The “Bombshell”: President Trump reached for steering wheel of limo and fought with Secret Service Agents.

And all officials, the FBI and real congress critters, said she is lying. The only power on display is the power to chow how the dems screwed the pooch, again.
Yeah......but they're all saying this only proves Trump wasn't qualified to be president.
The John Cusacks and the Whoopie Goldbergs claims this all justifies their insanity.

BTW, I closed my Twitter account in 2020.....and John Cusack had blocked me.
I opened a new Twitter account in May and he blocked me again yesterday.

I'm so proud of myself.

As I've said: I believe that she reported what she was told.

Did it happen? I couldn't tell you. And it's just fluff in the big picture.

I know how important this is to you. But I just don't care. Sorry.

What's important to me is that Democrats stop lying. But that's never going to happen.
Yeah......but they're all saying this only proves Trump wasn't qualified to be president.
The John Cusacks and the Whoopie Goldbergs claims this all justifies their insanity.

BTW, I closed my Twitter account in 2020.....and John Cusack had blocked me.
I opened a new Twitter account in May and he blocked me again yesterday.

I'm so proud of myself.

Glad someone is proud of you. It figures that it is yourself.
You want to blame a 25 year old Republican for Trump and a couple of treasonous secret service guys attached to Trump.
Try to keep up. The Democrats brought a witness that claimed certain secret service agents said certain things (and without the idiots even asking the agents first) and the same agents have now stepped forward and said the witness was completely lying.
Try to keep up. The Democrats brought a witness that claimed certain secret service agents said certain things (and without the idiots even asking the agents first) and the same agents have now stepped forward and said the witness was completely lying.

That’s all you’ve got?

Keep clinging!

Anybody can say anything on the internet.

Yes Dave, but only the Left can all mimic each other in lock step using the EXACT same words at the EXACT same times while accusing the rest of us independent thinks of being part of some CULT. :auiqs.jpg:
Absolutely nothing is being refuted about everything else Hutchison said, so the cult is clinging on to something she said she heard someone else say by someone who hasn’t testified under oath, and Trump’s aids who were there refused to testify, and those who did pleaded the 5th 147 times.

But no, it’s all a giant conspiracy to get Trump.

Keep clinging and sending money to your Orange God, snowflakes!


Which crime is it now?

Grabbing clavicles?

Grabbing steering wheels?

Throwing his lunch against the wall?

Which crime is involved here?


So so many!

Keep believing Hillary is about to be charged! It’s real, it’s true! Your media echo chamber hasn’t been stringing you along for decades because ka-ching!
That’s all you’ve got?

Keep clinging!

It doesn’t matter what you say, what matters is she was quoting people in her here say testimony, and those same people she was quoting even according have said she’s full of shit, even according to Democrat mouthpiece CNN. So what does that make you?


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