Zone1 The Black Scholar Hated by Western Historians : Cheikh Anta Diop

A racist is one who is willing to discuss black shortcomings. For too long there have been too many taboos against discussing these.
The shortcomings are yours. Because this thread isnot about your opinion of blacks. It is about what Diop found by using lab technology.
These are the same responses whites gave in 1724, 1824, and 1924.

“One major author on the slave trade (appropriately titled Sins of Our Fathers) explained how many white people urged him to state that the trade was the responsibility of African chiefs, and that Europeans merely turned up to buy captives- as though without European demand there would have been captives sitting on the beach by the millions! - Walter Rodney
And watdies this have to do with the tread topic? You are not concerned about all lives
Obviously I am since I care more about Inner City Black kids than you do. All lives matter especially the kids. It doesn't matter if they are African kids forced into slave labor in a Chinese owned mine, or young Afghani girls forced out of school and into sex slavery by the Taliban, or an innocent your girl like Serenity Broughton who was murdered in her car seat by Chicago gang bangers. All lives matter, especially the kids. You only care about people who share your skin color AND your politics.
The shortcomings are yours. Because this thread isnot about your opinion of blacks. It is about what Diop found by using lab technology.
Diop seems to have ignored the findings of DNA esearc.
These are the same responses whites gave in 1724, 1824, and 1924.

“One major author on the slave trade (appropriately titled Sins of Our Fathers) explained how many white people urged him to state that the trade was the responsibility of African chiefs, and that Europeans merely turned up to buy captives- as though without European demand there would have been captives sitting on the beach by the millions! - Walter Rodney
Black chieftains sold their slaves in small retail lots. The typical slave ship was small and fast. It had to be to keep the death rate among the slaves to a minimum. The diagram used to show slave stowage is a large fully rigged ship that carried about five hundred slaves She was not typical, most slavers were brigs, snows or schooners designed for speed. In wartime they were converted to privateers because of the speed and the ability to carry large crews. I doubt the barracoons at any one location held more than a few thousand slaves at any one time.
These are the same responses whites gave in 1724, 1824, and 1924.

“One major author on the slave trade (appropriately titled Sins of Our Fathers) explained how many white people urged him to state that the trade was the responsibility of African chiefs, and that Europeans merely turned up to buy captives- as though without European demand there would have been captives sitting on the beach by the millions! - Walter Rodney
Negro slaves in Africa were enslaved by other Negroes. Those who were not sold to white slave traders would have remained slaves in Africa. Some would have been eaten. Some would have been sacrificed to heathen deities.

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