The Bloodletting and Wilding Is Part of An Agenda To Tear Down The Country


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Bloodletting and Wilding Is Part of An Agenda To Tear Down The Country
The fury vented on the streets is not about George Floyd, his death was the spark but the fire has been planned for two generations.

The Bloodletting and Wilding Is Part of An Agenda To Tear Down The Country
4 Jun 2020 ~~ By William A. Jacobson

I haven’t had much time to reflect on the looting and riots that swept mostly (but not exclusively) large Democrat cities. It was a wilding on a scale we’ve never seen. It was a bloodletting and release of criminal fury.
We should be clear what is happening. It is not protest over the death of George Floyd. That is the spark, but not the fire.
This has been a long time coming. At least a generation, maybe two. The left methodically has taken control of key institutions to implement an anti-American, anti-Capitalist agenda.
You send your kids to public schools and college, where they are taught from their earliest years that America and capitalism are the sources of evil in the world, that we are a systemically racist society that consumes ‘black and brown bodies,’ while socialist and communist systems are more equal and fair. It’s all a lie, but it’s a lie told by the teachers, professors, and administrators with power. The real racists are the people who obsess about race, and who judge people based on the color of their skin.
When your kids emerge from the social justice warfare meat grinder, you don’t recognize them anymore. Oh well, you shrug.
There is a concerted effort funded by leftist billionaires and high tech companies to control what you can say, and to silence you through mob action or social media throttling if you get out of line. The large corporate media, with only a couple of exceptions, is thoroughly corrupt and works every day to elect their preferred candidates, always Democrats.
The law enforcement system is being undermined by district attorneys funded by George Soros whose agenda is to prevent enforcement of laws, and politicians whose goal is to see those arrested released immediately without bail. We’re seeing that right now with rioters and looters almost immediately released. The next push is to defund the police.
Hollywood, The music industry. Television. Gone.
We still have the vote and can win elections, despite the disadvantage. But it’s not a guarantee. Which is why the left wants to subvert voting integrity.
All this time, you have seen bits and pieces, and figured that while you might not agree, it wasn’t a threat to our existence.
The wilding and looting should be your wake up call. When seconds counted, the police were pulled back by the politicians.
Democrat states and cities are in a bad way financially due to their own mismanagement of their economies and their tolerance of rioters and looters. They all will be seeking federal bailouts. Just say no, unless there is structural change.
But these are just a short term actions that will not change the rot in our institutions. I wish I had a long-term solution. That’s something that needs to be discussed in the coming weeks.
Amidst all this gloom, there is a ray of light. Most of the country didn’t riot and loot. Most of the people in the country don’t hate capitalism and want a Marxist revolution. Most of the country still loves the country. Don’t lose sight of that. If after two generations the radical left were not able to beat patriotism out of most Americans, there is a chance.

As public servants both elected and appointed we take the oath of allegiance to our country to defend against enemies both domestic and foreign. Democrats elected to positions in "Blue States and Cities" that violate their oaths should be removed from the offices they hold, whether it's in Federal, State or city gov't.
These domestic enemies are colluding with foreign enemies, and have their financial support No Doubt.
Chinese State Media calls violent U.S. protests a ‘Beautiful Sight’.
Crime statistics demonstrate that the narratives of Black Lives Matter, Antifa, the Democrat Party and the Media are the inversion of the truth. President Trump and Republicans need to learn the statistics and push back. They will be called racist for doing so. They are going to be called racist in any event and the public needs to know the statistics. Obama’s false narrative needs to be challenged. In the end we have to follow the money.
Meanwhile we have seen racism promoting people who are not qualified over those who are qualified, or better qualified, simply because of their race. Most certainly, expecting, demanding to be promoted, is bald faced racism. Good examples of this are found in Blue cities like NYC, Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, etc.
Sadly American the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left is creating a self-hating decadent society.
The Bloodletting and Wilding Is Part of An Agenda To Tear Down The Country
The fury vented on the streets is not about George Floyd, his death was the spark but the fire has been planned for two generations.

The Bloodletting and Wilding Is Part of An Agenda To Tear Down The Country
4 Jun 2020 ~~ By William A. Jacobson

I haven’t had much time to reflect on the looting and riots that swept mostly (but not exclusively) large Democrat cities. It was a wilding on a scale we’ve never seen. It was a bloodletting and release of criminal fury.
We should be clear what is happening. It is not protest over the death of George Floyd. That is the spark, but not the fire.
This has been a long time coming. At least a generation, maybe two. The left methodically has taken control of key institutions to implement an anti-American, anti-Capitalist agenda.
You send your kids to public schools and college, where they are taught from their earliest years that America and capitalism are the sources of evil in the world, that we are a systemically racist society that consumes ‘black and brown bodies,’ while socialist and communist systems are more equal and fair. It’s all a lie, but it’s a lie told by the teachers, professors, and administrators with power. The real racists are the people who obsess about race, and who judge people based on the color of their skin.
When your kids emerge from the social justice warfare meat grinder, you don’t recognize them anymore. Oh well, you shrug.
There is a concerted effort funded by leftist billionaires and high tech companies to control what you can say, and to silence you through mob action or social media throttling if you get out of line. The large corporate media, with only a couple of exceptions, is thoroughly corrupt and works every day to elect their preferred candidates, always Democrats.
The law enforcement system is being undermined by district attorneys funded by George Soros whose agenda is to prevent enforcement of laws, and politicians whose goal is to see those arrested released immediately without bail. We’re seeing that right now with rioters and looters almost immediately released. The next push is to defund the police.
Hollywood, The music industry. Television. Gone.
We still have the vote and can win elections, despite the disadvantage. But it’s not a guarantee. Which is why the left wants to subvert voting integrity.
All this time, you have seen bits and pieces, and figured that while you might not agree, it wasn’t a threat to our existence.
The wilding and looting should be your wake up call. When seconds counted, the police were pulled back by the politicians.
Democrat states and cities are in a bad way financially due to their own mismanagement of their economies and their tolerance of rioters and looters. They all will be seeking federal bailouts. Just say no, unless there is structural change.
But these are just a short term actions that will not change the rot in our institutions. I wish I had a long-term solution. That’s something that needs to be discussed in the coming weeks.
Amidst all this gloom, there is a ray of light. Most of the country didn’t riot and loot. Most of the people in the country don’t hate capitalism and want a Marxist revolution. Most of the country still loves the country. Don’t lose sight of that. If after two generations the radical left were not able to beat patriotism out of most Americans, there is a chance.

