The Build Back Better Pivot


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Oh, well, BBB is toast in 2020, the most important bill in history. So now they're pivoting to a bill that is an attempt to make Democrats a permanent majority under claims of it being about voter rights and this is now the most important bill in history.

And the sheer hypocrisy that Democrats keep showing is stunning.

Unable to pass their welfare-state expansion with a simple majority, Democrats have reportedly shelved Build Back Better for the year. Now prepare for the entire left-wing infrastructure — politicians as well as the establishment press — to pivot hard from the fake “social safety net” bill to the fake “voting-rights bill,” which will quickly become the most vital piece of legislation in the history of the republic. Just earlier today, Senate Budget Committee chairman Bernie Sanders, who not long ago heralded the mere framework of Build Back Better as “by far the most significant piece of legislation ever passed in the world,” told reporters that it was now more important to get a “voting rights” bill through the Senate.
The “Jim Crow 2.0” smear — aimed at the Twittersphere, because there isn’t a single competitive race in 2022 in which “voting rights” attacks are going to make a difference — will only succeed in further corroding confidence in elections. The demagogic lie that “democracy” is under attack in states that employ basic standards of voter integrity is an emotional appeal that does not stand up to scrutiny. It is a debate that Republicans should embrace. Democrats can keep treating voter-ID requirements as if they were poll taxes, but most Americans support the standard that, incidentally, existed only a few years before the 2020 election anarchy.
That said, the ginned-up “voting rights” emergency is also meant to continue laying the groundwork for blowing up the legislative filibuster. Senator Mark Warner (D., Va.), who participated in over 300 filibusters during the Trump years and who signed a letter in 2017 imploring Mitch McConnell to preserve the “existing rules, practices, and traditions” of the filibuster — and only a couple of months ago was criticizing former Senate majority leader Harry Reid for attacking the procedure — came out in favor of eliminating the legislative filibuster today. Here, too, it is not only highly doubtful that moderates such as Joe Manchin or Kyrsten Sinema — or even a number of other low-lying moderates — would help blow up a Senate norm to placate the hard Left. Manchin has been asked about “reforming” the filibuster about a bazillion times, and in each instance, to the consternation of progressives on Twitter, he’s replied with the same answer: no.
Indeed, even if shameless hypocrites such as Warner were successful in killing the filibuster, it’s unclear that Senate Democrats would be able to find the votes to pass an H.R. 1–type “voting rights” bill, which would not only override hundreds of existing laws, but compel states to count mail-in votes ten days after Election Day, to allow ballot harvesting, to allow felons to vote, to ban basic voter-ID laws, and to create councils to redraw districts (all the while undercutting free-speech rights with a slew of new election regulations). In the end, the Senate Democrats would almost surely be impelled to pass a diluted version of voting rights, which would still likely face challenges in courts by numerous states. Are red-state Democrats willing to dispense with a longtime Senate norm for, if anything, fleeting partisan gain?
And the closer we get to the 2022 midterms, the bigger the lift will be to pass the reconciliation bill. The more Democrats have tried to sell it, in fact, the less popular it has gotten. In districts that matter in 2022, it is almost certainly quite unpopular. So instead, Democrats have decided to win the Twitter vote.

The Dems are in a fat lot of trouble, they know it, and much of 2022 will be only trying to win back THEIR OWN voters, nevermind big initiatives like the ones above.

They lost many, many moms over their outlandish covid policies in schools. Just as one example. And inflation. Etc.
Why do they ask people for part of their SS numbers and their driving license number?

Why do they ask people for part of their SS numbers and their driving license number?

Insulated Prog women got a taste of what they wrought with their children put into danger.
Insulated Prog women got a taste of what they wrought with their children put into danger.
Why do they ask people for part of their SS numbers and their driving license number?

Are you insinuating abortion? And what does abortion have to do with above??
Insulated Prog women got a taste of what they wrought with their children put into danger.
In part yes, that's why Youngkin was able to run-up the percentages in the NOtVA blue-burbs here in Virginia.

He never won any of those counties but was able to deny the dems of their usual lopsided vote bonanza there while running up the percentages in the solid red counties far beyond what they ever were in a Virginia gubernatorial election before.

Though the dems tried no end to do so Youngkin was never able to the tarred with the trump brush either and that really helped him to be a lot more palatable to the housefraus of the blue-burbs.
Why do they ask people for part of their SS numbers and their driving license number?

They are used as a means to ID a person, to ensure the person is who they say they are. Individuals are given a unique SS # and DL #....

