The Boomers Ruined Everything


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Who are they? According to Wikipedia:

The early and mid-boomers were coming of age at the same time across the world, so that they experienced events like Beatlemania and Woodstock, organizing against the Vietnam War, or fighting and dying in the same war. Boomers in Italy were dressing in mod clothes and "buying the world a Coke." Boomers in India were seeking new philosophical discoveries.[citation needed] Some American boomers in Canada had found a new home after escaping the draft. Canadian Boomers were organizing support for Pierre Trudeau. It is precisely because of these experiences that many believe those born in the second half of the birth boom belong to another generation, as events that defined their coming of age have little in common with leading or core boomers.[original research?] Politically, early Boomers in the United States tend to be Democrats, while later boomers tend to be Republicans.[38]

Hippies? Flower children? Sadly the ones now holding high positions in politics and industry. Those behind media giants.

This article points out some interesting stuff they’re responsible for:

Stricter zoning rules

Licensing to work

Average household income

Share of population incarcerated

Future payments for debts and obligations

Percent Change in Age-Specific Mortality Rate, 2012–14 to 2015–17

The odds of a 32-year-old dying have risen by 24 percent in the past five years, even as death rates among older Americans are about stable. Baby Boomers are living longer even as the workers who pay for their pensions are dying from an epidemic of drug overdose, suicide, car accidents, and violence. But, of course, while this sudden increase in working-age death rates is a new concern, the long-run fiscal crunch has been obvious for decades. For virtually the entire period of Boomer political dominance, it has been obvious that long-term obligations needed to be fixed. And yet, the problem has not been fixed. Younger Americans will suffer the consequences.

Much more @ The Boomers Ruined Everything
If just the Baby Boomers ran everything that could be a credible statement.Yet there are still people in govt. that are older than the Boomers..
FUCK YOU AND THE battery bike rode in on. You assholes got every piece of technology we managed to invent and perfect like Gates and Jobs (who I knew personally but never cared for much).WE came up with that stupid shit in your purses..I ran with Ian Murdock, Gardener supreme. #1 with a keyboard
Dont EVEN go after boomers. Lets see what you nose ring wearing freaks can come up with.
FUCK YOU AND THE battery bike rode in on. You assholes got every piece of technology we managed to invent and perfect like Gates and Jobs (who I knew personally but never cared for much).WE came up with that stupid shit in your purses..I ran with Ian Murdock, Gardener supreme. #1 with a keyboard
Dont EVEN go after boomers. Lets see what you nose ring wearing freaks can come up with.

We will bring you death panels.

FUCK YOU AND THE battery bike rode in on. You assholes got every piece of technology we managed to invent and perfect like Gates and Jobs (who I knew personally but never cared for much).WE came up with that stupid shit in your purses..I ran with Ian Murdock, Gardener supreme. #1 with a keyboard
Dont EVEN go after boomers. Lets see what you nose ring wearing freaks can come up with.

We will bring you death panels.

View attachment 266454
Yeah. He's one of us. What you punks got to show ?
Whaddya got ? Nothing
i guess that i'm a boomer , 70 years old now and born in 1949 . Motorcycles in the summer , snow machines in the winter . 1965 Ford Galaxy , 352 V8 and touring in British racing green for messin around and laying some rubber . I had'er made as a BOOMER eh .
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Who are they? According to Wikipedia:

The early and mid-boomers were coming of age at the same time across the world, so that they experienced events like Beatlemania and Woodstock, organizing against the Vietnam War, or fighting and dying in the same war. Boomers in Italy were dressing in mod clothes and "buying the world a Coke." Boomers in India were seeking new philosophical discoveries.[citation needed] Some American boomers in Canada had found a new home after escaping the draft. Canadian Boomers were organizing support for Pierre Trudeau. It is precisely because of these experiences that many believe those born in the second half of the birth boom belong to another generation, as events that defined their coming of age have little in common with leading or core boomers.[original research?] Politically, early Boomers in the United States tend to be Democrats, while later boomers tend to be Republicans.[38]

Hippies? Flower children? Sadly the ones now holding high positions in politics and industry. Those behind media giants.

This article points out some interesting stuff they’re responsible for:

Stricter zoning rules

Licensing to work

Average household income

Share of population incarcerated

Future payments for debts and obligations

Percent Change in Age-Specific Mortality Rate, 2012–14 to 2015–17

The odds of a 32-year-old dying have risen by 24 percent in the past five years, even as death rates among older Americans are about stable. Baby Boomers are living longer even as the workers who pay for their pensions are dying from an epidemic of drug overdose, suicide, car accidents, and violence. But, of course, while this sudden increase in working-age death rates is a new concern, the long-run fiscal crunch has been obvious for decades. For virtually the entire period of Boomer political dominance, it has been obvious that long-term obligations needed to be fixed. And yet, the problem has not been fixed. Younger Americans will suffer the consequences.

Much more @ The Boomers Ruined Everything
The Boomers are fucking human garbage who stole from their children's future to pad their own existence, and ensure a comfortable retirement. On their own kids dime, my dime, my kids dime, and grandkids dime at least. And we'll still be paying for their excesses long after they die off. Which honestly won't be soon enough.
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Who are they? According to Wikipedia:

The early and mid-boomers were coming of age at the same time across the world, so that they experienced events like Beatlemania and Woodstock, organizing against the Vietnam War, or fighting and dying in the same war. Boomers in Italy were dressing in mod clothes and "buying the world a Coke." Boomers in India were seeking new philosophical discoveries.[citation needed] Some American boomers in Canada had found a new home after escaping the draft. Canadian Boomers were organizing support for Pierre Trudeau. It is precisely because of these experiences that many believe those born in the second half of the birth boom belong to another generation, as events that defined their coming of age have little in common with leading or core boomers.[original research?] Politically, early Boomers in the United States tend to be Democrats, while later boomers tend to be Republicans.[38]

Hippies? Flower children? Sadly the ones now holding high positions in politics and industry. Those behind media giants.

