The Boomers Ruined Everything

Every generation had/has their pluses and minuses. The anger posters show is sad-unless you were there, it is hard to give an objective analysis. For instance, Boomer athletes did not make millions, had second jobs, and if black, suffered discrimination-from the "Greatest Generation".
I posted this as a bit tongue-in-cheek. No way did I expect the vitriol.
When those who have done so much damage, with such apathetic, reckless, abandon start patting themselves on the back... Ignoring the fact that they fucked over numerous generations, some yet to be born... And actually having the gall to think we, and our children should be appreciative? And Iā€™d be remiss if I didnā€™t point out that it was their own children as well! How fucked up can these twisted fucks be?
So now their children, and grandchildren can live with less to fund these self absorbed pieces of shit with comfort as they kick their air addictions; all the while doing so with less, and facing problems these boomers never did. And a great many of these problems were created by the boomers themselves. And these dried up old fucks have the gall to criticize?
They actually have the nerve to blame their own children, and grand children for their own abject failures to achieve their own prime directive as parents, and patriots.
Few are the boomers who have looked back and seen the error of their ways, and taken measure of their misdeeds. Though I have known some who now live with regret, having seen all theyā€™ve done.
But itā€™s immpossible to ignore the incessant bitching by those who literally created this nations problems; when they themselves created them.

Oh boo hoo.

Donā€™t worry, weā€™ll be gone soon enough and you can have it the way you want it.

Oh boo hoo.

Donā€™t worry, weā€™ll be gone soon enough and you can have it the way you want it.
Way to own up... Donā€™t worry. After the disposable offspring of the boomers have been tilled under, those who kept to the values that endure will carry on. Without the pollution of a selfish, apathetic legacy that cares only for a comfortable death bed at the expense of their own descendants. Nature has a way of cleaning up...

Oh boo hoo.

Donā€™t worry, weā€™ll be gone soon enough and you can have it the way you want it.
Way to own up... Donā€™t worry. After the disposable offspring of the boomers have been tilled under, those who kept to the values that endure will carry on. Without the pollution of a selfish, apathetic legacy that cares only for a comfortable death bed at the expense of their own descendants. Nature has a way of cleaning up...
Boomers were the first generation to have lots of free time, thanks to the so called greatest generation making easy money, after WWII destroyed all competition. I had a great time too. Great music, good drugs, straight women...damn it was great.
Babyboomers didn't nip it in the bud, as in they didn't take care of issues plaguing us today, such as cultural destruction, outsourcing, Abortion, degeneracy, and environmental destruction.
Babyboomers think they invented the Beatles, instead that was the Silent Generation.
What Babyboomers invented was Disco, and Rap music.

Boomers think they put a man on the Moon.
Instead that was the greatest generation.

Actually, much of the intellectual feats didn't come from the Boomers.... Most of it came from the Greatest Generation, including Internet, Microwaves, GPS, AIrplanes, Helicopters etc. etc.

Also, even the Millennials probably invented more than the Boomers..... Millennials invented a lot of social media, and internet chats, and apps.

Maybe Apple is what Boomers invented.

But, overall Boomers are pretty deluded.

Divorce rates, and Murder rates correlate at it's highest during Boomers.... Even though they arguably had the best of all generations.

The Boomers drugs, gangs and divorce f*cked up the Millennials.

Of course the Greatest Generation went through the Great Depression, and World Wars.

Also Millennials are making a lot less money at the same age as Boomers, with a lot more student debt.

A lot of this is because Boomer CEO's screwed this nation over, by outsourcing to China, Mexico, Vietnam, India, etc. etc.

Oh boo hoo.

Donā€™t worry, weā€™ll be gone soon enough and you can have it the way you want it.
Way to own up... Donā€™t worry. After the disposable offspring of the boomers have been tilled under, those who kept to the values that endure will carry on. Without the pollution of a selfish, apathetic legacy that cares only for a comfortable death bed at the expense of their own descendants. Nature has a way of cleaning up...
Boomers were the first generation to have lots of free time, thanks to the so called greatest generation making easy money, after WWII destroyed all competition. I had a great time too. Great music, good drugs, straight women...damn it was great.

That great music mostly came from the Silent Generation.
What your Boomers invented was Disco, and Rap music.
FUCK YOU AND THE battery bike rode in on. You assholes got every piece of technology we managed to invent and perfect like Gates and Jobs (who I knew personally but never cared for much).WE came up with that stupid shit in your purses..I ran with Ian Murdock, Gardener supreme. #1 with a keyboard
Dont EVEN go after boomers. Lets see what you nose ring wearing freaks can come up with.
---------------------------------------- nose ring wearing freaks , dopers , hip hoppers , wearers of ill fitting sports logo wearing stretchy clothes , tatooed , skate board riding . Just some additions eh .

The Babyboomers were significantly more Liberal, and signfiicantly more violent than their parents.

The same doesn't hold true for the kids of the Babyboomers, who were only slightly more Liberal, and significantly less violent.

Absolutely, the murder rates in this country peaked in the mid 1970's - early 1990's, which correlates closely with Boomers, and Generation X.

By the time Millennials came to their Teens - 30's the prime years when murder is heightened, the murder rate had declined significantly.

Proving the Millennials were a lot less violent than Boomers.
It's almost as if the entire purpose of the human experiment here on planet Earth was to make sure that the so called "Boomer Generation" had the best of everything.

And we did!
And fucked everyone who came after you. Even your own children. Then most have the gall to bitch about the millenials ( their grandchildren), who were squatted out by their whore, parasitic, single mothers (their daughters) all the while claiming some "accomplishment", that is going to be paid for by people who have'nt even been born yet. Yet very few, of those who bitch the most, accept their own responsibility in the matter. Fewer still even give a shit as long as they get theirs....

