The blatant truth about Republicans and the word "that"

Soros, man, you guys really have no clue do you....

Oh, that's right: All rich people are evil -- except for the ones that fund the leftist agenda.

You'll take the left's double standards when you pry them from their cold, dead fingers.
The word "that" - in red below - refers to the words in bold below.
“If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet. The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together.”

The underlined words reinforce this obvious fact.

Quite frankly, anyone who thinks "that" refers to "business" is a fucking retard, I mean, just really, really stupid. Its amazing you have the mental capacity to even breathe.. Seriously, words cannot express how dumb you are.

Actually if the President was being Grammatically Proper and wanted to Refer to the Roads and Bridges and not the Business, He would have said "those" not "that".

Besides even if you are correct, the Idea that the Very Businesses that Pay the Taxes to Build the Roads should be told they didn't build that/those is just as bad.

Either Way Obama looks like a Douche Bag.

He claims this country was not Built from the Top Down, and in a way he is right, but he is also wrong. Currently the bottom 43% of Wage Earners pay no Federal Income Tax after all their Deductions. Everything they pay in during the year in Fed Income Tax they get back, and often more than they paid in. So the Government is Funded by the TOP, and everything we build is made Possible by the TOP paying for it.

Obama is nothing but a Class warfare Left wing ass. He is completely out of touch, and HAS not one once of idea what it takes, and how hard you have to work to build a Business in this country. He lacks any understanding of the Fact that Government can only Exist because the productive Fund it.

He is a Divisive ass. Period.
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The word "that" - in red below - refers to the words in bold below.
“If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet. The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together.”

The underlined words reinforce this obvious fact.

Quite frankly, anyone who thinks "that" refers to "business" is a fucking retard, I mean, just really, really stupid. Its amazing you have the mental capacity to even breathe.. Seriously, words cannot express how dumb you are.

Actually if the President was being Grammatically Proper and wanted to Refer to the Roads and Bridges and not the Business, He would have said "those" not "that".
Holy shit!!! He's not perfect???

Listen... There are better things to go after him for. Why in gods name do people continue on this one that doesn't mean any fuck'n thing other than to make people look like idiots?
The word "that" - in red below - refers to the words in bold below.
“If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet. The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together.”
The underlined words reinforce this obvious fact.

Quite frankly, anyone who thinks "that" refers to "business" is a fucking retard, I mean, just really, really stupid. Its amazing you have the mental capacity to even breathe.. Seriously, words cannot express how dumb you are.

Actually if the President was being Grammatically Proper and wanted to Refer to the Roads and Bridges and not the Business, He would have said "those" not "that".

Besides even if you are correct, the Idea that the Very Businesses that Pay the Taxes to Build the Roads should be told they didn't build that/those is just as bad.

Either Way Obama looks like a Douche Bag.

He claims this country was not Built from the Top Down, and in a way he is right, but he is also wrong. Currently the bottom 43% of Wage Earners pay no Federal Income Tax after all their Deductions. Everything they pay in during the year in Fed Income Tax they get back, and often more than they paid in. So the Government is Funded by the TOP, and everything we build is made Possible by the TOP paying for it.

Obama is nothing but a Class warfare Left wing ass. He is completely out of touch, and HAS not one once of idea what it takes, and how hard you have to work to build a Business in this country. He lacks any understanding of the Fact that Government can only Exist because the productive Fund it.

He is a Divisive ass. Period.
I'm sorry to see America widening the divisiveness. Everyone was thinking how nice America would be if it were brought together by a black man. Instead, in every debate, every address, every bill passed in the discussion stage, he confused his debaters, some of the most enlightened and erudite men in the world with racists. Yes, I think the word "racists" used on people who aren't racists to make black people angry at whites is one of the most divisive things I've ever seen, and I am so sorry to see our nation further divided. Years later, that will hurt us, and it's hurting us right now.
Steph - we already know Crossroads GPS tells you what to think - no need to post the actual content.

didn't like the ad huh?

I didn't even watch it. I don't need the Koch brothers to tell me what to think, sorry. You people are so easily led around by the uber-wealthy like pathetic sheep.

