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The Case Against Trump: Why they should throw him in jail and throw away the key!

"I have just learned, through leaks in the mainstream media, that after being under investigation from the time I came down the escalator 5 ½ years ago, including the fake Russia Russia Russia Hoax, the 2 year, $48M, No Collusion Mueller Witch Hunt, Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax #2, and others, that the Democrat New York Attorney General has “informed” my organization that their “investigation” is no longer just a civil matter but also potentially a “criminal” investigation working with the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office. There is nothing more corrupt than an investigation that is in desperate search of a crime. But, make no mistake, that is exactly what is happening here. The Attorney General of New York literally campaigned on prosecuting Donald Trump even before she knew anything about me. She said that if elected, she would use her office to look into “every aspect” of my real estate dealings. She swore that she would “definitely sue” me. She boasted on video that she would be, and I quote, “a real pain in the ass.” She declared, “just wait until I’m in the Attorney General’s office,” and, ”I’ve got my eyes on Trump Tower.” She also promised that, if elected, she would “join with law enforcement and other Attorney Generals across this nation in removing this President from office,” and, “It’s important that everyone understand that the days of Donald Trump are coming to an end.” The Attorney General made each of these statements, not after having had an opportunity to actually look at the facts, but BEFORE she was even elected, BEFORE she had seen even a shred of evidence. This is something that happens in failed third world countries, not the United States. If you can run for a prosecutor’s office pledging to take out your enemies, and be elected to that job by partisan voters who wish to enact political retribution, then we are no longer a free constitutional democracy. Likewise, the District Attorney’s office has been going after me for years based on a lying, discredited low life, who was not listened to or given credibility by other prosecutorial offices, and sentenced to 3 years in prison for lying and other events unrelated to me. These investigations have also been going on for years with members and associates of the Trump Organization being viciously attacked, harassed, and threatened, in order to say anything bad about the 45th President of the United States. This would include having to make up false stories. Numerous documents, all prepared by large and prestigious law and accounting firms, have been examined, and many hours of testimony have been taken from many people, some of whom I have not seen in years. These Democrat offices are consumed with this political and partisan Witch Hunt at a time when crime is up big in New York City, shootings are up 97%, murders are up 45%, a rate not seen in 40 years, drugs and criminals are pouring into our Country in record numbers from our now unprotected Southern Border, and people are fleeing New York for other much safer locations to live. But the District Attorney and Attorney General are possessed, at an unprecedented level, with destroying the political fortunes of President Donald J. Trump and the almost 75 million people who voted for him, by far the highest number ever received by a sitting President. That is what these investigations are all about—a continuation of the greatest political Witch Hunt in the history of the United States. Working in conjunction with Washington, these Democrats want to silence and cancel millions of voters because they don’t want “Trump” to run again. As people are being killed on the sidewalks of New York at an unprecedented rate, as drugs and crime of all kinds are flowing through New York City at record levels, with absolutely nothing being done about it, all they care about is taking down Trump. Our movement, which started with the Great Election Win of 2016, is perhaps the biggest and most powerful in the history of our Country. But the Democrats want to cancel the Make America Great Again movement, not by Making America First, but by Making America Last. No President has been treated the way I have. With all of the crime and corruption you read about with others, nothing happens, they only go after Donald Trump. After prosecutorial efforts the likes of which nobody has ever seen before, they failed to stop me in Washington, so they turned it over to New York to do their dirty work. This is what I have been going through for years. It’s a very sad and dangerous tale for our Country, but it is what it is, and we will overcome together. I have built a great company, employed thousands of people, and all I do is get unfairly attacked and abused by a corrupt political system. It would be so wonderful if the effort used against President Donald J. Trump, who lowered taxes and regulations, rebuilt our military, took care of our Veterans, created Space Force, fixed our border, produced our vaccine in record-setting time (years ahead of what was anticipated), and made our Country great and respected again, and so much more, would be focused on the ever more dangerous sidewalks and streets of New York. If these prosecutors focused on real issues, crime would be obliterated, and New York would be great and free again!" - Trump

Trump knows the end is near! HE'S ALREADY BEAT! HE'S ALREADY BEAT!
It's time for Republicans to call the Trump presidency what it was: a failure. And it wasn't crazy or wrong-headed policies that made it a failure: the policies were fine...