I thought this was self evident....but I suppose it does take some critical thinking
They are used as a means to ID a person, to ensure the person is who they say they are. Individuals are given a unique SS # and DL #....

I thought this was self evident....but I suppose it does take some critical thinking
I'm old enough to have a Slave Surveillance card that says "NOT TO BE USED FOR IDENTIFICATION" on the bottom of it.
Why do they ask people for part of their SS numbers and their driving license number?

Are you insinuating abortion? And what does abortion have to do with above??
Their daughters can be raped by their own hands of political views. There is no perfection. And we are trying to do it. The costs grow. The nation declines. The divide becomes greater. The gender divide can not repair until nature at least shows some common sense for less men will die for women for a cause.
I'm old enough to have a Slave Surveillance card that says "NOT TO BE USED FOR IDENTIFICATION" on the bottom of it.
i wouldn’t use the card. Just the number as a way to verify it against the photo ID presented
The number was not to be used as ID....That was a lie used to assuage the people who feared it could become a national identifier, which it has.
the card is not the number certainly is and has routinely. if people feared that it came true
Oh, well, BBB is toast in 2020, the most important bill in history. So now they're pivoting to a bill that is an attempt to make Democrats a permanent majority under claims of it being about voter rights and this is now the most important bill in history.

And the sheer hypocrisy that Democrats keep showing is stunning.

Unable to pass their welfare-state expansion with a simple majority, Democrats have reportedly shelved Build Back Better for the year. Now prepare for the entire left-wing infrastructure — politicians as well as the establishment press — to pivot hard from the fake “social safety net” bill to the fake “voting-rights bill,” which will quickly become the most vital piece of legislation in the history of the republic. Just earlier today, Senate Budget Committee chairman Bernie Sanders, who not long ago heralded the mere framework of Build Back Better as “by far the most significant piece of legislation ever passed in the world,” told reporters that it was now more important to get a “voting rights” bill through the Senate.
The “Jim Crow 2.0” smear — aimed at the Twittersphere, because there isn’t a single competitive race in 2022 in which “voting rights” attacks are going to make a difference — will only succeed in further corroding confidence in elections. The demagogic lie that “democracy” is under attack in states that employ basic standards of voter integrity is an emotional appeal that does not stand up to scrutiny. It is a debate that Republicans should embrace. Democrats can keep treating voter-ID requirements as if they were poll taxes, but most Americans support the standard that, incidentally, existed only a few years before the 2020 election anarchy.
That said, the ginned-up “voting rights” emergency is also meant to continue laying the groundwork for blowing up the legislative filibuster. Senator Mark Warner (D., Va.), who participated in over 300 filibusters during the Trump years and who signed a letter in 2017 imploring Mitch McConnell to preserve the “existing rules, practices, and traditions” of the filibuster — and only a couple of months ago was criticizing former Senate majority leader Harry Reid for attacking the procedure — came out in favor of eliminating the legislative filibuster today. Here, too, it is not only highly doubtful that moderates such as Joe Manchin or Kyrsten Sinema — or even a number of other low-lying moderates — would help blow up a Senate norm to placate the hard Left. Manchin has been asked about “reforming” the filibuster about a bazillion times, and in each instance, to the consternation of progressives on Twitter, he’s replied with the same answer: no.
Indeed, even if shameless hypocrites such as Warner were successful in killing the filibuster, it’s unclear that Senate Democrats would be able to find the votes to pass an H.R. 1–type “voting rights” bill, which would not only override hundreds of existing laws, but compel states to count mail-in votes ten days after Election Day, to allow ballot harvesting, to allow felons to vote, to ban basic voter-ID laws, and to create councils to redraw districts (all the while undercutting free-speech rights with a slew of new election regulations). In the end, the Senate Democrats would almost surely be impelled to pass a diluted version of voting rights, which would still likely face challenges in courts by numerous states. Are red-state Democrats willing to dispense with a longtime Senate norm for, if anything, fleeting partisan gain?
And the closer we get to the 2022 midterms, the bigger the lift will be to pass the reconciliation bill. The more Democrats have tried to sell it, in fact, the less popular it has gotten. In districts that matter in 2022, it is almost certainly quite unpopular. So instead, Democrats have decided to win the Twitter vote.

What I thought was funny is that Biden refuses to take a partial deal now because he wants to hold out for a better deal later. I'm not really following how he will get a better deal later. I guess he is waiting for public opinion to change but the public opinion has been changing - against the BBB.

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