The big question about life on other planets: 1000000000000000000000 planets in the universe

All life has dna
Life is generally defined as having reproduction, growth, response to stimuli, adaptation to environment, etc.
A prototype life could first contain reproduction without the other attributes, and then gain the attributes one at a time.
For example pre-life could start out with DNA as a very short strand of a just a few nucleotides that does nothing but reproduce.

Not likely. DNA, even in its simplest form, requires quite a bit of complexity to reproduce. Further, reproduction does not make life on its own - stars technically reproduce. They explode and spread material through the universe that recombines into other stars and planets. What makes life different is reproduction that is subject to natural selection.

Origin and Evolution of DNA and DNA Replication Machineries - Madame Curie Bioscience Database - NCBI Bookshelf
"Times have changed, and several decades of experimental work have convinced us that DNA synthesis and replication actually require a plethora of proteins.4 We are reasonably sure now that DNA and DNA replication mechanisms appeared late in early life history, and that DNA originated from RNA in an RNA/protein world."

Long and rather complex read but that statement in the summery pretty much says it all. DNA is unlikely to be where life originated but is such an effective method of natural selection that it essentially took over completely.

There is no origin of DNA to be read, wake up.

DNA is not just proteins, it is proteins orchestrated into the most complicated code known. All the computer codes on Earth pale in complexity to DNA, but oddly all computer codes and all computers and supercomputers are the result of the DNA code. The likelihood that even the simplest lifeform made of code came form nothing is not calculatable as it is null.
Hence why DNA is not the starting point.
But you read about the origin of DNA and that makes it real.

Have you seen the page on the Chupacabra


Are you really comparing a blog post to a link from NCBI?

That really does not help your point.

Are you really saying that proof of where DNA comes from is found on the internet? You totally missed the point, which is to be expected from a mental 8 year old who has no idea how to lead so they only follow.

DNA takes iron and instead of layering it by gravity to a low point as iron is heavy, DNA puts iron into a fluid and pumps it against gravity. Saying that DNA formed in a pond without intervention from smaller parts is like saying that nature forms pens and pencils then uses them to wrote molecular code.

This idea is 100 percent anti science on every level
I never said DNA formed in a pond. I said that DNA was not the starting point. Where DNA actually formed is a mystery, we do not know how far RNA may have taken things before DNA came into the picture.
Life is generally defined as having reproduction, growth, response to stimuli, adaptation to environment, etc.
A prototype life could first contain reproduction without the other attributes, and then gain the attributes one at a time.
For example pre-life could start out with DNA as a very short strand of a just a few nucleotides that does nothing but reproduce.

Not likely. DNA, even in its simplest form, requires quite a bit of complexity to reproduce. Further, reproduction does not make life on its own - stars technically reproduce. They explode and spread material through the universe that recombines into other stars and planets. What makes life different is reproduction that is subject to natural selection.

Origin and Evolution of DNA and DNA Replication Machineries - Madame Curie Bioscience Database - NCBI Bookshelf
"Times have changed, and several decades of experimental work have convinced us that DNA synthesis and replication actually require a plethora of proteins.4 We are reasonably sure now that DNA and DNA replication mechanisms appeared late in early life history, and that DNA originated from RNA in an RNA/protein world."

Long and rather complex read but that statement in the summery pretty much says it all. DNA is unlikely to be where life originated but is such an effective method of natural selection that it essentially took over completely.

There is no origin of DNA to be read, wake up.

DNA is not just proteins, it is proteins orchestrated into the most complicated code known. All the computer codes on Earth pale in complexity to DNA, but oddly all computer codes and all computers and supercomputers are the result of the DNA code. The likelihood that even the simplest lifeform made of code came form nothing is not calculatable as it is null.
Hence why DNA is not the starting point.
But you read about the origin of DNA and that makes it real.

Have you seen the page on the Chupacabra


Are you really comparing a blog post to a link from NCBI?

That really does not help your point.

Are you really saying that proof of where DNA comes from is found on the internet? You totally missed the point, which is to be expected from a mental 8 year old who has no idea how to lead so they only follow.

DNA takes iron and instead of layering it by gravity to a low point as iron is heavy, DNA puts iron into a fluid and pumps it against gravity. Saying that DNA formed in a pond without intervention from smaller parts is like saying that nature forms pens and pencils then uses them to wrote molecular code.

This idea is 100 percent anti science on every level
I never said DNA formed in a pond. I said that DNA was not the starting point. Where DNA actually formed is a mystery, we do not know how far RNA may have taken things before DNA came into the picture.

