The African Origins of Civilization. By Cheikh Anta Diop. A great Book.

The builders and designers of the Pyramids were Black people. Not white Europeans, as they try to brainwash the entire world with many Hollywood movies that depict Egyptians as being white. They were Black African people. Egypt is in Africa, not Europe.! Its part of the African continent.!!
People with the lighter skin and straight hair have been in Egypt for 60,000 years. They have always been there. At 4:30 enjoy,
The Egyptian ruling class was "white" Mediterranean

  • The race of the ancient Egyptians has long been a controversial subject of debate.
  • Researchers used genetic information derived from mummies to shed light on the ancestry of the ancient Egyptians.
  • The results suggest that the ancient Egyptians were most closely related to the peoples of the Near East, particularly from the Levant
All of the Egyptian stone statues show Black people, with black negroid features, !!, Not white European, or Mediterranean features.!! Paintings show Black and Brown Egyptians. The only white people you see in some paintings, are the captured invader whites, who had their arms tied behind their backs. I have seen paintings of these captured white invaders. Do the research. I have never seen any stone statues of any white people in Egypt.!! All of the great Pharaoh were black people, with black features. Big thick lips , and big flat noses.!!
All of the Egyptian stone statues show Black people, with black negroid features, !!, Not white European, or Mediterranean features.!! Paintings show Black and Brown Egyptians. The only white people you see in some paintings, are the captured invader whites, who had their arms tied behind their backs. I have seen paintings of these captured white invaders. Do the research. I have never seen any stone statues of any white people in Egypt.!! All of the great Pharaoh were black people, with black features. Big thick lips , and big flat noses.!!
They can't handle the truth.
Dr. Diop was an African historian. He should know the history of Africa better than white anthropologists. This dumb right wing ploy of calling blacks racists because they disprove disinformation from whites needs to stop.
All of the Egyptian stone statues show Black people, with black negroid features, !!, Not white European, or Mediterranean features.!! Paintings show Black and Brown Egyptians. The only white people you see in some paintings, are the captured invader whites, who had their arms tied behind their backs. I have seen paintings of these captured white invaders. Do the research. I have never seen any stone statues of any white people in Egypt.!! All of the great Pharaoh were black people, with black features. Big thick lips , and big flat noses.!!
No, they don't. Where do you come up with this crap?
All of the Egyptian stone statues show Black people, with black negroid features, !!, Not white European, or Mediterranean features.!! Paintings show Black and Brown Egyptians. The only white people you see in some paintings, are the captured invader whites, who had their arms tied behind their backs. I have seen paintings of these captured white invaders. Do the research. I have never seen any stone statues of any white people in Egypt.!! All of the great Pharaoh were black people, with black features. Big thick lips , and big flat noses.

All of the Egyptian stone statues show Black people, with black negroid features, !!, Not white European, or Mediterranean features.!! Paintings show Black and Brown Egyptians. The only white people you see in some paintings, are the captured invader whites, who had their arms tied behind their backs. I have seen paintings of these captured white invaders. Do the research. I have never seen any stone statues of any white people in Egypt.!! All of the great Pharaoh were black people, with black features. Big thick lips , and big flat noses.!!
Just how abjectly ignorant do you have to be to post something this inane?
And the Anu were one of the first Bantu tribal peoples of ancient black Africa.

Is it settled that they were black?

"Most Ancient Egyptian Funerary Texts such as The Book Of The Dead and Pyramid Texts can also be attributed to the Anu Culture in the Dynastic Period beginning with the Old Kingdom.

According to Historians like Chiekh Anta Diop and Abbe Emile Amelineau, carved Ivory objects such as the Tera Neter Tile found at the Tombs at Abydos, especially the Tomb of Osiris, reveal in their origin that the first settlers of the Pre-Historic or Pre-Dynastic Nile Valley Egypt were the Anu Black Africans.

The claims that Anu Black Africans were the first settlers of the Nile Valley and Egypt is also in agreement with modern Science which claims that Human beings first evolved out of the Mt. Ruwenzori area about 180 000-200 000 years ago."

Hominid remains have been found in East Africa’s Rift Valley Olduvai Gorge Region which suggest the existence of a gradual evolution of Hominids on the African Plains, most notably, Austolopethicus, followed by Homo Erectus about 1.9 million years ago, and then to modern man, Homo Sapien who emerged approximately 40 000 years ago."
Is it settled that they were black?

"Most Ancient Egyptian Funerary Texts such as The Book Of The Dead and Pyramid Texts can also be attributed to the Anu Culture in the Dynastic Period beginning with the Old Kingdom.

According to Historians like Chiekh Anta Diop and Abbe Emile Amelineau, carved Ivory objects such as the Tera Neter Tile found at the Tombs at Abydos, especially the Tomb of Osiris, reveal in their origin that the first settlers of the Pre-Historic or Pre-Dynastic Nile Valley Egypt were the Anu Black Africans.

The claims that Anu Black Africans were the first settlers of the Nile Valley and Egypt is also in agreement with modern Science which claims that Human beings first evolved out of the Mt. Ruwenzori area about 180 000-200 000 years ago."

Hominid remains have been found in East Africa’s Rift Valley Olduvai Gorge Region which suggest the existence of a gradual evolution of Hominids on the African Plains, most notably, Austolopethicus, followed by Homo Erectus about 1.9 million years ago, and then to modern man, Homo Sapien who emerged approximately 40 000 years ago."
The fact is a lot of the white racists archeologists know about the Anu, and Nubian black settlers of the Nile valley, but refuse to include these facts in their historical analysis. Some of the black people that they came into contact with told them who the people were that settled the entire region. This is what I mean by "White washing" history. The white racists archeologist tried to put a white history into the region, by saying Mesopotamia, when they know that civilization started in Egypt, according to their own radio carbon dating analysis.!! Many blacks did not keep records, but kept oral historical information, as was the custom for many tribes down through the ages. They passed down information through the oral griot historians traditions. So the white racists Archeologists felt they could give their own historical rewrite of the entire region.!!Which is what they did. Thats one of the reasons the french blasted the nose off the Sphinx.!
The fact is a lot of the white racists archeologists know about the Anu, and Nubian black settlers of the Nile valley, but refuse to include these facts in their historical analysis. Some of the black people that they came into contact with told them who the people were that settled the entire region. This is what I mean by "White washing" history. The white racists archeologist tried to put a white history into the region, by saying Mesopotamia, when they know that civilization started in Egypt, according to their own radio carbon dating analysis.!! Many blacks did not keep records, but kept oral historical information, as was the custom for many tribes down through the ages. They passed down information through the oral griot historians traditions. So the white racists Archeologists felt they could give their own historical rewrite of the entire region.!!Which is what they did. Thats one of the reasons the french blasted the nose off the Sphinx.!
Blacks are desperate for having 1 great ancient thingy. There isn't 1. Everyone else has something. I would be desperate too.
This is a great book to read. It opened my eyes to the fact that many white archeologist were just plain racists throughout all of history. And many of the history books were written by racists historians. Read it. The African Origins of Civilization. By Cheikh Anta Diop.
For a long long long time we’ve been taught about Africa as the alleged “cradle of civilization.”

Geez. Didn’t you ever hear the term “out of Africa?”

Maybe your problem is not reading more books more often.

Good read including a history of the development of the theory from the 1970’s.

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