Blaming the race/religion/ethnicity is wrong - blame the individuals and explain why

I'm sorry you feel that way. I've had a glorious time so far. I wish everyone started off their conversations with me by giving me their bona-fedes about how many Black people they've helped, right at the top. It's a choice. One I'm completely down for. :laugh:
Piss off home troll.
Don't force me to hit you with science...okay fine what percentage of blacks and Hispanics are closeted gays? Let's see some data to back up your theory.
Well, it is a fact that many straight men in certain countries will have intimate relations with gays as long as they (the straight ones) are the TOP.

This is obviously a very sensitive topic.
Well, it is a fact that many straight men in certain countries will have intimate relations with gays as long as they (the straight ones) are the TOP.

This is obviously a very sensitive topic.
LOL it's a "fact" yet you have absolutely nothing to back up your claim, noted.
You USED to do that, but when the Fairness Doctrine expired, right wing talk radio set out to demonize Democrats and the people who vote for them, to white rural America to and demonize the party and its policies.

The "urban" and "rural" divide was simply the only way that Republicans could keep their coalition together: Southern Dixiecrats, KKK, Evangelicals, . If poor white people, and poor black people teamed up, rich whites people would have to share the wealth, and give everyone a fair shot.

Move to an African country. No whites there for you to blame for your problems...
To a certain extent I do blame groups. Especially gays and blacks because they are the ones that constantly preach about their people, their group, their community and so on. Gays and blacks always as individuals speak about their entire demographic as a whole, always, they rarely speak about them as individuals. They always want to act like they are a part of something outside of American society. When you do that then you're responsible for your group.

Like blacks always preach about "the black community" and how black people are mistreated and so on. But the majority of blacks will only talk about things that are negative towards them, or they will praise themselves. But rarely do they condem all the black crime, black criminals, or speak out saying blacks aren't victims or racism, or that blacks need to stop being a victim and demands they be responsible for themselves. They also rarely ever say DEI stuff is racist and if they want to be equals they should act like it. The majority of them just want to be victims and to be treated special.

Most fags will never condem things like giving children surgeries or drugs or turning them into girls, most fags don't ever condemn all these fag pedophiles, they don't condemn all the gay sex shows in public, or drag queens telling stories to kids, or any of the other very intrusive gay lifestyle stuff that they try and force on the public. Again, that group wants to always be victims and always want special treatment and attention.

So yes, any group that generalizes themselves and talks about their groups all the time are ones I will blame the group on.

If people in a group have some people in that group that do bad stuff but the group won't kick them out or do anything to stop them then that whole group is to blame.

White cops, Jews, Mexicans (the legal immigrant American citizen kind) and so on in general don't do that kind of thing very often so I will judge them based on their individual actions.

Rep Byron Donalds
Thomas Sowell
Larry Elder
Carol Swain

Lumping all blacks together doesn't cut it. The above are four great examples of blacks who are 180 degrees from the left wing "only race matters" black bigots.

I would agree there are far too few homosexuals standing up against Biden and drag queen shows in public education, but Jenner is one.
I didn't mean gays and blacks working together. I was saying that there's a pretty apparent reason why all gays or all blacks might seem like a monolithic group when it came to demanding respect for their basic civil rights.

Is the right to RACIAL PREFERENCES in school admissions and hiring a "civil right?"

You aren't the victim of discrimination, bigot, 180 degrees the opposite....
I have strong opinions on this matter. Having mentored and made the careers of untold numbers of minorities both men and women. All are earning $200k to $400k a year now. I find discriminating against people simply based on the pigment of their skin to be offensively RETARDED! It's the stupidest thing ever.

And it is why America is so DUMBED DOWN right now....

Merit standard doesn't apply.
and flawed Boeing 737s.... our "competent" DEI workforce....

This is the stupidity and ignorance of the Trump Cult. EVERYTHING bad is the fault of liberal policies and especially DEI.

Brought to you by a poster who thinks Putin is the cat's ass, and who has been posting Russian Propaganda, since the day he registered here.
This is the stupidity and ignorance of the Trump Cult. EVERYTHING bad is the fault of liberal policies and especially DEI.

Brought to you by a poster who thinks Putin is the cat's ass, and who has been posting Russian Propaganda, since the day he registered here.


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