As public servants both elected and appointed we take the oath of allegiance to our country to defend against enemies both domestic and foreign. Democrats elected to positions in "Blue States and Cities" that violate their oaths should be removed from the offices they hold, whether it's in Federal, State or city gov't.
These domestic enemies are colluding with foreign enemies, and have their financial support No Doubt.
Chinese State Media calls violent U.S. protests a ‘Beautiful Sight’.
Crime statistics demonstrate that the narratives of Black Lives Matter, Antifa, the Democrat Party and the Media are the inversion of the truth. President Trump and Republicans need to learn the statistics and push back. They will be called racist for doing so. They are going to be called racist in any event and the public needs to know the statistics. Obama’s false narrative needs to be challenged. In the end we have to follow the money.
Meanwhile we have seen racism promoting people who are not qualified over those who are qualified, or better qualified, simply because of their race. Most certainly, expecting, demanding to be promoted, is bald faced racism. Good examples of this are found in Blue cities like NYC, Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, etc.
Sadly American the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left is creating a self-hating decadent society.
Fantastic and TRUTHFUL post. Thank you.
The Bloodletting and Wilding Is Part of An Agenda To Tear Down The Country
The fury vented on the streets is not about George Floyd, his death was the spark but the fire has been planned for two generations.

The Bloodletting and Wilding Is Part of An Agenda To Tear Down The Country
4 Jun 2020 ~~ By William A. Jacobson

I haven’t had much time to reflect on the looting and riots that swept mostly (but not exclusively) large Democrat cities. It was a wilding on a scale we’ve never seen. It was a bloodletting and release of criminal fury.
We should be clear what is happening. It is not protest over the death of George Floyd. That is the spark, but not the fire.
This has been a long time coming. At least a generation, maybe two. The left methodically has taken control of key institutions to implement an anti-American, anti-Capitalist agenda.
You send your kids to public schools and college, where they are taught from their earliest years that America and capitalism are the sources of evil in the world, that we are a systemically racist society that consumes ‘black and brown bodies,’ while socialist and communist systems are more equal and fair. It’s all a lie, but it’s a lie told by the teachers, professors, and administrators with power. The real racists are the people who obsess about race, and who judge people based on the color of their skin.
When your kids emerge from the social justice warfare meat grinder, you don’t recognize them anymore. Oh well, you shrug.
There is a concerted effort funded by leftist billionaires and high tech companies to control what you can say, and to silence you through mob action or social media throttling if you get out of line. The large corporate media, with only a couple of exceptions, is thoroughly corrupt and works every day to elect their preferred candidates, always Democrats.
The law enforcement system is being undermined by district attorneys funded by George Soros whose agenda is to prevent enforcement of laws, and politicians whose goal is to see those arrested released immediately without bail. We’re seeing that right now with rioters and looters almost immediately released. The next push is to defund the police.
Hollywood, The music industry. Television. Gone.
We still have the vote and can win elections, despite the disadvantage. But it’s not a guarantee. Which is why the left wants to subvert voting integrity.
All this time, you have seen bits and pieces, and figured that while you might not agree, it wasn’t a threat to our existence.
The wilding and looting should be your wake up call. When seconds counted, the police were pulled back by the politicians.
Democrat states and cities are in a bad way financially due to their own mismanagement of their economies and their tolerance of rioters and looters. They all will be seeking federal bailouts. Just say no, unless there is structural change.
But these are just a short term actions that will not change the rot in our institutions. I wish I had a long-term solution. That’s something that needs to be discussed in the coming weeks.
Amidst all this gloom, there is a ray of light. Most of the country didn’t riot and loot. Most of the people in the country don’t hate capitalism and want a Marxist revolution. Most of the country still loves the country. Don’t lose sight of that. If after two generations the radical left were not able to beat patriotism out of most Americans, there is a chance.

As public servants both elected and appointed we take the oath of allegiance to our country to defend against enemies both domestic and foreign. Democrats elected to positions in "Blue States and Cities" that violate their oaths should be removed from the offices they hold, whether it's in Federal, State or city gov't.
These domestic enemies are colluding with foreign enemies, and have their financial support No Doubt.
Chinese State Media calls violent U.S. protests a ‘Beautiful Sight’.
Crime statistics demonstrate that the narratives of Black Lives Matter, Antifa, the Democrat Party and the Media are the inversion of the truth. President Trump and Republicans need to learn the statistics and push back. They will be called racist for doing so. They are going to be called racist in any event and the public needs to know the statistics. Obama’s false narrative needs to be challenged. In the end we have to follow the money.
Meanwhile we have seen racism promoting people who are not qualified over those who are qualified, or better qualified, simply because of their race. Most certainly, expecting, demanding to be promoted, is bald faced racism. Good examples of this are found in Blue cities like NYC, Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, etc.
Sadly American the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left is creating a self-hating decadent society.
Fantastic and TRUTHFUL post. Thank you.
I can't wait to see HOW the Dim Dems and Liberal Lunatics that post on these threads try to spin THIS one. It should be humorous to observe.

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