The Caravan Apocalypse.....

They’re criminal invaders and they’re committing an act of war against the United States! These ne’er-do-wells have never matched wits with the greatest fighting force on earth. It’s show time, preparations begin tomorrow.

The caravan of migrants continues to move toward our border. This massive mob of well-fed, well dressed, rested migrants will attempt to force their way across the order. Progressive socialist Democrats will start whining about how they are so distressed being from countries that have treated them poorly. Celebrities will wring their hands and clutch their pearl about how poorly we are treating them. It will not be mentioned that they are in fact economic refugees, looking for jobs and handouts to improve their lives.

They will be here just in time for the midterms. Although the distance is far, the only time they actually walk is at the scheduled times when they know the cameras will be there. If you think about the distance already covered, you can understand that they could not have possibly gotten this far without the flatbed tractor trailers and trucks that load them up and bring them closer. Mainstream media won’t mention this because it does fit the narrative that they wish to portray.

So what can we expect when they get here? Many in the group will wait and see what happens, but the gang members such as MS 13 and the jihadists among them will do the best they can to force the border and create the chaos that will get them through. CNN and the other progressive socialist lackeys will scream that we are bigots for protecting our country, and the progressive socialists will want to declare martial law. Once they reach the border, this will activate groups such as LaRaza, and Antifa, and others that have been congregating in various areas both close and far away from the borders. Mob violence will overtake our cities as planned, and local law enforcement will have their hands full protecting the citizens of our country.

This is what the past few years of planned violence from the progressive socialists have been planning. Socialism has taught us over the years that indoctrinating the youth of our country to accept socialism are of paramount importance. The weakening of the bonds of family and community have all led to this moment. It is a foregone conclusion that this first wave is just the start, and the progressive socialists like Kamala Harris welcome this chaos. The rule of law is nothing to these people, and they will find a way to force our country into the socialist utopia that they feel we need and deserve for being such a divisive country.

But then the question becomes, how will it end? President Trump has already stated that he will send the military to the border. It will mean nothing to these invaders, they know they will get what they want, and the military will be reluctant to use deadly force to keep them out.

Criminal invaders? Absolutely
Act of war? Get a grip on yourself

It IS an act of war.
It is an act of desperation.

If you or I were in their shoes we would likely do the same thing for our children hoping to give them a future.

Doesn't mean I want them here but a bit of perspective is important
That's what many criminals say. They were desperate. It's not a defense to anything.
I didn't say it was a defense. It is a reason. And criminal has nothing to do with it
It is the same reason all criminals have. They want what you have. What you have isn't yours. It's theirs. They are just taking back their property.
Good chance to demonstrate whether we're a Christian nation.
These people are escaping Christian nations.
Why aren’t you protesting those nations?

Yes, they're refugees.

He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the foreigner residing among you, giving them food and clothing. And you are to love those who are foreigners, for you yourselves were foreigners in Egypt. (Deuteronomy 10:18-19)​
Are these foreigners residing amongst us?
They’re criminal invaders and they’re committing an act of war against the United States! These ne’er-do-wells have never matched wits with the greatest fighting force on earth. It’s show time, preparations begin tomorrow.

The caravan of migrants continues to move toward our border. This massive mob of well-fed, well dressed, rested migrants will attempt to force their way across the order. Progressive socialist Democrats will start whining about how they are so distressed being from countries that have treated them poorly. Celebrities will wring their hands and clutch their pearl about how poorly we are treating them. It will not be mentioned that they are in fact economic refugees, looking for jobs and handouts to improve their lives.

They will be here just in time for the midterms. Although the distance is far, the only time they actually walk is at the scheduled times when they know the cameras will be there. If you think about the distance already covered, you can understand that they could not have possibly gotten this far without the flatbed tractor trailers and trucks that load them up and bring them closer. Mainstream media won’t mention this because it does fit the narrative that they wish to portray.