Yes.....we're the ones that still believe Obama after he said he wouldn't take over GM, that he didn't have the authority to grant amnesty, then did, that he didn't support same-sex marriage for years then evolved just in time during an election year, that says the right likes dirty water and dirty air, that Mitt Romney is the outsourcer in chief when Obama has outsourced our space program, millions of jobs (sent to China), our off-shore oil industry, billions of dollars of the Stimulus, claims that 8.2 percent unemployment means his programs are working, says his number one mission in life is job creation yet he hasn't met with his jobs commission in over 6 months yet has time to attend 111 fundraisers and golf 10 times in that period of time (lost count how many times he's golfed since he was sworn in but he went over 100 early this year).

oh....that's you.
The word "that" - in red below - refers to the words in bold below.
The underlined words reinforce this obvious fact.

Quite frankly, anyone who thinks "that" refers to "business" is a fucking retard, I mean, just really, really stupid. Its amazing you have the mental capacity to even breathe.. Seriously, words cannot express how dumb you are.

Actually if the President was being Grammatically Proper and wanted to Refer to the Roads and Bridges and not the Business, He would have said "those" not "that".

Besides even if you are correct, the Idea that the Very Businesses that Pay the Taxes to Build the Roads should be told they didn't build that/those is just as bad.

Either Way Obama looks like a Douche Bag.

He claims this country was not Built from the Top Down, and in a way he is right, but he is also wrong. Currently the bottom 43% of Wage Earners pay no Federal Income Tax after all their Deductions. Everything they pay in during the year in Fed Income Tax they get back, and often more than they paid in. So the Government is Funded by the TOP, and everything we build is made Possible by the TOP paying for it.

Obama is nothing but a Class warfare Left wing ass. He is completely out of touch, and HAS not one once of idea what it takes, and how hard you have to work to build a Business in this country. He lacks any understanding of the Fact that Government can only Exist because the productive Fund it.

He is a Divisive ass. Period.
I'm sorry to see America widening the divisiveness. Everyone was thinking how nice America would be if it were brought together by a black man. Instead, in every debate, every address, every bill passed in the discussion stage, he confused his debaters, some of the most enlightened and erudite men in the world with racists. Yes, I think the word "racists" used on people who aren't racists to make black people angry at whites is one of the most divisive things I've ever seen, and I am so sorry to see our nation further divided. Years later, that will hurt us, and it's hurting us right now.
Oh bullshit!
The race baiting Right, through GOP hate radio, have cranked up the race card from the time Obama was nominated. The biggest race baiter of all is proud of his Gawwwwd-da given "talent" to divide this great country.

March 22, 2010
RUSH: * I'll tell you, I'm going to be very honest. I largely blame myself for this.* I do, I'll tell you why I think I'm responsible for this, this partisan divide.* It's a good thing, don't misunderstand, but I'm responsible for it
And the only "history" you know is the lies from your MessiahRushie that filled your "skull full of mush" and taught you that anyone who stands up to the lies CON$ervoFascists use to destroy this great country from within must be evil.

March 22, 2010
RUSH: * I'll tell you, I'm going to be very honest. I largely blame myself for this.* I do, I'll tell you why I think I'm responsible for this, this partisan divide.* It's a good thing, don't misunderstand, but I'm responsible for it

Who cares what Rush says ?

If you like Rush, great...keep it to yourself.

Edith is obscessed with Limabugh...wants to have his baby.:lol:

Thanks for ruining my day with that image.

Actually if the President was being Grammatically Proper and wanted to Refer to the Roads and Bridges and not the Business, He would have said "those" not "that".

Besides even if you are correct, the Idea that the Very Businesses that Pay the Taxes to Build the Roads should be told they didn't build that/those is just as bad.

Either Way Obama looks like a Douche Bag.

He claims this country was not Built from the Top Down, and in a way he is right, but he is also wrong. Currently the bottom 43% of Wage Earners pay no Federal Income Tax after all their Deductions. Everything they pay in during the year in Fed Income Tax they get back, and often more than they paid in. So the Government is Funded by the TOP, and everything we build is made Possible by the TOP paying for it.

