The big question about life on other planets: 1000000000000000000000 planets in the universe

All life has dna
Life is generally defined as having reproduction, growth, response to stimuli, adaptation to environment, etc.
A prototype life could first contain reproduction without the other attributes, and then gain the attributes one at a time.
For example pre-life could start out with DNA as a very short strand of a just a few nucleotides that does nothing but reproduce.

You can imagine anything if you try, but imagination is not fact
I stated facts. Imagination is when you think life is started by by mythological entities.

There are no facts about pre life woowoo, just your imagination imagining imaginary darwinian ponds that existed only in Darwin's imagination

Lol you have facts about pre life.....

Just stay away from the red button please
I stated physical possibilities. A possibility is a fact. You are concerned with the probabilities, not the possibilities. The imagining of a mythical entity starting life is outside a physical possibility, and is therefore woowoo. You stay away from the red button.

Again kid possibilities are not facts.

Please stay away from all buttons
A possibility is a fact. You are concerned with the probabilities, not the possibilities.
Again kid possibilities are not facts.

It is a fact a specific radium atom has the possibility of decaying in the next minute. It probably won't. You haven't distinguished between possibilities and probabilities. Tell you mythical creator of instant man to stay away from buttons.

A possibility is a fact. You are concerned with the probabilities, not the possibilities.
Again kid possibilities are not facts.

It is a fact a specific radium atom has the possibility of decaying in the next minute. It probably won't. You haven't distinguished between possibilities and probabilities. Tell you mythical creator of instant man to stay away from buttons.

Nothing in the above has anything to do with life genesis..... glad you gave up, or is life made of radium now

It's a fact that you need to be tied up and injected with thorazine if there are buttons to push
A possibility is a fact. You are concerned with the probabilities, not the possibilities.
Again kid possibilities are not facts.

It is a fact a specific radium atom has the possibility of decaying in the next minute. It probably won't. You haven't distinguished between possibilities and probabilities. Tell you mythical creator of instant man to stay away from buttons.

Nothing in the above has anything to do with life genesis..... glad you gave up, or is life made of radium now

It's a fact that you need to be tied up and injected with thorazine if there are buttons to push

You lost track of the argument. I stated possibilities how life could form. You said it was imagination. I showed an example of how physical possibilities are not imagination. Now you are purposely confusing the example of radioactivity with life. Resorting to troll tricks means you gave up. You really really don't want to think life should exist on other planets and it's making you weird. I think you are ready for a frontal lobotomy.

A possibility is a fact. You are concerned with the probabilities, not the possibilities.
Again kid possibilities are not facts.

It is a fact a specific radium atom has the possibility of decaying in the next minute. It probably won't. You haven't distinguished between possibilities and probabilities. Tell you mythical creator of instant man to stay away from buttons.

Nothing in the above has anything to do with life genesis..... glad you gave up, or is life made of radium now

It's a fact that you need to be tied up and injected with thorazine if there are buttons to push

You lost track of the argument. I stated possibilities how life could form. You said it was imagination. I showed an example of how physical possibilities are not imagination. Now you are purposely confusing the example of radioactivity with life. Resorting to troll tricks means you gave up. You really really don't want to think life should exist on other planets and it's making you weird. I think you are ready for a frontal lobotomy.

No what happened is that you babbled about pre life which is clearly speculation, but then you referred to your speculations as fact.

I want you in the brig and heavily sedated as well

There are no buttons in the brig
A possibility is a fact. You are concerned with the probabilities, not the possibilities.
Again kid possibilities are not facts.

It is a fact a specific radium atom has the possibility of decaying in the next minute. It probably won't. You haven't distinguished between possibilities and probabilities. Tell you mythical creator of instant man to stay away from buttons.

Nothing in the above has anything to do with life genesis..... glad you gave up, or is life made of radium now

It's a fact that you need to be tied up and injected with thorazine if there are buttons to push

You lost track of the argument. I stated possibilities how life could form. You said it was imagination. I showed an example of how physical possibilities are not imagination. Now you are purposely confusing the example of radioactivity with life. Resorting to troll tricks means you gave up. You really really don't want to think life should exist on other planets and it's making you weird. I think you are ready for a frontal lobotomy.

Frannie loses every debate and then melts down and gets banned.

Seems well adjusted, that one
No what happened is that you babbled about pre life which is clearly speculation, but then you referred to your speculations as fact.
The speculations were within the realm of physical possibility, and that is a fact. God instantly creating man 6000 years ago is clearly imagination outside the realm of physics. That is not a fact. Go ahead and believe you and your god don't want life on other planets, I really don't care anymore.

Frannie loses every debate and then melts down and gets banned.

Seems well adjusted, that one
Yeah, an ill-tempered one who is more interested in winning arguments at any cost than trying to understand anything.
A possibility is a fact. You are concerned with the probabilities, not the possibilities.
Again kid possibilities are not facts.