So what can we expect when they get here? Many in the group will wait and see what happens, but the gang members such as MS 13 and the jihadists among them will do the best they can to force the border and create the chaos that will get them through. CNN and the other progressive socialist lackeys will scream that we are bigots for protecting our country, and the progressive socialists will want to declare martial law. Once they reach the border, this will activate groups such as LaRaza, and Antifa, and others that have been congregating in various areas both close and far away from the borders. Mob violence will overtake our cities as planned, and local law enforcement will have their hands full protecting the citizens of our country.

This is what the past few years of planned violence from the progressive socialists have been planning. Socialism has taught us over the years that indoctrinating the youth of our country to accept socialism are of paramount importance. The weakening of the bonds of family and community have all led to this moment. It is a foregone conclusion that this first wave is just the start, and the progressive socialists like Kamala Harris welcome this chaos. The rule of law is nothing to these people, and they will find a way to force our country into the socialist utopia that they feel we need and deserve for being such a divisive country.

But then the question becomes, how will it end? President Trump has already stated that he will send the military to the border. It will mean nothing to these invaders, they know they will get what they want, and the military will be reluctant to use deadly force to keep them out.


You proud boyz snowflakes are scared of everything...

They’re criminal invaders and they’re committing an act of war against the United States! These ne’er-do-wells have never matched wits with the greatest fighting force on earth. It’s show time, preparations begin tomorrow.

The caravan of migrants continues to move toward our border. This massive mob of well-fed, well dressed, rested migrants will attempt to force their way across the order. Progressive socialist Democrats will start whining about how they are so distressed being from countries that have treated them poorly. Celebrities will wring their hands and clutch their pearl about how poorly we are treating them. It will not be mentioned that they are in fact economic refugees, looking for jobs and handouts to improve their lives.

They will be here just in time for the midterms. Although the distance is far, the only time they actually walk is at the scheduled times when they know the cameras will be there. If you think about the distance already covered, you can understand that they could not have possibly gotten this far without the flatbed tractor trailers and trucks that load them up and bring them closer. Mainstream media won’t mention this because it does fit the narrative that they wish to portray.

So what can we expect when they get here? Many in the group will wait and see what happens, but the gang members such as MS 13 and the jihadists among them will do the best they can to force the border and create the chaos that will get them through. CNN and the other progressive socialist lackeys will scream that we are bigots for protecting our country, and the progressive socialists will want to declare martial law. Once they reach the border, this will activate groups such as LaRaza, and Antifa, and others that have been congregating in various areas both close and far away from the borders. Mob violence will overtake our cities as planned, and local law enforcement will have their hands full protecting the citizens of our country.

This is what the past few years of planned violence from the progressive socialists have been planning. Socialism has taught us over the years that indoctrinating the youth of our country to accept socialism are of paramount importance. The weakening of the bonds of family and community have all led to this moment. It is a foregone conclusion that this first wave is just the start, and the progressive socialists like Kamala Harris welcome this chaos. The rule of law is nothing to these people, and they will find a way to force our country into the socialist utopia that they feel we need and deserve for being such a divisive country.

But then the question becomes, how will it end? President Trump has already stated that he will send the military to the border. It will mean nothing to these invaders, they know they will get what they want, and the military will be reluctant to use deadly force to keep them out.


You proud boyz snowflakes are scared of everything...

Then they came to gang rape her, and no one cared!
Well, it would help if you people knew what an act of war actually was.............