RNA could not form in a pond either, but if it did 3000 gene sequences are needed for the simplest bacteria, any 2 of them falling into the right spot is statistically null to happen by chance, and 2998 more need to be in exactly the right place.

Never happened, science and mathematical logic prohibit this.

You believe this out of faith for your atheist religion
A mucous blob is not going to roll out of a spaceship. They need dexterity and building and survival skills. And obviously extreme intelligence.

And evolution would dictate that they have a humanoid form.
That is a rather silly assertion. What makes you think that the only body form that is dexterous and can be intelligent is the one we currently occupy? That is false with even a modicum of thought. The form that a particular intelligent life is going to take if there are some out there are going to depend on the conditions of the planet it evolves on and also on the other forms of life that it is competing with.
It's taken a lot of thought actually.

Evolution works on limited resources. Almost all of our resources went to development of our brain. That's why we are weak physically. And why we don't have extra arms or legs or eight eyes. Resources were shifted to brain development. Once we were intelligent enough to invent medicine, we stopped evolving. Because survival of the fittest doesn't apply to us anymore.

All you need is two eyes, for 3d vision. Two ears for 3d hearing. Two legs for moving. And two arms with appendages with enough complex dexterity to make tools. That's a lot of resources! Not to mention our incredibly advanced brain.

Once you get to that point, evolution will stop, or at least slow down to a crawl.

Now obviously, the brain, eyes, and ears should be higher on the body to provide the most benefit.

The legs should be low to provide the most traction.

The arms should be midway to provide the most reach.

Add them all up, for an alien capable of building a spaceship, and you get a humanoid type body. Not exactly like us, but similar.
Again, that is a ton of assumptions. 2 legs are not even the norm on this planet let alone on one that may have much higher gravity or a million other considerations. If we are talking about an almost entirely aquatic planet then no legs at all would be the more likely outcome. 2 eyes for 3d vision only works on a planet that has a rather clear atmosphere. If the atmosphere was dense or does not let much light through then something like echo location would be far superior.
Not likely. DNA, even in its simplest form, requires quite a bit of complexity to reproduce. Further, reproduction does not make life on its own - stars technically reproduce. They explode and spread material through the universe that recombines into other stars and planets. What makes life different is reproduction that is subject to natural selection.

Origin and Evolution of DNA and DNA Replication Machineries - Madame Curie Bioscience Database - NCBI Bookshelf
"Times have changed, and several decades of experimental work have convinced us that DNA synthesis and replication actually require a plethora of proteins.4 We are reasonably sure now that DNA and DNA replication mechanisms appeared late in early life history, and that DNA originated from RNA in an RNA/protein world."

Long and rather complex read but that statement in the summery pretty much says it all. DNA is unlikely to be where life originated but is such an effective method of natural selection that it essentially took over completely.

There is no origin of DNA to be read, wake up.

DNA is not just proteins, it is proteins orchestrated into the most complicated code known. All the computer codes on Earth pale in complexity to DNA, but oddly all computer codes and all computers and supercomputers are the result of the DNA code. The likelihood that even the simplest lifeform made of code came form nothing is not calculatable as it is null.
Hence why DNA is not the starting point.
But you read about the origin of DNA and that makes it real.

Have you seen the page on the Chupacabra


Are you really comparing a blog post to a link from NCBI?

That really does not help your point.

Are you really saying that proof of where DNA comes from is found on the internet? You totally missed the point, which is to be expected from a mental 8 year old who has no idea how to lead so they only follow.

DNA takes iron and instead of layering it by gravity to a low point as iron is heavy, DNA puts iron into a fluid and pumps it against gravity. Saying that DNA formed in a pond without intervention from smaller parts is like saying that nature forms pens and pencils then uses them to wrote molecular code.

This idea is 100 percent anti science on every level
I never said DNA formed in a pond. I said that DNA was not the starting point. Where DNA actually formed is a mystery, we do not know how far RNA may have taken things before DNA came into the picture.

RNA could not form in a pond either, but if it did 3000 gene sequences are needed for the simplest bacteria, any 2 of them falling into the right spot is statistically null to happen by chance, and 2998 more need to be in exactly the right place.

Never happened, science and mathematical logic prohibit this.

You believe this out of faith for your atheist religion
No, 3000 gene sequences are not needed. That is an assumption based on the idea that the starting point of life must have been on a complexity level that we see today. Life based on DNA that I just showed is not expected to even exist near the starting point. The exact opposite that is actually hypothesized by any coherent abiogenesis hypothesis.
There is no origin of DNA to be read, wake up.