It is a fact a specific radium atom has the possibility of decaying in the next minute. It probably won't. You haven't distinguished between possibilities and probabilities. Tell you mythical creator of instant man to stay away from buttons.

Nothing in the above has anything to do with life genesis..... glad you gave up, or is life made of radium now

It's a fact that you need to be tied up and injected with thorazine if there are buttons to push

You lost track of the argument. I stated possibilities how life could form. You said it was imagination. I showed an example of how physical possibilities are not imagination. Now you are purposely confusing the example of radioactivity with life. Resorting to troll tricks means you gave up. You really really don't want to think life should exist on other planets and it's making you weird. I think you are ready for a frontal lobotomy.

Frannie loses every debate and then melts down and gets banned.

Seems well adjusted, that one
Ask the feds who lost
Frannie loses every debate and then melts down and gets banned.

Seems well adjusted, that one
Yeah, an ill-tempered one who is more interested in winning arguments at any cost than trying to understand anything.
Ok woowoo, give us the facts about pre life once more.....

Tell us how did base 4 molecular codes write themselves.....
A possibility is a fact. You are concerned with the probabilities, not the possibilities.
Again kid possibilities are not facts.

It is a fact a specific radium atom has the possibility of decaying in the next minute. It probably won't. You haven't distinguished between possibilities and probabilities. Tell you mythical creator of instant man to stay away from buttons.

Nothing in the above has anything to do with life genesis..... glad you gave up, or is life made of radium now

It's a fact that you need to be tied up and injected with thorazine if there are buttons to push

You lost track of the argument. I stated possibilities how life could form. You said it was imagination. I showed an example of how physical possibilities are not imagination. Now you are purposely confusing the example of radioactivity with life. Resorting to troll tricks means you gave up. You really really don't want to think life should exist on other planets and it's making you weird. I think you are ready for a frontal lobotomy.

Frannie loses every debate and then melts down and gets banned.

Seems well adjusted, that one
Ask the feds who lost
Seems youve been banned quite a bit. No need to ask anyone anything, actions are there to evaluate...mister child that cant behave anonymously on a messageboard.
It is a fact a specific radium atom has the possibility of decaying in the next minute. It probably won't. You haven't distinguished between possibilities and probabilities. Tell you mythical creator of instant man to stay away from buttons.

Nothing in the above has anything to do with life genesis..... glad you gave up, or is life made of radium now

It's a fact that you need to be tied up and injected with thorazine if there are buttons to push

You lost track of the argument. I stated possibilities how life could form. You said it was imagination. I showed an example of how physical possibilities are not imagination. Now you are purposely confusing the example of radioactivity with life. Resorting to troll tricks means you gave up. You really really don't want to think life should exist on other planets and it's making you weird. I think you are ready for a frontal lobotomy.

Frannie loses every debate and then melts down and gets banned.

Seems well adjusted, that one
Ask the feds who lost
Seems youve been banned quite a bit. No need to ask anyone anything, actions are there to evaluate...mister child that cant behave anonymously on a messageboard.
You can also weigh in as to how a base 4 molecular code wrote itself. Providing you understand codes that is... he he he

Or you can change the subject because woowoo.. believes he knows the facts about pre life on the earth.

Nothing in the above has anything to do with life genesis..... glad you gave up, or is life made of radium now

It's a fact that you need to be tied up and injected with thorazine if there are buttons to push

You lost track of the argument. I stated possibilities how life could form. You said it was imagination. I showed an example of how physical possibilities are not imagination. Now you are purposely confusing the example of radioactivity with life. Resorting to troll tricks means you gave up. You really really don't want to think life should exist on other planets and it's making you weird. I think you are ready for a frontal lobotomy.

Frannie loses every debate and then melts down and gets banned.

Seems well adjusted, that one
Ask the feds who lost
Seems youve been banned quite a bit. No need to ask anyone anything, actions are there to evaluate...mister child that cant behave anonymously on a messageboard.
You can also weigh in as to how a base 4 molecular code wrote itself.

Or you can change the subject because woowoo.. believes he knows the facts about pre life on the earth.

You're irrational, no need to pretend youre capable of just obfuscate, then melt like a snowflake and get banned.
You lost track of the argument. I stated possibilities how life could form. You said it was imagination. I showed an example of how physical possibilities are not imagination. Now you are purposely confusing the example of radioactivity with life. Resorting to troll tricks means you gave up. You really really don't want to think life should exist on other planets and it's making you weird. I think you are ready for a frontal lobotomy.

Frannie loses every debate and then melts down and gets banned.

Seems well adjusted, that one
Ask the feds who lost
Seems youve been banned quite a bit. No need to ask anyone anything, actions are there to evaluate...mister child that cant behave anonymously on a messageboard.
You can also weigh in as to how a base 4 molecular code wrote itself.

Or you can change the subject because woowoo.. believes he knows the facts about pre life on the earth.

