The Case Against Fluoride

Flouridation is the most monsterously conceived and dangerous Communist plot we've ever had to face.
If anyone doubts the dangers of flouride, just go read the warning label on your tube of toothpaste.
I am convinced the reason I drink too much is because of fluoridated water as a young boy.

Who wants in on a class action suite with me?

Though nothing in the legal world earns the term class.
I am convinced the reason I drink too much is because of fluoridated water as a young boy.

Who wants in on a class action suite with me?

Though nothing in the legal world earns the term class.
Preserve your essiential fluids.

If one looks at the dental records of the generation immediately before Floride was introduced into most water supply, and then compares those records to the generation that IMMEDIATELY followed it?

It is a drop dead certainty that Floride helps prevent cavities.

Now as to whether this substance has contraindications?

That I do not know.

Most scientific studies lead me to think it is harmless.

However, we ALL KNOW that occassionally scientific consensus turns out to be wrong.

I'm just happy that DDT or Thelitimide didn't prevent cavities, know what I mean?
thank god flouride is put into water. a great advance in dental care that benefits all of us. i also use a floride rinse once a day as well.

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