This article points out some interesting stuff they’re responsible for:

Stricter zoning rules

Licensing to work

Average household income

Share of population incarcerated

Future payments for debts and obligations

Percent Change in Age-Specific Mortality Rate, 2012–14 to 2015–17

The odds of a 32-year-old dying have risen by 24 percent in the past five years, even as death rates among older Americans are about stable. Baby Boomers are living longer even as the workers who pay for their pensions are dying from an epidemic of drug overdose, suicide, car accidents, and violence. But, of course, while this sudden increase in working-age death rates is a new concern, the long-run fiscal crunch has been obvious for decades. For virtually the entire period of Boomer political dominance, it has been obvious that long-term obligations needed to be fixed. And yet, the problem has not been fixed. Younger Americans will suffer the consequences.

Much more @ The Boomers Ruined Everything
The Boomers are fucking human garbage who stole from their children's future to pad their own existence, and ensure a comfortable retirement. On their own kids dime, my dime, my kids dime, and grandkids dime at least. And we'll still be paying for their excesses long after they die off. Which honestly won't be soon enough.
------------------------------------ thankyou and all the others that you mention for what you do eh Vastator .
It's almost as if the entire purpose of the human experiment here on planet Earth was to make sure that the so called "Boomer Generation" had the best of everything.

And we did!
It's almost as if the entire purpose of the human experiment here on planet Earth was to make sure that the so called "Boomer Generation" had the best of everything.

And we did!
And fucked everyone who came after you. Even your own children. Then most have the gall to bitch about the millenials ( their grandchildren), who were squatted out by their whore, parasitic, single mothers (their daughters) all the while claiming some "accomplishment", that is going to be paid for by people who have'nt even been born yet. Yet very few, of those who bitch the most, accept their own responsibility in the matter. Fewer still even give a shit as long as they get theirs....
FUCK YOU AND THE battery bike rode in on. You assholes got every piece of technology we managed to invent and perfect like Gates and Jobs (who I knew personally but never cared for much).WE came up with that stupid shit in your purses..I ran with Ian Murdock, Gardener supreme. #1 with a keyboard
Dont EVEN go after boomers. Lets see what you nose ring wearing freaks can come up with.
---------------------------------------- nose ring wearing freaks , dopers , hip hoppers , wearers of ill fitting sports logo wearing stretchy clothes , tatooed , skate board riding . Just some additions eh .
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Generational smack talk is as old as the hills.
FUCK YOU AND THE battery bike rode in on. You assholes got every piece of technology we managed to invent and perfect like Gates and Jobs (who I knew personally but never cared for much).WE came up with that stupid shit in your purses..I ran with Ian Murdock, Gardener supreme. #1 with a keyboard
Dont EVEN go after boomers. Lets see what you nose ring wearing freaks can come up with.
---------------------------------------- nose ring wearing freaks , dopers , hip hoppers , wearers of ill fitting sports logo wearing stretchy clothes . tatooed , skate board riding . Just some additions eh .
Who are the family elders of these "freaks"? Yeah. Take bow fuckers. Behold what you've given our nation. From insipid liberalism, to rampant miscegenation, to lack of patriotism, the destruction of the family unit, and the stagnation of wages adjusted for inflation. Boomers own every bit of it, and a whole lot more.
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FUCK YOU AND THE battery bike rode in on. You assholes got every piece of technology we managed to invent and perfect like Gates and Jobs (who I knew personally but never cared for much).WE came up with that stupid shit in your purses..I ran with Ian Murdock, Gardener supreme. #1 with a keyboard
Dont EVEN go after boomers. Lets see what you nose ring wearing freaks can come up with.
---------------------------------------- nose ring wearing freaks , dopers , hip hoppers , wearers of ill fitting sports logo wearing stretchy clothes . tatooed , skate board riding . Just some additions eh .
---------------------------- and nowadays they the 'millenials' go out and about on the town in Pajamas .
It's almost as if the entire purpose of the human experiment here on planet Earth was to make sure that the so called "Boomer Generation" had the best of everything.

And we did!
That's because we MADE everything. My dad drove a horse, heated the house with oil and used oil lamps. I ate many a meal off a wood stove when it was 100 degrees outside. AC obviously didn't exist. sitting in class when it was 100 with the windows open doing math formulas with a neato thing called a pencil.3 TV channels IF you got the aluminum foil and rabbit ears juuuuuust right you could catch a couple UHF's from 100 miles away. AM radio was fun and worked well.
FUCK YOU AND THE battery bike rode in on. You assholes got every piece of technology we managed to invent and perfect like Gates and Jobs (who I knew personally but never cared for much).WE came up with that stupid shit in your purses..I ran with Ian Murdock, Gardener supreme. #1 with a keyboard
Dont EVEN go after boomers. Lets see what you nose ring wearing freaks can come up with.
"We"? Sure chief... News flash! Every generation is the beneficiary of the cumulative knowledge and creation of those who came before. There is absolutely nothing special about that "feat". But while your so eager to accept credit for what your generation has delivered; don't stop there. Keep going. All the way. To include the decline of the family unit, the explosion of single mother households. The fostering of a system that requires an ever expanding tax base which has led this nation's politicians to import third world trash, as fast as those nations can get rid of it. And don't forget the the ultimate prize. Your grand children. These worthless fucking millenials. Fortunately you'll likely have given yourself your last pat on the back by the time the millenials kids (the lost generation) get to see it all ultimately collapse.
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