DNA is not just proteins, it is proteins orchestrated into the most complicated code known. All the computer codes on Earth pale in complexity to DNA, but oddly all computer codes and all computers and supercomputers are the result of the DNA code. The likelihood that even the simplest lifeform made of code came form nothing is not calculatable as it is null.
Hence why DNA is not the starting point.
But you read about the origin of DNA and that makes it real.

Have you seen the page on the Chupacabra


Are you really comparing a blog post to a link from NCBI?

That really does not help your point.

Are you really saying that proof of where DNA comes from is found on the internet? You totally missed the point, which is to be expected from a mental 8 year old who has no idea how to lead so they only follow.

DNA takes iron and instead of layering it by gravity to a low point as iron is heavy, DNA puts iron into a fluid and pumps it against gravity. Saying that DNA formed in a pond without intervention from smaller parts is like saying that nature forms pens and pencils then uses them to wrote molecular code.

This idea is 100 percent anti science on every level
I never said DNA formed in a pond. I said that DNA was not the starting point. Where DNA actually formed is a mystery, we do not know how far RNA may have taken things before DNA came into the picture.

RNA could not form in a pond either, but if it did 3000 gene sequences are needed for the simplest bacteria, any 2 of them falling into the right spot is statistically null to happen by chance, and 2998 more need to be in exactly the right place.

Never happened, science and mathematical logic prohibit this.

You believe this out of faith for your atheist religion
No, 3000 gene sequences are not needed. That is an assumption based on the idea that the starting point of life must have been on a complexity level that we see today. Life based on DNA that I just showed is not expected to even exist near the starting point. The exact opposite that is actually hypothesized by any coherent abiogenesis hypothesis.

How will life start on Mars if we take it there and engineer it for the planet?

Fact. The universe was at least 8 billion years old when the Earth was born...………………

Get used to it, the Earth is not the center of the universe or even important, it's just another place where life was dropped off.

Tell us how does sterile pond water write genetic codes? even the most simple one? even for one gene?

LOL can't happen and you have no evidence that it did, just your religion
Hence why DNA is not the starting point.
Are you really comparing a blog post to a link from NCBI?

That really does not help your point.

Are you really saying that proof of where DNA comes from is found on the internet? You totally missed the point, which is to be expected from a mental 8 year old who has no idea how to lead so they only follow.

DNA takes iron and instead of layering it by gravity to a low point as iron is heavy, DNA puts iron into a fluid and pumps it against gravity. Saying that DNA formed in a pond without intervention from smaller parts is like saying that nature forms pens and pencils then uses them to wrote molecular code.

This idea is 100 percent anti science on every level
I never said DNA formed in a pond. I said that DNA was not the starting point. Where DNA actually formed is a mystery, we do not know how far RNA may have taken things before DNA came into the picture.

RNA could not form in a pond either, but if it did 3000 gene sequences are needed for the simplest bacteria, any 2 of them falling into the right spot is statistically null to happen by chance, and 2998 more need to be in exactly the right place.

Never happened, science and mathematical logic prohibit this.

You believe this out of faith for your atheist religion
No, 3000 gene sequences are not needed. That is an assumption based on the idea that the starting point of life must have been on a complexity level that we see today. Life based on DNA that I just showed is not expected to even exist near the starting point. The exact opposite that is actually hypothesized by any coherent abiogenesis hypothesis.

How will life start on Mars if we take it there and engineer it for the planet?

Fact. The universe was at least 8 billion years old when the Earth was born...………………

Get used to it, the Earth is not the center of the universe or even important, it's just another place where life was dropped off.

Tell us how does sterile pond water write genetic codes? even the most simple one? even for one gene?

LOL can't happen and you have no evidence that it did, just your religion

What does this rambling have to do with anything I stated?
Are you really saying that proof of where DNA comes from is found on the internet? You totally missed the point, which is to be expected from a mental 8 year old who has no idea how to lead so they only follow.

DNA takes iron and instead of layering it by gravity to a low point as iron is heavy, DNA puts iron into a fluid and pumps it against gravity. Saying that DNA formed in a pond without intervention from smaller parts is like saying that nature forms pens and pencils then uses them to wrote molecular code.

This idea is 100 percent anti science on every level
I never said DNA formed in a pond. I said that DNA was not the starting point. Where DNA actually formed is a mystery, we do not know how far RNA may have taken things before DNA came into the picture.

