The Cappucino Corral

Might wear these to go to the post office today.

Got to plant all of my tomato plants and all of my pepper plants. I spent quite a few hours out there. I had to get the bed ready (it had already been tilled) but I bought more garden soil and manure and it had to be mixed in. I planted 8 tomato plants and 6 pepper plants...

These are the tomato plants...
We're supposed to get a lot of rain, right, so we go off to buy more plants and it is pouring rain everywhere and we thought maybe we made a mistake in going out....come home, and we haven't got a single drop.......yikes! I bought bedding flower plants, to liven up my flower beds and a couple of basil plants. I love basil and it propagates so easy, I'll have about 20 plants from just those two.....
Hope you are all having a great week everyone, sorry I have not been better about visiting. Very different year for me and it still remains a mystery if it is a positive or negative one, though I am beginning to suspect the good.
Hope you are all having a great week everyone, sorry I have not been better about visiting. Very different year for me and it still remains a mystery if it is a positive or negative one, though I am beginning to suspect the good.

Very glad you are back, hope that you are doing better.

I believe that many of us have had our share of tribulations in the last months, so you are in good company.

You are welcome here anytime.

We have new people among us, from the Andromeda Mothership down deep in the belly of the Whale.

Right, Mindful TyroneSlothrop gtopa1 Cassy Mo ? (just to name a few)

Had a boiled egg and watery tomatoes for breakfast.

A lady friend of mine invited me for breakfast while I am underway between many points, but then she had to cancel. She suddenly had "Dienst" and then I had the sadz, because she is a truly fine, fine lady and an even finer friend. So, hungry as a wolf, I dashed into a small store and all they had was quick heat-up fajitas. The only thing missing was my sombrero.

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