The Black vs. ALL Lives Matter disconnect explained


Take a Memo:
Apr 21, 2012
Like virtually ALL things these days, this has become a dividing issue among Americans. As one side protests "Black Lives Matter!" the "other side" retorts... "ALL Lives Matter!" and the vitriol and anger foments as neither side is willing to accept the point of view of the other. It has become such a common theme.... your side vs. my side... you're wrong and I'm right... you're an idiot and I'm informed. Your way is stupid and mine is smart!

It seems that everything is reduced to "sides" we are cajoled into taking and demanding our way. We've lost the ability to be objective, to see things from another's perspective, to respect a different opinion, to engage in the free exchange of ideas... We've simply lost our way.

I don't want to meander on this because I want to focus on the Black Lives Matter movement and the subsequent ALL Lives Matter response. It's clearly the result of the polarized environment we now exist in. Certainly, those who proclaim "black lives matter" are not saying that all other lives don't matter... and those who say "all lives matter" are not trying to insult black people or diminish their lives. It's just a failure to see the other side's perspective.

As I have been contemplating the events in Dallas, it came to me that there is something missing in our ability to understand each other. White people have no idea what it's like to be black, to be legitimately afraid when they are pulled over by the police. Granted, no one likes being pulled over by the cops, but imagine being really and truly scared for your safety. It's hard for someone who isn't black to understand this but I think I may have an answer as to why this feeling persists and why it's legitimate.

There is a new discovery in genetics called genetic sheathing. Studying DNA, scientists have discovered that traumatic experiences your ancestors had are actually encoded into their DNA and passed on. So maybe that explains why people who are black have this uneasy feeling they can't explain and people who aren't black can't relate? In other words, rather than this being some insidious underlying racism it's more of a genetic predisposition. I don't know what the solution is, maybe it's that we all come to some kind of understanding on that and see things from another perspective? All cops are certainly not racists. All black people are certainly not victims. A 30-second cell phone video doesn't tell the complete story. The problem isn't peaceful protests or need for more gun control... the problem is our inability to listen to one another and respect each other's opinions without making it personal. We've raised a generation of people to "take sides" and that's wrong. We're all on the same side as Americans. We need to start acting like that again.
Like virtually ALL things these days, this has become a dividing issue among Americans. As one side protests "Black Lives Matter!" the "other side" retorts... "ALL Lives Matter!" and the vitriol and anger foments as neither side is willing to accept the point of view of the other. It has become such a common theme.... your side vs. my side... you're wrong and I'm right... you're an idiot and I'm informed. Your way is stupid and mine is smart!

It seems that everything is reduced to "sides" we are cajoled into taking and demanding our way. We've lost the ability to be objective, to see things from another's perspective, to respect a different opinion, to engage in the free exchange of ideas... We've simply lost our way.

I don't want to meander on this because I want to focus on the Black Lives Matter movement and the subsequent ALL Lives Matter response. It's clearly the result of the polarized environment we now exist in. Certainly, those who proclaim "black lives matter" are not saying that all other lives don't matter... and those who say "all lives matter" are not trying to insult black people or diminish their lives. It's just a failure to see the other side's perspective.

As I have been contemplating the events in Dallas, it came to me that there is something missing in our ability to understand each other. White people have no idea what it's like to be black, to be legitimately afraid when they are pulled over by the police. Granted, no one likes being pulled over by the cops, but imagine being really and truly scared for your safety. It's hard for someone who isn't black to understand this but I think I may have an answer as to why this feeling persists and why it's legitimate.

There is a new discovery in genetics called genetic sheathing. Studying DNA, scientists have discovered that traumatic experiences your ancestors had are actually encoded into their DNA and passed on. So maybe that explains why people who are black have this uneasy feeling they can't explain and people who aren't black can't relate? In other words, rather than this being some insidious underlying racism it's more of a genetic predisposition. I don't know what the solution is, maybe it's that we all come to some kind of understanding on that and see things from another perspective? All cops are certainly not racists. All black people are certainly not victims. A 30-second cell phone video doesn't tell the complete story. The problem isn't peaceful protests or need for more gun control... the problem is our inability to listen to one another and respect each other's opinions without making it personal. We've raised a generation of people to "take sides" and that's wrong. We're all on the same side as Americans. We need to start acting like that again.

Dear Boss the good news is that
even the generational conditioning that people have passed down
CAN be healed through spiritual therapy.

Talking out the experiences helps speed up the process.

If we can understand the stages of grief, we can help each other
through the stages instead of getting stuck in them, like anger or denial.

There are both secular and religious based methods of working
through the healing process so people recover from past traumas,
in this lifetime and beyond.

