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The Case Against Trump: Why they should throw him in jail and throw away the key!

Trump's complexion is smooth and unwrinkled, as though he's never known a moment of worry in his life. it is the face of utter privilege.

until now, my friends!
Trump believes humans have no value other than how much money they make. he once said that a cat has value because it provides pleasure to humans, whereas a person on welfare or who suffers from corona has negative value
in the class Dictionary, which characterized each senior with a single word, Trump's was "argumentative"

he was snippy, a wise-ass who knew all the answers. he hasn't changed one bit.
the American people are getting completely fucked over, yet they still support Trump with a smile

i am bewildered. BEWILDERED!
there's just one problem for Trump...THE TRUTH! He can fight as hard as he wants, as long as he wants, but it's hard to find any kind of needle in the haystack that doesn't exist, my friends
What has happened to the GOP. Opposing a bipartisan commission into the Jan 6 insurrection, an attack on ALL of us, is an act of cowardice, and it’s decidedly UN-American. When democracy is violently challenged, BOTH parties should want to know why and how. Shame on Republicans for deciding not to, just in service of one guy. (Who lost them the WH, House and Senate, btw.)

The bipartisan commission to look into the January 6 riot at the US Capitol will be nothing more than a hit parade for the Democrats to go after the Republican Party.

Anyone who believes trump was not responsible for that is either dead or not breathing.
The dems have good reason to go after that idiot and the other chiefs of th e GOP who said and did nothing. Even you possibly thought is was glorious to see violence and death in the name of your election fraud conspiracy.

It was the most disgraceful incidence in th e history if the nation and never forget, it was done with the permission of the republicans and by Republicans.
What has happened to the GOP. Opposing a bipartisan commission into the Jan 6 insurrection, an attack on ALL of us, is an act of cowardice, and it’s decidedly UN-American. When democracy is violently challenged, BOTH parties should want to know why and how. Shame on Republicans for deciding not to, just in service of one guy. (Who lost them the WH, House and Senate, btw.)

The bipartisan commission to look into the January 6 riot at the US Capitol will be nothing more than a hit parade for the Democrats to go after the Republican Party.

Anyone who believes trump was not responsible for that is either dead or not breathing.
The dems have good reason to go after that idiot and the other chiefs of th e GOP who said and did nothing. Even you possibly thought is was glorious to see violence and death in the name of your election fraud conspiracy.

It was the most disgraceful incidence in th e history if the nation and never forget, it was done with the permission of the republicans and by Republicans.

And then what? Let’s say you get your Commission and hearings. Democrats are still going to sit silent and idle while domestic Democrat terrorists burn US cities and destroy livelihoods when Democrats don’t get their way. Kind of ironic given that the US Capitol is a symbol of what is supposed to be protecting and defending livelihoods and freedoms.
What has happened to the GOP. Opposing a bipartisan commission into the Jan 6 insurrection, an attack on ALL of us, is an act of cowardice, and it’s decidedly UN-American. When democracy is violently challenged, BOTH parties should want to know why and how. Shame on Republicans for deciding not to, just in service of one guy. (Who lost them the WH, House and Senate, btw.)

The bipartisan commission to look into the January 6 riot at the US Capitol will be nothing more than a hit parade for the Democrats to go after the Republican Party.

Anyone who believes trump was not responsible for that is either dead or not breathing.
The dems have good reason to go after that idiot and the other chiefs of th e GOP who said and did nothing. Even you possibly thought is was glorious to see violence and death in the name of your election fraud conspiracy.

It was the most disgraceful incidence in th e history if the nation and never forget, it was done with the permission of the republicans and by Republicans.

And then what? Let’s say you get your Commission and hearings. Democrats are still going to sit silent and idle while domestic Democrat terrorists burn US cities and destroy livelihoods when Democrats don’t get their way. Kind of ironic given that the US Capitol is a symbol of what is supposed to be protecting and defending livelihoods and freedoms.

The republicans have blocked it because they know trump and them is totally responsible.
Don't swing the blame on democrats and some hypothetical scenarios. Republicans did the rioting and you are embarrassed about the idiots.
What you call the greatest president ever is no different to a fascist terrorist an d you audaciously bleat about the democrats. Don't make me vomit.
my dad used to have a saying: if someone looks guilty, it could be because they're guilty!
What has happened to the GOP. Opposing a bipartisan commission into the Jan 6 insurrection, an attack on ALL of us, is an act of cowardice, and it’s decidedly UN-American. When democracy is violently challenged, BOTH parties should want to know why and how. Shame on Republicans for deciding not to, just in service of one guy. (Who lost them the WH, House and Senate, btw.)