Obama is nothing but a Class warfare Left wing ass. He is completely out of touch, and HAS not one once of idea what it takes, and how hard you have to work to build a Business in this country. He lacks any understanding of the Fact that Government can only Exist because the productive Fund it.

He is a Divisive ass. Period.
I'm sorry to see America widening the divisiveness. Everyone was thinking how nice America would be if it were brought together by a black man. Instead, in every debate, every address, every bill passed in the discussion stage, he confused his debaters, some of the most enlightened and erudite men in the world with racists. Yes, I think the word "racists" used on people who aren't racists to make black people angry at whites is one of the most divisive things I've ever seen, and I am so sorry to see our nation further divided. Years later, that will hurt us, and it's hurting us right now.
Oh <First stage Freudian reference omitted> The race baiting Right, through GOP hate radio, have cranked up the race card from the time Obama was nominated. The biggest race baiter of all is proud of his Gawwwwd-da given "talent" to divide this great country.

March 22, 2010
RUSH: * I'll tell you, I'm going to be very honest. I largely blame myself for this.* I do, I'll tell you why I think I'm responsible for this, this partisan divide.* It's a good thing, don't misunderstand, but I'm responsible for it

Morgan Freeman blames Obama for making racism worse, not a radio guy.

Morgan Freeman, in an interview to be aired on CNN Friday evening, says that President Obama has made racism worse in America. Newsbustersdotorg

[ame=]Obama Kicks Door Open - YouTube[/ame]

Actually if the President was being Grammatically Proper and wanted to Refer to the Roads and Bridges and not the Business, He would have said "those" not "that".

Besides even if you are correct, the Idea that the Very Businesses that Pay the Taxes to Build the Roads should be told they didn't build that/those is just as bad.

Either Way Obama looks like a Douche Bag.

He claims this country was not Built from the Top Down, and in a way he is right, but he is also wrong. Currently the bottom 43% of Wage Earners pay no Federal Income Tax after all their Deductions. Everything they pay in during the year in Fed Income Tax they get back, and often more than they paid in. So the Government is Funded by the TOP, and everything we build is made Possible by the TOP paying for it.

Obama is nothing but a Class warfare Left wing ass. He is completely out of touch, and HAS not one once of idea what it takes, and how hard you have to work to build a Business in this country. He lacks any understanding of the Fact that Government can only Exist because the productive Fund it.

He is a Divisive ass. Period.
I'm sorry to see America widening the divisiveness. Everyone was thinking how nice America would be if it were brought together by a black man. Instead, in every debate, every address, every bill passed in the discussion stage, he confused his debaters, some of the most enlightened and erudite men in the world with racists. Yes, I think the word "racists" used on people who aren't racists to make black people angry at whites is one of the most divisive things I've ever seen, and I am so sorry to see our nation further divided. Years later, that will hurt us, and it's hurting us right now.
Oh bullshit!
The race baiting Right, through GOP hate radio, have cranked up the race card from the time Obama was nominated. The biggest race baiter of all is proud of his Gawwwwd-da given "talent" to divide this great country.

March 22, 2010
RUSH: * I'll tell you, I'm going to be very honest. I largely blame myself for this.* I do, I'll tell you why I think I'm responsible for this, this partisan divide.* It's a good thing, don't misunderstand, but I'm responsible for it

Wrong, It's not about Race. Obama Divides us By Class. He attacks the Productive, and Rallies the Less Fortunate to his cause with Class warfare Rhetoric that is Dividing this country, not Uniting it.
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The word "that" - in red below - refers to the words in bold below.

The underlined words reinforce this obvious fact.

Quite frankly, anyone who thinks "that" refers to "business" is a fucking retard, I mean, just really, really stupid. Its amazing you have the mental capacity to even breathe.. Seriously, words cannot express how dumb you are.

Actually if the President was being Grammatically Proper and wanted to Refer to the Roads and Bridges and not the Business, He would have said "those" not "that".
Holy shit!!! He's not perfect???

Listen... There are better things to go after him for. Why in gods name do people continue on this one that doesn't mean any fuck'n thing other than to make people look like idiots?

That's Your Opinion. I personally think it's yet another Example of Obama going off Prompter and sticking his Foot in his Mouth and showing us what he really thinks. You can believe him if you want, but I think his Track record makes it pretty clear he at the Very least does not Respect Business and truly does believe they owe everything to the Government.