There were hardly any outsourced jobs, or illegal immigrants before the 1980's.

Funny, the 1980's, when the Boomers started dominating over CEO / Business ranks....

Obviously the Greatest Generation took pride.... While the Boomers just cared about selling this country out for cash.

They the Boomers certainly had no problem with Reagan's amnesty.

Now, nearly 35 - 40 years after Boomers started bringing in Illegals, and outsourcing jobs...... Now the Boomers decide to vote Trump, and protect these interests for America.
It's almost as if the entire purpose of the human experiment here on planet Earth was to make sure that the so called "Boomer Generation" had the best of everything.

And we did!
And fucked everyone who came after you. Even your own children. Then most have the gall to bitch about the millenials ( their grandchildren), who were squatted out by their whore, parasitic, single mothers (their daughters) all the while claiming some "accomplishment", that is going to be paid for by people who have'nt even been born yet. Yet very few, of those who bitch the most, accept their own responsibility in the matter. Fewer still even give a shit as long as they get theirs....

There were hardly any outsourced jobs, or illegal immigrants before the 1980's.

Funny, the 1980's, when the Boomers started dominating over CEO / Business ranks....

Obviously the Greatest Generation took pride.... While the Boomers just cared about selling this country out for cash.

They the Boomers certainly had no problem with Reagan's amnesty.

Now, nearly 35 - 40 years after Boomers started bringing in Illegals, and outsourcing jobs...... Now the Boomers decide to vote Trump, and protect these interests for America.
----------------------------------- the 'republican' and 'reagan - bush' amnesty was the beginning of the end for the USA as an AMERICAN type country and that started in 1986 . I think that the 'boomers' accepted it due to compassion and the thinking that it was only Amnesty for 3 million from what i have heard . Yep , it was stupid and liberal type thinking on the part of the republicans 'reagan - bush' and many boomers . 'BOOMERS' weren't smart enough to protect the Jewell known as the USA so now the coming generations of 'millenials' and their kids lose the Jewell .
It's almost as if the entire purpose of the human experiment here on planet Earth was to make sure that the so called "Boomer Generation" had the best of everything.

And we did!
And fucked everyone who came after you. Even your own children. Then most have the gall to bitch about the millenials ( their grandchildren), who were squatted out by their whore, parasitic, single mothers (their daughters) all the while claiming some "accomplishment", that is going to be paid for by people who have'nt even been born yet. Yet very few, of those who bitch the most, accept their own responsibility in the matter. Fewer still even give a shit as long as they get theirs....

There were hardly any outsourced jobs, or illegal immigrants before the 1980's.

Funny, the 1980's, when the Boomers started dominating over CEO / Business ranks....

Obviously the Greatest Generation took pride.... While the Boomers just cared about selling this country out for cash.

They the Boomers certainly had no problem with Reagan's amnesty.

Now, nearly 35 - 40 years after Boomers started bringing in Illegals, and outsourcing jobs...... Now the Boomers decide to vote Trump, and protect these interests for America.
----------------------------------- the 'republican' and 'reagan - bush' amnesty was the beginning of the end for the USA as an AMERICAN type country and that started in 1986 . I think that the 'boomers' accepted it due to compassion and the thinking that it was only Amnesty for 3 million from what i have heard . Yep , it was stupid and liberal type thinking on the part of the republicans 'reagan - bush' and many boomers . 'BOOMERS' weren't smart enough to protect the Jewel known as the USA so now the coming generations of 'millenials' and their kids lose the Jewel SOB .

Who are they? According to Wikipedia:

The early and mid-boomers were coming of age at the same time across the world, so that they experienced events like Beatlemania and Woodstock, organizing against the Vietnam War, or fighting and dying in the same war. Boomers in Italy were dressing in mod clothes and "buying the world a Coke." Boomers in India were seeking new philosophical discoveries.[citation needed] Some American boomers in Canada had found a new home after escaping the draft. Canadian Boomers were organizing support for Pierre Trudeau. It is precisely because of these experiences that many believe those born in the second half of the birth boom belong to another generation, as events that defined their coming of age have little in common with leading or core boomers.[original research?] Politically, early Boomers in the United States tend to be Democrats, while later boomers tend to be Republicans.[38]

Hippies? Flower children? Sadly the ones now holding high positions in politics and industry. Those behind media giants.

This article points out some interesting stuff theyā€™re responsible for:

Stricter zoning rules

Licensing to work

Average household income

Share of population incarcerated

Future payments for debts and obligations

Percent Change in Age-Specific Mortality Rate, 2012ā€“14 to 2015ā€“17

The odds of a 32-year-old dying have risen by 24 percent in the past five years, even as death rates among older Americans are about stable. Baby Boomers are living longer even as the workers who pay for their pensions are dying from an epidemic of drug overdose, suicide, car accidents, and violence. But, of course, while this sudden increase in working-age death rates is a new concern, the long-run fiscal crunch has been obvious for decades. For virtually the entire period of Boomer political dominance, it has been obvious that long-term obligations needed to be fixed. And yet, the problem has not been fixed. Younger Americans will suffer the consequences.

Much more @ The Boomers Ruined Everything

It wasnā€™t the boomers who did ANY OF THIS. We didnā€™t even have REAL political power until Clinton was elected.

Reagan and the Conservatives were the guys who destroyed the New Deal that made the Boomers the richest generation in history.
It's almost as if the entire purpose of the human experiment here on planet Earth was to make sure that the so called "Boomer Generation" had the best of everything.

And we did!
I like partied the whole time what happened, man...

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