The bipartisan commission to look into the January 6 riot at the US Capitol will be nothing more than a hit parade for the Democrats to go after the Republican Party.
Is that what happened with the 9/11 commission? Nope!

The TRUTH will set you free....!

What are you really afraid of finding out? Seems like, this is your real issue and concern with an investigation???
Equating a riot at the Capitol with 9/11 is drama from the Democrats. You cannot ha e an insurrection with a couple hundred morons who smashed windows and took things from Pelosi’s office. The 9/11 Commission was a cover-your ass charade and an opportunity for Democrats to stick their attack dogs on Condoleeza Rice while protecting Jamie Gorelick.
It was more like an attempted soft coup....
At least, that's what it seemed like they wanted, and Trump wanted them to want....

There were 800 to 1000 inside the capitol, not just a few hundred as you mentioned.

Soft coup - Wikipedia


A soft coup, sometimes referred to as a silent coup, is a coup d'état without the use of violence, but based on a conspiracy or plot that has as its objective the taking of state power by partially or wholly legal means, in order to facilitate an exchange of political leadership and in some cases also of the current institutional order.
If that was an insurrection or coup, it was laughable and the Democrats know that. Order was restored that evening. Democracy was never threatened. When I see cities torn apart, burnt, innocents ripped from their cars, livelihoods destroyed..... these are more of a threat to Democracy and freedom to me.
It was a half ass failed, soft coup... The intent to commit the crime, was there...

This is not a contest.... Both the State riots and the Capitol riot, are wrong, bad, harmful to democracy....

It's just that state riots, are problems of that State....that State has to solve them.

The Capitol riots, was against ALL OF US, and our constitution, and our Nation's Democracy.
What has happened to the GOP. Opposing a bipartisan commission into the Jan 6 insurrection, an attack on ALL of us, is an act of cowardice, and it’s decidedly UN-American. When democracy is violently challenged, BOTH parties should want to know why and how. Shame on Republicans for deciding not to, just in service of one guy. (Who lost them the WH, House and Senate, btw.)

The bipartisan commission to look into the January 6 riot at the US Capitol will be nothing more than a hit parade for the Democrats to go after the Republican Party.
Is that what happened with the 9/11 commission? Nope!

The TRUTH will set you free....!

What are you really afraid of finding out? Seems like, this is your real issue and concern with an investigation???
Equating a riot at the Capitol with 9/11 is drama from the Democrats. You cannot ha e an insurrection with a couple hundred morons who smashed windows and took things from Pelosi’s office. The 9/11 Commission was a cover-your ass charade and an opportunity for Democrats to stick their attack dogs on Condoleeza Rice while protecting Jamie Gorelick.
It was more like an attempted soft coup....
At least, that's what it seemed like they wanted, and Trump wanted them to want....

There were 800 to 1000 inside the capitol, not just a few hundred as you mentioned.

Soft coup - Wikipedia


A soft coup, sometimes referred to as a silent coup, is a coup d'état without the use of violence, but based on a conspiracy or plot that has as its objective the taking of state power by partially or wholly legal means, in order to facilitate an exchange of political leadership and in some cases also of the current institutional order.
If that was an insurrection or coup, it was laughable and the Democrats know that. Order was restored that evening. Democracy was never threatened. When I see cities torn apart, burnt, innocents ripped from their cars, livelihoods destroyed..... these are more of a threat to Democracy and freedom to me.
It was a half ass failed, soft coup... The intent to commit the crime, was there...

This is not a contest.... Both the State riots and the Capitol riot, are wrong, bad, harmful to democracy....

It's just that state riots, are problems of that State....that State has to solve them.

The Capitol riots, was against ALL OF US, and our constitution, and our Nation's Democracy.

The Capitol Riots were an egregious violation of security. Some wackos were intent on an insurrection and carrying out harm against Congressional members bad leaders if necessary. The Democrats want to show that TRUMP rhetoric fueled this. To put this in perspective, Democrats then need to realize that similarly, it was Bernie Sanders rhetoric that caused a baseball field of Republican Congressional Reps to be shot up.

