The Black vs. ALL Lives Matter disconnect explained

And now that phones have video cameras and people have started recording the reality out there the general white population is finally getting a direct look at it. The fact that even with this irrefutable video evidence from the last two years it is happening still is why the black community is getting to the point of breaking.

I think this is a serious problem. People are jumping to conclusions based on a 30-second video clip that doesn't often tell the whole story. Plus... you don't get the videos of white cops and white criminals where the same thing goes down, it is concentrated on black "victims" of white police brutality... and it doesn't even have to be white police officers... Zimmerman was Latino, as you'll recall.

And I'm not saying that maybe these incidents aren't happening more with blacks but perhaps they are escalating because of this 'genetic sheathing' triggering a certain reaction that results in specific outcomes? Fear can certainly trigger a "fight or flight" response where things are prone to go badly.

But going back to the video thing... I think it is INSANE that we try police officers in the court of public opinion on the basis of a cell phone video that doesn't tell the whole story. We are supposed to have DUE PROCESS! They deserve to at least have their case heard before a jury of their peers and with legal representation.
Well, that didn't take long. Fourth post.

Bosses op complains that we cannot accept the other's point of view.

Correct me if I am wrong, but you just dismissed Tipsy's POV, did you not?

I could correct you. But you're not worth the time.

You could correct me, but you would be lying.

And you don't not because I am "not worth the time", but because I call you on your bullshit and don't let you slither away from the truth, nor am I intimidated by the fear of being called names by you.
Well, that didn't take long. Fourth post.

Bosses op complains that we cannot accept the other's point of view.

Correct me if I am wrong, but you just dismissed Tipsy's POV, did you not?

I could correct you. But you're not worth the time.

You could correct me, but you would be lying.

And you don't not because I am "not worth the time", but because I call you on your bullshit and don't let you slither away from the truth, nor am I intimidated by the fear of being called names by you.

That's nice.
Well, that didn't take long. Fourth post.

Bosses op complains that we cannot accept the other's point of view.

Correct me if I am wrong, but you just dismissed Tipsy's POV, did you not?

I could correct you. But you're not worth the time.

You could correct me, but you would be lying.

And you don't not because I am "not worth the time", but because I call you on your bullshit and don't let you slither away from the truth, nor am I intimidated by the fear of being called names by you.

That's nice.

YOu pretend to be uninterested and unconcerned.

But you can't let my statement go unanswered.

YOu dismissed Tipsy's POV, and now you are tying to dismiss mine.

And being a liberal, you're too dim to realize that you are making Boss's point for him.
Well, that didn't take long. Fourth post.

Bosses op complains that we cannot accept the other's point of view.

Correct me if I am wrong, but you just dismissed Tipsy's POV, did you not?

I could correct you. But you're not worth the time.

You could correct me, but you would be lying.

And you don't not because I am "not worth the time", but because I call you on your bullshit and don't let you slither away from the truth, nor am I intimidated by the fear of being called names by you.

That's nice.

YOu pretend to be uninterested and unconcerned.

But you can't let my statement go unanswered.

YOu dismissed Tipsy's POV, and now you are tying to dismiss mine.

And being a liberal, you're too dim to realize that you are making Boss's point for him.

Actually I'm refusing to be baited by the dynamics the OP correctly identifies. All I did was point it out when it showed up. And here you are playing the part of Captain Echo.

Good luck with that.
Bosses op complains that we cannot accept the other's point of view.

Correct me if I am wrong, but you just dismissed Tipsy's POV, did you not?

I could correct you. But you're not worth the time.

You could correct me, but you would be lying.

And you don't not because I am "not worth the time", but because I call you on your bullshit and don't let you slither away from the truth, nor am I intimidated by the fear of being called names by you.

That's nice.

YOu pretend to be uninterested and unconcerned.

But you can't let my statement go unanswered.

YOu dismissed Tipsy's POV, and now you are tying to dismiss mine.

And being a liberal, you're too dim to realize that you are making Boss's point for him.

Actually I'm refusing to be baited by the dynamics the OP correctly identifies. All I did was point it out when it showed up. And here you are playing the part of Captain Echo.

Good luck with that.

"that didn't take long" is supposedly "pointing out the dynamics the OP correctly identifies"?

You are full of crap.
Black lives matter lost all credibility when they marched in the streets of NYC shouting what do we want? Dead cops.. First impressions are lasting impressions.
I think it is INSANE that we try police officers in the court of public opinion on the basis of a cell phone video that doesn't tell the whole story. We are supposed to have DUE PROCESS! They deserve to at least have their case heard before a jury of their peers and with legal representation.

Yet you just did that in a previous paragraph:

Plus... you don't get the videos of white cops and white criminals where the same thing goes down, it is concentrated on black "victims" of white police brutality... and it doesn't even have to be white police officers... Zimmerman was Latino, as you'll recall.
I think it is INSANE that we try police officers in the court of public opinion on the basis of a cell phone video that doesn't tell the whole story. We are supposed to have DUE PROCESS! They deserve to at least have their case heard before a jury of their peers and with legal representation.

Yet you just did that in a previous paragraph:

Plus... you don't get the videos of white cops and white criminals where the same thing goes down, it is concentrated on black "victims" of white police brutality... and it doesn't even have to be white police officers... Zimmerman was Latino, as you'll recall.

I didn't try and convict ANYONE with my statement, idiot. I just simply stated that we don't see the videos of whites being 'mistreated' by cops. How you possibly derived the implication of guilt or innocence from that, I don't have a clue... but I assure you, none was implied.

I don't think we ought to be judging people on the basis of a fucking snippet of a cell phone video. We're supposed to have due process rights. Cops deserve to have their day in court and to have ALL evidence presented to a jury with legal representation. Not PUBLICLY LYNCHED on television!

For some damn reason, we seem to have an entire generation of people who simply don't give two shits about the rule of law or due process. None of it fucking matters to you anymore! You see a video on TV and you're ready for heads to roll! And when we finally do have their trials, if it doesn't turn out like you want, you burn the city down! This kind of shit has to STOP!

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