Millions of Americans also Agree with me. We shall see if it's enough in a few months.

And even if you are right, and he really did mean the Roads and Bridges I personally do not think that makes it much better. He is basically saying they owe everything to the Roads and Bridges and Public Schools, and should pay their "Fair share to fund them" When anyone who can read the IRS web site knows they are the ones who fund them, and have been for a very long time. Hard working Americans made this Country, not a nanny State Government that thinks Business owes everything to it, when in fact the Opposite is true. Government could not exist with out The Private Sector and all it does for this country.

So Personally I think Either Way it shows Obama is an Anti Business Nanny State Leftest with little Grasp of what it takes to Build and sustain and Economy.
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I'm sorry to see America widening the divisiveness. Everyone was thinking how nice America would be if it were brought together by a black man. Instead, in every debate, every address, every bill passed in the discussion stage, he confused his debaters, some of the most enlightened and erudite men in the world with racists. Yes, I think the word "racists" used on people who aren't racists to make black people angry at whites is one of the most divisive things I've ever seen, and I am so sorry to see our nation further divided. Years later, that will hurt us, and it's hurting us right now.
Oh <First stage Freudian reference omitted> The race baiting Right, through GOP hate radio, have cranked up the race card from the time Obama was nominated. The biggest race baiter of all is proud of his Gawwwwd-da given "talent" to divide this great country.

March 22, 2010
RUSH: * I'll tell you, I'm going to be very honest. I largely blame myself for this.* I do, I'll tell you why I think I'm responsible for this, this partisan divide.* It's a good thing, don't misunderstand, but I'm responsible for it

Morgan Freeman blames Obama for making racism worse, not a radio guy.

Morgan Freeman, in an interview to be aired on CNN Friday evening, says that President Obama has made racism worse in America. Newsbustersdotorg

[ame=]Obama Kicks Door Open - YouTube[/ame]

Just more out of context bullshit from the pathological lying scum on the Right, just like the FAKE video from Jay Leno's show. :asshole:
Actually if the President was being Grammatically Proper and wanted to Refer to the Roads and Bridges and not the Business, He would have said "those" not "that".
Holy shit!!! He's not perfect???

Listen... There are better things to go after him for. Why in gods name do people continue on this one that doesn't mean any fuck'n thing other than to make people look like idiots?

That's Your Opinion. I personally think it's yet another Example of Obama going off Prompter and sticking his Foot in his Mouth and showing us what he really thinks. You can believe him if you want, but I think his Track record makes it pretty clear he at the Very least does not Respect Business and truly does believe they owe everything to the Government.

Millions of Americans also Agree with me. We shall see if it's enough in a few months.

And even if you are right, and he really did mean the Roads and Bridges I personally do not think that makes it much better. He is basically saying they owe everything to the Roads and Bridges and Public Schools, and should pay their "Fair share to fund them" When anyone who can read the IRS web site knows they are the ones who fund them, and have been for a very long time. Hard working Americans made this Country, not a nanny State Government that thinks Business owes everything to it, when in fact the Opposite is true. Government could not exist with out The Private Sector and all it does for this country.

So Personally I think Either Way it shows Obama is an Anti Business Nanny State Leftest with little Grasp of what it takes to Build and sustain and Economy.
Fair enough... I agree to disagree.

Well met.
I'm sorry to see America widening the divisiveness. Everyone was thinking how nice America would be if it were brought together by a black man. Instead, in every debate, every address, every bill passed in the discussion stage, he confused his debaters, some of the most enlightened and erudite men in the world with racists. Yes, I think the word "racists" used on people who aren't racists to make black people angry at whites is one of the most divisive things I've ever seen, and I am so sorry to see our nation further divided. Years later, that will hurt us, and it's hurting us right now.
Oh <First stage Freudian reference omitted> The race baiting Right, through GOP hate radio, have cranked up the race card from the time Obama was nominated. The biggest race baiter of all is proud of his Gawwwwd-da given "talent" to divide this great country.

