just lost his appeal last week and is now facing prison time for defrauding the Sioux Tribe. Guess what he is doing THIS week? He is cooperating with Comer, who is likely to get him immunity for the Sioux thing AND the Biden bribery scheme, in return for testifying against the Bidens.

So we have thousands of shady money transfers that were labled "money laundering" by the banks, PLUS the partner in the scheme who is willing to spill the beans on the entire operation. What more do we need? When do prosecutors EVER have this much evidence and NOT easilly convict the accused?

The Bidens are in serious trouble now.

Got a link for Archer with Comer? Did not see that in your link?
Like I said, you're very optimistic, I hope you're right, but history tells me otherwise unfortunately.
Im optimistic because the evidence so far is incredibly damning, not to mention the fact that its simple as fuck to look into whether or not the Bidens paid taxes on all this income. The number is going to be somewhere between "$20-$30 million dollars", according to Comer who hasnt lied once throughout the last 4 months of the investigation.

How confident are you that the Bidens paid their taxes? If they didnt, they are getting the Al Capone treatment.
I suspect he will either be dead or so far mentally gone that he cant even stand trial by the time this all goes down. Thats fine though. We will still get the rest of the family and the damage this will do to the DNC and the mainstream media will be catastrophic. We have a million sound bites of lefties laughing at the accusation and covering it up for YEARS! That isnt going to sit well with the American people.
Wouldn’t it be something if Biden is indicted for bribery - and then is deemed to be mentally unfit for a trial?
Im optimistic because the evidence so far is incredibly damning, not to mention the fact that its simple as fuck to look into whether or not the Bidens paid taxes on all this income. The number is going to be somewhere between "$20-$30 million dollars", according to Comer who hasnt lied once throughout the last 4 months of the investigation.

How confident are you that the Bidens paid their taxes? If they didnt, they are getting the Al Capone treatment.
What’s scary is that liberals are still screaming “no evidence” despite reams of it.
Hunter may be in for a slap on the wrist on this one

So you approve of criminals not being punished for their crimes? How about the pistol Hunter bought by lying about his drug use? If that just deserves a "slap on the wrist" then we have no need for any more gun laws, right?
Im optimistic because the evidence so far is incredibly damning, not to mention the fact that its simple as fuck to look into whether or not the Bidens paid taxes on all this income. The number is going to be somewhere between "$20-$30 million dollars", according to Comer who hasnt lied once throughout the last 4 months of the investigation.

How confident are you that the Bidens paid their taxes? If they didnt, they are getting the Al Capone treatment.

Yeah, but look what others have done, i.e. Clinton, and nothing ever happened to them. You have leftist morons in here trying to use her as a rebuttal to Trump's indictment, when has she ever been indicted or found guilty? They actually gloat that she did worse than what Trump is supposedly indicted for and never got charged as if that magically means she did nothing wrong. It will likely be te same with Biden, if not I will be pleasantly surprised.
Yeah, but look what others have done, i.e. Clinton, and nothing ever happened to them. You have leftist morons in here trying to use her as a rebuttal to Trump's indictment, when has she ever been indicted or found guilty? They actually gloat that she did worse than what Trump is supposedly indicted for and never got charged as if that magically means she did nothing wrong. It will likely be te same with Biden, if not I will be pleasantly surprised.
That cat is out of the bag now, partially BECAUSE Hillary got away with it. Now that everyones eyes are opened, it will all get cleaned out by the next GOP candidate who wins.
Or, just allow Trump to take his rightful seat as the President. But since he was robbed of more than three years, he gets to run for a third term.

As for the Biden Crime Family, I hope their house of cards tumbles to the ground with a heavy thud. There's nothing I'd enjoy more than to see Creepy Daddy Biden hauled away in cuffs and a paddy wagon.
Why do you imbibe and post foolish nonsense? Trump lost.
So you approve of criminals not being punished for their crimes? How about the pistol Hunter bought by lying about his drug use? If that just deserves a "slap on the wrist" then we have no need for any more gun laws, right?
Were the millions of dollars distributed among the Bidens declared on their 1040s under “other income”?

Devon Archer, Hunters partner, just lost his appeal last week and is now facing prison time for defrauding the Sioux Tribe. Guess what he is doing THIS week? He is cooperating with Comer, who is likely to get him immunity for the Sioux thing AND the Biden bribery scheme, in return for testifying against the Bidens.

So we have thousands of shady money transfers that were labled "money laundering" by the banks, PLUS the partner in the scheme who is willing to spill the beans on the entire operation. What more do we need? When do prosecutors EVER have this much evidence and NOT easilly convict the accused?

The Bidens are in serious trouble now.

I have zero faith in the DOJ pursuing this matter. Democrats are above the law. One way or another they will find a way to slip out of it, probably a very strong condemnation from the DOJ but they will be unable to prosecute, same as what happened with Hillary. So, Republicans will impeach and the Senate won't remove Biden from office like they didn't with Trump, if Biden's even still around at the time all of this would come down. Of course you can still impeach someone, even if they aren't president anymore.
We're finding out from the tapes.... the $10M bribe didn't just fall in the stuttering fuck's lap.... he SOLICITED it! Along with the millions in a no-show Burisma board job for the crackhead. It was all his idea. He said that having a biden on the board would lend credibility and stop the investigation into Burisma. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! As if....

Dirty little mother fucker! Who knew he could put together a series of thoughts other than molesting a 9-year old? :laughing0301:

Take your time GOP. Milk this for all it's worth. There's a treasure trove on that laptop, including Hunted raping and torturing minors. Let it drip out SLOWLY. Then you drop the impeachment hammer.... and DARE the soviet media not to cover the impeachment of a sitting (or falling) potus. Play that tape every day for the next 2 years. What tape? The one where Josef Stolen is directing the bribery scheme in painstaking details. It's guaranteed to make you cum. :laughing0301:

Im optimistic because the evidence so far is incredibly damning, not to mention the fact that its simple as fuck to look into whether or not the Bidens paid taxes on all this income. The number is going to be somewhere between "$20-$30 million dollars", according to Comer who hasnt lied once throughout the last 4 months of the investigation.

How confident are you that the Bidens paid their taxes? If they didnt, they are getting the Al Capone treatment.
They will contact syphilis?
Hopefully this pans out.

When you have a bunch of criminals working together to do criminal shit and keep it hidden all you have to do is break one. If you get one criminal to roll over then you can get another to roll over until you have them all.

They keep need to push that first domino and the rest will fall. Criminals in the end are only concerned about self preservation when they get squeezed. That's why they are criminals, because they no sense of loyalty, honor or moral fortitude.
Devon Archer, Hunters partner, just lost his appeal last week and is now facing prison time for defrauding the Sioux Tribe. Guess what he is doing THIS week? He is cooperating with Comer, who is likely to get him immunity for the Sioux thing AND the Biden bribery scheme, in return for testifying against the Bidens.

So we have thousands of shady money transfers that were labled "money laundering" by the banks, PLUS the partner in the scheme who is willing to spill the beans on the entire operation. What more do we need? When do prosecutors EVER have this much evidence and NOT easilly convict the accused?

The Bidens are in serious trouble now.

Hunter Biden is in politics?

Yeah, he is the bagman for the xiden crime family, headed up by the "big guy" his dad, who was installed as the inhabitant of the whitehouse.

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