RNA could not form in a pond either, but if it did 3000 gene sequences are needed for the simplest bacteria, any 2 of them falling into the right spot is statistically null to happen by chance, and 2998 more need to be in exactly the right place.

Never happened, science and mathematical logic prohibit this.

You believe this out of faith for your atheist religion
No, 3000 gene sequences are not needed. That is an assumption based on the idea that the starting point of life must have been on a complexity level that we see today. Life based on DNA that I just showed is not expected to even exist near the starting point. The exact opposite that is actually hypothesized by any coherent abiogenesis hypothesis.

How will life start on Mars if we take it there and engineer it for the planet?

Fact. The universe was at least 8 billion years old when the Earth was born...………………

Get used to it, the Earth is not the center of the universe or even important, it's just another place where life was dropped off.

Tell us how does sterile pond water write genetic codes? even the most simple one? even for one gene?

LOL can't happen and you have no evidence that it did, just your religion

What does this rambling have to do with anything I stated?
Nothing you stated is fact......

Nothing I can say can alter this.....

A mucous blob is not going to roll out of a spaceship. They need dexterity and building and survival skills. And obviously extreme intelligence.

And evolution would dictate that they have a humanoid form.
That is a rather silly assertion. What makes you think that the only body form that is dexterous and can be intelligent is the one we currently occupy? That is false with even a modicum of thought. The form that a particular intelligent life is going to take if there are some out there are going to depend on the conditions of the planet it evolves on and also on the other forms of life that it is competing with.
It's taken a lot of thought actually.

Evolution works on limited resources. Almost all of our resources went to development of our brain. That's why we are weak physically. And why we don't have extra arms or legs or eight eyes. Resources were shifted to brain development. Once we were intelligent enough to invent medicine, we stopped evolving. Because survival of the fittest doesn't apply to us anymore.

All you need is two eyes, for 3d vision. Two ears for 3d hearing. Two legs for moving. And two arms with appendages with enough complex dexterity to make tools. That's a lot of resources! Not to mention our incredibly advanced brain.

Once you get to that point, evolution will stop, or at least slow down to a crawl.

Now obviously, the brain, eyes, and ears should be higher on the body to provide the most benefit.

The legs should be low to provide the most traction.

The arms should be midway to provide the most reach.

Add them all up, for an alien capable of building a spaceship, and you get a humanoid type body. Not exactly like us, but similar.
Again, that is a ton of assumptions. 2 legs are not even the norm on this planet let alone on one that may have much higher gravity or a million other considerations. If we are talking about an almost entirely aquatic planet then no legs at all would be the more likely outcome. 2 eyes for 3d vision only works on a planet that has a rather clear atmosphere. If the atmosphere was dense or does not let much light through then something like echo location would be far superior.
Has to build a spaceship... Needs to make tools, and smelt metal. And protect itself above ground. Has to make electronic components, and get fuel from its natural resources.
A mucous blob is not going to roll out of a spaceship. They need dexterity and building and survival skills. And obviously extreme intelligence.

And evolution would dictate that they have a humanoid form.
That is a rather silly assertion. What makes you think that the only body form that is dexterous and can be intelligent is the one we currently occupy? That is false with even a modicum of thought. The form that a particular intelligent life is going to take if there are some out there are going to depend on the conditions of the planet it evolves on and also on the other forms of life that it is competing with.
It's taken a lot of thought actually.

Evolution works on limited resources. Almost all of our resources went to development of our brain. That's why we are weak physically. And why we don't have extra arms or legs or eight eyes. Resources were shifted to brain development. Once we were intelligent enough to invent medicine, we stopped evolving. Because survival of the fittest doesn't apply to us anymore.

All you need is two eyes, for 3d vision. Two ears for 3d hearing. Two legs for moving. And two arms with appendages with enough complex dexterity to make tools. That's a lot of resources! Not to mention our incredibly advanced brain.

Once you get to that point, evolution will stop, or at least slow down to a crawl.

Now obviously, the brain, eyes, and ears should be higher on the body to provide the most benefit.

The legs should be low to provide the most traction.

The arms should be midway to provide the most reach.

Add them all up, for an alien capable of building a spaceship, and you get a humanoid type body. Not exactly like us, but similar.
Evolution never stops...I get what you are saying, that now both weak and dominant traits will be reproduced into our speciee because modern medicine allows them to survive...

but mutation never ceases.

