The bill clinton effect...why lefties abuse women more....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yes...this is not from a right winger.......and it tells the truth.

The Bill Clinton Effect: Why Liberals Treat Women Worse

Liberal women’s groups are supposed to frown on men who smear women and undermine the legal process of sexual harassment suits, and take accusations of sexual assault seriously. Yet President Clinton—a good Democrat who supported abortion rights and other feminist sacraments—was largely given a pass. Sure, some feminists murmured their disappointment with Clinton’s behavior and mouthed platitudes about Paula Jones

deserving her day in court. But their criticisms were perfunctory at best. Mostly, they stood by Clinton’s side, defending him and remaining silent as he lied and slandered the women who accused him.

Compare this to the treatment of Justice Clarence Thomas. Even if one assumes that every accusation made by Anita Hill is true, Justice Thomas would at most be crass and a little boorish, but very minor-league in terms of sexual harassment compared to Clinton. Yet women’s groups and the liberal media pounded Thomas, almost derailing his Supreme Court nomination, and to this day ensure that his name is synonymous with sexual harassment.

Given these examples, it would make sense that liberals would feel freer to abuse women than their conservative counterparts. Conservatives have to assume that the press and the establishment women’s movement will exact as mighty a punishment as possible for any misdeed, while liberals can expect far less blowback. Moreover, conservatives, who are consistently bashed as part of a “war on women,” are terrified of anything that might legitimize that charge. Thus they are motivated to deal harshly with fellow conservatives who threaten to further entrench that reputation with the public. In contrast, liberals enjoy a comfortable advantage with women and reputation for caring about women’s issues, so are likely to be less vigilant about policing their own ranks.

Given this history, it’s no big surprise that, as the liberal online website put it, progressive have a sexual harassment problem. This exposé, however, may hark the beginning of a turning point. After all, while it took a semen-stained dress for Monica to be believed by the liberal press, in today’s age of omnipotent technology, women have a lot more hard evidence to use against men who harass them.
It's empowering to be used. We just don't tell anyone when it's a righty, which is far far far more often. Lol
"I want you to do damage control over Bill's philandering. . . . Bill's going to be President of the United States. . . I want you to give me the names and addresses and phone numbers, and we can get them under control."
From the book "The Truth About Hillary: What She Knew, When She Knew It, and How Far She'll Go To Become President" by Edward Klein, p. 98 - 99

Now here is this supposed champion of womyn across the country, who now claims that a woman should never be doubted when she says she was raped, is collecting the personal information of Bill's accusers so she can do what to control them?
Yes...this is not from a right winger.......and it tells the truth.

The Bill Clinton Effect: Why Liberals Treat Women Worse

Liberal women’s groups are supposed to frown on men who smear women and undermine the legal process of sexual harassment suits, and take accusations of sexual assault seriously. Yet President Clinton—a good Democrat who supported abortion rights and other feminist sacraments—was largely given a pass. Sure, some feminists murmured their disappointment with Clinton’s behavior and mouthed platitudes about Paula Jones

deserving her day in court. But their criticisms were perfunctory at best. Mostly, they stood by Clinton’s side, defending him and remaining silent as he lied and slandered the women who accused him.

Compare this to the treatment of Justice Clarence Thomas. Even if one assumes that every accusation made by Anita Hill is true, Justice Thomas would at most be crass and a little boorish, but very minor-league in terms of sexual harassment compared to Clinton. Yet women’s groups and the liberal media pounded Thomas, almost derailing his Supreme Court nomination, and to this day ensure that his name is synonymous with sexual harassment.

Given these examples, it would make sense that liberals would feel freer to abuse women than their conservative counterparts. Conservatives have to assume that the press and the establishment women’s movement will exact as mighty a punishment as possible for any misdeed, while liberals can expect far less blowback. Moreover, conservatives, who are consistently bashed as part of a “war on women,” are terrified of anything that might legitimize that charge. Thus they are motivated to deal harshly with fellow conservatives who threaten to further entrench that reputation with the public. In contrast, liberals enjoy a comfortable advantage with women and reputation for caring about women’s issues, so are likely to be less vigilant about policing their own ranks.

Given this history, it’s no big surprise that, as the liberal online website put it, progressive have a sexual harassment problem. This exposé, however, may hark the beginning of a turning point. After all, while it took a semen-stained dress for Monica to be believed by the liberal press, in today’s age of omnipotent technology, women have a lot more hard evidence to use against men who harass them.

Its called the bill clinton who?

Some lady that lives in Germany?

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