the book "Six Against 'the rock'" (ie, Alcratraz escape attempt)

May 21, 2015
a guy had 2 others start a fight to get the gun tower guard to move to that side of the tower. Then he climbed the wall, and used a wrench and a simple "bar spreader' to gain access to the tower. When the guard came back around, the guy hit him in the face with the wrench. This was in the 30's, IIRC, He got a Spld 06 bolt action, 5 rds, and a 1911 with 7 rds. The plan went haywire cause a guard down in the pen had mistakenly kept the key on his person. the inmates tried other keys and an "anti-jimmy" device in the door jammed the lock. even after they found the correct key, they couldn't get out. The guards bored holes in the roof and dropped in fragmentation grenades. When the guys fled that room into narrow corridors between the rooms (present to give access to the wiring and pipes), the guards just held tommyguns around 'the corners of the access door and emptied magazines into the space.

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