In fact, our evolution is exascerbated by this because variations are all surviving... not only the "fittest" ones.
Right, but they all humanoid. Remember we're talking about an alien with the intelligence and dexterity to build a spaceship capable of interstellar travel.
A mucous blob is not going to roll out of a spaceship. They need dexterity and building and survival skills. And obviously extreme intelligence.

And evolution would dictate that they have a humanoid form.
That is a rather silly assertion. What makes you think that the only body form that is dexterous and can be intelligent is the one we currently occupy? That is false with even a modicum of thought. The form that a particular intelligent life is going to take if there are some out there are going to depend on the conditions of the planet it evolves on and also on the other forms of life that it is competing with.
It's taken a lot of thought actually.

Evolution works on limited resources. Almost all of our resources went to development of our brain. That's why we are weak physically. And why we don't have extra arms or legs or eight eyes. Resources were shifted to brain development. Once we were intelligent enough to invent medicine, we stopped evolving. Because survival of the fittest doesn't apply to us anymore.

All you need is two eyes, for 3d vision. Two ears for 3d hearing. Two legs for moving. And two arms with appendages with enough complex dexterity to make tools. That's a lot of resources! Not to mention our incredibly advanced brain.

Once you get to that point, evolution will stop, or at least slow down to a crawl.

Now obviously, the brain, eyes, and ears should be higher on the body to provide the most benefit.

The legs should be low to provide the most traction.

The arms should be midway to provide the most reach.

Add them all up, for an alien capable of building a spaceship, and you get a humanoid type body. Not exactly like us, but similar.
Evolution never stops...I get what you are saying, that now both weak and dominant traits will be reproduced into our speciee because modern medicine allows them to survive...

but mutation never ceases.

In fact, our evolution is exascerbated by this because variations are all surviving... not only the "fittest" ones.
Right, but they all humanoid. Remember we're talking about an alien with the intelligence and dexterity to build a spaceship capable of interstellar travel.
Why couldn't a race of non humanoids do that?

After all I have dogs smarter than you
We should not expect a blob, or an eight armed, six legged creature, with it's head on the floor, to step out of a spaceship. Unless it's a nightmare. Or a B-movie.
Actually all of what you mentioned is more likely than humanoids of any kind. As for blobs a jellyfish would qualify as a blob. Why would life from another planet develop like us? If they do then we are clearly related
If we go to their planet, and find jellyfish-like life, that's understandable. But a jellyfish is never going to slither out of a UFO on Earth, because they couldn't have built the UFO.
A mucous blob is not going to roll out of a spaceship. They need dexterity and building and survival skills. And obviously extreme intelligence.

And evolution would dictate that they have a humanoid form.
That is a rather silly assertion. What makes you think that the only body form that is dexterous and can be intelligent is the one we currently occupy? That is false with even a modicum of thought. The form that a particular intelligent life is going to take if there are some out there are going to depend on the conditions of the planet it evolves on and also on the other forms of life that it is competing with.
It's taken a lot of thought actually.

Evolution works on limited resources. Almost all of our resources went to development of our brain. That's why we are weak physically. And why we don't have extra arms or legs or eight eyes. Resources were shifted to brain development. Once we were intelligent enough to invent medicine, we stopped evolving. Because survival of the fittest doesn't apply to us anymore.

All you need is two eyes, for 3d vision. Two ears for 3d hearing. Two legs for moving. And two arms with appendages with enough complex dexterity to make tools. That's a lot of resources! Not to mention our incredibly advanced brain.

Once you get to that point, evolution will stop, or at least slow down to a crawl.

Now obviously, the brain, eyes, and ears should be higher on the body to provide the most benefit.

The legs should be low to provide the most traction.

The arms should be midway to provide the most reach.

Add them all up, for an alien capable of building a spaceship, and you get a humanoid type body. Not exactly like us, but similar.
Evolution never stops...I get what you are saying, that now both weak and dominant traits will be reproduced into our speciee because modern medicine allows them to survive...

but mutation never ceases.

In fact, our evolution is exascerbated by this because variations are all surviving... not only the "fittest" ones.
Right, but they all humanoid. Remember we're talking about an alien with the intelligence and dexterity to build a spaceship capable of interstellar travel.
Why couldn't a race of non humanoids do that?