March 22, 2010
RUSH: * I'll tell you, I'm going to be very honest. I largely blame myself for this.* I do, I'll tell you why I think I'm responsible for this, this partisan divide.* It's a good thing, don't misunderstand, but I'm responsible for it

Morgan Freeman blames Obama for making racism worse, not a radio guy.

Morgan Freeman, in an interview to be aired on CNN Friday evening, says that President Obama has made racism worse in America. Newsbustersdotorg

[ame=]Obama Kicks Door Open - YouTube[/ame]

Do you even read the artciles you post? Besides, Freeman is basically saying Obama made racism worse by being black.

Case in point: "Look at, look, the Tea Partiers, who are controlling the Republican Party, stated, and what&#8217;s this guy&#8217;s name, Mitch O&#8217;Connell. Is that his, O&#8217;Connell?"

Its not like its Obama's fault that the TEA party dislikes Obama and has profitited poltically from that dislike.
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Oh <First stage Freudian reference omitted> The race baiting Right, through GOP hate radio, have cranked up the race card from the time Obama was nominated. The biggest race baiter of all is proud of his Gawwwwd-da given "talent" to divide this great country.

March 22, 2010
RUSH: * I'll tell you, I'm going to be very honest. I largely blame myself for this.* I do, I'll tell you why I think I'm responsible for this, this partisan divide.* It's a good thing, don't misunderstand, but I'm responsible for it

Morgan Freeman blames Obama for making racism worse, not a radio guy.

Morgan Freeman, in an interview to be aired on CNN Friday evening, says that President Obama has made racism worse in America. Newsbustersdotorg

[ame=]Obama Kicks Door Open - YouTube[/ame]

Do you even read the artciles you post? Besides, Freeman is basically saying Obama made racism worse by being black.

Case in point: "Look at, look, the Tea Partiers, who are controlling the Republican Party, stated, and what’s this guy’s name, Mitch O’Connell. Is that his, O’Connell?"

Its not like its Obama's fault that the TEA party dislikes Obama and has profitited poltically from that dislike.

Yes it is like it's Obama's fault. Nobody likes a person that labels them unfairly. Obama can't argue with the Tea Party so instead he and his surrogates call them racists, terrorists, and insulting names. Obama calls them violent terrorists who only hate him cuz he's black. You can't get his staunchest supporters to think otherwise now.
Morgan Freeman blames Obama for making racism worse, not a radio guy.

Do you even read the artciles you post? Besides, Freeman is basically saying Obama made racism worse by being black.

Case in point: "Look at, look, the Tea Partiers, who are controlling the Republican Party, stated, and what’s this guy’s name, Mitch O’Connell. Is that his, O’Connell?"

Its not like its Obama's fault that the TEA party dislikes Obama and has profitited poltically from that dislike.

Yes it is like it's Obama's fault. Nobody likes a person that labels them unfairly. Obama can't argue with the Tea Party so instead he and his surrogates call them racists, terrorists, and insulting names. Obama calls them violent terrorists who only hate him cuz he's black. You can't get his staunchest supporters to think otherwise now.

Pretty sure the TEA party was erected because McCain lost, not because Obama has been saying means things to the public. I have never seen OBama say the TEA party hates him because he's black. In fact, if you paid attention at all, you'd probably notice that Obama tends to distance himself from the racecard.
Pretty sure the TEA party was erected because McCain lost, not because Obama has been saying means things to the public. I have never seen OBama say the TEA party hates him because he's black. In fact, if you paid attention at all, you'd probably notice that Obama tends to distance himself from the racecard.

Good point, while every person with an IQ over 4 knows the baggers hate the prez because he is Black (the proof is simple, he has governed practically to the right of Ike, Nixon and Reagan combined, therefore criticizing him from the right as opposed to from the left is pure racism)...

This is not a debate, we know why old, fat, stupid, white, pants wetting scared baggers hate the Black President.
Obama fucked himself but good with that. He came prancing out of the Marxist closet in full neomarxist drag and they're trying to tell us we didn't just see that

Dems 2012 embrace your inner Mao
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altered youtube videos again, really?

c'mon, you guys are not that dumb
now I know you rabid racist fucks want the president to show anger so you can point and go

"Look, the angry Black Man!!!!"

Jim crow days are back i see
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