Instead of judging people for whatever process they use,
why not work through this and grow together.
Someone sent me's time to put the hate away

We are not all on the same side. When black people stop random violence and an incredible crime rate maybe we can think about considering being on the same side.

I don't know how many people have had a gut full of "you don't understand me. You make me sooo mean."
I only hope that it is in the millions.

Vomit it out white people. You have nothing to lose but your guilt.
We are not all on the same side. When black people stop random violence and an incredible crime rate maybe we can think about considering being on the same side.

I don't know how many people have had a gut full of "you don't understand me. You make me sooo mean."
I only hope that it is in the millions.

Vomit it out white people. You have nothing to lose but your guilt.


Blacks say they want to be equal, but then they commit crimes on the order of 7 to 10 times to make their actions unimaginable and yet demand that we shut up about it? Who's killing who? Blacks kill twice as many whites based on fbi stats every year and typically the cause for well over 90% of all blacks that are murdered yearly....

Do you trust the fbi and the police stats or do you trust made up crap more?? I ask that to blacks that say that somehow the police are all abunch of racist bigots for shooting a black person. Maybe there's such cases that do occur, but on the otherhand maybe they raise their gun at the officer and deserved it.
Like virtually ALL things these days, this has become a dividing issue among Americans. As one side protests "Black Lives Matter!" the "other side" retorts... "ALL Lives Matter!" and the vitriol and anger foments as neither side is willing to accept the point of view of the other. It has become such a common theme.... your side vs. my side... you're wrong and I'm right... you're an idiot and I'm informed. Your way is stupid and mine is smart!

It seems that everything is reduced to "sides" we are cajoled into taking and demanding our way. We've lost the ability to be objective, to see things from another's perspective, to respect a different opinion, to engage in the free exchange of ideas... We've simply lost our way.

I don't want to meander on this because I want to focus on the Black Lives Matter movement and the subsequent ALL Lives Matter response. It's clearly the result of the polarized environment we now exist in. Certainly, those who proclaim "black lives matter" are not saying that all other lives don't matter... and those who say "all lives matter" are not trying to insult black people or diminish their lives. It's just a failure to see the other side's perspective.

As I have been contemplating the events in Dallas, it came to me that there is something missing in our ability to understand each other. White people have no idea what it's like to be black, to be legitimately afraid when they are pulled over by the police. Granted, no one likes being pulled over by the cops, but imagine being really and truly scared for your safety. It's hard for someone who isn't black to understand this but I think I may have an answer as to why this feeling persists and why it's legitimate.

There is a new discovery in genetics called genetic sheathing. Studying DNA, scientists have discovered that traumatic experiences your ancestors had are actually encoded into their DNA and passed on. So maybe that explains why people who are black have this uneasy feeling they can't explain and people who aren't black can't relate? In other words, rather than this being some insidious underlying racism it's more of a genetic predisposition. I don't know what the solution is, maybe it's that we all come to some kind of understanding on that and see things from another perspective? All cops are certainly not racists. All black people are certainly not victims. A 30-second cell phone video doesn't tell the complete story. The problem isn't peaceful protests or need for more gun control... the problem is our inability to listen to one another and respect each other's opinions without making it personal. We've raised a generation of people to "take sides" and that's wrong. We're all on the same side as Americans. We need to start acting like that again.

Interesting new information, but the constant racial propaganda is a more likely cause, imo.

Blacks might be afraid, but I am sick and tired of being told that my opinions or interests don't count because "they" know that I am "racist".

If lefties had had their way, George Zimmerman, an Innocent Man would be rotting in prison, or more likely have already been killed by a black inmate.

If lefties had had their way, the Duke Lacross players would have done time and had their lives ruined, for the crime of having white skin.
Well, that didn't take long. Fourth post.

Bosses op complains that we cannot accept the other's point of view.

Correct me if I am wrong, but you just dismissed Tipsy's POV, did you not?
We are not all on the same side. When black people stop random violence and an incredible crime rate maybe we can think about considering being on the same side.

I don't know how many people have had a gut full of "you don't understand me. You make me sooo mean."
I only hope that it is in the millions.

Vomit it out white people. You have nothing to lose but your guilt.


Blacks say they want to be equal, but then they commit crimes on the order of 7 to 10 times to make their actions unimaginable and yet demand that we shut up about it? Who's killing who? Blacks kill twice as many whites based on fbi stats every year and typically the cause for well over 90% of all blacks that are murdered yearly....

Do you trust the fbi and the police stats or do you trust made up crap more?? I ask that to blacks that say that somehow the police are all abunch of racist bigots for shooting a black person. Maybe there's such cases that do occur, but on the otherhand maybe they raise their gun at the officer and deserved it.