A definition of aggression is given, though, by the UN General Assembly Resolution 3314 (XXIX) Definition of Aggression:

Aggression is the use of armed force by a State against the sovereignty, territorial integrity or political independence of another State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Charter of the United Nation.The first use of armed force by a State in contravention of the Charter shall constitute prima facie evidence of an act of aggression although the Security Council may, in conformity with the Charter, conclude that a determination that an act of aggression has been committed would not be justified in the light of other relevant circumstances, including the fact that the acts concerned or their consequences are not of sufficient gravity.Any of the following acts, regardless of a declaration of war, shall, subject to and in accordance with the provisions of article 2, qualify as an act of aggression:
(a) The invasion or attack by the armed forces of a State of the territory of another State, or any military occupation, however temporary, resulting from such invasion or attack, or any annexation by the use of force of the territory of another State or part thereof;
(b) Bombardment by the armed forces of a State against the territory of another State or the use of any weapons by a State against the territory of another State;
(c) The blockade of the ports or coasts of a State by the armed forces of another State;
(d) An attack by the armed forces of a State on the land, sea or air forces, or marine and air fleets of another State;
(e) The use of armed forces of one State which are within the territory of another State with the agreement of the receiving State, in contravention of the conditions provided for in the agreement or any extension of their presence in such territory beyond the termination of the agreement;
(f) The action of a State in allowing its territory, which it has placed at the disposal of another State, to be used by that other State for perpetrating an act of aggression against a third State;
(g) The sending by or on behalf of a State of armed bands, groups, irregulars or mercenaries, which carry out acts of armed force against another State of such gravity as to amount to the acts listed above, or its substantial involvement therein.
The acts enumerated above are not exhaustive and the Security Council may determine that other acts constitute aggression under the provisions of the Charter.

According to this, the answers to your questions will be:

  1. there has to be no destruction of life or property, the intent and actions are of significance, not the result. Suppose a very weak State would attack a very strong one, send out it's wooden boats against it's dreadnoughts. Even if there is no harm done to the second state, the act would still be an act of aggression;
  2. an act of aggression can only be committed by a State or it's agents;
  3. an act of war or aggression becomes an act of war or aggression thanks to the intent and actions, not the result. What you may be having in mind is a definition of war, with some scientist having formulated a specific requirement like X hundred/thousand people participating in it, yet I can't recall the definition right now;
  4. the recognition is done prima facie, that is, automatically if fitting the definition of the resolution unless decided otherwise by the Security Council.

As far as the MS-13 members? Those people are pretty easy to spot, just check for the tattoos. All MS13 gang members have to get them when they become members.


" We're losing ground on all fronts!! Quick, distract the idiot base with a thread about how awful immigrants are!"

Our goal is not to remain in Mexico," Honduran Oscar Sosa, 58, said. "Our goal is to make it to the (U.S). We want passage, that's all."

There goes their asylum claim, which is the only thing they could have claimed to demand entry to the US under US law, now that they have turned down asylum / documentation / jobs in Mexico.

Yup. Saw one interviewed on the news yesterday.

He's already been deported twice but still wants back into the US. No asylum seeker there either.


" We're losing ground on all fronts!! Quick, distract the idiot base with a thread about how awful immigrants are!"

Our goal is not to remain in Mexico," Honduran Oscar Sosa, 58, said. "Our goal is to make it to the (U.S). We want passage, that's all."

There goes their asylum claim, which is the only thing they could have claimed to demand entry to the US under US law, now that they have turned down asylum / documentation / jobs in Mexico.

Yup. Saw one interviewed on the news yesterday.

He's already been deported twice but still wants back into the US. No asylum seeker there either.
Not sure you understand what asylum means....


" We're losing ground on all fronts!! Quick, distract the idiot base with a thread about how awful immigrants are!"

Our goal is not to remain in Mexico," Honduran Oscar Sosa, 58, said. "Our goal is to make it to the (U.S). We want passage, that's all."

There goes their asylum claim, which is the only thing they could have claimed to demand entry to the US under US law, now that they have turned down asylum / documentation / jobs in Mexico.

Yup. Saw one interviewed on the news yesterday.

He's already been deported twice but still wants back into the US. No asylum seeker there either.
Not sure you understand what asylum means....

I know what asylum is.

I'm sure you do as well.

