The British national anthem is pondorous rubbish – if a university wants to ditch it, it’s doing us all a favour

Parties campaign on a prospectus that people vote for or not.
You cant just pull a policy out of your arse.
you're saying the same thing ... people vote for the politicians to produce outcomes that align with them .. so .. people voted for the politicians to support this ..

Yes the govt wants to punish Bristol Uni for dropping the english national anthrm from its graduation ceremony.

I see this as the high water mark in the current conservative culture wars. Of course they want to punish the Uni becausethey have nothing else to do.

They have no answers to the mess they created so lets cut funding to a Uni. If they could rope in darkies and trannys their day would be complete.

Maybe the Uni could find a more upbeat tune to serenade theie heavily indebted students out of the door.
The globalist moron has spoken.
Tommy's a commie shit. GSTK is a GREAT Anthem. But see my previous post on the matter.

Not just that.

Turdy Tainted gets all of his news from MI6 assset , The Guardian

The average daily sales nationally for this misinformation trash paper are barely 100 000 .
It is read by something like 0.15% of the population

Not even Lefty brainless people can be bothered to buy it.
Turdy simply knows no better

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