And here speaks a hard core lefty who plans to vote for Hillary.
Like virtually ALL things these days, this has become a dividing issue among Americans. As one side protests "Black Lives Matter!" the "other side" retorts... "ALL Lives Matter!" and the vitriol and anger foments as neither side is willing to accept the point of view of the other. It has become such a common theme.... your side vs. my side... you're wrong and I'm right... you're an idiot and I'm informed. Your way is stupid and mine is smart!

It seems that everything is reduced to "sides" we are cajoled into taking and demanding our way. We've lost the ability to be objective, to see things from another's perspective, to respect a different opinion, to engage in the free exchange of ideas... We've simply lost our way.

I don't want to meander on this because I want to focus on the Black Lives Matter movement and the subsequent ALL Lives Matter response. It's clearly the result of the polarized environment we now exist in. Certainly, those who proclaim "black lives matter" are not saying that all other lives don't matter... and those who say "all lives matter" are not trying to insult black people or diminish their lives. It's just a failure to see the other side's perspective.

As I have been contemplating the events in Dallas, it came to me that there is something missing in our ability to understand each other. White people have no idea what it's like to be black, to be legitimately afraid when they are pulled over by the police. Granted, no one likes being pulled over by the cops, but imagine being really and truly scared for your safety. It's hard for someone who isn't black to understand this but I think I may have an answer as to why this feeling persists and why it's legitimate.

There is a new discovery in genetics called genetic sheathing. Studying DNA, scientists have discovered that traumatic experiences your ancestors had are actually encoded into their DNA and passed on. So maybe that explains why people who are black have this uneasy feeling they can't explain and people who aren't black can't relate? In other words, rather than this being some insidious underlying racism it's more of a genetic predisposition. I don't know what the solution is, maybe it's that we all come to some kind of understanding on that and see things from another perspective? All cops are certainly not racists. All black people are certainly not victims. A 30-second cell phone video doesn't tell the complete story. The problem isn't peaceful protests or need for more gun control... the problem is our inability to listen to one another and respect each other's opinions without making it personal. We've raised a generation of people to "take sides" and that's wrong. We're all on the same side as Americans. We need to start acting like that again.
Taking sides? Us vs them? It's called human nature.

Why do so many morons think that partisanship is some emerging trend without precedent that should trouble us all?
We are not all on the same side. When black people stop random violence and an incredible crime rate maybe we can think about considering being on the same side.

I don't know how many people have had a gut full of "you don't understand me. You make me sooo mean."
I only hope that it is in the millions.

Vomit it out white people. You have nothing to lose but your guilt.


Blacks say they want to be equal, but then they commit crimes on the order of 7 to 10 times to make their actions unimaginable and yet demand that we shut up about it? Who's killing who? Blacks kill twice as many whites based on fbi stats every year and typically the cause for well over 90% of all blacks that are murdered yearly....

Do you trust the fbi and the police stats or do you trust made up crap more?? I ask that to blacks that say that somehow the police are all abunch of racist bigots for shooting a black person. Maybe there's such cases that do occur, but on the otherhand maybe they raise their gun at the officer and deserved it.

But let's be objective and clear... MOST black people... in fact, the overwhelming majority of blacks, will NEVER kill anyone and have no such an intention to ever kill anyone. Neither do the majority of whites. We're talking about a very small segment of society. Black youth are much more likely to grow up in poor neighborhoods and be influenced by gangs instead of solid male role models. Much of the killing is directly gang related. Yes, the statistics are alarming and troubling, but I don't think it is related to race as much as culture. There is a breakdown of family in urban neighborhoods. These problems have to be addressed instead of pointing the finger of blame and pretending it's about skin color or oppression and victim-hood.

On the flip side, it's a wonder there aren't more cops killing black criminals, given the alarming rate of black crime. All of this throwing out stats left and right to try and prove some kind of racial point is foolish and ignorant of the problem. It's not about race as much as it's about the culture and the problems that have exacerbated such behavior.
We are not all on the same side. When black people stop random violence and an incredible crime rate maybe we can think about considering being on the same side.

I don't know how many people have had a gut full of "you don't understand me. You make me sooo mean."
I only hope that it is in the millions.

Vomit it out white people. You have nothing to lose but your guilt.


Blacks say they want to be equal, but then they commit crimes on the order of 7 to 10 times to make their actions unimaginable and yet demand that we shut up about it? Who's killing who? Blacks kill twice as many whites based on fbi stats every year and typically the cause for well over 90% of all blacks that are murdered yearly....