After all I have dogs smarter than you
Does a dog have the dexterity to build a spaceship?
What does the dog need to build it?
Let's see how smart you are.
We should not expect a blob, or an eight armed, six legged creature, with it's head on the floor, to step out of a spaceship. Unless it's a nightmare. Or a B-movie.
Actually all of what you mentioned is more likely than humanoids of any kind. As for blobs a jellyfish would qualify as a blob. Why would life from another planet develop like us? If they do then we are clearly related
If we go to their planet, and find jellyfish-like life, that's understandable. But a jellyfish is never going to slither out of a UFO on Earth, because they couldn't have built the UFO.
The universe is not stranger than you imagine, it is stranger than you can imagine.

I would love for aliens to be humanoid
Because if they are then we are related and Darwin turns into a religious nut, every professor blows out their own brain and real learning can commence
That is a rather silly assertion. What makes you think that the only body form that is dexterous and can be intelligent is the one we currently occupy? That is false with even a modicum of thought. The form that a particular intelligent life is going to take if there are some out there are going to depend on the conditions of the planet it evolves on and also on the other forms of life that it is competing with.
It's taken a lot of thought actually.

Evolution works on limited resources. Almost all of our resources went to development of our brain. That's why we are weak physically. And why we don't have extra arms or legs or eight eyes. Resources were shifted to brain development. Once we were intelligent enough to invent medicine, we stopped evolving. Because survival of the fittest doesn't apply to us anymore.

All you need is two eyes, for 3d vision. Two ears for 3d hearing. Two legs for moving. And two arms with appendages with enough complex dexterity to make tools. That's a lot of resources! Not to mention our incredibly advanced brain.

Once you get to that point, evolution will stop, or at least slow down to a crawl.

Now obviously, the brain, eyes, and ears should be higher on the body to provide the most benefit.

The legs should be low to provide the most traction.

The arms should be midway to provide the most reach.

Add them all up, for an alien capable of building a spaceship, and you get a humanoid type body. Not exactly like us, but similar.
Evolution never stops...I get what you are saying, that now both weak and dominant traits will be reproduced into our speciee because modern medicine allows them to survive...

but mutation never ceases.

In fact, our evolution is exascerbated by this because variations are all surviving... not only the "fittest" ones.
Right, but they all humanoid. Remember we're talking about an alien with the intelligence and dexterity to build a spaceship capable of interstellar travel.
Why couldn't a race of non humanoids do that?

After all I have dogs smarter than you
Does a dog have the dexterity to build a spaceship?
What does the dog need to build it?
Let's see how smart you are.
Can a termite build a skyscraper
Let's say the dog is as smart as a human.

What else does the dog need in order to build a spaceship?

Please list the requirements.
Let's say the dog is as smart as a human.

What else does the dog need in order to build a spaceship?

Please list the requirements.
Dude you do not know the requirements for alien technology

Stop babbling
It's taken a lot of thought actually.

Evolution works on limited resources. Almost all of our resources went to development of our brain. That's why we are weak physically. And why we don't have extra arms or legs or eight eyes. Resources were shifted to brain development. Once we were intelligent enough to invent medicine, we stopped evolving. Because survival of the fittest doesn't apply to us anymore.

All you need is two eyes, for 3d vision. Two ears for 3d hearing. Two legs for moving. And two arms with appendages with enough complex dexterity to make tools. That's a lot of resources! Not to mention our incredibly advanced brain.

Once you get to that point, evolution will stop, or at least slow down to a crawl.

Now obviously, the brain, eyes, and ears should be higher on the body to provide the most benefit.

The legs should be low to provide the most traction.

The arms should be midway to provide the most reach.

Add them all up, for an alien capable of building a spaceship, and you get a humanoid type body. Not exactly like us, but similar.
Evolution never stops...I get what you are saying, that now both weak and dominant traits will be reproduced into our speciee because modern medicine allows them to survive...

but mutation never ceases.

In fact, our evolution is exascerbated by this because variations are all surviving... not only the "fittest" ones.
Right, but they all humanoid. Remember we're talking about an alien with the intelligence and dexterity to build a spaceship capable of interstellar travel.
Why couldn't a race of non humanoids do that?

After all I have dogs smarter than you
Does a dog have the dexterity to build a spaceship?
What does the dog need to build it?
Let's see how smart you are.
Can a termite build a skyscraper
Not one that can propel itself into orbit, and visit an alien environment. That requires a lot of tools and resources.
Let's say the dog is as smart as a human.

What else does the dog need in order to build a spaceship?

Please list the requirements.
Dude you do not know the requirements for alien technology

Stop babbling
I know the logic of the requirements to be able to create a spaceship. It's not going to be a jellyfish like you suggested.

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