These folks may say they are seeking asylum but I'd be dollars to donuts they just want into the US and will use "seeking asylum" to get here.
Last edited:
They’re criminal invaders and they’re committing an act of war against the United States! These ne’er-do-wells have never matched wits with the greatest fighting force on earth. It’s show time, preparations begin tomorrow.

The caravan of migrants continues to move toward our border. This massive mob of well-fed, well dressed, rested migrants will attempt to force their way across the order. Progressive socialist Democrats will start whining about how they are so distressed being from countries that have treated them poorly. Celebrities will wring their hands and clutch their pearl about how poorly we are treating them. It will not be mentioned that they are in fact economic refugees, looking for jobs and handouts to improve their lives.

They will be here just in time for the midterms. Although the distance is far, the only time they actually walk is at the scheduled times when they know the cameras will be there. If you think about the distance already covered, you can understand that they could not have possibly gotten this far without the flatbed tractor trailers and trucks that load them up and bring them closer. Mainstream media won’t mention this because it does fit the narrative that they wish to portray.

So what can we expect when they get here? Many in the group will wait and see what happens, but the gang members such as MS 13 and the jihadists among them will do the best they can to force the border and create the chaos that will get them through. CNN and the other progressive socialist lackeys will scream that we are bigots for protecting our country, and the progressive socialists will want to declare martial law. Once they reach the border, this will activate groups such as LaRaza, and Antifa, and others that have been congregating in various areas both close and far away from the borders. Mob violence will overtake our cities as planned, and local law enforcement will have their hands full protecting the citizens of our country.

This is what the past few years of planned violence from the progressive socialists have been planning. Socialism has taught us over the years that indoctrinating the youth of our country to accept socialism are of paramount importance. The weakening of the bonds of family and community have all led to this moment. It is a foregone conclusion that this first wave is just the start, and the progressive socialists like Kamala Harris welcome this chaos. The rule of law is nothing to these people, and they will find a way to force our country into the socialist utopia that they feel we need and deserve for being such a divisive country.

But then the question becomes, how will it end? President Trump has already stated that he will send the military to the border. It will mean nothing to these invaders, they know they will get what they want, and the military will be reluctant to use deadly force to keep them out.

That photo symbolizes the results of voting Democrat in this election.


" We're losing ground on all fronts!! Quick, distract the idiot base with a thread about how awful immigrants are!"

Our goal is not to remain in Mexico," Honduran Oscar Sosa, 58, said. "Our goal is to make it to the (U.S). We want passage, that's all."

There goes their asylum claim, which is the only thing they could have claimed to demand entry to the US under US law, now that they have turned down asylum / documentation / jobs in Mexico.

Yup. Saw one interviewed on the news yesterday.

He's already been deported twice but still wants back into the US. No asylum seeker there either.
Not sure you understand what asylum means....

I know what asylum is.

I'm sure you do as well.

These folks may say they are seeking asylum but I'd be dollars to donuts they just want into the US and will use "seeking asylum" to get there.
Judging by your previous post you really don't.


" We're losing ground on all fronts!! Quick, distract the idiot base with a thread about how awful immigrants are!"

Our goal is not to remain in Mexico," Honduran Oscar Sosa, 58, said. "Our goal is to make it to the (U.S). We want passage, that's all."

There goes their asylum claim, which is the only thing they could have claimed to demand entry to the US under US law, now that they have turned down asylum / documentation / jobs in Mexico.

Yup. Saw one interviewed on the news yesterday.

He's already been deported twice but still wants back into the US. No asylum seeker there either.
Not sure you understand what asylum means....

I know what asylum is.

I'm sure you do as well.

These folks may say they are seeking asylum but I'd be dollars to donuts they just want into the US and will use "seeking asylum" to get there.
Judging by your previous post you really don't.

Oh I know what asylum is.


" We're losing ground on all fronts!! Quick, distract the idiot base with a thread about how awful immigrants are!"

Our goal is not to remain in Mexico," Honduran Oscar Sosa, 58, said. "Our goal is to make it to the (U.S). We want passage, that's all."