You're irrational, no need to pretend youre capable of just obfuscate, then melt like a snowflake and get banned.
Actually you are the one who has no info to add, why? Easy because everything you babble about the codes you will never comprehend is evident to all.

Do try to be pleasant in your obvious inability to retort.
Frannie loses every debate and then melts down and gets banned.

Seems well adjusted, that one
Ask the feds who lost
Seems youve been banned quite a bit. No need to ask anyone anything, actions are there to evaluate...mister child that cant behave anonymously on a messageboard.
You can also weigh in as to how a base 4 molecular code wrote itself.

Or you can change the subject because woowoo.. believes he knows the facts about pre life on the earth.

You're irrational, no need to pretend youre capable of just obfuscate, then melt like a snowflake and get banned.
Actually you are the one who has no info to add, why? Easy because everything you babble about the codes you will never comprehend is evident to all.

Do try to be pleasant in your obvious inability to retort.
There there man with a female name. Go snowflake on someone with empathy.
Ask the feds who lost
Seems youve been banned quite a bit. No need to ask anyone anything, actions are there to evaluate...mister child that cant behave anonymously on a messageboard.
You can also weigh in as to how a base 4 molecular code wrote itself.

Or you can change the subject because woowoo.. believes he knows the facts about pre life on the earth.

You're irrational, no need to pretend youre capable of just obfuscate, then melt like a snowflake and get banned.
Actually you are the one who has no info to add, why? Easy because everything you babble about the codes you will never comprehend is evident to all.

Do try to be pleasant in your obvious inability to retort.
There there man with a female name. Go snowflake on someone with empathy.
Are you always so happy or are you all pissed that I took your buttons away

At any rate since you have nothing to add to any intelligent discussion based on your potato peeler IQ, I regret that you are now being banned by me.

So see ya loser, remember to pick up all the peels
Seems youve been banned quite a bit. No need to ask anyone anything, actions are there to evaluate...mister child that cant behave anonymously on a messageboard.
You can also weigh in as to how a base 4 molecular code wrote itself.

Or you can change the subject because woowoo.. believes he knows the facts about pre life on the earth.

You're irrational, no need to pretend youre capable of just obfuscate, then melt like a snowflake and get banned.
Actually you are the one who has no info to add, why? Easy because everything you babble about the codes you will never comprehend is evident to all.

Do try to be pleasant in your obvious inability to retort.
There there man with a female name. Go snowflake on someone with empathy.
Are you always so happy or are you all pissed that I took your buttons away

At any rate since you have nothing to add to any intelligent discussion based on your potato peeler IQ, I regret that you are now being banned by me.

So see ya loser, remember to pick up all the peels
You dont know what an intelligent discussion would even look likex to even be able to recognize one.

"derp derp its stuff i cant figure out therefore GOD, hah got ya there, haha! epic."

fakkin fool.
You can also weigh in as to how a base 4 molecular code wrote itself.
It didn't write itself. The physical laws "wrote" it, via selection. Obviously. Just like everything else we observe.

Nobody says "it wrote itself", except for you. It's not getting smarter or more valid, with each repetition. In fact, your idiotic behavior just makes you look frustrated and ignorant.
Last edited:
Seems youve been banned quite a bit. No need to ask anyone anything, actions are there to evaluate...mister child that cant behave anonymously on a messageboard.
You can also weigh in as to how a base 4 molecular code wrote itself.

Or you can change the subject because woowoo.. believes he knows the facts about pre life on the earth.

You're irrational, no need to pretend youre capable of just obfuscate, then melt like a snowflake and get banned.
Actually you are the one who has no info to add, why? Easy because everything you babble about the codes you will never comprehend is evident to all.

Do try to be pleasant in your obvious inability to retort.
There there man with a female name. Go snowflake on someone with empathy.
Are you always so happy or are you all pissed that I took your buttons away

At any rate since you have nothing to add to any intelligent discussion based on your potato peeler IQ, I regret that you are now being banned by me.

So see ya loser, remember to pick up all the peels
Oh well, no more simple simon
You can also weigh in as to how a base 4 molecular code wrote itself.
It didnt write itself. The physical laws wrote it, via selection. Obviously. Just like everything else we observe.

Nobody says "it wrote itself" except for you. Its not getting smarter or more valid, with each repetition. In fact, your idiotic behavior just makes you look frustrated and ignorant.
What physical laws wrote windows 10 which is far simpler than dna....

PS Can you name the physical laws?

Just so we know
You always have to ask... Where did god come from?

For human mythology and religion I argue that our gods were originally extraterrestrial. Later on they were just made up to suit the needs of the rulers.
What one needs to ask is where are we taking life to in the future. There are billions of planets that are dead but perfectly suited for life. The moment we find one and open the door we are God.

So look ahead instead of to the dead past
I definitely agree with that.

But the underlying factor that keeps me posting, is people believing in a false god, and potentially getting us all killed in a religious war, before we can realize our potential with humanity.

We may become extinct before we realize our potential.

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