Do you trust the fbi and the police stats or do you trust made up crap more?? I ask that to blacks that say that somehow the police are all abunch of racist bigots for shooting a black person. Maybe there's such cases that do occur, but on the otherhand maybe they raise their gun at the officer and deserved it.

But let's be objective and clear... MOST black people... in fact, the overwhelming majority of blacks, will NEVER kill anyone and have no such an intention to ever kill anyone. Neither do the majority of whites. We're talking about a very small segment of society. Black youth are much more likely to grow up in poor neighborhoods and be influenced by gangs instead of solid male role models. Much of the killing is directly gang related. Yes, the statistics are alarming and troubling, but I don't think it is related to race as much as culture. There is a breakdown of family in urban neighborhoods. These problems have to be addressed instead of pointing the finger of blame and pretending it's about skin color or oppression and victim-hood.

I disagree. We can't address the problems are all, if we don't point fingers at the causes and who or what is responsible.
Like virtually ALL things these days, this has become a dividing issue among Americans. As one side protests "Black Lives Matter!" the "other side" retorts... "ALL Lives Matter!" and the vitriol and anger foments as neither side is willing to accept the point of view of the other. It has become such a common theme.... your side vs. my side... you're wrong and I'm right... you're an idiot and I'm informed. Your way is stupid and mine is smart!

It seems that everything is reduced to "sides" we are cajoled into taking and demanding our way. We've lost the ability to be objective, to see things from another's perspective, to respect a different opinion, to engage in the free exchange of ideas... We've simply lost our way.

I don't want to meander on this because I want to focus on the Black Lives Matter movement and the subsequent ALL Lives Matter response. It's clearly the result of the polarized environment we now exist in. Certainly, those who proclaim "black lives matter" are not saying that all other lives don't matter... and those who say "all lives matter" are not trying to insult black people or diminish their lives. It's just a failure to see the other side's perspective.

As I have been contemplating the events in Dallas, it came to me that there is something missing in our ability to understand each other. White people have no idea what it's like to be black, to be legitimately afraid when they are pulled over by the police. Granted, no one likes being pulled over by the cops, but imagine being really and truly scared for your safety. It's hard for someone who isn't black to understand this but I think I may have an answer as to why this feeling persists and why it's legitimate.

There is a new discovery in genetics called genetic sheathing. Studying DNA, scientists have discovered that traumatic experiences your ancestors had are actually encoded into their DNA and passed on. So maybe that explains why people who are black have this uneasy feeling they can't explain and people who aren't black can't relate? In other words, rather than this being some insidious underlying racism it's more of a genetic predisposition. I don't know what the solution is, maybe it's that we all come to some kind of understanding on that and see things from another perspective? All cops are certainly not racists. All black people are certainly not victims. A 30-second cell phone video doesn't tell the complete story. The problem isn't peaceful protests or need for more gun control... the problem is our inability to listen to one another and respect each other's opinions without making it personal. We've raised a generation of people to "take sides" and that's wrong. We're all on the same side as Americans. We need to start acting like that again.

I don't think even a few hundred years is enough to alter DNA in a large population to the extent you are talking about. An interesting theory and it may have validity, just too soon to tell for sure.

The quote that doesn't leave my mind when I see all this violence happening is this:

"In the struggle between the powerful and the weak, to not take sides does not mean you are neutral, it means you side with the powerful".

There is no 'equal' argument here. The black population is 39 million out of 350 million. The white population is 220 million. The majority of the police are white. 12% of the population has little real power in that population, and that is the black population. But the perception I think by most whites is that we are all treated equally, relatively speaking, and all the races have the same power. And most whites, as you point out, don't have real fear when stopped by the police. They don't experience this on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. And as most humans 'feel' like their experience in life is what everyone else's is there is a disconnect for whites regarding how not just blacks, but all minorities in this country are treated and how they are treated by this culture. You can go to youtube and find videos of black comedians going back 50 years who speak about how black people are treated by the police. And many might dismiss what a comedian says but they are generally on the cutting edge of speaking truth back to the culture. Richard Prior, Eddie Murphy, Chris Rock, Dave Chappelle. All of them have sounded the alarm for decades, but no one was really listening. And now that phones have video cameras and people have started recording the reality out there the general white population is finally getting a direct look at it. The fact that even with this irrefutable video evidence from the last two years it is happening still is why the black community is getting to the point of breaking.

You can't oppress people forever and just expect them to accept it forever. Sooner or later they figure out "what do I have to lose" and they strike back.