The republicans have blocked it because they know trump and them is totally responsible.
What happened on January 6 was a protest by patriots who objected to the election being stolen.

Rubbish. What happened was a bunch of rednecks, driven by a corrupt fascist president to intmidate the democratic process. There was no stolen election. Only dumb ass low IQ republicans who can't research the figures believe that.
If smashing the capitol under the assumption that would change the result was the action of patriots, you've got a weird view of patriotism.

The republicans have blocked it because they know trump and them is totally responsible.
What happened on January 6 was a protest by patriots who objected to the election being stolen.

Rubbish. What happened was a bunch of rednecks, driven by a corrupt fascist president to intmidate the democratic process. There was no stolen election. Only dumb ass low IQ republicans who can't research the figures believe that.
If smashing the capitol under the assumption that would change the result was the action of patriots, you've got a weird view of patriotism.

This Election has definitely left US with significant uncertainty and doubt and anamolies. Not saying it was stolen; just saying changes need to be made before the next one.

The republicans have blocked it because they know trump and them is totally responsible.
What happened on January 6 was a protest by patriots who objected to the election being stolen.

Rubbish. What happened was a bunch of rednecks, driven by a corrupt fascist president to intmidate the democratic process. There was no stolen election. Only dumb ass low IQ republicans who can't research the figures believe that.
If smashing the capitol under the assumption that would change the result was the action of patriots, you've got a weird view of patriotism.

This Election has definitely left US with significant uncertainty and doubt and anamolies. Not saying it was stolen; just saying changes need to be made before the next one.

Rubbish. It was fair. The problem still remains republicans can't accept it because the glorious leader was soundly defeated.
The only changes that could be made is for it to become a scam. Free and fair elections is the current system and should remain so. Knee jerk reactions because the idiot trump didn't like it is fascism at its best.

Rubbish. It was fair. The problem still remains republicans can't accept it because the glorious leader was soundly defeated.
Trump was defeated with phony ballots that appeared out of nowhere.

No it didnt . The votes were mail in votes which are usually all counted last.
If you have evidence the electoral staff are cheats or the people who decided the result were cheats, produce it now. If you don't remain quiet. You know nothing.
When trump won, isn't it odd there was not one vote that was declared fraudulence. You never said anything. Now trump loses, everyone calls it fraud.

The fact is Biden is the president and judged by the powers to be to be the president. The same people who judged trump to be the winner 4 years before.
Get over it.

Rubbish. It was fair. The problem still remains republicans can't accept it because the glorious leader was soundly defeated.
Trump was defeated with phony ballots that appeared out of nowhere.

No it didnt . The votes were mail in votes which are usually all counted last.
If you have evidence the electoral staff are cheats or the people who decided the result were cheats, produce it now. If you don't remain quiet. You know nothing.
When trump won, isn't it odd there was not one vote that was declared fraudulence. You never said anything. Now trump loses, everyone calls it fraud.

The fact is Biden is the president and judged by the powers to be to be the president. The same people who judged trump to be the winner 4 years before.
Get over it.
Let's wait and see the results of the AZ audit. They are counting fraudulent ballots as we speak.
What has happened to the GOP. Opposing a bipartisan commission into the Jan 6 insurrection, an attack on ALL of us, is an act of cowardice, and it’s decidedly UN-American. When democracy is violently challenged, BOTH parties should want to know why and how. Shame on Republicans for deciding not to, just in service of one guy. (Who lost them the WH, House and Senate, btw.)
A better question is: do we have a democracy? We technically have a republic, and for all practical purposes, we have a plutocratic oligarchy.

The "attack" on the Capitol was little more than a psyop on the American public, and judging by the reactions of many Americans, a very effective one.

Democracy isn't being challenged, but critical thinking is. The feds don't work for you or me. They work for K Street. This is why I don't care if a few Q types scared the corrupt bastards in DC. A real "insurrection" is more like what some Puerto Rican Nationalists did in the 50s.

Meanwhile, the media and the feds don't give a damn about various cities getting burned down by Antifa or BLM. Why should I care about a far less violent incident in DC? Fuck those people.
Right, Trumptard that's why they arrested over 15,000 morons, so far, the Trump cult wants a pass for trying to overthrow the government.
Less violent?
When did any one riot over last summer kill 5 people and injure over 140 people?
Fuck the insurrectionist and their traitor, dear leader.
Good lord, the koolaid is strong with you. lol

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