The African Origins of Civilization. By Cheikh Anta Diop. A great Book.

The only problem was that Egyptians, while darker than those to their north, were by no means black. Blacks were an insignificant part of the Mediterranean coastal regions.
The Egyptian ruling class was "white" Mediterranean

  • The race of the ancient Egyptians has long been a controversial subject of debate.
  • Researchers used genetic information derived from mummies to shed light on the ancestry of the ancient Egyptians.
  • The results suggest that the ancient Egyptians were most closely related to the peoples of the Near East, particularly from the Levant
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The Egyptian ruling class was "white" Mediterranean

  • The race of the ancient Egyptians has long been a controversial subject of debate.
  • Researchers used genetic information derived from mummies to shed light on the ancestry of the ancient Egyptians.
  • The results suggest that the ancient Egyptians were most closely related to the peoples of the Near East, particularly from the Levant
Bullshit. White historians and white anthropologists revise things. Hieroglyphics show that Egyptians were black.
Bullshit. White historians and white anthropologists revise things. Hieroglyphics show that Egyptians were black.
Sub-Saharan black Africans never left that region until the Europeans carried them off to the 4 corners of the earth
Why were the white Europeans constantly entering into Africa? if Europe was so wonderful?.
Greeks, Romans, French?! British?. Egypt was constantly being invaded by waves after wave of outsiders.??
  • Fact
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I would disagree with your statement. As I stated, many archeologist that went into Egypt, just refused to accept the fact that a black race of people designed and built the Pyramids, and created Egyptian culture and society. And the fact that Egypt was subjected to many continuous waves of outside invaders, races from non black races, the Persians, Assyrians, Greeks, Romans, French, British, Arabs. The list goes on, and on. And as I stated, many of these European archeologists were just plain white racists, along with many historians, who were just racists to the core. These are people who just tried to white wash Egyptian history down through the ages. It still goes on to this day.!!?? Oh , they must have had help from space aliens, to build those Pyramids.??!!Please give me a break.!!?How could a black race build these structures??!! Just pure white racism, I tell you.!!??Plain and simple. White people still think like that today.!!?? in 2024.!!?? Trust me. its a fact.
Clever of those racist Egyptians to portray themselves as white.
Why were the white Europeans constantly entering into Africa? if Europe was so wonderful?.
Greeks, Romans, French?! British?. Egypt was constantly being invaded by waves after wave of outsiders.??
Because the Europeans were conquerors. Alexander, Julius Caesar. They, like the British, spread the seeds of civilization. Civilization that to this very day is rejected in Africa.
Even if some people believe that Negro’s built the pyramids what does that prove ?

As it relates to the 21st Century its meaningless

Who cares?
it proves that some people liked to waste human labor and
Because the Europeans were conquerors. Alexander, Julius Caesar. They, like the British, spread the seeds of civilization. Civilization that to this very day is rejected in Africa.
I hear the Ethiopians did a number on some of Mussolini men during WWII. They had to leave in a hurry.
Ethopia was never colonized. This is why.

How Ethiopia Beat Back Colonizers in the Battle of Adwa​

In 1896, Ethiopia fended off an invading Italian army and secured its independence.

In the late 19th century, the European powers ran roughshod over Africa, brutally colonizing one country after another. Italy, for its part, targeted Ethiopia. But when its troops attacked on March 1, 1896, near the town of Adwa, they were overpowered by a large and well-armed Ethiopian force. In winning this pivotal victory, Ethiopia not only secured its own independence, but also inspired the anti-colonialist movement.

Ethopia was never colonized. This is why.

How Ethiopia Beat Back Colonizers in the Battle of Adwa​

In 1896, Ethiopia fended off an invading Italian army and secured its independence.

In the late 19th century, the European powers ran roughshod over Africa, brutally colonizing one country after another. Italy, for its part, targeted Ethiopia. But when its troops attacked on March 1, 1896, near the town of Adwa, they were overpowered by a large and well-armed Ethiopian force. In winning this pivotal victory, Ethiopia not only secured its own independence, but also inspired the anti-colonialist movement.

Yep, they beat back the Italians by force of numbers. They outnumbered the Italians by more than three to one and were equally well armed. Thirty years later, Haile Selassie sent troops largely armed with spears and thirty year old rifles and artillery against the Italians. In thirty years the Ethiopians had actually regressed militarily while the Italians advanced.
This is a great book to read. It opened my eyes to the fact that many white archeologist were just plain racists throughout all of history. And many of the history books were written by racists historians. Read it. The African Origins of Civilization. By Cheikh Anta Diop.
Modern genetic humans, homo sapiens, were a biological and evolutionary acceleration caused by the Anunnaki.
Modern civilization, i.e. post last ice age, c. @15,000 years ago is also a product of the Anunnaki. Rebuilding on prior city sites from per-deluge times.
Early humans invented little, had most everything handed to them by the Anunnaki.
Yep, they beat back the Italians by force of numbers. They outnumbered the Italians by more than three to one and were equally well armed. Thirty years later, Haile Selassie sent troops largely armed with spears and thirty year old rifles and artillery against the Italians. In thirty years the Ethiopians had actually regressed militarily while the Italians advanced.
Aren't you glad I told you about the battle of Adwa? Winning a battle isn't everything. Little Big Horn for example.

Since Ethiopia did not have the benefit of civilization, it has suffered civil wars and recurring famine.

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