There goes their asylum claim, which is the only thing they could have claimed to demand entry to the US under US law, now that they have turned down asylum / documentation / jobs in Mexico.

Yup. Saw one interviewed on the news yesterday.

He's already been deported twice but still wants back into the US. No asylum seeker there either.
Not sure you understand what asylum means....
It's down the block. A place where you live. All the attendants wear white jackets!

Are you sure this isn't a picture of the #walkaway folks?
They’re criminal invaders and they’re committing an act of war against the United States! These ne’er-do-wells have never matched wits with the greatest fighting force on earth. It’s show time, preparations begin tomorrow.

The caravan of migrants continues to move toward our border. This massive mob of well-fed, well dressed, rested migrants will attempt to force their way across the order. Progressive socialist Democrats will start whining about how they are so distressed being from countries that have treated them poorly. Celebrities will wring their hands and clutch their pearl about how poorly we are treating them. It will not be mentioned that they are in fact economic refugees, looking for jobs and handouts to improve their lives.

They will be here just in time for the midterms. Although the distance is far, the only time they actually walk is at the scheduled times when they know the cameras will be there. If you think about the distance already covered, you can understand that they could not have possibly gotten this far without the flatbed tractor trailers and trucks that load them up and bring them closer. Mainstream media won’t mention this because it does fit the narrative that they wish to portray.

So what can we expect when they get here? Many in the group will wait and see what happens, but the gang members such as MS 13 and the jihadists among them will do the best they can to force the border and create the chaos that will get them through. CNN and the other progressive socialist lackeys will scream that we are bigots for protecting our country, and the progressive socialists will want to declare martial law. Once they reach the border, this will activate groups such as LaRaza, and Antifa, and others that have been congregating in various areas both close and far away from the borders. Mob violence will overtake our cities as planned, and local law enforcement will have their hands full protecting the citizens of our country.

This is what the past few years of planned violence from the progressive socialists have been planning. Socialism has taught us over the years that indoctrinating the youth of our country to accept socialism are of paramount importance. The weakening of the bonds of family and community have all led to this moment. It is a foregone conclusion that this first wave is just the start, and the progressive socialists like Kamala Harris welcome this chaos. The rule of law is nothing to these people, and they will find a way to force our country into the socialist utopia that they feel we need and deserve for being such a divisive country.

But then the question becomes, how will it end? President Trump has already stated that he will send the military to the border. It will mean nothing to these invaders, they know they will get what they want, and the military will be reluctant to use deadly force to keep them out.


You know your shit gets moved here as well as anybody else's because its' a form of censorship and shadow banning.

Who the fk comes to read immigration off the bat nobody

this is a current event and should have remained in Current events.

Those who think they are in and being the teachers pet end up fking themselves in the long run...


  • upload_2018-10-29_8-51-48.png
    524.2 KB · Views: 17
They’re criminal invaders and they’re committing an act of war against the United States! These ne’er-do-wells have never matched wits with the greatest fighting force on earth. It’s show time, preparations begin tomorrow.

The caravan of migrants continues to move toward our border. This massive mob of well-fed, well dressed, rested migrants will attempt to force their way across the order. Progressive socialist Democrats will start whining about how they are so distressed being from countries that have treated them poorly. Celebrities will wring their hands and clutch their pearl about how poorly we are treating them. It will not be mentioned that they are in fact economic refugees, looking for jobs and handouts to improve their lives.

They will be here just in time for the midterms. Although the distance is far, the only time they actually walk is at the scheduled times when they know the cameras will be there. If you think about the distance already covered, you can understand that they could not have possibly gotten this far without the flatbed tractor trailers and trucks that load them up and bring them closer. Mainstream media won’t mention this because it does fit the narrative that they wish to portray.