It was Donald Trump's sloth, ignorance, egoism, and poor decision-making, especially on personnel

I don't like Trump, but about the only real harm he did was with the SCOTUS.
He did nothing else really.
Nothing changed over seas, and nothing changed with health care.
Everything we know about the man says he'll gravitate to wherever the media spotlight is and make it all about himself -- it's like a law of physics at this point, without the Uncertainty Principle

honestly? i'm more disappointed by how fat Trump is than anything about his rhetoric or conduct while in office or stuff like that
Even if GOP candidates don't make Trump an issue in the midterms, and the Democratic candidates don’t make Trump an issue in the midterms, Trump will make Trump an issue in the midterms
I don't know how many folks still need to hear it but Trump is a domestic terror leader and his call for an end to the debate over a January 6 commission is no more or less than a career criminal trying to evade responsibility for sedition

Good. Throw him in jail.

But, you better expect like treatment of EVERY-FUCKING-BODY else if not 10X

Some FUCKING HEADS will get chopped the FUCK OFF!!!!

I want motherfuckers EXECUTED!!!!!
I don't know how many folks still need to hear it but Trump is a domestic terror leader and his call for an end to the debate over a January 6 commission is no more or less than a career criminal trying to evade responsibility for sedition

Good. Throw him in jail.

But, you better expect like treatment of EVERY-FUCKING-BODY else if not 10X

Some FUCKING HEADS will get chopped the FUCK OFF!!!!

I want motherfuckers EXECUTED!!!!!
oh, you're from Texas, that's why you're a nut
I don't know how many folks still need to hear it but Trump is a domestic terror leader and his call for an end to the debate over a January 6 commission is no more or less than a career criminal trying to evade responsibility for sedition

Good. Throw him in jail.

But, you better expect like treatment of EVERY-FUCKING-BODY else if not 10X

Some FUCKING HEADS will get chopped the FUCK OFF!!!!

I want motherfuckers EXECUTED!!!!!
oh, you're from Texas, that's why you're a nut
Suck my dick.

