The Business of Government is to Promote Happiness or Business?

Anyone paying $1200/mo for a policy with a $13,000 deductible would be happy to kick those 10 million off of Obamacare in a heartbeat.

Furthermore, Obamcare didn't give healthcare to 10 million people who previously didn't have it. It probably didn't do that for even 1 million people.

Here's some help for the idiot Canadian.

Obamacare Myths
And like any good socialist, to GP that means gov't confiscation of private wealth to be redistributed to him. Over time it becomes increasingly difficult to just vote out socialism. See: Greece.
Here is where we seem to be headed:
INEPTOCRACY - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

Greece (and France) had a problem with investment which was almost killed by Republican deregulating derivatives. Republicans greed - blame it on the little guy.


Wait! What?? Are you seriously trying to say that Repubs have driven Greece (and France) to near insolvency? That Repubs made Greeks go from the pan to the fire by electing a gov't which will abandon the financial responsibilities Greeks accepted just a few years ago when they borrowed OPC (Other People's Cash)?
Really dude? WTF are you smoking and where do I get some?
And you can't refute my post. Very, very, telling.

You're right, I can't refute your Jabberwocky.

Refuting 'Jabberwocky' is refuted with fact. Since you have no fact, I can see your point.

Wait! What?? Aren't you the ditz who in this thread claimed that "Republican greed" has driven Greece (and France) to near insolvency? That Repubs made Greeks go from the pan to the fire by electing a gov't which will abandon the financial responsibilities Greeks accepted just a few years ago when they borrowed OPC (Other People's Cash)?
Really dude? And you have the temerity to comment about others facts?
Poll after poll after poll shows the voters despise Obamacare.

People don't want to pay there own way? Employers don't want to do whats right?

Evidently the Greeks want to do neither and have elected their national "radical left" (read: socialist) party to tell those who lent them money in 2009 (when they were broke) to "go pound sand." The irony being that Northern Europeans (many fellow socialists) will be stuck paying the bill. Really ... ya can't make this stuff up. Once socialists run out of OPC (Other People's Cash) to give away they just crash and burn.
Wait! What?? Are you seriously trying to say that Repubs have driven Greece (and France) to near insolvency? That Repubs made Greeks go from the pan to the fire by electing a gov't which will abandon the financial responsibilities Greeks accepted just a few years ago when they borrowed OPC (Other People's Cash)?
Really dude? WTF are you smoking and where do I get some?

Yes. When S&L crisis Phil Gramm (R) stuck 11th hour bill onto a budget bill (where have we heard that before) the bill caused a $563 Trillion dollar hit to the world economy, and a $20 Trillion dollar hit to the US economy. Both Greece and France were heavily vested in derivatives both publicly and privately, thus the need for OPC.

Currently, wall street derivative futures players are 'hitting up' Republicans for bailout due to the oil price dropping.


You mean socialism can't bring them into the first world?

Democracy teamed with Socialist Ideals can.

Socialism teamed with any form of gov't is unsustainable.
Democracy + Socialism = INEPTOCRACY_(in-ep-toc’-ra-cy) - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or even try are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.
The issue might be that the vast majority believes the current system does not adequately reward hard work, but neither party represents them in that belief.
What about the possibility the current economic system of finance capitalism simply can't create enough US jobs that pay enough for its workers to exist on?
How did all the jobs exist without government before? Capitalism doesn't create the jobs, the jobs create capitalism. The bigger government is the fewer there are participating in the private sector.

There is no finite amount of wealth or money, I don't know why liberals think that. This nation got wealthier how? By government passing legislation on wealth creation?
Where or when did capitalism ever exist without government?
usually in third world AnCaps.
Wait! What?? Are you seriously trying to say that Repubs have driven Greece (and France) to near insolvency? That Repubs made Greeks go from the pan to the fire by electing a gov't which will abandon the financial responsibilities Greeks accepted just a few years ago when they borrowed OPC (Other People's Cash)?
Really dude? WTF are you smoking and where do I get some?

Yes. When S&L crisis Phil Gramm (R) stuck 11th hour bill onto a budget bill (where have we heard that before) the bill caused a $563 Trillion dollar hit to the world economy, and a $20 Trillion dollar hit to the US economy. Both Greece and France were heavily vested in derivatives both publicly and privately, thus the need for OPC.

Currently, wall street derivative futures players are 'hitting up' Republicans for bailout due to the oil price dropping.

Yanno, you forgot to include a link which supports your absurd claims but we both know why ... you pull this crap outta your ass.
It does, however, give one great insight into what is wrong with socialism: its adherents are whiny, sniveling socialists. Thanks for playing.
Anyone paying $1200/mo for a policy with a $13,000 deductible would be happy to kick those 10 million off of Obamacare in a heartbeat.

Furthermore, Obamcare didn't give healthcare to 10 million people who previously didn't have it. It probably didn't do that for even 1 million people.

Here's some help for the idiot Canadian.

Obamacare Myths is a leftwing propaganda organ. Furthermore, nothing on that site addressed my complain.
"The Business of Government is to Promote Happiness or Business?"

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Nothing in the Preamble advocates for 'promoting business' or 'promoting happiness.'

The role of government is to govern, at the behest of the people, in accordance with the Constitution and its case law, and following the rule of law.
The governments job is to promote the environment, be it private or public for business growth. It is only a problem when some idiot goes too far or not far enough with the regulations.

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