Additionally, a disproportionate amount of crime is committed by black perpetrators. One of the likeliest causes is the lack of economic opportunity in their neighborhoods and little hope of advancement and getting to at least strive for the American dream. This certainly is a main causation but for a different thread I think. The police are faced with this elevated crime in black neighborhoods and some of them start expecting a black person they pull over to be a problem. Some cops, as we have seen, are just bad people who have been given a badge. The thing that turned it forever for me was watching a 50 year old unarmed black man running very slowly from a cop and the cop emptying 8 bullets into his back. Add this to the now mounting number of these videos we are seeing and there is no doubt now, there is a problem with the police across the country.

MOST of them are good cops I still believe. But the good ones don't weed out the bad cops. And the court system rarely punishes a cop for anything they do. A really bad perfect storm. The shootings in Dallas were horrendous and shouldn't have happened. The killing of the two black men caught on tape this week are horrendous and shouldn't have happened. I would say to all people who are black, cooperate with the police when stopped and don't make sudden moves. I'm white and I don't take anything for granted when stopped by the police either. The police are humans carrying guns and all humans make mistakes. So I am extra cautious around police as well.

The real onus is on the police though. They HAVE to weed out the bad cops and start providing extensive training for the good ones on how to safely, and I mean safe for them AND those they stop, conduct a stop and/or arrest. In the equation the police are the powerful. And you don't need a PH.d. to see that the fear among the black population of the police is real and warranted.

(too long I know)
We are not all on the same side. When black people stop random violence and an incredible crime rate maybe we can think about considering being on the same side.

I don't know how many people have had a gut full of "you don't understand me. You make me sooo mean."
I only hope that it is in the millions.

Vomit it out white people. You have nothing to lose but your guilt.


Blacks say they want to be equal, but then they commit crimes on the order of 7 to 10 times to make their actions unimaginable and yet demand that we shut up about it? Who's killing who? Blacks kill twice as many whites based on fbi stats every year and typically the cause for well over 90% of all blacks that are murdered yearly....

Do you trust the fbi and the police stats or do you trust made up crap more?? I ask that to blacks that say that somehow the police are all abunch of racist bigots for shooting a black person. Maybe there's such cases that do occur, but on the otherhand maybe they raise their gun at the officer and deserved it.

But let's be objective and clear... MOST black people... in fact, the overwhelming majority of blacks, will NEVER kill anyone and have no such an intention to ever kill anyone. Neither do the majority of whites. We're talking about a very small segment of society. Black youth are much more likely to grow up in poor neighborhoods and be influenced by gangs instead of solid male role models. Much of the killing is directly gang related. Yes, the statistics are alarming and troubling, but I don't think it is related to race as much as culture. There is a breakdown of family in urban neighborhoods. These problems have to be addressed instead of pointing the finger of blame and pretending it's about skin color or oppression and victim-hood.

On the flip side, it's a wonder there aren't more cops killing black criminals, given the alarming rate of black crime. All of this throwing out stats left and right to try and prove some kind of racial point is foolish and ignorant of the problem. It's not about race as much as it's about the culture and the problems that have exacerbated such behavior.

Bill O'Reilly has been going on about the breakdown of the black family for years. It's done literally nothing.
The real onus is on the police though. They HAVE to weed out the bad cops and start providing extensive training for the good ones on how to safely, and I mean safe for them AND those they stop, conduct a stop and/or arrest. In the equation the police are the powerful. And you don't need a PH.d. to see that the fear among the black population of the police is real and warranted.

And that would be good thing to do but I don't think it will address the problem. The cop thing is just an excuse for blacks to vent their frustration. As I see it, it has to do with personal responsibility. As a group, blacks take less personal responsibility than other races. They need to look to themselves, not some outside scapegoat.
Who was a bad cop? Darren Wilson wasn't. The six who arrested heroin addict Freddie Gray weren't. The two officers that they are rioting about now were right.

It's the lie. Hands up don't shoot. Gentle giant. Unarmed. Broke his neck.

All lies. So who is the bad cop?
If lefties had had their way, George Zimmerman, an Innocent Man would be rotting in prison,

Michael Brown as well. Brown is a prime example of black irresponsibility and not just because Brown was irresponsible in how he responded to the police but how the black community perverted reality to satisfy their racial agenda. Blacks want racial tension so they have an excuse to indulge in their hatred for whites. Nothing the police can do will change this.
I don't think even a few hundred years is enough to alter DNA in a large population to the extent you are talking about. An interesting theory and it may have validity, just too soon to tell for sure.

This isn't some huge evolutionary change in DNA. It can be something as recent as trauma experienced by your parent or grandparent. The event is actually sheathed in your DNA and passed on. They have found that a lot of phobias are tied to this. It's relatively new science and more needs to be studied but it could certainly explain why blacks are more inclined to feel something that whites simply can't understand.

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