I want everybody executed. I will swing the sword and CHOP THEIR FUCKING HEADS OFF AND EAT THEIR SHIT BRAINS!!!
"They're going to flip on each other like it's going out of style," asserts Michael Cohen about the Trump family and individuals involved in the criminal probe into the Trump Organization
"I have just learned, through leaks in the mainstream media, that after being under investigation from the time I came down the escalator 5 ½ years ago, including the fake Russia Russia Russia Hoax, the 2 year, $48M, No Collusion Mueller Witch Hunt, Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax #2, and others, that the Democrat New York Attorney General has “informed” my organization that their “investigation” is no longer just a civil matter but also potentially a “criminal” investigation working with the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office. There is nothing more corrupt than an investigation that is in desperate search of a crime. But, make no mistake, that is exactly what is happening here. The Attorney General of New York literally campaigned on prosecuting Donald Trump even before she knew anything about me. She said that if elected, she would use her office to look into “every aspect” of my real estate dealings. She swore that she would “definitely sue” me. She boasted on video that she would be, and I quote, “a real pain in the ass.” She declared, “just wait until I’m in the Attorney General’s office,” and, ”I’ve got my eyes on Trump Tower.” She also promised that, if elected, she would “join with law enforcement and other Attorney Generals across this nation in removing this President from office,” and, “It’s important that everyone understand that the days of Donald Trump are coming to an end.” The Attorney General made each of these statements, not after having had an opportunity to actually look at the facts, but BEFORE she was even elected, BEFORE she had seen even a shred of evidence. This is something that happens in failed third world countries, not the United States. If you can run for a prosecutor’s office pledging to take out your enemies, and be elected to that job by partisan voters who wish to enact political retribution, then we are no longer a free constitutional democracy. Likewise, the District Attorney’s office has been going after me for years based on a lying, discredited low life, who was not listened to or given credibility by other prosecutorial offices, and sentenced to 3 years in prison for lying and other events unrelated to me. These investigations have also been going on for years with members and associates of the Trump Organization being viciously attacked, harassed, and threatened, in order to say anything bad about the 45th President of the United States. This would include having to make up false stories. Numerous documents, all prepared by large and prestigious law and accounting firms, have been examined, and many hours of testimony have been taken from many people, some of whom I have not seen in years. These Democrat offices are consumed with this political and partisan Witch Hunt at a time when crime is up big in New York City, shootings are up 97%, murders are up 45%, a rate not seen in 40 years, drugs and criminals are pouring into our Country in record numbers from our now unprotected Southern Border, and people are fleeing New York for other much safer locations to live. But the District Attorney and Attorney General are possessed, at an unprecedented level, with destroying the political fortunes of President Donald J. Trump and the almost 75 million people who voted for him, by far the highest number ever received by a sitting President. That is what these investigations are all about—a continuation of the greatest political Witch Hunt in the history of the United States. Working in conjunction with Washington, these Democrats want to silence and cancel millions of voters because they don’t want “Trump” to run again. As people are being killed on the sidewalks of New York at an unprecedented rate, as drugs and crime of all kinds are flowing through New York City at record levels, with absolutely nothing being done about it, all they care about is taking down Trump. Our movement, which started with the Great Election Win of 2016, is perhaps the biggest and most powerful in the history of our Country. But the Democrats want to cancel the Make America Great Again movement, not by Making America First, but by Making America Last. No President has been treated the way I have. With all of the crime and corruption you read about with others, nothing happens, they only go after Donald Trump. After prosecutorial efforts the likes of which nobody has ever seen before, they failed to stop me in Washington, so they turned it over to New York to do their dirty work. This is what I have been going through for years. It’s a very sad and dangerous tale for our Country, but it is what it is, and we will overcome together. I have built a great company, employed thousands of people, and all I do is get unfairly attacked and abused by a corrupt political system. It would be so wonderful if the effort used against President Donald J. Trump, who lowered taxes and regulations, rebuilt our military, took care of our Veterans, created Space Force, fixed our border, produced our vaccine in record-setting time (years ahead of what was anticipated), and made our Country great and respected again, and so much more, would be focused on the ever more dangerous sidewalks and streets of New York. If these prosecutors focused on real issues, crime would be obliterated, and New York would be great and free again!" - Trump

Trump knows the end is near! HE'S ALREADY BEAT! HE'S ALREADY BEAT!

Anyone read that?
Trump doesn't read books, in fact the longest thing Trump ever read is the receipts for the 12 cheeseburgers he eats at once!
the Trump deplorables are now hoping Trump can serve his 2nd term as president from motherfucking prison!
Hillary's husband authorized the carpet bombing of a defenseless country in Europe when he was literally caught with his pants down. Barry Hussein's political guru and adviser and business partner, Bill Ayers, was a genuine domestic terrorist who was guilty of the felony murder of his girlfriend and others who were constructing an IED destined for a Soldiers dance in Ft. Dix. The U.S. had relative peace and prosperity during the Trump years but crazy PTSD lefties can't let go of their craziness even after winning the election and call him a terrorist. WTF?
we on USMB and the media talked about the dumbest shit in the world in the 4 years Trump and his goons were in office.

