The case against voting for the democrats…just using truth, facts and reality…John Nolte dissects democrats vs. MAGA country…


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
John Nolte explains the difference between the places in this country controlled by the democrats, and those places not run by the democrats……

State after state, city after city……crime, racism, violence, …..all are out of control in democrat party controlled cities…controlled from top to bottom..even the police….for decades and sometimes over 100 years….by the democrats….

And yet the democrats have control over the media, so the destruction they cause is hidden…….

Life in Rural America (where Republican Trump voters live and govern), is clean, safe, and racially tolerant. On the other hand, most of the places in America where life is dirty, polluted, dangerous, and violent, where people are plagued with racial hate and race riots, are cities populated by and governed by Democrats.

Nolte discusses each point…..

gun violence

and points out how destructive and deadly the democrat party has been ………and always will be…….

As Dennis Prager points out……everything the left touches turns to crap…

A look at his column….

On racism and the difference between democrats and normal people…..

he also does a deep dive into actual hate crime stats in the link…

Look at those hate crime numbers again and what you will see is this fact: a racial, sexual, and religious minority is more than twice as safe in Rural Trump Land than they are in America’s most left-wing cities, and TEN TIMES safer than they are in Washington, DC, where Joe Biden won 93 percent of the vote.

Now that your left-wing head is spinning, you might begin grasping for straws. Allow me to disabuse you of all your bad arguments…

You might want to believe no minorities live in Rural America, which means there are fewer opportunities for we yee-haw racists to commit hate crimes. Wrong, wrong, wrong….

Now while it’s true there’s a smaller percentage of minorities in Rural America than in shithole cities, this only proves further that Rural America is much more tolerant than Democrat-run cities. Think about this…

Out here in Rural America, minorities are outnumbered by white people much more than they are in your cities, and yet, out here, even though they’re outnumbered, they’re much safer living among those of us smeared as racists.

Here’s a timely example…

The Asian population in Rural America is less than one percent. That means that out here in Rural MAGA Land, Asians are outnumbered by white Trump voters by, let’s say, 100-to-1… And yet, even though we are being falsely blamed for this recent wave of anti-Asian hate crimes, no one in MAGA Land is committing hate crimes against these vastly outnumbered Asians. There is no anti-Asian hate crime crisis in MAGA Land. The only place where Asians are at risk are in cities populated and governed by Democrats.
If you've ever moved from the country to a big city you would notice the "culture shock" pretty fast.

I took my daughter to NYC for a college interview.
The railing going from the subway to the street level had shit smeared on the hand rails.
It went downhill from there.
If you've ever moved from the country to a big city you would notice the "culture shock" pretty fast.

I took my daughter to NYC for a college interview.
The railing going from the subway to the street level had shit smeared on the hand rails.
It went downhill from there.

And the people there vote for it….

Keeping in mind that black Americans in democrat party controlled cities are forced to attend democrat party controlled schools………

Blacks vote over 90%(?) for democrats…..even as their children are trapped in generational crime and poverty by the democrat party…..

They have been trained to think republicans are the racists……by the democrat party………

So, even if they don’t vote for the party that isn’t based in racism… now they should have started their own political party and stopped voting for the racist democrat party….

If that day ever actually happens….the democrat party will get everything it deserves….
He actually has the numbers………and democrats….shocked but not shocked…..are the racists…..
Wow, could you imagine if that were remotely true?

Major cities will always have these issues and they primarily vote Dem. Social issues are difficult to fix especially as local businesses decide to employ cheap labour overseas. The loss of the Middle Class carries even further.consequences.
Whites that self describe as "liberals" are about as bad as it gets when it comes to actual racism.
I think most of them virtue signal about racial equality as a beard to hide their own proclivities.
They may not come out & use the n-word but they still treat them like inferior subs that need their help to survive.
The soft racism of low expectations is strongest in the elites of the Dem party
Racially tolerant? Thanks for the chuckle.
Tax the government employee pensions in a graduated income way. one percent for ten grand a year going up one tenth of a percent for each thousand dollars increase. So, at 100,000 dollars the pension will be taxed at 10 per cent. State, local regional and federal need to have this done. Progs will not even consider this because these are the real privileged and where many votes come from. They speak of the wealthy not paying and do not tax them and know that of the peasant classes there are those living great lives off the backs of the taxpayers.
Just look at what Democrats did to our education system, the MSM and the deep state bureaucracy. All totally broken. Today's Marxist Democrats suck and will surely be the end of this country if we leave them in power.
Wow, could you imagine if that were remotely true?

*WOW---could you imagine yourself having a functioning brain? nobody can!!!!!

Wow, could you imagine if that were remotely true?

So you don't want to address the point, and hide behind the made up "white supremacy," bullshit..........

Does it ever embarrass you to just jump when the democrats tell you to jump?
So you don't want to address the point, and hide behind the made up "white supremacy," bullshit..........

Does it ever embarrass you to just jump when the democrats tell you to jump?
White supremacy is a plank in the GOP platform. White Nationalists are a GOP voting block. Racist bigots are the rank and file of the GOP.

These are all facts.
Next compare the 'environment' in Dem vs Rep controlled cities and states. Dems bloviate about the environment but when you look at areas they control, the environment has been obliterated. Paved over and covered in filth. They spew pollution and trash on a colossal scale. Their broke ass sewer systems repeatedly spill hundreds of millions of gallons of raw untreated nasty Dem sewage into rivers and oceans.

Typical of Dems, they say one thing and do the opposite.
White supremacy is a plank in the GOP platform. White Nationalists are a GOP voting block. Racist bigots are the rank and file of the GOP.

These are all facts.

Do you even think before you spew the democrat talking points?

The democrat party is the home of racism....the home of violence, the home of ant-semitism, and misogyny..........

Those are the facts....merely repeating the last thing the democrats told you to repeat does not make you an intelligent human being......

Skin color is a tool, weapon and shield of the democrat party, going back to the days they owned slaves, to today, where they are doing their best to separate people by race, sex, sexual preference........the democrat party is everything they tell you to believe about the Republican party and conservatives....and without thinking, you simply repeat what they say....
Racism begins with bigotry and stereotyping.

We can see Democrats in this thread, posting comments that are pure bigotry, pure stereotyping.

Us Republicans know who I am talking about. Without replying directly to the comments, said person will never realize who I am talking about.
Do you even think before you spew the democrat talking points?
Republican talking point:

Republican talking point:

You idiots always tey
Republican talking point:

Do you understand that the democrats have destroyed black families?

Do you inderstand that democrat polocies have created generational crime and poverty in black neighborhoods?

Do you understand the fact that young black males make up 6% of the U.S. population but commit over 50% of all murders?

And that most of their victims are young black males?

Would you care to explain how that fact is racist?

That you idiots dont want to help fixthat is on you....

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