So what can we expect when they get here? Many in the group will wait and see what happens, but the gang members such as MS 13 and the jihadists among them will do the best they can to force the border and create the chaos that will get them through. CNN and the other progressive socialist lackeys will scream that we are bigots for protecting our country, and the progressive socialists will want to declare martial law. Once they reach the border, this will activate groups such as LaRaza, and Antifa, and others that have been congregating in various areas both close and far away from the borders. Mob violence will overtake our cities as planned, and local law enforcement will have their hands full protecting the citizens of our country.

This is what the past few years of planned violence from the progressive socialists have been planning. Socialism has taught us over the years that indoctrinating the youth of our country to accept socialism are of paramount importance. The weakening of the bonds of family and community have all led to this moment. It is a foregone conclusion that this first wave is just the start, and the progressive socialists like Kamala Harris welcome this chaos. The rule of law is nothing to these people, and they will find a way to force our country into the socialist utopia that they feel we need and deserve for being such a divisive country.

But then the question becomes, how will it end? President Trump has already stated that he will send the military to the border. It will mean nothing to these invaders, they know they will get what they want, and the military will be reluctant to use deadly force to keep them out.


You know your shit gets moved here as well as anybody else's because its' a form of censorship and shadow banning.

Who the fk comes to read immigration off the bat nobody

this is a current event and should have remained in Current events.

Those who think they are in and being the teachers pet end up fking themselves in the long run...
They’re criminal invaders and they’re committing an act of war against the United States! These ne’er-do-wells have never matched wits with the greatest fighting force on earth. It’s show time, preparations begin tomorrow.

The caravan of migrants continues to move toward our border. This massive mob of well-fed, well dressed, rested migrants will attempt to force their way across the order. Progressive socialist Democrats will start whining about how they are so distressed being from countries that have treated them poorly. Celebrities will wring their hands and clutch their pearl about how poorly we are treating them. It will not be mentioned that they are in fact economic refugees, looking for jobs and handouts to improve their lives.

They will be here just in time for the midterms. Although the distance is far, the only time they actually walk is at the scheduled times when they know the cameras will be there. If you think about the distance already covered, you can understand that they could not have possibly gotten this far without the flatbed tractor trailers and trucks that load them up and bring them closer. Mainstream media won’t mention this because it does fit the narrative that they wish to portray.

So what can we expect when they get here? Many in the group will wait and see what happens, but the gang members such as MS 13 and the jihadists among them will do the best they can to force the border and create the chaos that will get them through. CNN and the other progressive socialist lackeys will scream that we are bigots for protecting our country, and the progressive socialists will want to declare martial law. Once they reach the border, this will activate groups such as LaRaza, and Antifa, and others that have been congregating in various areas both close and far away from the borders. Mob violence will overtake our cities as planned, and local law enforcement will have their hands full protecting the citizens of our country.

This is what the past few years of planned violence from the progressive socialists have been planning. Socialism has taught us over the years that indoctrinating the youth of our country to accept socialism are of paramount importance. The weakening of the bonds of family and community have all led to this moment. It is a foregone conclusion that this first wave is just the start, and the progressive socialists like Kamala Harris welcome this chaos. The rule of law is nothing to these people, and they will find a way to force our country into the socialist utopia that they feel we need and deserve for being such a divisive country.

But then the question becomes, how will it end? President Trump has already stated that he will send the military to the border. It will mean nothing to these invaders, they know they will get what they want, and the military will be reluctant to use deadly force to keep them out.


You know your shit gets moved here as well as anybody else's because its' a form of censorship and shadow banning.

Who the fk comes to read immigration off the bat nobody

this is a current event and should have remained in Current events.

Those who think they are in and being the teachers pet end up fking themselves in the long run...

Wait until they come after them next just like GAB lol
Our goal is not to remain in Mexico," Honduran Oscar Sosa, 58, said. "Our goal is to make it to the (U.S). We want passage, that's all."

There goes their asylum claim, which is the only thing they could have claimed to demand entry to the US under US law, now that they have turned down asylum / documentation / jobs in Mexico.

