The British 1939 White paper stipulated that Jewish immigration


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
The British 1939 White paper stipulated that Jewish immigration to Palestine was to be limited to 15,000 a year for the first five years, and would subsequently be contingent on Arab consent. Restrictions were also placed on the rights of Jews to buy land from Arabs. After this Ben-Gurion changed his policy towards the British, stating: "Peace in Palestine is not the best situation for thwarting the policy of the White Paper".[25] Ben-Gurion believed a peaceful solution with the Arabs had no chance and soon began preparing the Yishuv for war. According to Teveth 'through his campaign to mobilize the Yishuv in support of the British war effort, he strove to build the nucleus of a "Hebrew army", and his success in this endeavor later brought victory to Zionism in the struggle to establish a Jewish state.'[26]
During the Second World War, Ben-Gurion encouraged the Jewish population to volunteer for the British Army. He famously told Jews to "support the British as if there is no White Paper and oppose the White Paper as if there is no war".[27] About 10% of the Jewish population of Palestine volunteered for the British Army, including many women. At the same time Ben-Gurion assisted the illegal immigration of thousands of European Jewish refugees to Palestine during a period when the British placed heavy restrictions on Jewish immigration.
In 1946, Ben-Gurion agreed that the Haganah could cooperate with Menachem Begin's Irgun in fighting the British, who continued to restrict Jewish immigration. Ben-Gurion initially agreed to Begin's plan to carry out the 1946 King David Hotel bombing, with the intent of embarrassing (rather than killing) the British military stationed there. However, when the risks of mass killing became apparent, Ben-Gurion told Begin to call the operation off; Begin refused.[28]
Illegal Jewish migration led to pressure on the British to either allow Jewish migration (as required by the League of Nations Mandate) or quit – they did the latter in 1948, not changing their restrictions, on the heels of a United Nations resolution partitioning the territory between the Jews and Arabs.

David Ben-Gurion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also read about Poale Zion, you know the world marist Zionist movement.

So then what did they do they bombed the King David Hotel. Can’t trust a Zionist.
gee Penelope-----you got some of it superficially correct------but so distorted by illiteracy and stupidity that it does not even make sense. Now what is POALI ZION?? do you have even the slightest idea what those words mean or what the group you imagine you named was and is??? btw what is "marist"
The King David Hotel was a BRITISH MIITARY installation. Do you want to know the true story of that incident or would you
rather continue to parrot your Nazi scum heroes? Anyone canl learn Nazi propaganda------I knew just about all of it when I was ten years old------just by reading the little seedy pamphlets
that littered the gutters near the bars and brothels of my semi urban suburban "HICKSVILLE" childhood town. ------just take a walk to the area of town where the prostitutes lay in the
gutters and there it was A personal anecdote-----I was such a naïve kid that I had no idea why people "RENTED ROOMS BY THE HOUR"------on the ------seedy side of town.

I asked my mom and she said-----"well----it's for truck drivers who want to take a nap" but that was the same lady who
told me------STRIP TEASE acts are only for doctors who have
to learn female anatomy
Who were the Brits to dictate immigration to the territory known as Palestine based on the same ethnic criteria that the Nazis used to murder millions of people?
Who were the Brits to dictate immigration to the territory known as Palestine based on the same ethnic criteria that the Nazis used to murder millions of people?

Whitehall-----don't blame the brits-----the brits were desperate to SAVE THE EMPIRE----so they had a GENERAL policy ---
AVOID TROUBLE- They issued all kinds of edicts with no consideration for justice-----just a desire to release "steam
pressure" and they even winked at atrocities committed between warring FACTIONS -----thruout the middle east--thruout the Indian subcontinent-----anywhere where
they were,, There are more muslims than jews in the world---the white paper was a suck-down-----to the muslims
of the world
I'll buy that theory. The Brits were just being the Brits. At least they had a plan which was more than the bigoted FDR administration had.
WTF are 'marist' Zionists???

Marge----Marist Zionists is from Penelope------you expect
an answer-------she also came up with >>>>>
" Poale Zion, you know the world marist Zionist"

I assure you ----she has no idea------she is a parrot

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