but you only get to do some gangster shit in your 2nd term anyway...even George W Bush didn't fuck up the world until his 2nd term, that's why we need to deny Trump a 2nd term by locking him up!
if the CIA says that an allegation of collusion between Russia and Trump is worth investigating, and some ratfucking right-wing douche like Roger Stone says it's not, i'm afraid i have to trust the CIA

of all things i resent about the deplorables, the thing i found most annoying was that they forced me to think like an establishment shill
You were thinking that way before they ever existed.
What has happened to the GOP. Opposing a bipartisan commission into the Jan 6 insurrection, an attack on ALL of us, is an act of cowardice, and it’s decidedly UN-American. When democracy is violently challenged, BOTH parties should want to know why and how. Shame on Republicans for deciding not to, just in service of one guy. (Who lost them the WH, House and Senate, btw.)

The bipartisan commission to look into the January 6 riot at the US Capitol will be nothing more than a hit parade for the Democrats to go after the Republican Party.
Is that what happened with the 9/11 commission? Nope!

The TRUTH will set you free....!

What are you really afraid of finding out? Seems like, this is your real issue and concern with an investigation???
Equating a riot at the Capitol with 9/11 is drama from the Democrats. You cannot ha e an insurrection with a couple hundred morons who smashed windows and took things from Pelosi’s office. The 9/11 Commission was a cover-your ass charade and an opportunity for Democrats to stick their attack dogs on Condoleeza Rice while protecting Jamie Gorelick.
It was more like an attempted soft coup....
At least, that's what it seemed like they wanted, and Trump wanted them to want....

There were 800 to 1000 inside the capitol, not just a few hundred as you mentioned.

Soft coup - Wikipedia


A soft coup, sometimes referred to as a silent coup, is a coup d'état without the use of violence, but based on a conspiracy or plot that has as its objective the taking of state power by partially or wholly legal means, in order to facilitate an exchange of political leadership and in some cases also of the current institutional order.
the ability to make things go viral is like the closest we can get to having a superpower, and i want this thread to go viral, and lead to Trump's arrest!

the more awesome we are, the more powerful our arguments, the more emotion we create, the more facts we dish out, the more viral it is!
What has happened to the GOP. Opposing a bipartisan commission into the Jan 6 insurrection, an attack on ALL of us, is an act of cowardice, and it’s decidedly UN-American. When democracy is violently challenged, BOTH parties should want to know why and how. Shame on Republicans for deciding not to, just in service of one guy. (Who lost them the WH, House and Senate, btw.)

The bipartisan commission to look into the January 6 riot at the US Capitol will be nothing more than a hit parade for the Democrats to go after the Republican Party.
Is that what happened with the 9/11 commission? Nope!

The TRUTH will set you free....!

What are you really afraid of finding out? Seems like, this is your real issue and concern with an investigation???
Equating a riot at the Capitol with 9/11 is drama from the Democrats. You cannot ha e an insurrection with a couple hundred morons who smashed windows and took things from Pelosi’s office. The 9/11 Commission was a cover-your ass charade and an opportunity for Democrats to stick their attack dogs on Condoleeza Rice while protecting Jamie Gorelick.
It was more like an attempted soft coup....
At least, that's what it seemed like they wanted, and Trump wanted them to want....

There were 800 to 1000 inside the capitol, not just a few hundred as you mentioned.

Soft coup - Wikipedia


A soft coup, sometimes referred to as a silent coup, is a coup d'état without the use of violence, but based on a conspiracy or plot that has as its objective the taking of state power by partially or wholly legal means, in order to facilitate an exchange of political leadership and in some cases also of the current institutional order.
If that was an insurrection or coup, it was laughable and the Democrats know that. Order was restored that evening. Democracy was never threatened. When I see cities torn apart, burnt, innocents ripped from their cars, livelihoods destroyed..... these are more of a threat to Democracy and freedom to me.
Trump is a blood monster, who hypocritically invokes the Lord as he methodically destroys people's lives in his pursuit of money and mastery
Trump is clearly concerned more about his legacy than the actual lives of american people. that's why he priotizes symbolism over substance, my friends

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