Yup. Saw one interviewed on the news yesterday.

He's already been deported twice but still wants back into the US. No asylum seeker there either.
Not sure you understand what asylum means....

I know what asylum is.

I'm sure you do as well.

These folks may say they are seeking asylum but I'd be dollars to donuts they just want into the US and will use "seeking asylum" to get there.
Judging by your previous post you really don't.

Oh I know what asylum is.
Humor me and look it up anyway.


" We're losing ground on all fronts!! Quick, distract the idiot base with a thread about how awful immigrants are!"

Our goal is not to remain in Mexico," Honduran Oscar Sosa, 58, said. "Our goal is to make it to the (U.S). We want passage, that's all."

There goes their asylum claim, which is the only thing they could have claimed to demand entry to the US under US law, now that they have turned down asylum / documentation / jobs in Mexico.

Yup. Saw one interviewed on the news yesterday.

He's already been deported twice but still wants back into the US. No asylum seeker there either.
Not sure you understand what asylum means....
It's down the block. A place where you live. All the attendants wear white jackets!
You sound very familiar with the place....
Well, it would help if you people knew what an act of war actually was.............

A definition of aggression is given, though, by the UN General Assembly Resolution 3314 (XXIX) Definition of Aggression:

Aggression is the use of armed force by a State against the sovereignty, territorial integrity or political independence of another State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Charter of the United Nation.The first use of armed force by a State in contravention of the Charter shall constitute prima facie evidence of an act of aggression although the Security Council may, in conformity with the Charter, conclude that a determination that an act of aggression has been committed would not be justified in the light of other relevant circumstances, including the fact that the acts concerned or their consequences are not of sufficient gravity.Any of the following acts, regardless of a declaration of war, shall, subject to and in accordance with the provisions of article 2, qualify as an act of aggression:
(a) The invasion or attack by the armed forces of a State of the territory of another State, or any military occupation, however temporary, resulting from such invasion or attack, or any annexation by the use of force of the territory of another State or part thereof;
(b) Bombardment by the armed forces of a State against the territory of another State or the use of any weapons by a State against the territory of another State;
(c) The blockade of the ports or coasts of a State by the armed forces of another State;
(d) An attack by the armed forces of a State on the land, sea or air forces, or marine and air fleets of another State;
(e) The use of armed forces of one State which are within the territory of another State with the agreement of the receiving State, in contravention of the conditions provided for in the agreement or any extension of their presence in such territory beyond the termination of the agreement;
(f) The action of a State in allowing its territory, which it has placed at the disposal of another State, to be used by that other State for perpetrating an act of aggression against a third State;
(g) The sending by or on behalf of a State of armed bands, groups, irregulars or mercenaries, which carry out acts of armed force against another State of such gravity as to amount to the acts listed above, or its substantial involvement therein.
The acts enumerated above are not exhaustive and the Security Council may determine that other acts constitute aggression under the provisions of the Charter.

According to this, the answers to your questions will be:

  1. there has to be no destruction of life or property, the intent and actions are of significance, not the result. Suppose a very weak State would attack a very strong one, send out it's wooden boats against it's dreadnoughts. Even if there is no harm done to the second state, the act would still be an act of aggression;
  2. an act of aggression can only be committed by a State or it's agents;
  3. an act of war or aggression becomes an act of war or aggression thanks to the intent and actions, not the result. What you may be having in mind is a definition of war, with some scientist having formulated a specific requirement like X hundred/thousand people participating in it, yet I can't recall the definition right now;
  4. the recognition is done prima facie, that is, automatically if fitting the definition of the resolution unless decided otherwise by the Security Council.

As far as the MS-13 members? Those people are pretty easy to spot, just check for the tattoos. All MS13 gang members have to get them when they become members.
It would help that you were concerned with so many coming into our country every year............And after would encourage more to come...............which is what the left does........Only 200 million plus more want out of those places............How many do you want here..........and are they abusing Asylum loop holes.

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